Victims' Families Want To Air New 9/11 Truth Ad

It must be an exhausting task for these 9/11 truth undebunkers to keep fending for the government. It shows you how pathetic society has gotten that these folks will scratch, claw, dig and take completely unnecessary shots at their fellow citizens to defend their government which has been caught red handed more times than patriot911 by his mom.

Take a pause for the cause and open your eyes. Things become much clearer when you can do that.

OR we take shots at piece of shit scum like you who are trying their hardest to betray this great nation of ours by pushing a bunch of bullshit lies you can't back up and pretending that it is the truth. Since when has being for the truth been a bad thing?

BTW, I'm not defending the government. I am defending the truth. Personally I would love to see massive changes in our government. But I don't need to make up fantasies to enact change. I don't need to spread seditious lies to feel important. I act. I get involved. That is far more than your sorry ass can say.

I defend the truth. The truth is defined by the facts and the evidence. If you were able to actually produce real evidence and not opinion and bullshit, people might take you seriously. In the mean time they're just pointing and laughing at the silly little truthtards pretending they're important or relevant in any way.
Already explained, shit for brains. Your formulas (not formula you dishonest fuck) are meaningless without the data in them to prove your point. I already provided you with the formula showing how much energy is stored in every gram of the building which, it turns out, is far more than what is needed to collapse the building and grind the concrete to dust. The fact you are so fucking stupid you couldn't even begin to grasp what I'm talking about and the fact you had to plagerize Judy Woods' entire section (not just one formula you dishonest fuck) shows that you have zero clue what you are talking about, much less what Judy Woods' formulas are talking about.

No. The formula means that without an outside source of energy, pulverization can not be attained. The amount of joules required to create the act is ad hoc science of a fraudulent level.

YOU tell me how this equation works out with the official story. Go.
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Already explained, shit for brains. Your formulas (not formula you dishonest fuck) are meaningless without the data in them to prove your point. I already provided you with the formula showing how much energy is stored in every gram of the building which, it turns out, is far more than what is needed to collapse the building and grind the concrete to dust. The fact you are so fucking stupid you couldn't even begin to grasp what I'm talking about and the fact you had to plagerize Judy Woods' entire section (not just one formula you dishonest fuck) shows that you have zero clue what you are talking about, much less what Judy Woods' formulas are talking about.

No. The formula means that without an outside source of energy, pulverization can not be attained. The amount of joules required to create the act is ad hoc science of a fraudulent level.

YOU tell me how this equation works out with the official story. Go.

Already have, dipshit. Woods pretends it is a zero sum game. It isn't. Gravity is a bitch. :lol: Now go run to your bitch Judy and have her explain that to your sorry ass.
Think about it now. A van full of explosives? Really? And what were they needed for if the towers and bldg7 had already been wired with enough explosives to bring them down? Why do you think the "evidence" disappeared? Because it never existed.....
There were no explosives.

Right. That makes sense. The police made it up.
Wrong. The police had no record of any call or communication involving the van Dan Rather reported.

Start with a lie and you end up with absolute garbage as the end result.

Wrong again, fucktard. The van was reported blocks away. It was never reported in either tower. You just pulling all this out your ass or what?

Wrong again, fucktard. When are you EVER going to get your facts straight? Willie was in the basement when the plane struck. If you listen to his report right after it happened and before he decided to milk you sheep for all you're worth, you get a very believable accounting of what happened.


How many explosions are a "rumble"? And we've seen the results of explosions in the parking garage.... huge plumes of black smoke coming from the parking garage. Did we see any of that in any of the time while the North tower stood? Nope. :lol: You lose. Yet again.

youngpatriot said:
And it explains what the firefighters had stated about the first floor looking like a bomb had gone off when they first entered the building.
Yeah, you stupid fucks can't tell the difference between when someone says it LOOKS LIKE a bomb went off and when someone says A BOMB WENT OFF. They KNEW it wasn't a bomb. They KNEW it was from the impact and from the elevators. You silly boys and your silly little fantasies. :lol:

youngpatriot said:
I guess they're all just in on the lie together though, right?
Yeah, that's it. EVERYONE is in on it and LYING to you. :lol: OR everyone is telling the truth and DAN RATHER lied to your sorry ass and YOU believed him even after all the other mistakes he made that day. :lol: What a gullible sap you are!

