Victims' Families Want To Air New 9/11 Truth Ad

I'm glad I'm not the only one that noticed that the picture above posted by patriot911 shows a building that's still standing.......................I can see we're dealing with an ignorant little child who likes to use profanity laced posts to get his point across. It's not really all that impressive. Talk is cheap. Especially over the internet.

There's so much misinformation in patriot911's posts it's not even worth getting into. Believe what you want patriot911. If the government and the media say it is so, then it must be. They both have solid track records to bank on.
Patriot911 said:
Wrong yet again, fucktard. The Windsor tower in Madrid Spain. Fire collapsed the part of the structure that was steel framed, yet the concrete framed section survived. Another one of your blatant lies exposed and another lie you will run away from without acknowledging.
the moron post a picture of a standing building that burned like a roman candle for days and claims its[/B]
Wow. And here we have MORE evidence of just how fucking dishonest the piece of shit known as eots is. Where did I claim the building collapsed? I claimed the part of the building that was steel framed collapsed. You can't even keep it honest for a single post, can you. :lol: And you wonder why people laugh at you and think you're dishonest....
I'm glad I'm not the only one that noticed that the picture above posted by patriot911 shows a building that's still standing.......................I can see we're dealing with an ignorant little child who likes to use profanity laced posts to get his point across. It's not really all that impressive. Talk is cheap. Especially over the internet.

There's so much misinformation in patriot911's posts it's not even worth getting into. Believe what you want patriot911. If the government and the media say it is so, then it must be. They both have solid track records to bank on.

:lol: And I'm not surprised you would follow behind eots sucking his ass. I clearly stated what happened. The FACT you choose to ignore what was written and instead post lies only shows you lack the honor, integrity and credibility of a decent human being.

And yeah.... run away from what I wrote like the little bitch you are. It isn't a surprise to me at all that you "claim" there is too much "misinformation" there for you to handle. Truthtards can't handle the truth so they come up with convenient excuses and run away. Now run along and play in traffic like a good little truthtard piece of shit! :lol:
I'm glad I'm not the only one that noticed that the picture above posted by patriot911 shows a building that's still standing.......................I can see we're dealing with an ignorant little child who likes to use profanity laced posts to get his point across. It's not really all that impressive. Talk is cheap. Especially over the internet.

There's so much misinformation in patriot911's posts it's not even worth getting into. Believe what you want patriot911. If the government and the media say it is so, then it must be. They both have solid track records to bank on.

:lol: And I'm not surprised you would follow behind eots sucking his ass. I clearly stated what happened. The FACT you choose to ignore what was written and instead post lies only shows you lack the honor, integrity and credibility of a decent human being.

And yeah.... run away from what I wrote like the little bitch you are. It isn't a surprise to me at all that you "claim" there is too much "misinformation" there for you to handle. Truthtards can't handle the truth so they come up with convenient excuses and run away. Now run along and play in traffic like a good little truthtard piece of shit! :lol:

Sorry, I don't feel like making a post a mile long. I'll leave that to you, since you don't seem to have anything better to do.

Why don't you try making one point at a time, bitchboy?............THERE! I said a bad word over the internet! See!? I can be a tough guy, too!
I'm glad I'm not the only one that noticed that the picture above posted by patriot911 shows a building that's still standing.......................I can see we're dealing with an ignorant little child who likes to use profanity laced posts to get his point across. It's not really all that impressive. Talk is cheap. Especially over the internet.

There's so much misinformation in patriot911's posts it's not even worth getting into. Believe what you want patriot911. If the government and the media say it is so, then it must be. They both have solid track records to bank on.

:lol: And I'm not surprised you would follow behind eots sucking his ass. I clearly stated what happened. The FACT you choose to ignore what was written and instead post lies only shows you lack the honor, integrity and credibility of a decent human being.

