Victims' Families Want To Air New 9/11 Truth Ad

I simply believe they did not give enough credence to the damage done to the building. The collapse more than likely happened mostly the way they said. But since we can't see inside the building there is no way to be 100% positive. What we do know 100% is that there were no explosives found or explosions that could have been a controlled demolition recorded.

But you may feel free to keep denying that...

Since I haven't reached the 15 post count required to post a video, I can tell you that police found a suspicious device in one of the towers inside a van that they believed was a secondary device. Of course this evidence all disappeared just like the witnesses who were speaking out and singing a different tune than the government was.

Just go to Youtube and enter "Police find secondary device 9/11."

Now where and when has a van with an explosive device been used before? '93 WTC bombing, where the bombers were CIA assets and the ring leader was an FBI informant who was told by the FBI to make the bomb real.

The dirty deeds of the CIA are well known and well documented along with declassified government documents from decades ago. Look up Operation Ajax, Operation Northwoods, U.S.S. Liberty, Bay of Pigs, Gulf of Tonkin. False flag operations have been going on for a long time by our intelligence agencies. That's why it's much easier for us "Twoofers" of "truthtards" to believe our government staged 9/11 than a gang of goat herders with box cutters out foxing the DOD and NORAD and blowing up the WTC and smashing a hole in the Pentagon with some ace piloting that has baffled seasoned commercial airline pilots. Not to mention the fact that flying a cessna and flying a boeing a 737 are two different things entirely. As they say on AIRPLANE, "It's an entirely different kind of flying altogether."

I do give you credit for not being a nasty little XXXX like patriot911. He obviously feels the need to get as many expletives into a post as he can in an attempt to make himself feel like a really big boy. Just look at the whole thing objectively and not defensively and you'll see holes in the government story all over the place.

Wow you should do something about all that...not your lies; your mental health which seems to have been on the fritz sockboy.
what we cant say XXXX anymore ?..since when ? thats a real shame, the freedom to say XXXX is from which all other freedoms spring forth.... terible shame... it was one of those things that made me feel proud to be a part of the usmb...I am devastated
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I simply believe they did not give enough credence to the damage done to the building. The collapse more than likely happened mostly the way they said. But since we can't see inside the building there is no way to be 100% positive. What we do know 100% is that there were no explosives found or explosions that could have been a controlled demolition recorded.

But you may feel free to keep denying that...

Since I haven't reached the 15 post count required to post a video, I can tell you that police found a suspicious device in one of the towers inside a van that they believed was a secondary device. Of course this evidence all disappeared just like the witnesses who were speaking out and singing a different tune than the government was.

Just go to Youtube and enter "Police find secondary device 9/11."

Now where and when has a van with an explosive device been used before? '93 WTC bombing, where the bombers were CIA assets and the ring leader was an FBI informant who was told by the FBI to make the bomb real.

The dirty deeds of the CIA are well known and well documented along with declassified government documents from decades ago. Look up Operation Ajax, Operation Northwoods, U.S.S. Liberty, Bay of Pigs, Gulf of Tonkin. False flag operations have been going on for a long time by our intelligence agencies. That's why it's much easier for us "Twoofers" of "truthtards" to believe our government staged 9/11 than a gang of goat herders with box cutters out foxing the DOD and NORAD and blowing up the WTC and smashing a hole in the Pentagon with some ace piloting that has baffled seasoned commercial airline pilots. Not to mention the fact that flying a cessna and flying a boeing a 737 are two different things entirely. As they say on AIRPLANE, "It's an entirely different kind of flying altogether."

I do give you credit for not being a nasty little XXXX like patriot911. He obviously feels the need to get as many expletives into a post as he can in an attempt to make himself feel like a really big boy. Just look at the whole thing objectively and not defensively and you'll see holes in the government story all over the place.

Wow you should do something about all that...not your lies; your mental health which seems to have been on the fritz sockboy.

If you feel certain that I am a sock, feel free to notify the mods or the admin or whatever and tell them that you believe I am a sock.

It's unfortunate that when people question their government they are attacked so viciously by sheeple who feel the need to defend their government in spite of all the flaws and blatant lies that have been exposed in the past. But the cute little insults and unoriginal names are hardly enough to make a cogent argument.

