Victims' Families Want To Air New 9/11 Truth Ad


Anyone find anything particularly interesting about this photo?

When you're done with the completed and equation that accounts for the pulverization of 110 story skyscraper, complete with steel being pulverized, I'd like for you to explain how the steel I-beam in the above photo got twist, shriveled and pinch crimped by falling debris.
I don't even bother reading all of your drivel anymore.
I'm not surprised at that. Here's a news flash for you. I don't write it for you to read. I write it for those who read this thread who might actually BELIEVE some of your bullshit. The fact you run away from responding to your lies simply shows everyone we BOTH know you're full of shit.

youngpatriot said:
You think the FDNY believes your bullshit? Why don't you go to an FDNY firehouse and tell your lies. It was the eye witness accounts of firefighters and other people on 9/11 that I believe over the fraudulent NIST report.
I have and they do. They think you are fucking scum just like I do. When you have to put words into the firefighters mouths to say what you want them to say, that is called lying your ass off. You truthtards do it all the time. You pretend every explosion is caused by explosives. :lol:

youngpatriot said:
I'm not disrespecting anybody's family. It is you who is doing that by not listening to what they have to say and talking smack like a little child who just got his favorite toy taken away.
Wrong yet again, fucktard. And again, I'm not talking about the families. I am talking about the people who died. How many times do you have to be corrected before you start being honest about what others say?

youngpatriot said:
You embarrassed yourself thoroughly by showing that picture of a steel structure that was still standing after being on fire for days.
More lies from you. I made it extremely clear I was talking about the steel framed section of the building, yet you dishonest fucks have to lie about it time and time again.

By the way, you've been caught in yet ANOTHER lie. The fire didn't burn for days. :lol: We all know you're a liar by now. No need to constantly prove it. What do you think it does to your credibility when you lie as much as you do?

youngpatriot said:
You really are a total moron. You haven't debunked anything. And you are most definitely not a real American. Defending the government over the eye witnesses and first responders is shameful. You're a lowlife scumbag with WAAAAAAAY too much time on your hands.
Blah blah blah. You can't defend your lies so you go for the pure ad hominem attack. How utterly juvinile. I throw in the insults, but I also prove you wrong. See the difference little boy?

youngpatriot said:
Do you really think you're worthy of any respect?
Absolutely. Anyone who stands up for the truth deserves respect. I have evidence that backs up my claims. What evidence do you have that your bullshit is true? Oh right. Opinions and bullshit lies. :lol: That neither cuts it nor deserves respect now does it.

youngpatriot said:
Why would anybody respect your cheap little trash talk, junior?
Because I expose dishonest fucks like you for the fucktards they are. I expose your lies and the fact you don't even know the basic facts, yet you wish everyone to believe you over all the evidence available. :lol: So yes. I get respect. Some day when you grow up and become a man (if that ever happens), maybe you will understand what respect is all about and actually gain some for yourself. Pardon me if I don't hold my breath.

youngpatriot said:
That crap doesn't fly in the real world, homeboy.
Homeboy? :lol: So now you goin all gangsta on us? You gonna pull your 9 and pop a cap in someone's ass? :lol: You're so pathetic it is hilarious! Thanks for that one! I'm going to have to send that one to my friends and show them how pathetic the truthtard bowel movement has truly become.

youngpatriot said:
So you have to do it on the internet to make yourself feel like a big man.
Wrong yet again, fucktard. :lol: I do realize sooner or later you're bound to get something right, but in the mean time, pardon me if I don't hold my breath waiting for that moment. :lol:

youngpatriot said:
Your multiquote posts are supposed to have some sort of significance? Time to get a life.
Yeah. It means I have the ability to respond to you point for point and you're such a pussy that you can't. Well, if I were defending your bullshit lies I would probably run away too. Don't worry, though. You're not fooling anyone and you STILL look like a complete jackass even when you make up excuses for not defending your bullshit.