And yeah.... run away from what I wrote like the little bitch you are. It isn't a surprise to me at all that you "claim" there is too much "misinformation" there for you to handle. Truthtards can't handle the truth so they come up with convenient excuses and run away. Now run along and play in traffic like a good little truthtard piece of shit! :lol:

Sorry, I don't feel like making a post a mile long. I'll leave that to you, since you don't seem to have anything better to do.
Run along junior. Your betters are debating. All you're good for is making claims you can't back up and then running away when your bullshit lies are exposed.

youngpatriot said:
Why don't you try making one point at a time, bitchboy?............THERE! I said a bad word over the internet! See!? I can be a tough guy, too!
Naw. You're a pussy. I know it. You know it. It's obvious. As for making points, I am addressing the points you make, you ignorant fuck! Which is why it isn't surprising when you go running to your mama like a little bitch when you get your ass handed to you instead of being a man and either admitting fault or standing up for what you pretend you believe in. :lol:

Do you seriously think you are fooling anyone into believing you are either credible, knowledgeable or honest? Outside of your fellow truthtards who have the same shitty levels of credibility, knowledge and honesty, you don't.

Why do you continue to pretend that other buildings were built the same as Blding7?

Why do you pretend that they had the same damages that Bldg 7 had?

Why do you continue to used edited videos that don't show the complete collapse of Building 7?

That's just plain dishonest.

why do you pretend there is only one building fire presented in this video ?

Why do you continue to pretend that other buildings were built the same as Blding7?

Why do you pretend that they had the same damages that Bldg 7 had?

Why do you continue to used edited videos that don't show the complete collapse of Building 7?

That's just plain dishonest.

why do you pretend there is only one building fire presented in this video ?

WTF are you babbling about?

Why do you continue to pretend that other buildings were built the same as Blding7?

Why do you pretend that they had the same damages that Bldg 7 had?

Why do you continue to used edited videos that don't show the complete collapse of Building 7?

That's just plain dishonest.

why do you pretend there is only one building fire presented in this video ?

Why do you continue to pretend that other buildings were built the same as Blding7?

Why do you pretend that they had the same damages that Bldg 7 had?

Why do you continue to used edited videos that don't show the complete collapse of Building 7?

That's just plain dishonest.

why do you pretend that damage played a significant role in the collapse when NIST says it was not ?
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why do you continue to pretend that other buildings were built the same as blding7?

Why do you pretend that they had the same damages that bldg 7 had?

Why do you continue to used edited videos that don't show the complete collapse of building 7?

That's just plain dishonest.

why do you pretend there is only one building fire presented in this video ?

wtf are you babbling about?

there are several buildings in this video and none of them collapsed

Why do you continue to pretend that other buildings were built the same as Blding7?

Why do you pretend that they had the same damages that Bldg 7 had?

Why do you continue to used edited videos that don't show the complete collapse of Building 7?

That's just plain dishonest.

why do you pretend that damage played a significant role in the collapse when NIST says it was not ?

So I need to make a note to myself that only nutcase truthers are permitted to disagree with any part of the NIST's report. Got it.
Why do you continue to pretend that other buildings were built the same as Blding7?

Why do you pretend that they had the same damages that Bldg 7 had?

Why do you continue to used edited videos that don't show the complete collapse of Building 7?

That's just plain dishonest.

why do you pretend that damage played a significant role in the collapse when NIST says it was not ?

So I need to make a note to myself that only nutcase truthers are permitted to disagree with any part of the NIST's report. Got it.

the only part of the nist report you believe is that it was not controlled demolition contradict everything else ..yet you call them them experts when someone questions their failures and proposes the most logical theory of explosives...why do you think NIST got it all wrong ? a conspiracy or stupidity ??
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I simply believe they did not give enough credence to the damage done to the building. The collapse more than likely happened mostly the way they said. But since we can't see inside the building there is no way to be 100% positive. What we do know 100% is that there were no explosives found or explosions that could have been a controlled demolition recorded.