Maybe someday you'll realize that nearly all politicians are not to be trusted. I'm sorry you have so much faith in a system that appears to be so obviously broken to me.
what we cant say XXXX anymore ?..since when ? thats a real shame, the freedom to say XXXX is from which all other freedoms spring forth.... terible shame... it was one of those things that made me fel proud to be a part of the usmb...I am devastated

Eots.....where have you been? You can say the c word, but only in the Flame Zone. Have any questions? Talk to Gunny on it and see where that gets you.

Next time use spell check when your trying to make a point. :lol:
what we cant say xxxx anymore ?..since when ? Thats a real shame, the freedom to say xxxx is from which all other freedoms spring forth.... Terible shame... It was one of those things that made me fel proud to be a part of the usmb...i am devastated

eots.....where have you been? You can say the c word, but only in the flame zone. Have any questions? Talk to gunny on it and see where that gets you.

next time use spell check when your trying to make a point. :lol:

spell check is for losers and girlie men..I make typos and the odd spelling what ?...better than being some cripple spell checking everything for a messageboard
what we cant say xxxx anymore ?..since when ? Thats a real shame, the freedom to say xxxx is from which all other freedoms spring forth.... Terible shame... It was one of those things that made me fel proud to be a part of the usmb...i am devastated

eots.....where have you been? You can say the c word, but only in the flame zone. Have any questions? Talk to gunny on it and see where that gets you.

next time use spell check when your trying to make a point. :lol:

spell check is for losers and girlie men..I make typos and the odd spelling what ?...better than being some cripple spell checking everything for a messageboard

Understood, but I had to reread your post when you were trying to make a specific point. I didn't know if it was my eyes or you. :lol:
Since I haven't reached the 15 post count required to post a video, I can tell you that police found a suspicious device in one of the towers inside a van that they believed was a secondary device. Of course this evidence all disappeared just like the witnesses who were speaking out and singing a different tune than the government was.

Just go to Youtube and enter "Police find secondary device 9/11."

Now where and when has a van with an explosive device been used before? '93 WTC bombing, where the bombers were CIA assets and the ring leader was an FBI informant who was told by the FBI to make the bomb real.

The dirty deeds of the CIA are well known and well documented along with declassified government documents from decades ago. Look up Operation Ajax, Operation Northwoods, U.S.S. Liberty, Bay of Pigs, Gulf of Tonkin. False flag operations have been going on for a long time by our intelligence agencies. That's why it's much easier for us "Twoofers" of "truthtards" to believe our government staged 9/11 than a gang of goat herders with box cutters out foxing the DOD and NORAD and blowing up the WTC and smashing a hole in the Pentagon with some ace piloting that has baffled seasoned commercial airline pilots. Not to mention the fact that flying a cessna and flying a boeing a 737 are two different things entirely. As they say on AIRPLANE, "It's an entirely different kind of flying altogether."

I do give you credit for not being a nasty little XXXX like patriot911. He obviously feels the need to get as many expletives into a post as he can in an attempt to make himself feel like a really big boy. Just look at the whole thing objectively and not defensively and you'll see holes in the government story all over the place.

Wow you should do something about all that...not your lies; your mental health which seems to have been on the fritz sockboy.

If you feel certain that I am a sock, feel free to notify the mods or the admin or whatever and tell them that you believe I am a sock.

It's unfortunate that when people question their government they are attacked so viciously by sheeple who feel the need to defend their government in spite of all the flaws and blatant lies that have been exposed in the past. But the cute little insults and unoriginal names are hardly enough to make a cogent argument.

Maybe someday you'll realize that nearly all politicians are not to be trusted. I'm sorry you have so much faith in a system that appears to be so obviously broken to me.

Socks always eventually reveal themselves when their owner shows up. You will be no different. You're not that good at it.

Anyway, feel free to take your proof to court if you got any. We both know you won't and just like your owner, you'll sit here and whine about it; the only difference is that you won't be here long. They never last.
I simply believe they did not give enough credence to the damage done to the building. The collapse more than likely happened mostly the way they said. But since we can't see inside the building there is no way to be 100% positive. What we do know 100% is that there were no explosives found or explosions that could have been a controlled demolition recorded.