youngpatriot said:
Keep going. We're all impressed. Serve me up another mile long multiquote post, filled with cheap talk, pussy boy.
Not a problem, fucktard. Anything I can do to expose you for the piece of shit you are is an opportunity I will take.

youngpatriot said:
Bring it on. Keep pretending like you're some sort of big man who is doing his patriotic duty by trying to debunk the truth.
No need to pretend here. Just because you have to pretend doesn't mean everyone else has to. :lol: As for debunking your sorry ass lies, if I am pretending, why is it you can't actually DEFEND your lies? Why do you have to run off like some scared little bitch? Oh right. Because you CAN'T defend your bullshit lies. When you have the truth on your side, it is easy to expose bullshit lies. Remember that. ;-)

youngpatriot said:
Your a seething, angry little boy, aren't you? Just furiously typing away on your mommy's computer. Getting a flushed face, sweaty palms, and a beating heart.......DOUCHEBAG!
I sense you're projecting your own pitiful shortcomings on everyone else. :lol: Why else would you be typing such utter bullshit? Something you want to get off your chest maybe? Like why you are such a failure in life?

Anyone find anything particularly interesting about this photo?

When you're done with the completed and equation that accounts for the pulverization of 110 story skyscraper, complete with steel being pulverized, I'd like for you to explain how the steel I-beam in the above photo got twist, shriveled and pinch crimped by falling debris.

When that falling debris weighs hundreds of thousands of tons, you would be surprised what happens to steel. You can bend it, twist it and crimp it all kinds of different ways. Oh wait! That's right! You're so stupid you think all the energy of the collapse goes into the generation of the collapse! Your superhero Woods told you it was a zero sum game so there was no energy left over! :lol: It is amazing what fucks like you will swallow when it is what you want to hear.
Already explained, shit for brains. Your formulas (not formula you dishonest fuck) are meaningless without the data in them to prove your point. I already provided you with the formula showing how much energy is stored in every gram of the building which, it turns out, is far more than what is needed to collapse the building and grind the concrete to dust. The fact you are so fucking stupid you couldn't even begin to grasp what I'm talking about and the fact you had to plagerize Judy Woods' entire section (not just one formula you dishonest fuck) shows that you have zero clue what you are talking about, much less what Judy Woods' formulas are talking about.

No, I want you to spell it out completely here on the board for everyone to see. Referring to a website's calculation isn't going to do. In detail, spell out the completed equation that accounts for the energy needed to pulverize a 110 story building at almost free fall speed.

This should be good.....

Like I said. I already have. Even posted a link back to it a couple pages back. You ran from it like the ignorant fuck you are the last time. What makes you think you're going to do any better THIS time? What are you going to do, plagerize Woods again because you can't think for yourself? :lol:
It explains the explosion that Willie Rodriguez heard underneath him when he was on the 6th floor. And it explains what the firefighters had stated about the first floor looking like a bomb had gone off when they first entered the building.

I guess they're all just in on the lie together though, right?

Willie Rodriguez?

Explosion below him?

Have you followed any of his story? Have you seen how it has "evolved" into it's current state?

Here is his quote the day after it happened. - Collapsed Trade Center towers still dangerous - September 12, 2001
William Rodriguez worked on the basement level of the north tower and was in the building when the first plane struck his building.

"We heard a loud rumble, then all of a sudden we heard another rumble like someone moving a whole lot of furniture," Rodriguez said. "And then the elevator opened and a man came into our office and all of his skin was off."

Here is what he says later. William Rodriguez, a 9/11 Survivor
There were a total of fourteen people in the office at this time. As he was talking with others, there was a very loud massive explosion which seemed to emanate from between sub-basement B2 and B3. There were twenty-two people on B2 sub-basement who also felt and heard that first explosion.

At first he thought it was a generator that had exploded. But the cement walls in the office cracked from the explosion. "When I heard the sound of the explosion, the floor beneath my feet vibrated, the walls started cracking and everything started shaking." said Rodriguez, who was crowded together with fourteen other people in the office including Anthony Saltamachia, supervisor for the American Maintenance Company.