I wasn't referring to the van reported on by Dan Rather. In fact, I didn't mention Dan Rather at all. You did.

As far as Rodriquez goes, you're right. He was in the basement. But he did hear a boom before the first plane hit.

I choose to believe people that were actually there and have no reason to lie over the government, who obviously has a reason to lie, as well as hire people to investigate themselves. If I had committed a crime and hired my best friend to investigate me, I'm pretty sure my dirty deeds would be covered and I'd be exonerated.
It must be an exhausting task for these 9/11 truth undebunkers to keep fending for the government. It shows you how pathetic society has gotten that these folks will scratch, claw, dig and take completely unnecessary shots at their fellow citizens to defend their government which has been caught red handed more times than patriot911 by his mom.

Take a pause for the cause and open your eyes. Things become much clearer when you can do that.

OR we take shots at piece of shit scum like you who are trying their hardest to betray this great nation of ours by pushing a bunch of bullshit lies you can't back up and pretending that it is the truth. Since when has being for the truth been a bad thing?

BTW, I'm not defending the government. I am defending the truth. Personally I would love to see massive changes in our government. But I don't need to make up fantasies to enact change. I don't need to spread seditious lies to feel important. I act. I get involved. That is far more than your sorry ass can say.

I defend the truth. The truth is defined by the facts and the evidence. If you were able to actually produce real evidence and not opinion and bullshit, people might take you seriously. In the mean time they're just pointing and laughing at the silly little truthtards pretending they're important or relevant in any way.

Ah yes, there it is. Attack my patriotism. I guarantee I'm more of a patriot than you are. You obviously aren't familiar with the founding fathers who made it expressly clear that the government should always be held accountable by the people for their actions. You support a tyrannical government and you love them and stand up for them in spite of how deeply flawed they are. And you believe that it is sedition to suspect them of a crime. You're not a real American at all. You are a dependent on the system. Plain and simple. You are unable to think for yourself and unable to investigate their dirty deeds. You're not a patriot at all. You're a weak little vagina who likes to talk big on the internet. I guarantee if you ever met me in real life, you would temper your tone and speak to me in a rational manner, or I'd pull your underwear over your head and stuff you in the closet that you came out of.

Tough talk on the internet is bought cheaply. Tough talk in real life is a different story. It's obvious to everyone on here that you are an extremely insecure little weeny. The insults and name calling don't make for a strong case..........bitchboy. :lol:
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I wasn't referring to the van reported on by Dan Rather. In fact, I didn't mention Dan Rather at all. You did.
So which van are you referring to? Which piece of made up bullshit are you going to pull out of your ass THIS time? Or are you going to pretend the false report of explosives found with the Israelis? Go ahead and post some police officers claiming they found explosives. Then find a source ANYWHERE that claims the van was in the parking garage of the North Tower.

youngpatriot said:
As far as Rodriquez goes, you're right. He was in the basement. But he did hear a boom before the first plane hit.
No, he felt the vibration of the impact before he heard the explosion. Vibrations travel through steel to the bedrock much faster than sound travels through air. Science. Look it up.

youngpatriot said:
I choose to believe people that were actually there and have no reason to lie over the government, who obviously has a reason to lie, as well as hire people to investigate themselves. If I had committed a crime and hired my best friend to investigate me, I'm pretty sure my dirty deeds would be covered and I'd be exonerated.
That's about as pathetic an excuse as I've heard from a fucking truthtard. "Oh woe is me! The government lies about everything so this must be a lie because NOBODY else lies!" Yeah right. Grow up and get a brain. Care to explain how slick Willie's story changed so drastically once he wanted you silly sheep to start paying his way through life? :lol:
Think about it now. A van full of explosives? Really? And what were they needed for if the towers and bldg7 had already been wired with enough explosives to bring them down? Why do you think the "evidence" disappeared? Because it never existed.....
There were no explosives.