But you may feel free to keep denying that...

and you are not smart enough to figure out that means the computer model is junk and that is what they cite as the evidence their theory is correct... if something as critical as that is incorrect then whole the theory falls apart and it is back to the drawing not pass go

So we're suppose to believe a known, proven liar that the computer model is just "wrong" with no explanation or solid science behind the claim. :lol: I don't think so. You want to claim the computer model is wrong? Prove it. Don't just make the claim.

Oh wait. You're a bunch of fucking losers that make claims and fail miserably at backing it up. :lol: Funny how none of the real experts who have examined the model claim it was wrong. Or are you dumbshits going by looks alone? I bet you are. You ignorant fucks probably don't even understand the purpose of the computer model or what it was designed to prove. :lol:
I simply believe they did not give enough credence to the damage done to the building. The collapse more than likely happened mostly the way they said. But since we can't see inside the building there is no way to be 100% positive. What we do know 100% is that there were no explosives found or explosions that could have been a controlled demolition recorded.

But you may feel free to keep denying that...

Since I haven't reached the 15 post count required to post a video, I can tell you that police found a suspicious device in one of the towers inside a van that they believed was a secondary device.
:lol: Keep posting the lies, ya piece of shit truthtard! Anyone else find it hilarious that truthtards will believe every word out of Dan Rather's mouth on 9/11 even when he was clearly wrong on numerous accounts? :lol: The hypocricy and dishonesty are both of epic proportions! So do you believe a car bomb went off in front of the Captial building as well?

youngpatriot said:
Of course this evidence all disappeared just like the witnesses who were speaking out and singing a different tune than the government was.
The "evidence" was that Rather was reporting everything regardless of how true it was. There was no evidence to back up Rather's claims.

As for disappearing witnesses, care to name them? :lol: Oh right. You can't. You have to let the videos do your thinking for you.

youngpatriot said:
Just go to Youtube and enter "Police find secondary device 9/11."
Because every truthtard knows if it is on YouTube it MUST be true, right? :lol: Man, you are one seriously gullible piece of sheepshit, aren't you!

youngpatriot said:
Now where and when has a van with an explosive device been used before? '93 WTC bombing, where the bombers were CIA assets and the ring leader was an FBI informant who was told by the FBI to make the bomb real.
More bullshit lies from a known, proven liar. The hilarious thing is that the FBI really did have a role in the 93 bombing, yet truthtards aren't satisfied with that, so they blow it all out of proportion and end up looking like jackasses in the process.

Was there an FBI informant? Yes. Was he ordered to make a real bomb? No. Did the FBI blow a major chance to stop the bombing? Absolutely. But go ahead and keep believing your paranoid delusional fantasies because they are so much better for shits like you to jack off to, right?

youngpatriot said:
The dirty deeds of the CIA are well known and well documented along with declassified government documents from decades ago. Look up Operation Ajax, Operation Northwoods, U.S.S. Liberty, Bay of Pigs, Gulf of Tonkin.
:lol: More lies from a proven liar. Northwoods wasn't CIA, but joint chiefs of staff. Liberty was Israel. Tonkin had nothing to do with the CIA and North Vietnam agreed the first attack was real. Boy, you REALLY suck at this, don't you!

youngpatriot said:
False flag operations have been going on for a long time by our intelligence agencies. That's why it's much easier for us "Twoofers" of "truthtards" to believe our government staged 9/11 than a gang of goat herders with box cutters out foxing the DOD and NORAD and blowing up the WTC and smashing a hole in the Pentagon with some ace piloting that has baffled seasoned commercial airline pilots. Not to mention the fact that flying a cessna and flying a boeing a 737 are two different things entirely. As they say on AIRPLANE, "It's an entirely different kind of flying altogether."
So.... making up excuses for your paranoid delusions now? :lol: Figures.

youngpatriot said:
I do give you credit for not being a nasty little XXXX like patriot911. He obviously feels the need to get as many expletives into a post as he can in an attempt to make himself feel like a really big boy. Just look at the whole thing objectively and not defensively and you'll see holes in the government story all over the place.
Or look at it from the truthtard perspective while on acid and some of what they claim might make sense..... if you've had a lobotomy first.

