Victims' Families Want To Air New 9/11 Truth Ad

I'll defer to you "experts" to point out which theory you think is more reasonable. In my admittingly limited math skills, I can only conclude that the smaller top half of the towers, (that used smaller and lighter columns as the height increased) could not have the energy to cause the collapses in the time of under 15- 20 secs, to crush the lower half so thoroughly.

That is because you're a dumbshit who refuses to learn.

You point to the "smaller" top half and pretend like it has to destroy the entire lower section at once. That isn't how a collapse happens because loads aren't shifted instantaniously. Local structures fail as the collapse progresses, so pretending the upper section had to overcome this massive lower section all at once is just retarded.

So let's see what kinds of energies we're talking about. Lets use ridiculously unrealistic numbers just so we take that argument off the table. Estimates of the weight of the towers are usually quoted at 500,000 tons each. Lets cut that down to 300,000 tons just so there is no argument that the 500,000 ton estimate is too much.

110 floors in the building. That comes to approximately 2,727 tons per floor or 2.5 million kilograms. Now, let's pretend the top part only falls a meter. That would give the upper half a velocity of 4.43 meters / second. That translates into 24,500,000 Joules or 18,070,271 foot pounds of force at impact PER FLOOR. The North Tower upper section was smaller because the impact was on the 96-98th floors. Lets pretend it was only the 98th floor - 110th floor or 12 floors worth of mass. That gives you 216,843,252 foot pounds of force slamming down on structures designed to only hold up that floor (the trusses) and the core which was supporting 65,448,000 pounds.

So, we know there was more mass than what I calculated above. We know it dropped further than one meter as calculated above. Yet even with the cut down figures, you're dealing with numbers far beyond what the building was designed to hold up.

BTW, I've looked at David Chandler's bullshit and that is all it is. The fact he doesn't take into account the dynamic load and pretends there is only a static load shows he either does not understand the issue or is purposefully obfuscating the issue.

look asswipe, unlike you I dont pretend to know everything and pass myself off as an expert. Calling someone a dumbshit for admitting to not being an expert at something is classless but typical of you.

In my post I deferred to the "experts", and you responded.
So what makes you an "expert"?
In your example above you estimate a tonnage per floor and average it out, leaving out the fact that the top half of the building is constructed in a tapered fashion, needing less robust columns and weight bearing materials, and therefore using less of it making your
2,727 tons per floor at velocity of 4.43 meters / second.
not even an accurate example.

Moving along,
As you said-"Local structures fail as the collapse progresses, so pretending the upper section had to overcome this massive lower section all at once is just retarded."
And no where am I pretending the top half had to destroy the lower all at once, and you know it. :eusa_liar:
What is retarded is pretending the weaker top block can crush through the stronger lower block in the amount of time it did.
Tower’s columns tapered as they ascended.

Your critique of Chandler is noted and I will review what you say about the dynamic loads you say he leaves unaccounted, I have already found some refutations for his calculations here-

NMSR 9-11 'Truth' Resources: Chandler's Data Support a Gravitational Collapse!

but don't forget the NIST claims 200 "experts" and signatories to their report, and it was this Dr. Chandler, a simple high school physics teacher that properly corrected one major obfuscation of their report in where they completely left out the fact WTC 7 experienced freefall, this after Sunder claimed it was impossible because the structure had to have provided resistance.

Getting back to it, ..even if all the great forces of energy you site were sound, (which I just showed in one example, may not be)
it doesn't look like you are taking into account the fact that the top "block" had to overcome the resistance of the rigid lower "block", and that would not happen instantaneously. It would be met by an opposing force. The question seems to be if the dynamic loads in the top block was sufficient enough to cause the destruction as we saw it, in the short amount of time it occurred in.

The rigidity of the upper block of stories is crucial to this explanation. If the upper block were to break, disintegrate or flow on impact it would certainly not threaten the 92 intact floors beneath it.
Which clearly shows it did pulverize in the many videos.

There was nothing special about the weight of the upper block, rigid or otherwise. The lower part of the Tower had held up this weight without difficulty since 1970. The lower block had 283 cold steel columns, with less than 30% of their total load capacity being utilized for gravity loads, because of the factors of safety designed into the structure and the need to withstand high winds—and gravity loads were essentially the only loads the columns would have been subject to on a day such as 9/11 with little wind. The lower block was not weak, nor (excluding stories 93-98) was it damaged by plane impact or fire.
The weight of the upper block posed no threat to it. If there were to be a threat, it had to come from the momentum of the upper block. But momentum is a product of mass and velocity, and since the upper block could not increase its mass it had to increase, if it were to become a threat, its velocity.