Right. That makes sense. The police made it up. That explains it all now. They were just doing that for grins. The van with the suspicious device was in tower #1 where Willie Rodriguez worked. It explains the explosion that Willie Rodriguez heard underneath him when he was on the 6th floor. And it explains what the firefighters had stated about the first floor looking like a bomb had gone off when they first entered the building.

I guess they're all just in on the lie together though, right?

You do know that a fireball traveled down the elevator shafts right?
Several of the large express passenger elevators, which service the sky lobbies, plunged to the main lobby level. At least one of those falling elevators was accompanied by a huge fireball that burst into the lobby and concourse levels. Only four people are known to have survived in the south tower express elevators.
It must be an exhausting task for these 9/11 truth undebunkers to keep fending for the government. It shows you how pathetic society has gotten that these folks will scratch, claw, dig and take completely unnecessary shots at their fellow citizens to defend their government which has been caught red handed more times than patriot911 by his mom.

Take a pause for the cause and open your eyes. Things become much clearer when you can do that.

OR we take shots at piece of shit scum like you who are trying their hardest to betray this great nation of ours by pushing a bunch of bullshit lies you can't back up and pretending that it is the truth. Since when has being for the truth been a bad thing?

BTW, I'm not defending the government. I am defending the truth. Personally I would love to see massive changes in our government. But I don't need to make up fantasies to enact change. I don't need to spread seditious lies to feel important. I act. I get involved. That is far more than your sorry ass can say.

I defend the truth. The truth is defined by the facts and the evidence. If you were able to actually produce real evidence and not opinion and bullshit, people might take you seriously. In the mean time they're just pointing and laughing at the silly little truthtards pretending they're important or relevant in any way.

Ah yes, there it is. Attack my patriotism.
You are actively promoting overthrowing the government based on a pack of lies you couldn't defend if your life depended on it. How is that patriotic?

youngpatriot said:
I guarantee I'm more of a patriot than you are.
You're not in a position to make that kind of guarantee. And since you're the fucktard who is constantly lying his ass off, your credibility in that department is severely lacking.

youngpatriot said:
You obviously aren't familiar with the founding fathers who made it expressly clear that the government should always be held accountable by the people for their actions.
So where did the founding fathers say you should scare up a witch hunt where you use unsubstantiated claims that have no evidence to back them up to overthrow the government? I am pretty damn sure not one of them said anything about lying one's ass off to be a patriot. Can you produce such a statement?

youngpatriot said:
You support a tyrannical government and you love them and stand up for them in spite of how deeply flawed they are.
Wrong yet again, fucktard. I've already stated what I am standing up for. I am standing up for the three thousand Americans that were killed by Muslim fuckheads but whos deaths are being hijacked by a bunch of immature and idiotic truthtards who want to use their deaths to try and foment dissent. I am standing up for the truth. The government has plenty to answer for. It doesn't need fucks like you coming up with a bunch of trumped up charges.

youngpatriot said:
And you believe that it is sedition to suspect them of a crime.
No, it is sedition to accuse them of a crime you cannot prove. You don't suspect them. You accuse them as though they are already tried and convicted. What did our founding fathers say about innocent until proven guilty?

youngpatriot said:
You're not a real American at all.
Really? You're the one trampling the core American values like innocent until proven guilty and lying your ass off for purposes of sedition. What am I doing? I am standing up for the truth. The truth the evidence supports. Isn't it truth, justice and the American way? You're fucking the truth, raping justice and mocking the American way and then accusing ME of being un-American? :lol: That is hysterical!

youngpatriot said:
You are a dependent on the system. Plain and simple.
Wrong again, fucktard. I am not dependant on the system for anything. I make a damn good living for myself and for many others. :lol: You just can't win, can you.

