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What caused the steel to be turned to dust? Fires from jet fuel?

What about WTC 7?

Listen at 1:44 of your posted video. What did they say the clouds were mostly comprised of?

just admit you where wrong

I am sure he would if he was wrong. He's not. See, unlike you dishonest pieces of shit, most people have integrity, honor, and the balls to admit a mistake. You fucks get your ass handed to you and all you do is hitch up your skirts and run like hell.
Yes. Do you ALWAYS believe everything you hear? :lol:

Better yet, explain how they removed 1.5 million tons of debris from ground zero if the steel was turned to dust. Now, is it possible SOME steel was ground into small particles? Absolutely. Does your video state how MUCH of the dust sample was steel? No. Just that they saw particles.

Yet, you refer to NIST all the time

The NIST is an organization that is a world renouned expert at structural failure. A news report where all the facts aren't given isn't exactly the same thing, especially when you have to pretend it says more than it does.

but you constantly contradict the findings of NIST in your debwunking ?
Yet, you refer to NIST all the time

The NIST is an organization that is a world renouned expert at structural failure. A news report where all the facts aren't given isn't exactly the same thing, especially when you have to pretend it says more than it does.

but you constantly contradict the findings of NIST in your debwunking ?

Where have I done that? Are you now going to admit you were wrong? :lol: BTW, it is funny you only understand blah blah blah. Who knew you were so thin skinned that you can only focus on swear words! :lol:
The NIST is an organization that is a world renouned expert at structural failure. A news report where all the facts aren't given isn't exactly the same thing, especially when you have to pretend it says more than it does.

but you constantly contradict the findings of NIST in your debwunking ?

Where have I done that? Are you now going to admit you were wrong? :lol: BTW, it is funny you only understand blah blah blah. Who knew you were so thin skinned that you can only focus on swear words! :lol:

NIST stated that damage played no significant role in the collapse of wtc 7 collapse
but you constantly contradict the findings of NIST in your debwunking ?

Where have I done that? Are you now going to admit you were wrong? :lol: BTW, it is funny you only understand blah blah blah. Who knew you were so thin skinned that you can only focus on swear words! :lol:

NIST stated that damage played no significant role in the collapse of wtc 7 collapse

And where have I ever stated that the damage was responsible for the collapse? So when are you going to admit you are wrong?
Where have I done that? Are you now going to admit you were wrong? :lol: BTW, it is funny you only understand blah blah blah. Who knew you were so thin skinned that you can only focus on swear words! :lol:

NIST stated that damage played no significant role in the collapse of wtc 7 collapse

And where have I ever stated that the damage was responsible for the collapse? So when are you going to admit you are wrong?

you have posted the same video many times that points to the damage in response to the fact no plane hit wtc 7 are you that unaware of your own actions ?...debwunktard
NIST stated that damage played no significant role in the collapse of wtc 7 collapse

And where have I ever stated that the damage was responsible for the collapse? So when are you going to admit you are wrong?

you have posted the same video many times that points to the damage in response to the fact no plane hit wtc 7 are you that unaware of your own actions ?...debwunktard

Really? And that video said the damage was the cause of the collapse? The planes weren't responsible for the collapse of the towers. That was the fires started by the planes. You stupid dishonest fucks say no planes hit WTC 7 like there was no reason for a fire at WTC 7. The damage wasn't instrumental in the initiation of the collapse, but it sure as hell started the fires that caused the collapse.

So, are you going to admit you are wrong?

BTW, I rarely post videos, so you're still talking out your ass. The only videos I recall posting about WTC 7 are the ones where you can't hear the explosions you stupid fucks claim brought down WTC 7.
And where have I ever stated that the damage was responsible for the collapse? So when are you going to admit you are wrong?

you have posted the same video many times that points to the damage in response to the fact no plane hit wtc 7 are you that unaware of your own actions ?...debwunktard

Really? And that video said the damage was the cause of the collapse?


The planes weren't responsible for the collapse of the towers. That was the fires started by the planes.

this is not even a coherent sentence and I am speaking of wtc 7

You stupid dishonest fucks say no planes hit WTC 7

no planes hit wtc 7

like there was no reason for a fire at WTC 7. The damage wasn't instrumental in the initiation of the collapse, but it sure as hell started the fires that caused the collapse.

electrical fires may have been started by falling debris

So, are you going to admit you are wrong?

about what ?