But you may feel free to keep denying that...
Truthtards are binary people, Ollie. Either a source is right or it is wrong. There is no gray. There is no such thing as there might be something a little wrong. Unless, of course, it is to their benefit in which case no amount of error is ever going to make their source doubtful. :lol: All on or all off. Anyone who thinks differently will be mocked. I am pretty sure that is in the truthtard handbook. :lol:
I simply believe they did not give enough credence to the damage done to the building. The collapse more than likely happened mostly the way they said. But since we can't see inside the building there is no way to be 100% positive. What we do know 100% is that there were no explosives found or explosions that could have been a controlled demolition recorded.

But you may feel free to keep denying that...

and you are not smart enough to figure out that means the computer model is junk and that is what they cite as the evidence their theory is correct... if something as critical as that is incorrect then whole the theory falls apart and it is back to the drawing not pass go
I simply believe they did not give enough credence to the damage done to the building. The collapse more than likely happened mostly the way they said. But since we can't see inside the building there is no way to be 100% positive. What we do know 100% is that there were no explosives found or explosions that could have been a controlled demolition recorded.

But you may feel free to keep denying that...

and you are not smart enough to figure out that means the computer model is junk and that is what they cite as the evidence their theory is correct... if something as critical as that is incorrect then whole the theory falls apart and it is back to the drawing not pass go

No Eots. it simply means exactly what I said. Their model still works nearly the same way. But i never claimed to be smarter than the average American. Some day if you study hard and really work at it you can say that too.
I simply believe they did not give enough credence to the damage done to the building. The collapse more than likely happened mostly the way they said. But since we can't see inside the building there is no way to be 100% positive. What we do know 100% is that there were no explosives found or explosions that could have been a controlled demolition recorded.

But you may feel free to keep denying that...

and you are not smart enough to figure out that means the computer model is junk and that is what they cite as the evidence their theory is correct... if something as critical as that is incorrect then whole the theory falls apart and it is back to the drawing not pass go

No Eots. it simply means exactly what I said. Their model still works nearly the same way. But i never claimed to be smarter than the average American. Some day if you study hard and really work at it you can say that too.

no it does not work almost the same way..thats why it was deemed irrelevant ..if they could of factored it in they would you try to..because it makes the story more believable
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I simply believe they did not give enough credence to the damage done to the building. The collapse more than likely happened mostly the way they said. But since we can't see inside the building there is no way to be 100% positive. What we do know 100% is that there were no explosives found or explosions that could have been a controlled demolition recorded.

But you may feel free to keep denying that...

Since I haven't reached the 15 post count required to post a video, I can tell you that police found a suspicious device in one of the towers inside a van that they believed was a secondary device. Of course this evidence all disappeared just like the witnesses who were speaking out and singing a different tune than the government was.

Just go to Youtube and enter "Police find secondary device 9/11."

Now where and when has a van with an explosive device been used before? '93 WTC bombing, where the bombers were CIA assets and the ring leader was an FBI informant who was told by the FBI to make the bomb real.

The dirty deeds of the CIA are well known and well documented along with declassified government documents from decades ago. Look up Operation Ajax, Operation Northwoods, U.S.S. Liberty, Bay of Pigs, Gulf of Tonkin. False flag operations have been going on for a long time by our intelligence agencies. That's why it's much easier for us "Twoofers" of "truthtards" to believe our government staged 9/11 than a gang of goat herders with box cutters out foxing the DOD and NORAD and blowing up the WTC and smashing a hole in the Pentagon with some ace piloting that has baffled seasoned commercial airline pilots. Not to mention the fact that flying a cessna and flying a boeing a 737 are two different things entirely. As they say on AIRPLANE, "It's an entirely different kind of flying altogether."

I do give you credit for not being a nasty little XXXX like patriot911. He obviously feels the need to get as many expletives into a post as he can in an attempt to make himself feel like a really big boy. Just look at the whole thing objectively and not defensively and you'll see holes in the government story all over the place.

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