Just seconds later there was another explosion way above which made the building oscillate momentarily.

How did he go from "rumbles made by moving large furniture" to "massive explosions that shook the floor and cracked the floors"? Way to embellish the story as his "fame" seemed to grow.

Also, explain to me how a man can emerge from an elevator with SEVERE BURNS and his SKIN FALLING OFF"? What kind of explosive cause that kind of wounds to a human being? Explosives don't burn people. A massive fuel fireball would.

Want to get into the eyewitness reports of people smelling "kerosene" from the impact point down to the lower floors? Sorry, explosives don't incinerate people on the spot.

Anyone find anything particularly interesting about this photo?

When you're done with the completed and equation that accounts for the pulverization of 110 story skyscraper, complete with steel being pulverized, I'd like for you to explain how the steel I-beam in the above photo got twist, shriveled and pinch crimped by falling debris.

When that falling debris weighs hundreds of thousands of tons, you would be surprised what happens to steel. You can bend it, twist it and crimp it all kinds of different ways. Oh wait! That's right! You're so stupid you think all the energy of the collapse goes into the generation of the collapse! Your superhero Woods told you it was a zero sum game so there was no energy left over! :lol: It is amazing what fucks like you will swallow when it is what you want to hear.

No, steel doesn't undergo the heat necessary to perform this anomaly from falling debris. Try using science and skip the ad hominem. At this point it only makes you look less credible (as if that were possible).

How does falling debris (and it wasn't hit by hundreds of thousands of tons either) generate the heat necessary to pinch crimp this steel I beam?
Already explained, shit for brains. Your formulas (not formula you dishonest fuck) are meaningless without the data in them to prove your point. I already provided you with the formula showing how much energy is stored in every gram of the building which, it turns out, is far more than what is needed to collapse the building and grind the concrete to dust. The fact you are so fucking stupid you couldn't even begin to grasp what I'm talking about and the fact you had to plagerize Judy Woods' entire section (not just one formula you dishonest fuck) shows that you have zero clue what you are talking about, much less what Judy Woods' formulas are talking about.

No, I want you to spell it out completely here on the board for everyone to see. Referring to a website's calculation isn't going to do. In detail, spell out the completed equation that accounts for the energy needed to pulverize a 110 story building at almost free fall speed.

This should be good.....

Like I said. I already have. Even posted a link back to it a couple pages back. You ran from it like the ignorant fuck you are the last time. What makes you think you're going to do any better THIS time? What are you going to do, plagerize Woods again because you can't think for yourself? :lol:

No you have not. You posted a link to a calculator. Since you're claiming that the equation presented by me, via Dr. Wood, attempts to explain gravity form a zero point, show me the long form equation for how the energy appeared during global collapse to pulverize the contents including steel. OR just admit that you can't because it isn't there..... :eusa_whistle:

Stop beating around the bush and do the work and prove yourself.
When you're done with the completed and equation that accounts for the pulverization of 110 story skyscraper, complete with steel being pulverized, I'd like for you to explain how the steel I-beam in the above photo got twist, shriveled and pinch crimped by falling debris.

When that falling debris weighs hundreds of thousands of tons, you would be surprised what happens to steel. You can bend it, twist it and crimp it all kinds of different ways. Oh wait! That's right! You're so stupid you think all the energy of the collapse goes into the generation of the collapse! Your superhero Woods told you it was a zero sum game so there was no energy left over! :lol: It is amazing what fucks like you will swallow when it is what you want to hear.

No, steel doesn't undergo the heat necessary to perform this anomaly from falling debris. Try using science and skip the ad hominem. At this point it only makes you look less credible (as if that were possible).

How does falling debris (and it wasn't hit by hundreds of thousands of tons either) generate the heat necessary to pinch crimp this steel I beam?