It looks like this study is referring to dynamic loads/force.

Much of the building fell off to the sides, as the debris field suggests, and pulverized, so the accumulation of its mass to provide the dynamic load is in question.

Since NIST’s theory assumes the only energy at play at this stage of events was gravitational, the upper block had to fall, and the greater its velocity the greater its momentum. The longer and the less impeded its fall, the greater would be its impact on the lower structure. So it is no surprise that the NIST authors, however shy they are about affirming it, eventually come out in favour of the falling of the upper block. [7]
Zdenek Bazant and Yong Zhou, with whose September 13, 2001 back-of-the-envelope theory (with subsequent revisions and additions) NIST largely agrees, have never hesitated to say that the upper block fell. [8] Bazant has likewise been frank about the need for severe impact as the upper and lower structures met: he believes the impact may have been powerful enough to have been recorded by seismometers. [9] In his view, collapse initiation of the lower structure required “one powerful jolt.”[10] Of course, if there was a powerful jolt to the lower structure there must also have been a powerful jolt to the upper falling structure, in accord with Newton’s Third Law.
What NIST essentially says, agreeing with Bazant, is that the lighter and weaker part initially fell with a powerful jolt onto the heavier and stronger part, which could not withstand its momentum, and that this caused a progressive collapse to initiate smashing the lower block to bits all the way to the ground.

The top half of the building was lighter and weaker as most tall buildings are built that way, as they increase in height.
The WTC Tower’s columns tapered as they ascended.
In summary, even if it was possible for their theory to stand up to scrutiny, which it doesn't, the top "block" would have had to overcome the lower blocks resistance, and the collapse would have taken considerably longer. As it stands we are faced with collapses that occurred in 10 to 18 seconds or there abouts.
The 9-11 commission endorses a figure of 10 secs.

As Bazant has said, when the top part fell and struck the stories beneath it, there had to be a powerful jolt. While a jolt entails acceleration of the impacted object it requires deceleration of the impacting object. Even a hammer hitting a nail decelerates, and if the hammer is striking a strong, rigid body fixed to the earth its deceleration will be abrupt and dramatic.
This is why it takes more then one hammer blow to drive a nail, unless you are driving it into Styrofoam.
Journal of 911 Studies 1 January 2009/Volume 24
The Missing Jolt:
A Simple Refutation of the NIST-Bazant Collapse Hypothesis
Graeme MacQueen
Tony Szamboti

I am also not trying to look at it the collapse as 12 floors falling onto 98 floors and figure that the 98 are greater than the 20 so would withstand the force. I think of it as 12 falling onto 1, then 13 falling onto 1, then 14 falling onto 1, then 15 falling onto 1, then 16 falling onto 1, and so on, this would take longer then 10 to 15 seconds, and this would take time.
And I am also taking into account the destruction of the top block as it hits the lower parts, pulverizes and falls away. Less mass, less dynamic energy/forces.
We should expect to have a massive collapse but take much longer to complete.
Last edited:
And the cutting and welding that was done during the construction of the buildings would have created iron microspheres that could have been found in the dust.

I wonder if that was ever taken into account when they did the post 9/11 analysis of the dust?

Of course not. Not to mention the fact that what exactly is an iron microsphere suppose to do? You need massive amounts of molten iron from a thermite reaction to cut through vertical beams, not itty bitty spheres.

You need microspheres to go into the nano-thermate that you put into the miniature, unseen hush-a-boom charges.

I learned that in NWO school, as on the job training for being a paid government shill.

:lol: Apparently someone needs to have a little chat with your NWO teachers. ANY kind of thermite, thermate, nano thermwhatever doesn't use iron. Iron is a result of the reaction, not an ingredient. For any of the thermitic reactions you need iron oxide or rust. Now, if they had found nano-sized particals of pure aluminum which doesn't occur in nature much at all, I would have been suspicious. Aluminum oxide (the other byproduct of a thermite reaction along with the iron) is extremely common in nature.