youngpatriot said:
You are unable to think for yourself and unable to investigate their dirty deeds.
On the contrary, I can produce evidence to back up my claims. You've been unable to do so since you created this little sock puppet.

youngpatriot said:
You're not a patriot at all.
Others would say you're flat out wrong. I know in my heart I am a patriot, and given all the bullshit you spew, I find it hard to believe you are in any way, shape or form a patriot. You might as well be working for Al Qaeda for all the effort you are putting into destroying this country.

youngpatriot said:
You're a weak little vagina who likes to talk big on the internet.
Naw. I back up what I say. Unlike you. You should try it some time.

youngpatriot said:
I guarantee if you ever met me in real life, you would temper your tone and speak to me in a rational manner, or I'd pull your underwear over your head and stuff you in the closet that you came out of.
:lol: Internet threats are always so funny! You're such a big tough guy. You couldn't even take on my wife. Of course, she packs a .357 and is a crack shot, so I would be careful around her. :lol:

youngpatriot said:
Tough talk on the internet is bought cheaply.
How hypocritical of you as you just get done "talking tough". :lol: You silly fucks are good for a laugh, but beyond that you're not worth the oxygen needed to sustain life.

youngpatriot said:
Tough talk in real life is a different story.
So says the ball-less wonder. Go fuck yourself ya silly twit!

youngpatriot said:
It's obvious to everyone on here that you are an extremely insecure little weeny. The insults and name calling don't make for a strong case..........bitchboy. :lol:
That is why I back up my claims with evidence. That is why you will ALWAYS be my bitch.... because you have yet to back up your bullshit with anything even coming close to resembling evidence.

Come back when your balls drop and you understand what it is to be a real man, not a truthtard wanna be bitch.
Here is the video patriot911 "Fucktard"

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Police Find Possible Explosive Device In The WTC Area On 9/11‬‏[/ame]

I'm sure patriot911 is a really big boy. Just ask him. I have yet to meet anybody in real life that speaks to me like he has here. And there is a reason for that. My bite is a lot worse than patriot911's bark...............keep on with the insults, patriot911. You look more and more ridiculous all the time.

You have never owned me, patriot911. Only in your wet dreams. And your "wife?" Why do I find that so hard to believe? No attacking family members-Meister You're not standing up for the victim's families, internet tough guy. More than half the victim's families believe it was an inside job. You're trying to act like a big bad neo con. You can't find your weaner because it's buried in George Bush's ass.

And since you insist that I'm a sock, why don't you back that claim up with some proof? I'm sure it'll be every bit as compelling as the picture of the standing steel tower you posted that you claimed collapsed. It's obvious you don't have a job. You spend all day and half the night on here. Your job appears to be making a total fool out of yourself.
So how does a possible explosive device a block and a half away from the WTC which turned out to be nothing become a white van full of explosives parked in the tower?

Seriously. How can you live with yourself when you constantly lie about everything?

youngpatriot said:
I'm sure patriot911 is a really big boy. Just ask him.
I'm not the one who has to make shit up in the hopes people will take him seriously for once. :lol:

youngpatriot said:
I have yet to meet anybody in real life that speaks to me like he has here.
Tell you what. Go to a FDNY firehouse and say what you say here and see if they treat you like I do. It isn't funny to them when you sick fucks pretend they were in on it and are lying about what happened.

youngpatriot said:
And there is a reason for that.
You're right. There is no reason for it. But I have lost all respect for fucks like you, so you get what I want to give. Got it? Maybe you should go back to the romper room forums where everyone is all happy.

youngpatriot said:
My bite is a lot worse than patriot911's bark.
In your dreams fucktard. You can make claims all you want. You can't back them up. I can back up my claims. You just PROVED to everyone you were lying your ass off, and you think you're winning? You're more delusional than Charlie Sheen! :lol:

youngpatriot said:
keep on with the insults, patriot911.
Until you earn some respect, I shall.