:lol: Oh how cute! You think steel can only get that way through heat! :lol:

So the entire upper structures are now weightless? That is news to everyone! Does this fit into the zero sum game Woods convinced you was true? :lol:
No, I want you to spell it out completely here on the board for everyone to see. Referring to a website's calculation isn't going to do. In detail, spell out the completed equation that accounts for the energy needed to pulverize a 110 story building at almost free fall speed.

This should be good.....

Like I said. I already have. Even posted a link back to it a couple pages back. You ran from it like the ignorant fuck you are the last time. What makes you think you're going to do any better THIS time? What are you going to do, plagerize Woods again because you can't think for yourself? :lol:

No you have not. You posted a link to a calculator. Since you're claiming that the equation presented by me, via Dr. Wood, attempts to explain gravity form a zero point, show me the long form equation for how the energy appeared during global collapse to pulverize the contents including steel. OR just admit that you can't because it isn't there..... :eusa_whistle:

Stop beating around the bush and do the work and prove yourself.

OK, I guess you want to be proven a liar. I didn't post it? Wow. Let's see...

Page 52 of this thread shows that I did indeed post a link back to where I owned your sorry ass the first time.


Here is the text:

It was a while ago. It started with TASB pretending he is a structural engineer, yet he had no clue where the energy in a collapse comes from which is always taught in first year physics at the most.

So I gave him an education here.

His response can be found here

This post was directly lifted from Judy Woods' site here, or here, or here, yet no reference back to Judy Woods or that he was quoting someone else, thus hoping someone might think the work was his. That, to me, is a classic case of plagerization.

Unfortunately for TASB, while the formula for Judy's bullshit are sound, you will notice neither she nor TASB ever attempt to put values in the formula, but instead rely on people being impressed by the formula themselves even when they are meaningless without values.

The link doesn't point back to a calculator as you blatantly lie about, but to the following post:

Right. If that is so, why don't you start by answering my very first question? Use scientific method and show your data.

Where did the energy come from to cause the towers to pulverize most of the content? Concrete, steel, etc...?
What are we to believe about building 7's 2+ seconds of free fall?

The fact is, you can't.


Bullshit! It is called gravity, dipshit! Come on, you don't know this? It is very simple. Any time you raise something off the ground you are converting kinetic energy (the energy needed to raise the object) into potential energy (the energy stored in the object). When that object is lowered by any means, that energy is converted back into kinetic energy. Lift an object and drop it. When it hits something, where does that energy come from? Same deal.

Since this is simple science that has been proven for centuries, it is easily documented.

Here is a good example.

We know the height of the tower was 610 feet or 186 meters. Take a 100 kg weight to the top and drop it off. We know how much impact force that item will have when it reaches the ground. The 100 kg weight impacts with 185,874 kilograms of force or, in English measurements, 409782 pounds of force. So how much concrete can you bust up with that much force? Now how heavy was the upper floor? The floor below that? The floor below that? Once you put all this information together, you realize an ASTONISHING amount of energy was released in the collapses.

Strange how a self professed engineer would pretend he doesn't know where the energy in a collapse comes from. Better yet, why would a supposed professional lie his ass off about what was pulverized? The concrete was most certainly pulverized. The steel? :lol: Yeah, just keep pretending the steel was pulverized.

So there you have it, TakeAShit. You failed to respond last time with anything but a plagerized piece from Woods that was laughed at soundly by anyone and everyone who knows physics. I've shown you how much force gets generated and how to calculate it all by your little lonesome.

Now run along and type up another lie filled post, TakeAShit. Show us your genius at work. Pretend you're an engineer again while proving conclusively you don't have a fucking clue what you are talking about. :lol:
Still wondering why no one has produced proof of pulverized steel. Fact is it doesn't even come up under google. at least not on the first page......

You'll find that claim made by Judy Woods, who TakeAShit likes to plagerize from. According to Judy, 80-90% of the mass of the building was pulverized and blown away. Of course this doesn't explain how they took 1.5 million tons of debris away from ground zero, but the likes of TakeAShit don't like to be bothered with facts and the truth. :lol:
More ad hominem and no scientific data explained. I'm tired boys. Perhaps you should just get a room..????
More ad hominem and no scientific data explained. I'm tired boys. Perhaps you should just get a room..????