BTW, you weren't suppose to use the official name of the charges. Hush-a-boom hasn't been trademarked yet by the NWO and they're worried about the licensing rights. :lol:
The NIST is an organization that is a world renouned expert at structural failure. A news report where all the facts aren't given isn't exactly the same thing, especially when you have to pretend it says more than it does.
Yeah and it took a lowly high school teacher to correct a huge flaw about the freefall times of WTC 7 in which the still have no plausible explanation for.
Of course not. Not to mention the fact that what exactly is an iron microsphere suppose to do? You need massive amounts of molten iron from a thermite reaction to cut through vertical beams, not itty bitty spheres.

You need microspheres to go into the nano-thermate that you put into the miniature, unseen hush-a-boom charges.

I learned that in NWO school, as on the job training for being a paid government shill.

:lol: Apparently someone needs to have a little chat with your NWO teachers. ANY kind of thermite, thermate, nano thermwhatever doesn't use iron. Iron is a result of the reaction, not an ingredient. For any of the thermitic reactions you need iron oxide or rust. Now, if they had found nano-sized particals of pure aluminum which doesn't occur in nature much at all, I would have been suspicious. Aluminum oxide (the other byproduct of a thermite reaction along with the iron) is extremely common in nature.

BTW, you weren't suppose to use the official name of the charges. Hush-a-boom hasn't been trademarked yet by the NWO and they're worried about the licensing rights. :lol:

Gosh-darn-it, you've ruined everything. That was what was taught in disinfo 102 class. we're supposed to be spreading false crap to confuse them, or to get them out of pizza shops (Bermas) to scream into bullhorns all day.

And hush-a-boom is only the working name. Wait until you hear the really cool name they are getting trademarked! :cool:
The NIST is an organization that is a world renouned expert at structural failure. A news report where all the facts aren't given isn't exactly the same thing, especially when you have to pretend it says more than it does.
Yeah and it took a lowly high school teacher to correct a huge flaw about the freefall times of WTC 7 in which the still have no plausible explanation for.

Oh horse shit. the facade hit free fall for 2.25 seconds. After the inside of the building had already collapsed. Whup de fucking do. Do yourself a favor, get a life.
look asswipe, unlike you I dont pretend to know everything and pass myself off as an expert. Calling someone a dumbshit for admitting to not being an expert at something is classless but typical of you.
I don't pretend to know everything. I know my knowledge is limited. That is why I rely on true experts like Leslie Robertson.

And I called you a dumbshit because you refuse to learn. I thought I made that clear, but apparently dumbshits can't read too gud.

Mr. Jones said:
In my post I deferred to the "experts", and you responded.
David Chandler is hardly an expert.

Mr. Jones said:
So what makes you an "expert"?
It is straight up physics. Check the math. Check the science. The laws of physics can't be broken.

Mr. Jones said:
In your example above you estimate a tonnage per floor and average it out, leaving out the fact that the top half of the building is constructed in a tapered fashion, needing less robust columns and weight bearing materials, and therefore using less of it making your 2,727 tons per floor at velocity of 4.43 meters / second.
not even an accurate example.
:lol: Apparently your dumbshit skills are working overtime. I used numbers that were three fifths the normal quoted numbers just so dumbfucks like you wouldn't whine about the numbers being too big. BTW, velocity is a constant that has nothing to do with mass. A marble and a mountain will fall at the same velocity.

Mr. Jones said:
Careful with them emoticons. You're exposing your true nature again!

Mr. Jones said:
Moving along,
As you said-"Local structures fail as the collapse progresses, so pretending the upper section had to overcome this massive lower section all at once is just retarded."
And no where am I pretending the top half had to destroy the lower all at once, and you know it. :eusa_liar:
I didn't say you did. Chandler did, however. :lol:

Mr. Jones said:
What is retarded is pretending the weaker top block can crush through the stronger lower block in the amount of time it did.
Oh goodie! Now you ARE pretending the entire lower block is one unit! What a fucktard! :lol: So what, in your estimation, is a proper amount of time for a collapse to take place? Or are you just going off your retarded opinion of what you THINK should have happened? :lol: Remember, the floors weren't designed to hold anything but their own weight + the contents of the floor.

Mr. Jones said:
Tower’s columns tapered as they ascended.
Yes they did. And they're ONLY strong when perfectly vertical. What do you think happens when all that debris being forced down the mostly hollow core starts pushing those columns out of vertical?