Ever wonder why it is you can't defend the truthtard bullshit? Because it is REALLY hard to defend lies, while it is really easy to defend the truth. The fact you have zero evidence to back up your bullshit should be a huge red flag to anyone actually wanting to believe you.
I simply believe they did not give enough credence to the damage done to the building. The collapse more than likely happened mostly the way they said. But since we can't see inside the building there is no way to be 100% positive. What we do know 100% is that there were no explosives found or explosions that could have been a controlled demolition recorded.

But you may feel free to keep denying that...

Since I haven't reached the 15 post count required to post a video, I can tell you that police found a suspicious device in one of the towers inside a van that they believed was a secondary device. Of course this evidence all disappeared just like the witnesses who were speaking out and singing a different tune than the government was.

Just go to Youtube and enter "Police find secondary device 9/11."

Now where and when has a van with an explosive device been used before? '93 WTC bombing, where the bombers were CIA assets and the ring leader was an FBI informant who was told by the FBI to make the bomb real.

The dirty deeds of the CIA are well known and well documented along with declassified government documents from decades ago. Look up Operation Ajax, Operation Northwoods, U.S.S. Liberty, Bay of Pigs, Gulf of Tonkin. False flag operations have been going on for a long time by our intelligence agencies. That's why it's much easier for us "Twoofers" of "truthtards" to believe our government staged 9/11 than a gang of goat herders with box cutters out foxing the DOD and NORAD and blowing up the WTC and smashing a hole in the Pentagon with some ace piloting that has baffled seasoned commercial airline pilots. Not to mention the fact that flying a cessna and flying a boeing a 737 are two different things entirely. As they say on AIRPLANE, "It's an entirely different kind of flying altogether."

I do give you credit for not being a nasty little XXXX like patriot911. He obviously feels the need to get as many expletives into a post as he can in an attempt to make himself feel like a really big boy. Just look at the whole thing objectively and not defensively and you'll see holes in the government story all over the place.

Think about it now. A van full of explosives? Really? And what were they needed for if the towers and bldg7 had already been wired with enough explosives to bring them down? Why do you think the "evidence" disappeared? Because it never existed.....
There were no explosives.
what we cant say XXXX anymore ?..since when ? thats a real shame, the freedom to say XXXX is from which all other freedoms spring forth.... terible shame... it was one of those things that made me fel proud to be a part of the usmb...I am devastated

Eots.....where have you been? You can say the c word, but only in the Flame Zone. Have any questions? Talk to Gunny on it and see where that gets you.
Next time use spell check when your trying to make a point. :lol:

Can I Tell EOTS...See You Next Tuesday?
What did he plagerize? Please provide I looked I couldn't find it.

It was a while ago. It started with TASB pretending he is a structural engineer, yet he had no clue where the energy in a collapse comes from which is always taught in first year physics at the most.

So I gave him an education here.

His response can be found here

This post was directly lifted from Judy Woods' site here, or here, or here, yet no reference back to Judy Woods or that he was quoting someone else, thus hoping someone might think the work was his. That, to me, is a classic case of plagerization.

Unfortunately for TASB, while the formula for Judy's bullshit are sound, you will notice neither she nor TASB ever attempt to put values in the formula, but instead rely on people being impressed by the formula themselves even when they are meaningless without values.

Unfortunately for you, I came up with the exact same equation as Dr. Wood. So while i lifted it verbatum from her instead of wasting time doing it free hand, the equation still stands. And while there aren't any numbers to the equation, it shows that pulverization isn't capable. You need an additional energy source to produce the pulverization.

So, yeah, thanks Dr. Wood for posting a mathematical equation that anyone with half a brain can do on their own if they understand the laws of physics and energy.

Good god you are truly BAD at this "patriot".
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So, utilizing the equation given and the knowledge we have, where did the energy come from to pulverize +80% of the building materials?
Already explained, shit for brains. Your formulas (not formula you dishonest fuck) are meaningless without the data in them to prove your point. I already provided you with the formula showing how much energy is stored in every gram of the building which, it turns out, is far more than what is needed to collapse the building and grind the concrete to dust. The fact you are so fucking stupid you couldn't even begin to grasp what I'm talking about and the fact you had to plagerize Judy Woods' entire section (not just one formula you dishonest fuck) shows that you have zero clue what you are talking about, much less what Judy Woods' formulas are talking about.
Steel was pulverized into dust? really?