youngpatriot said:
You look more and more ridiculous all the time.
Naw. That would be you pretending you actually know the facts when in reality you're just pulling fantasies out of your ass and hoping nobody notices the stench.

youngpatriot said:
You have never owned me, patriot911.
Really? Is that why you owned yourself by posting a video that proves you're nothing but a fucking liar? :lol: So if you prove you're a liar first, nobody else can? Is that how your twisted excuse for a mind works? :lol: This is getting funnier and funnier!

youngpatriot said:
Only in your wet dreams. And your "wife?" Why do I find that so hard to believe?
Who gives a shit what you believe. You've already proven you're a delusional liar.

youngpatriot said:
If you do have a wife I'd be willing to bet that she is a fat, disgusting cow with a bell wrapped around her neck.
Did that make you feel better little man? :lol:

youngpatriot said:
You're not standing up for the victim's families, internet tough guy.
Never said I was. More lies from you, eh? Can't even go one post without lies? I said I was standing up for the victims. You know.... the ones you lie about and use to try and spread your bullshit?

youngpatriot said:
More than half the victim's families believe it was an inside job.
Bullshit. Care to back that up or are you going to run away like a little bitch again?

youngpatriot said:
You're trying to act like a big bad neo con. You can't find your weaner because it's buried in George Bush's ass.
Did that make you feel all better, little boy? :lol:

youngpatriot said:
And since you insist that I'm a sock, why don't you back that claim up with some proof? I'm sure it'll be every bit as compelling as the picture of the standing steel tower you posted that you claimed collapsed.
MORE lies? :lol: Damn, boy! You got a problem! Seek medical help! :lol:

youngpatriot said:
It's obvious you don't have a job. You spend all day and half the night on here. Your job appears to be making a total fool out of yourself.
I'm not a jackass truthtard like you are. Want to know what really makes a fool out of a guy? When that guy posts a video that absolutely proves he was lying his sorry little ass off! :lol: Congratulations, dumbfuck! You're a wienner! :lol:
So how does a possible explosive device a block and a half away from the WTC which turned out to be nothing become a white van full of explosives parked in the tower?

Seriously. How can you live with yourself when you constantly lie about everything?

youngpatriot said:
I'm sure patriot911 is a really big boy. Just ask him.
I'm not the one who has to make shit up in the hopes people will take him seriously for once. :lol:

Tell you what. Go to a FDNY firehouse and say what you say here and see if they treat you like I do. It isn't funny to them when you sick fucks pretend they were in on it and are lying about what happened.

You're right. There is no reason for it. But I have lost all respect for fucks like you, so you get what I want to give. Got it? Maybe you should go back to the romper room forums where everyone is all happy.

In your dreams fucktard. You can make claims all you want. You can't back them up. I can back up my claims. You just PROVED to everyone you were lying your ass off, and you think you're winning? You're more delusional than Charlie Sheen! :lol:

Until you earn some respect, I shall.

Naw. That would be you pretending you actually know the facts when in reality you're just pulling fantasies out of your ass and hoping nobody notices the stench.

Really? Is that why you owned yourself by posting a video that proves you're nothing but a fucking liar? :lol: So if you prove you're a liar first, nobody else can? Is that how your twisted excuse for a mind works? :lol: This is getting funnier and funnier!

Who gives a shit what you believe. You've already proven you're a delusional liar.

Did that make you feel better little man? :lol:

Never said I was. More lies from you, eh? Can't even go one post without lies? I said I was standing up for the victims. You know.... the ones you lie about and use to try and spread your bullshit?

Bullshit. Care to back that up or are you going to run away like a little bitch again?