Mr. Jones said:
Your critique of Chandler is noted and I will review what you say about the dynamic loads you say he leaves unaccounted, I have already found some refutations for his calculations here-

NMSR 9-11 'Truth' Resources: Chandler's Data Support a Gravitational Collapse!

but don't forget the NIST claims 200 "experts" and signatories to their report, and it was this Dr. Chandler, a simple high school physics teacher that properly corrected one major obfuscation of their report in where they completely left out the fact WTC 7 experienced freefall, this after Sunder claimed it was impossible because the structure had to have provided resistance.
And? The NIST final report didn't come out before they admitted free fall. The experts and signatories signed off on the final report. I don't know why you truthtards have such a hissy fit when a reputable agency admits fault and includes the relevant data in the report.

Mr. Jones said:
Getting back to it, ..even if all the great forces of energy you site were sound, (which I just showed in one example, may not be)
Except for the fact you ignored the weights used were 3/5ths normal and the height of the initial collapse was half or less of what it should be. :lol: The weights of the tapered columns isn't going to be THAT drastic. You're talking about 4" thick box columns 1' x 3' tapering up to 2" thick. How many tons do you think that really makes up?

Mr. Jones said:
it doesn't look like you are taking into account the fact that the top "block" had to overcome the resistance of the rigid lower "block", and that would not happen instantaneously. It would be met by an opposing force. The question seems to be if the dynamic loads in the top block was sufficient enough to cause the destruction as we saw it, in the short amount of time it occurred in.
I just showed you what the dynamic loads would be for 3/5ths weight and half height. Even at that amount the dynamic load was more than the core alone could take at that height, and the floors themselves would offer up almost no resistance at all.

Mr. Jones said:
The rigidity of the upper block of stories is crucial to this explanation. If the upper block were to break, disintegrate or flow on impact it would certainly not threaten the 92 intact floors beneath it.
Mass is mass. Physics doesn't differentiate between the size of the object or if you're talking about numerous small objects. Dropping a ton of ball bearings on something from a given height is going to release the EXACT same energy as a solid one ton block of steel.

Mr. Jones said:
Which clearly shows it did pulverize in the many videos.
I've never made the claim, nor would I, that the top structure either had to remain one mass to destroy the lower part or that it did remain one mass.

Mr. Jones said:
There was nothing special about the weight of the upper block, rigid or otherwise. The lower part of the Tower had held up this weight without difficulty since 1970. The lower block had 283 cold steel columns, with less than 30% of their total load capacity being utilized for gravity loads, because of the factors of safety designed into the structure and the need to withstand high winds—and gravity loads were essentially the only loads the columns would have been subject to on a day such as 9/11 with little wind. The lower block was not weak, nor (excluding stories 93-98) was it damaged by plane impact or fire.
Exactly. Except the "gravity loads" or static loads go right out the window as soon as the upper mass starts moving. Suddenly those static loads become many times what they were as the potential energy stored in the mass is converted back into kinetic energy. This weight can be expressed in foot pounds of pressure and it was many times what the core, much less the floors, were designed to withstand AND the core would be deformed as debris pushed the columns out of vertical.

Mr. Jones said:
The weight of the upper block posed no threat to it. If there were to be a threat, it had to come from the momentum of the upper block. But momentum is a product of mass and velocity, and since the upper block could not increase its mass it had to increase, if it were to become a threat, its velocity.

It looks like this study is referring to dynamic loads/force.

Much of the building fell off to the sides, as the debris field suggests, and pulverized, so the accumulation of its mass to provide the dynamic load is in question.
Again, pulverized mass is still mass. Also, as the collapse progressed, the mass of the floors below it were added to the mass of the upper floors, thus greatly increasing the mass even accounting for the debris that fell over the sides due to the resistance of the lower floors.