The only explosive force I know for certain that could do that would be nuclear. And I certainly don't remember seeing any mushroom clouds.....
what we cant say XXXX anymore ?..since when ? thats a real shame, the freedom to say XXXX is from which all other freedoms spring forth.... terible shame... it was one of those things that made me fel proud to be a part of the usmb...I am devastated

Eots.....where have you been? You can say the c word, but only in the Flame Zone. Have any questions? Talk to Gunny on it and see where that gets you.
Next time use spell check when your trying to make a point. :lol:

Can I Tell EOTS...See You Next Tuesday?

No.. but you can shut the hell up
I simply believe they did not give enough credence to the damage done to the building. The collapse more than likely happened mostly the way they said. But since we can't see inside the building there is no way to be 100% positive. What we do know 100% is that there

Think about it now. A van full of explosives? Really? And what were they needed for if the towers and bldg7 had already been wired with enough explosives to bring them down? Why do you think the "evidence" disappeared? Because it never existed.....
There were no explosives.

Right. That makes sense. The police made it up. That explains it all now. They were just doing that for grins. The van with the suspicious device was in tower #1 where Willie Rodriguez worked. It explains the explosion that Willie Rodriguez heard underneath him when he was on the 6th floor. And it explains what the firefighters had stated about the first floor looking like a bomb had gone off when they first entered the building.

I guess they're all just in on the lie together though, right?
It must be an exhausting task for these 9/11 truth undebunkers to keep fending for the government. It shows you how pathetic society has gotten that these folks will scratch, claw, dig and take completely unnecessary shots at their fellow citizens to defend their government which has been caught red handed more times than patriot911 by his mom.

Take a pause for the cause and open your eyes. Things become much clearer when you can do that.
Think about it now. A van full of explosives? Really? And what were they needed for if the towers and bldg7 had already been wired with enough explosives to bring them down? Why do you think the "evidence" disappeared? Because it never existed.....
There were no explosives.

Right. That makes sense. The police made it up.
Wrong. The police had no record of any call or communication involving the van Dan Rather reported.

youngpatriot said:
That explains it all now. They were just doing that for grins.
Start with a lie and you end up with absolute garbage as the end result.

youngpatriot said:
The van with the suspicious device was in tower #1 where Willie Rodriguez worked.
Wrong again, fucktard. The van was reported blocks away. It was never reported in either tower. You just pulling all this out your ass or what?

youngpatriot said:
It explains the explosion that Willie Rodriguez heard underneath him when he was on the 6th floor.
Wrong again, fucktard. When are you EVER going to get your facts straight? Willie was in the basement when the plane struck. If you listen to his report right after it happened and before he decided to milk you sheep for all you're worth, you get a very believable accounting of what happened.


I was in the basement, which is the support floor for the maintenance company, and we hear like a big rumble. Not like an impact, like a rumble, like moving furniture in a massive way. And all of sudden we hear another rumble, and a guy comes running, running into our office, and all of skin was off his body. All of the skin.

How many explosions are a "rumble"? And we've seen the results of explosions in the parking garage.... huge plumes of black smoke coming from the parking garage. Did we see any of that in any of the time while the North tower stood? Nope. :lol: You lose. Yet again.

youngpatriot said:
And it explains what the firefighters had stated about the first floor looking like a bomb had gone off when they first entered the building.
Yeah, you stupid fucks can't tell the difference between when someone says it LOOKS LIKE a bomb went off and when someone says A BOMB WENT OFF. They KNEW it wasn't a bomb. They KNEW it was from the impact and from the elevators. You silly boys and your silly little fantasies. :lol:

youngpatriot said:
I guess they're all just in on the lie together though, right?
Yeah, that's it. EVERYONE is in on it and LYING to you. :lol: OR everyone is telling the truth and DAN RATHER lied to your sorry ass and YOU believed him even after all the other mistakes he made that day. :lol: What a gullible sap you are!

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