I showed you the energy contained in every 100kg from the top. You've now run away from this three times. How many more excuses are you going to come up with? :lol: Anyone else need more proof TakeAShit is a fraud and a bullshit artist?

First hand accounts from these witnesses are not credible, nor are the analysis from numerous independent researchers. What is wrong with you? they are all LIARS

Patriot911 and friends say; fires caused the "progressive" collapse of the steel framed buildings, the building did not fall symmetrically, there was resistance, and the WTC towers did not collapse into their own footprints. They are far more credible than anything the "truthtards" claim, if they say so it is so.

NIST has offered sufficient explanations, it just takes some time to conduct their work. There really is nothing to debate here, the debunkers know what they are talking about.

Remember, as SFC Ollie said regarding WTC 7's collapse, "A building fell on it"
When that falling debris weighs hundreds of thousands of tons, you would be surprised what happens to steel. You can bend it, twist it and crimp it all kinds of different ways. Oh wait! That's right! You're so stupid you think all the energy of the collapse goes into the generation of the collapse! Your superhero Woods told you it was a zero sum game so there was no energy left over! :lol: It is amazing what fucks like you will swallow when it is what you want to hear.

No, steel doesn't undergo the heat necessary to perform this anomaly from falling debris. Try using science and skip the ad hominem. At this point it only makes you look less credible (as if that were possible).

How does falling debris (and it wasn't hit by hundreds of thousands of tons either) generate the heat necessary to pinch crimp this steel I beam?

:lol: Oh how cute! You think steel can only get that way through heat! :lol:

So the entire upper structures are now weightless? That is news to everyone! Does this fit into the zero sum game Woods convinced you was true? :lol:

How did the upper structure pulverize itself?

Man, I'm bored with you. You give NOTHING and try and explain everything. I'm done with you. You lose. You can't explain these items or show any science for your assertion.

You're as useless as tits on a boar.
You still havent provided a viable equation either. Posting a link back to a link back to a link back to a calculator is the most pathetic fucking deal Ive seen yet from a hack like you.....

and yes, in order fro steel to undergo the anomaly in the picture, it requires heat. LOTS of heat. Dick.
You still havent provided a viable equation either. Posting a link back to a link back to a link back to a calculator is the most pathetic fucking deal Ive seen yet from a hack like you.....

and yes, in order fro steel to undergo the anomaly in the picture, it requires heat. LOTS of heat. Dick.

Really? So the formula to convert potential energy to kinetic energy isn't a viable equation? WOW! Wait until all those physicists find out they're wrong just because some fucking asshole wants to pretend he is intelligent.

Mass times Gravity times Height gives you the total potential energy. Through conservation of energy, you know that the potential energy is going to equal the kinetic energy. Kinetic energy can be calculated from the equation 1/2 times Mass times Velocity squared. I've already given you the sample values using the top of the WTC 7 as an example.

The FACT you are too fucking stupid to understand this simple principle of physics exposes your claim that you are a structural engineer as a blatant lie.

As for your claim that steel can't buckle or crimp from pressure alone..... :lol: Were you dropped on your head a lot as a child? Maybe drop kicked? :lol:
How did the upper structure pulverize itself?

What do you mean "pulverize"? You mean to tell me that the upper section could not it's connections and structural components ripped apart as if fell onto the bottom structure?

Obviously there was mass falling inside as you can see the perimeter column faces peel away like banana peels.

Would you like to see evidence of this "banana peel" evidence"? I still don't get how you can say the entire building was pulverized when there are tons of photos showing steel laying all over the place.
Patriot911, serious question. Feel free to not answer it or call me a "fucktard" or something but i'm still curious.

Do you have a background that would make you qualified or an expert in physics, engineering, military, etc. that is relevant to the events of 9/11?

TakeAStepBack says he is a civil (right?) engineer in NYC.

Just curious if you are formally educated, trained, or have experience in these fields.

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