Mr. Jones said:
Since NIST’s theory assumes the only energy at play at this stage of events was gravitational, the upper block had to fall, and the greater its velocity the greater its momentum. The longer and the less impeded its fall, the greater would be its impact on the lower structure. So it is no surprise that the NIST authors, however shy they are about affirming it, eventually come out in favour of the falling of the upper block. [7]
Zdenek Bazant and Yong Zhou, with whose September 13, 2001 back-of-the-envelope theory (with subsequent revisions and additions) NIST largely agrees, have never hesitated to say that the upper block fell. [8] Bazant has likewise been frank about the need for severe impact as the upper and lower structures met: he believes the impact may have been powerful enough to have been recorded by seismometers. [9] In his view, collapse initiation of the lower structure required “one powerful jolt.”[10] Of course, if there was a powerful jolt to the lower structure there must also have been a powerful jolt to the upper falling structure, in accord with Newton’s Third Law.
What NIST essentially says, agreeing with Bazant, is that the lighter and weaker part initially fell with a powerful jolt onto the heavier and stronger part, which could not withstand its momentum, and that this caused a progressive collapse to initiate smashing the lower block to bits all the way to the ground.
And here Chandler is pretending the upper and lower pieces are solid blocks and NOT individual structures that make up the whole. You can't look at the lower section as one piece because loads cannot be redistributed anywhere near quickly enough to resist the collapse. Thus the collapse is localized as individual structures fail instead of the entire lower block as a whole.

Mr. Jones said:
The top half of the building was lighter and weaker as most tall buildings are built that way, as they increase in height.
The WTC Tower’s columns tapered as they ascended.
In summary, even if it was possible for their theory to stand up to scrutiny, which it doesn't, the top "block" would have had to overcome the lower blocks resistance, and the collapse would have taken considerably longer. As it stands we are faced with collapses that occurred in 10 to 18 seconds or there abouts.
The 9-11 commission endorses a figure of 10 secs.
Again, you cannot pretend the lower "block" is one object that can use every structure at once to resist the collapse. This is a MAJOR flaw in Chandler's work.

Mr. Jones said:
As Bazant has said, when the top part fell and struck the stories beneath it, there had to be a powerful jolt. While a jolt entails acceleration of the impacted object it requires deceleration of the impacting object. Even a hammer hitting a nail decelerates, and if the hammer is striking a strong, rigid body fixed to the earth its deceleration will be abrupt and dramatic.
Use a sledgehammer on the nail and it doesn't matter what you're nailing it into, you can do it in one blow and the sledgehammer won't even slow down. Again, Chandler is pretending the upper block is smaller than the lower block and pretending the entire block is one object. This is a logical falacy. The upper mass only has to overcome the resistance of the structures directly below it, not the entire resistance of the lower block. Thus the upper block is much larger than the structures it must immediately overcome. Lather, rinse, repeat until you hit the bottom, except by the time you hit the bottom you still have a good chunk of the entire building moving VERY fast (thus more energy) which obliterates everything. The total energy released by the collapse is a mindbogglingly large number.

Mr. Jones said:
I am also not trying to look at it the collapse as 12 floors falling onto 98 floors and figure that the 98 are greater than the 20 so would withstand the force. I think of it as 12 falling onto 1, then 13 falling onto 1, then 14 falling onto 1, then 15 falling onto 1, then 16 falling onto 1, and so on, this would take longer then 10 to 15 seconds, and this would take time.
And it did take time. But as the collapse increased in mass and velocity, the more energy was released to destroy the lower floors and the faster those floors would be destroyed.

Mr. Jones said:
And I am also taking into account the destruction of the top block as it hits the lower parts, pulverizes and falls away. Less mass, less dynamic energy/forces.
This is also a logical falacy. As the top part is destroyed, some of it's mass does fall away, but more mass takes it's place all the while the whole mess is accelerating, thus generating far MORE dynamic energy/forces.

Mr. Jones said:
We should expect to have a massive collapse but take much longer to complete.
Given your assumptions, I would agree with you. The problem is your assumptions are flawed. The dynamic energy does not decrease as the collapse progresses, but rapidly increases to the point where the resistance of the lower floors becomes insignificant. It is a vicious cycle of more mass and more velocity equaling more energy to destroy faster and add more mass and more velocity etc.
You need microspheres to go into the nano-thermate that you put into the miniature, unseen hush-a-boom charges.

I learned that in NWO school, as on the job training for being a paid government shill.

:lol: Apparently someone needs to have a little chat with your NWO teachers. ANY kind of thermite, thermate, nano thermwhatever doesn't use iron. Iron is a result of the reaction, not an ingredient. For any of the thermitic reactions you need iron oxide or rust. Now, if they had found nano-sized particals of pure aluminum which doesn't occur in nature much at all, I would have been suspicious. Aluminum oxide (the other byproduct of a thermite reaction along with the iron) is extremely common in nature.