Did that make you feel all better, little boy? :lol:

youngpatriot said:
And since you insist that I'm a sock, why don't you back that claim up with some proof? I'm sure it'll be every bit as compelling as the picture of the standing steel tower you posted that you claimed collapsed.
MORE lies? :lol: Damn, boy! You got a problem! Seek medical help! :lol:

youngpatriot said:
It's obvious you don't have a job. You spend all day and half the night on here. Your job appears to be making a total fool out of yourself.
I'm not a jackass truthtard like you are. Want to know what really makes a fool out of a guy? When that guy posts a video that absolutely proves he was lying his sorry little ass off! :lol: Congratulations, dumbfuck! You're a wienner! :lol:

I don't even bother reading all of your drivel anymore. You think the FDNY believes your bullshit? Why don't you go to an FDNY firehouse and tell your lies. It was the eye witness accounts of firefighters and other people on 9/11 that I believe over the fraudulent NIST report.

I'm not disrespecting anybody's family. It is you who is doing that by not listening to what they have to say and talking smack like a little child who just got his favorite toy taken away.

You embarrassed yourself thoroughly by showing that picture of a steel structure that was still standing after being on fire for days. You really are a total moron. You haven't debunked anything. And you are most definitely not a real American. Defending the government over the eye witnesses and first responders is shameful. You're a lowlife scumbag with WAAAAAAAY too much time on your hands.

Do you really think you're worthy of any respect? Why would anybody respect your cheap little trash talk, junior? That crap doesn't fly in the real world, homeboy. So you have to do it on the internet to make yourself feel like a big man.

Your multiquote posts are supposed to have some sort of significance? Time to get a life.

Keep going. We're all impressed. Serve me up another mile long multiquote post, filled with cheap talk, pussy boy. Bring it on. Keep pretending like you're some sort of big man who is doing his patriotic duty by trying to debunk the truth.

Your a seething, angry little boy, aren't you? Just furiously typing away on your mommy's computer. Getting a flushed face, sweaty palms, and a beating heart.......DOUCHEBAG!
So how does a possible explosive device a block and a half away from the WTC which turned out to be nothing become a white van full of explosives parked in the tower?

Seriously. How can you live with yourself when you constantly lie about everything?

I'm not the one who has to make shit up in the hopes people will take him seriously for once. :lol:

Tell you what. Go to a FDNY firehouse and say what you say here and see if they treat you like I do. It isn't funny to them when you sick fucks pretend they were in on it and are lying about what happened.

You're right. There is no reason for it. But I have lost all respect for fucks like you, so you get what I want to give. Got it? Maybe you should go back to the romper room forums where everyone is all happy.

In your dreams fucktard. You can make claims all you want. You can't back them up. I can back up my claims. You just PROVED to everyone you were lying your ass off, and you think you're winning? You're more delusional than Charlie Sheen! :lol:

Until you earn some respect, I shall.

Naw. That would be you pretending you actually know the facts when in reality you're just pulling fantasies out of your ass and hoping nobody notices the stench.

Really? Is that why you owned yourself by posting a video that proves you're nothing but a fucking liar? :lol: So if you prove you're a liar first, nobody else can? Is that how your twisted excuse for a mind works? :lol: This is getting funnier and funnier!

Who gives a shit what you believe. You've already proven you're a delusional liar.

Did that make you feel better little man? :lol:

Never said I was. More lies from you, eh? Can't even go one post without lies? I said I was standing up for the victims. You know.... the ones you lie about and use to try and spread your bullshit?

Bullshit. Care to back that up or are you going to run away like a little bitch again?

Did that make you feel all better, little boy? :lol:

MORE lies? :lol: Damn, boy! You got a problem! Seek medical help! :lol:

youngpatriot said:
It's obvious you don't have a job. You spend all day and half the night on here. Your job appears to be making a total fool out of yourself.
I'm not a jackass truthtard like you are. Want to know what really makes a fool out of a guy? When that guy posts a video that absolutely proves he was lying his sorry little ass off! :lol: Congratulations, dumbfuck! You're a wienner! :lol:

I don't even bother reading all of your drivel anymore. You think the FDNY believes your bullshit? Why don't you go to an FDNY firehouse and tell your lies. It was the eye witness accounts of firefighters and other people on 9/11 that I believe over the fraudulent NIST report.

I'm not disrespecting anybody's family. It is you who is doing that by not listening to what they have to say and talking smack like a little child who just got his favorite toy taken away.