BTW, I rarely post videos, so you're still talking out your ass.

you have posted the wtc 7 videos many times

The only videos I recall posting about WTC 7 are the ones where you can't hear the explosions you stupid fucks claim brought down WTC 7.

must be your brain impairment effecting your memory...debwunktard
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Spread the word and research what the real issues are with the NIST investigation and the problems the families of the victims of 9-11 and many others have with the explanation that was told to the country.

Didn't they get paid or what? Victims of illegal alien attacks don't make money the way 9-11 janitors did. What crap!

this is not even a coherent sentence and I am speaking of wtc 7
Not my problem you're so stupid you can't understand plain English.

eots said:
no planes hit wtc 7
Right. A building did. And just like with the towers, it wasn't what impacted the building that caused the collapse but the fires that resulted from the impact. Try to keep up, fucktard.

eots said:
electrical fires may have been started by falling debris
So you agree there was a cause for the fires even though you whine constantly about no planes hitting WTC 7. Good to know.

eots said:
about what ?
Your claim that I said it was the damage not the fires and that I posted videos that made that claim. So either admit you were wrong or post a link where I make that claim or show a video claiming the damage caused the collapse.

eots said:
you have posted the wtc 7 videos many times
Then it should be a piece of cake for you to link a video I've posted that claims the damage caused the collapse. Do so and I will admit you are right and I am wrong. Or run away and hide like usual.

eots said:
The only videos I recall posting about WTC 7 are the ones where you can't hear the explosions you stupid fucks claim brought down WTC 7.

must be your brain impairment effecting your memory...debwunktard
Wrong yet again, fucktard. So post a link already. Should be easy according to your claims. Of course.... if you're lying you're going to have a really hard time posting a link. :lol:
I believe eots is getting a bit confused, I am the one who believes that NIST may have under estimated the damage done to WTC 7.

Which doesn't necessarily mean they are wrong. I might be. But I'm a big boy and can admit that, if need be.
Well, if you check out this video at the one minute mark and the two minute mark we are told the steel is turned to dust, are they wrong?

YouTube - ‪Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News‬‏

Gypsum, plaster, and cement. Some asbestos, and one report of specs of steel. Certainly some metal could be shaved even down to dust size particles. But it wasn't very much.Rub a knife blade against a piece of steel, eventually you will wind up with some dust fragments. All you have to do is think.....

And the cutting and welding that was done during the construction of the buildings would have created iron microspheres that could have been found in the dust.

I wonder if that was ever taken into account when they did the post 9/11 analysis of the dust?
Well, if you check out this video at the one minute mark and the two minute mark we are told the steel is turned to dust, are they wrong?

YouTube - ‪Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News‬‏

Gypsum, plaster, and cement. Some asbestos, and one report of specs of steel. Certainly some metal could be shaved even down to dust size particles. But it wasn't very much.Rub a knife blade against a piece of steel, eventually you will wind up with some dust fragments. All you have to do is think.....

And the cutting and welding that was done during the construction of the buildings would have created iron microspheres that could have been found in the dust.

I wonder if that was ever taken into account when they did the post 9/11 analysis of the dust?

Not if you're a truther.
Well, if you check out this video at the one minute mark and the two minute mark we are told the steel is turned to dust, are they wrong?

YouTube - ‪Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News‬‏

Gypsum, plaster, and cement. Some asbestos, and one report of specs of steel. Certainly some metal could be shaved even down to dust size particles. But it wasn't very much.Rub a knife blade against a piece of steel, eventually you will wind up with some dust fragments. All you have to do is think.....

And the cutting and welding that was done during the construction of the buildings would have created iron microspheres that could have been found in the dust.

I wonder if that was ever taken into account when they did the post 9/11 analysis of the dust?

Of course not. Not to mention the fact that what exactly is an iron microsphere suppose to do? You need massive amounts of molten iron from a thermite reaction to cut through vertical beams, not itty bitty spheres.
Gypsum, plaster, and cement. Some asbestos, and one report of specs of steel. Certainly some metal could be shaved even down to dust size particles. But it wasn't very much.Rub a knife blade against a piece of steel, eventually you will wind up with some dust fragments. All you have to do is think.....

And the cutting and welding that was done during the construction of the buildings would have created iron microspheres that could have been found in the dust.

I wonder if that was ever taken into account when they did the post 9/11 analysis of the dust?

Of course not. Not to mention the fact that what exactly is an iron microsphere suppose to do? You need massive amounts of molten iron from a thermite reaction to cut through vertical beams, not itty bitty spheres.

You need microspheres to go into the nano-thermate that you put into the miniature, unseen hush-a-boom charges.

I learned that in NWO school, as on the job training for being a paid government shill.

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