BTW, you weren't suppose to use the official name of the charges. Hush-a-boom hasn't been trademarked yet by the NWO and they're worried about the licensing rights. :lol:

Gosh-darn-it, you've ruined everything. That was what was taught in disinfo 102 class. we're supposed to be spreading false crap to confuse them, or to get them out of pizza shops (Bermas) to scream into bullhorns all day.

And hush-a-boom is only the working name. Wait until you hear the really cool name they are getting trademarked! :cool:

Why do I never get the cool memos?
:lol: Apparently someone needs to have a little chat with your NWO teachers. ANY kind of thermite, thermate, nano thermwhatever doesn't use iron. Iron is a result of the reaction, not an ingredient. For any of the thermitic reactions you need iron oxide or rust. Now, if they had found nano-sized particals of pure aluminum which doesn't occur in nature much at all, I would have been suspicious. Aluminum oxide (the other byproduct of a thermite reaction along with the iron) is extremely common in nature.

BTW, you weren't suppose to use the official name of the charges. Hush-a-boom hasn't been trademarked yet by the NWO and they're worried about the licensing rights. :lol:

Gosh-darn-it, you've ruined everything. That was what was taught in disinfo 102 class. we're supposed to be spreading false crap to confuse them, or to get them out of pizza shops (Bermas) to scream into bullhorns all day.

And hush-a-boom is only the working name. Wait until you hear the really cool name they are getting trademarked! :cool:

Why do I never get the cool memos?

You guys in the cubicles by the windows don't need memos. You're supposed to read the sky writing....
Gosh-darn-it, you've ruined everything. That was what was taught in disinfo 102 class. we're supposed to be spreading false crap to confuse them, or to get them out of pizza shops (Bermas) to scream into bullhorns all day.

And hush-a-boom is only the working name. Wait until you hear the really cool name they are getting trademarked! :cool:

Why do I never get the cool memos?

You guys in the cubicles by the windows don't need memos. You're supposed to read the sky writing....

That is why we window guys took out WTC 7. It was blocking our view of the sky. :lol:
Why do I never get the cool memos?

You guys in the cubicles by the windows don't need memos. You're supposed to read the sky writing....

That is why we window guys took out WTC 7. It was blocking our view of the sky. :lol:

:clap2: :clap2:

Well played, my good fellow!

The Freedom Repressing Board Software That Must Have Been Written By Halliburton On Orders From The Builderburgs said:
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Patriot911 again.
Gosh-darn-it, you've ruined everything. That was what was taught in disinfo 102 class. we're supposed to be spreading false crap to confuse them, or to get them out of pizza shops (Bermas) to scream into bullhorns all day.

And hush-a-boom is only the working name. Wait until you hear the really cool name they are getting trademarked! :cool:

Why do I never get the cool memos?

You guys in the cubicles by the windows don't need memos. You're supposed to read the sky writing....

:lol: :lol:

The newbies never learn, do they?

The Terrible Board Software That Should Have Holographic Airliners Crashed Into It said:
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to SFC Ollie again.
The NIST is an organization that is a world renouned expert at structural failure. A news report where all the facts aren't given isn't exactly the same thing, especially when you have to pretend it says more than it does.
Yeah and it took a lowly high school teacher to correct a huge flaw about the freefall times of WTC 7 in which the still have no plausible explanation for.

Oh horse shit. the facade hit free fall for 2.25 seconds. After the inside of the building had already collapsed. Whup de fucking do. Do yourself a favor, get a life.
This is a fact that the experts at NIST dismissed, and should be embarrassed about. Did they just make a mistake or purposefully disregard this in the years they were supposed to be analyzing the WTC 7 collapses?
If it was a mistake, it goes to show you that even the most renowned experts fuck up at times, or the most trusted of sources can use their authority to deceive.
Yeah and it took a lowly high school teacher to correct a huge flaw about the freefall times of WTC 7 in which the still have no plausible explanation for.

Oh horse shit. the facade hit free fall for 2.25 seconds. After the inside of the building had already collapsed. Whup de fucking do. Do yourself a favor, get a life.
This is a fact that the experts at NIST dismissed, and should be embarrassed about. Did they just make a mistake or purposefully disregard this in the years they were supposed to be analyzing the WTC 7 collapses?
If it was a mistake, it goes to show you that even the most renowned experts fuck up at times, or the most trusted of sources can use their authority to deceive.