You embarrassed yourself thoroughly by showing that picture of a steel structure that was still standing after being on fire for days. You really are a total moron. You haven't debunked anything. And you are most definitely not a real American. Defending the government over the eye witnesses and first responders is shameful. You're a lowlife scumbag with WAAAAAAAY too much time on your hands.

Do you really think you're worthy of any respect? Why would anybody respect your cheap little trash talk, junior? That crap doesn't fly in the real world, homeboy. So you have to do it on the internet to make yourself feel like a big man.

Your multiquote posts are supposed to have some sort of significance? Time to get a life.

Keep going. We're all impressed. Serve me up another mile long multiquote post, filled with cheap talk, pussy boy. Bring it on. Keep pretending like you're some sort of big man who is doing his patriotic duty by trying to debunk the truth.

Your a seething, angry little boy, aren't you? Just furiously typing away on your mommy's computer. Getting a flushed face, sweaty palms, and a beating heart.......DOUCHEBAG!

Wow you should do something about all that...oh yeah, you're powerless (hence the sock puppet act).


Nothing to learn from you...Ignore <plink>.
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So how does a possible explosive device a block and a half away from the WTC which turned out to be nothing become a white van full of explosives parked in the tower?

Seriously. How can you live with yourself when you constantly lie about everything?

I'm not the one who has to make shit up in the hopes people will take him seriously for once. :lol:

Tell you what. Go to a FDNY firehouse and say what you say here and see if they treat you like I do. It isn't funny to them when you sick fucks pretend they were in on it and are lying about what happened.

You're right. There is no reason for it. But I have lost all respect for fucks like you, so you get what I want to give. Got it? Maybe you should go back to the romper room forums where everyone is all happy.

In your dreams fucktard. You can make claims all you want. You can't back them up. I can back up my claims. You just PROVED to everyone you were lying your ass off, and you think you're winning? You're more delusional than Charlie Sheen! :lol:

Until you earn some respect, I shall.

Naw. That would be you pretending you actually know the facts when in reality you're just pulling fantasies out of your ass and hoping nobody notices the stench.

Really? Is that why you owned yourself by posting a video that proves you're nothing but a fucking liar? :lol: So if you prove you're a liar first, nobody else can? Is that how your twisted excuse for a mind works? :lol: This is getting funnier and funnier!

Who gives a shit what you believe. You've already proven you're a delusional liar.

Did that make you feel better little man? :lol:

Never said I was. More lies from you, eh? Can't even go one post without lies? I said I was standing up for the victims. You know.... the ones you lie about and use to try and spread your bullshit?

Bullshit. Care to back that up or are you going to run away like a little bitch again?

Did that make you feel all better, little boy? :lol:

MORE lies? :lol: Damn, boy! You got a problem! Seek medical help! :lol:

I'm not a jackass truthtard like you are. Want to know what really makes a fool out of a guy? When that guy posts a video that absolutely proves he was lying his sorry little ass off! :lol: Congratulations, dumbfuck! You're a wienner! :lol:

I don't even bother reading all of your drivel anymore. You think the FDNY believes your bullshit? Why don't you go to an FDNY firehouse and tell your lies. It was the eye witness accounts of firefighters and other people on 9/11 that I believe over the fraudulent NIST report.

I'm not disrespecting anybody's family. It is you who is doing that by not listening to what they have to say and talking smack like a little child who just got his favorite toy taken away.

You embarrassed yourself thoroughly by showing that picture of a steel structure that was still standing after being on fire for days. You really are a total moron. You haven't debunked anything. And you are most definitely not a real American. Defending the government over the eye witnesses and first responders is shameful. You're a lowlife scumbag with WAAAAAAAY too much time on your hands.

Do you really think you're worthy of any respect? Why would anybody respect your cheap little trash talk, junior? That crap doesn't fly in the real world, homeboy. So you have to do it on the internet to make yourself feel like a big man.

Your multiquote posts are supposed to have some sort of significance? Time to get a life.

Keep going. We're all impressed. Serve me up another mile long multiquote post, filled with cheap talk, pussy boy. Bring it on. Keep pretending like you're some sort of big man who is doing his patriotic duty by trying to debunk the truth.

Your a seething, angry little boy, aren't you? Just furiously typing away on your mommy's computer. Getting a flushed face, sweaty palms, and a beating heart.......DOUCHEBAG!

Wow you should do something about all that...oh yeah, you're powerless (hence the sock puppet act).


Nothing to learn from you...Ignore <plink>.

I'm still waiting for the day that these "truthers" get their shit together, and take their "evidence" to a federal prosecutor to file charges against President Bush, Vice President Cheney, and the rest of the NWO.

I figure, one day, I'll have my nephew's grandchild on my lap, and I'll be explaining to him how Avery, Bermas, Rowe, Gage, Ventura, Woods, and Jones still haven't made their case, but any day now....
And just so nobody forgets the real story of the 9/11 "truth" movement...

[ame=]YouTube - &#x202a;Important Message from 9/11 Truth!&#x202c;&rlm;[/ame]
Already explained, shit for brains. Your formulas (not formula you dishonest fuck) are meaningless without the data in them to prove your point. I already provided you with the formula showing how much energy is stored in every gram of the building which, it turns out, is far more than what is needed to collapse the building and grind the concrete to dust. The fact you are so fucking stupid you couldn't even begin to grasp what I'm talking about and the fact you had to plagerize Judy Woods' entire section (not just one formula you dishonest fuck) shows that you have zero clue what you are talking about, much less what Judy Woods' formulas are talking about.

No, I want you to spell it out completely here on the board for everyone to see. Referring to a website's calculation isn't going to do. In detail, spell out the completed equation that accounts for the energy needed to pulverize a 110 story building at almost free fall speed.

This should be good.....
I don't even bother reading all of your drivel anymore. You think the FDNY believes your bullshit? Why don't you go to an FDNY firehouse and tell your lies. It was the eye witness accounts of firefighters and other people on 9/11 that I believe over the fraudulent NIST report.

I'm not disrespecting anybody's family. It is you who is doing that by not listening to what they have to say and talking smack like a little child who just got his favorite toy taken away.

You embarrassed yourself thoroughly by showing that picture of a steel structure that was still standing after being on fire for days. You really are a total moron. You haven't debunked anything. And you are most definitely not a real American. Defending the government over the eye witnesses and first responders is shameful. You're a lowlife scumbag with WAAAAAAAY too much time on your hands.

Do you really think you're worthy of any respect? Why would anybody respect your cheap little trash talk, junior? That crap doesn't fly in the real world, homeboy. So you have to do it on the internet to make yourself feel like a big man.

Your multiquote posts are supposed to have some sort of significance? Time to get a life.

Keep going. We're all impressed. Serve me up another mile long multiquote post, filled with cheap talk, pussy boy. Bring it on. Keep pretending like you're some sort of big man who is doing his patriotic duty by trying to debunk the truth.

Your a seething, angry little boy, aren't you? Just furiously typing away on your mommy's computer. Getting a flushed face, sweaty palms, and a beating heart.......DOUCHEBAG!

Wow you should do something about all that...oh yeah, you're powerless (hence the sock puppet act).


Nothing to learn from you...Ignore <plink>.

I'm still waiting for the day that these "truthers" get their shit together, and take their "evidence" to a federal prosecutor to file charges against President Bush, Vice President Cheney, and the rest of the NWO.

I figure, one day, I'll have my nephew's grandchild on my lap, and I'll be explaining to him how Avery, Bermas, Rowe, Gage, Ventura, Woods, and Jones still haven't made their case, but any day now....

Some already have. Their cases were dismissed as "frivolous". Just like after the wiki leaks released all the war crimes data people have tried to get Bush into a courthouse on multiple war crime and human right violations. That didn't work out too well. You think the Establishment is going to punish one of their own?


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