The acceleration at freefall rates of the collapse for 2.25 seconds of the entire collapse did not change any of their findings and theories as to the collapse itself. It still started the same way. It still progressed the same way. By the time the outer walls fell, there was no way for the collapse to arrest itself as many of the internal structures were already either compromised or already collapsed.
Oh horse shit. the facade hit free fall for 2.25 seconds. After the inside of the building had already collapsed. Whup de fucking do. Do yourself a favor, get a life.
This is a fact that the experts at NIST dismissed, and should be embarrassed about. Did they just make a mistake or purposefully disregard this in the years they were supposed to be analyzing the WTC 7 collapses?
If it was a mistake, it goes to show you that even the most renowned experts fuck up at times, or the most trusted of sources can use their authority to deceive.

The acceleration at freefall rates of the collapse for 2.25 seconds of the entire collapse did not change any of their findings and theories as to the collapse itself. It still started the same way. It still progressed the same way. By the time the outer walls fell, there was no way for the collapse to arrest itself as many of the internal structures were already either compromised or already collapsed.

So the entire inner structure fell.. silently.. and completely, all behind the facade.. causing no apparent damage or distortion to the facade...and you can prove these theories how ??
This is a fact that the experts at NIST dismissed, and should be embarrassed about. Did they just make a mistake or purposefully disregard this in the years they were supposed to be analyzing the WTC 7 collapses?
If it was a mistake, it goes to show you that even the most renowned experts fuck up at times, or the most trusted of sources can use their authority to deceive.

The acceleration at freefall rates of the collapse for 2.25 seconds of the entire collapse did not change any of their findings and theories as to the collapse itself. It still started the same way. It still progressed the same way. By the time the outer walls fell, there was no way for the collapse to arrest itself as many of the internal structures were already either compromised or already collapsed.

So the entire inner structure fell.. silently.. and completely, all behind the facade.. causing no apparent damage or distortion to the facade...and you can prove these theories how ??

By the simple fact that none of you owners of "THE TRUTH"TM (patent pending) can produce a single tape or video with any controlled demolition sounds on them.
The acceleration at freefall rates of the collapse for 2.25 seconds of the entire collapse did not change any of their findings and theories as to the collapse itself. It still started the same way. It still progressed the same way. By the time the outer walls fell, there was no way for the collapse to arrest itself as many of the internal structures were already either compromised or already collapsed.

So the entire inner structure fell.. silently.. and completely, all behind the facade.. causing no apparent damage or distortion to the facade...and you can prove these theories how ??

By the simple fact that none of you owners of "THE TRUTH"TM (patent pending) can produce a single tape or video with any controlled demolition sounds on them.

do you have a tape of the inner structure falling within the facade or of the sound of the inner structure collapsing before the facade ? or is this wacky theory all you have ?
So the entire inner structure fell.. silently.. and completely, all behind the facade.. causing no apparent damage or distortion to the facade...and you can prove these theories how ??

By the simple fact that none of you owners of "THE TRUTH"TM (patent pending) can produce a single tape or video with any controlled demolition sounds on them.

do you have a tape of the inner structure falling within the facade or of the sound of the inner structure collapsing before the facade ? or is this wacky theory all you have ?

Please let me and the rest of the group know how to produce the sounds of explosives that did not exist. As soon as you can provide this, we will make up tapes of non existent explosives.


Agent Rattius Hattus, NWO paid shill, disinfo division.
So the entire inner structure fell.. silently.. and completely, all behind the facade.. causing no apparent damage or distortion to the facade...and you can prove these theories how ??

By the simple fact that none of you owners of "THE TRUTH"TM (patent pending) can produce a single tape or video with any controlled demolition sounds on them.

do you have a tape of the inner structure falling within the facade or of the sound of the inner structure collapsing before the facade ? or is this wacky theory all you have ?

Oh, one last thing, eotus retardus, in a little over 3 months, your little TRUTHtm movement will be swept into the dustbin of history.

In 1 decade, you have managed to convince less than 2000 people of your little "conspiracy".

Jim Jones and David Koresh managed to get over 1000 converts in less than 1 year each. And they were more nuts than Dylan Avery, Jason Bermas, Judy Woods, Richard Gage, Jesse Ventura, and both Steven & Alex Jones, COMBINED!!
Lest we forget....


[ame=]YouTube - ‪9/11 Simple Experiment‬‏[/ame]

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