Victims' Families Want To Air New 9/11 Truth Ad

So, Jones.... when are you going to present us with one piece of real evidence or admit you're nothing but a lowlife liar? People are starting to wonder by now why you haven't been able to produce what you have repeatedly claimed to have.

people ? what people ?...the people I know think you are a disgusting troll that has zero evidence to support your theories
Yes of course there are deniers of Jones and co, they are addressed here.
Debunking the Debunkers: Super-Duper Thermite: A Year in Review

Debunking the Debunkers: Thermite Denial - A Year in Review

As far as I know there have been no peer reviewed published rebuttals concerning the Jones paper. This is one of many things I would like to see debated in a new investigation.
But lets remember, this is only one part of the whole concerning 9-11, there are many other parts of it that the OCT does not add up, make sense, or even been acknowledged. The people that are against a new investigation befuddle me, as I don't understand what the hell they have against possibly finding out what really happened, or how the political connections and imperialistic military aspirations and policies played a role in the deaths of the victims, and the subsequent deaths of many of our military personnel whose lives were cut short because of lies.
Not to mention the innocent civilians who were murdered, many for sport.
Why not stand up for your country and freedoms, instead of taking on faith, the words of known proven liars, whose policies are destroying our way of life and what America is supposed to be for all of us? The lies in the OCT are shown to exist thanks to the many whistle blowers and researchers, and witnesses whose findings make sense, and add up.

Well, I think we can play this "debunker" game all day. Nothing in the links you posted convinced me of anything. Nothing in the links that I posted for you convinced you of anything. It all boils down to who we find to be credible.
Every claim has been debunked. Then that debunked claim gets debunked. At some level, facts have to be seen as facts. Neither of us, apparently, are going to concede the others "facts".

Are you kidding, they will even tell you that those were not the right planes that we all saw hit the towers, that those planes landed safely in Cleveland......... God only knows where the people are today.....

Well, that's true. That is one of those subjects that is beyond debate. But, Mr. Jones hasn't made that claim, at least not as far as I know.
I HOPE that we all agree that commercial planes where used on that day and that the people on them actually died in those crashes. I know there is still debate about the Pentagon and Pennsylvania. But, I've heard all the evidence I need to convince me of those crashes.
So you are implying that the perimeter columns had no trusses connected to them to support the floors??
Therefore were not important to holding up the buildings loads??
The 47 core columns held up approximately 60% of the vertical load, and the 244 perimeter columns distributed the remaining 40% across the four walls, 10% per wall.

One aspect of engineering that is not widely understood is that structures are over-engineered as a matter of standard practice. 7 Steel structures like bridges and buildings are typically designed to withstand five times anticipated static loads and 3 times anticipated dynamic loads. The anticipated loads are the largest ones expected during the life of the structure, like the worst hurricane or earthquake occurring while the floors are packed with standing-room-only crowds. Given that September 11th was not a windy day, and that there were not throngs of people in the upper floors, the critical load ratio was probably well over 10, meaning that more than nine-tenths of the columns at the same level would have to fail before the weight of the top could have overcome the support capacity of the remaining columns. (at the same time by fire temps, to allow a no resistance scenario, and collapse sequentially in 9-11 secs)

There is evidence that the Twin Towers were designed with an even greater measure of reserve strength than typical large buildings. According to the 1964 white paper cited above, a Tower would still be able to withstand a 100-mile-per-hour wind after all the perimeter columns on one face and some of the columns on each adjacent face had been cut. 8 Also, John Skilling is cited by the Engineering News Record for the claim that "live loads on these [perimeter] columns can be increased more than 2000% before failure occurs." 9
9-11 Research: Towers' Design Parameters

What are live loads??
Live Loads are not permanent and can change in magnitude. They include items found within a building such as furniture, pianos, safes, people, books, cars, computers, machinery, or stored materials, as well as environmental effects such as loads due to the sun, earth or weather. Wind and earthquakes loads are put into the special category of lateral live loads due to the severity of their action upon a building and their potential to cause failure.
Lecture 17: Primary Loads

Here is more on what a live load is and what it is not-

Can you imagine someone building the tower for a 2000% wind load?? Above its already designed 200mph rating? Get real man, he isn't talking about the fucking wind! 1000s of mph winds? Pft :cuckoo:

So the argument goes like this...The NIST did not provide any calculation in which safety factors, and material strength and composition was taken into account. Namely tensile strength, and the 2 forces colliding against each other, and the subsequent resistance the falling part would have met.
They simply state the lower portions only provided minimal resistance, so they fell "essentially at free fall speeds", and estimating 11 and 9 seconds..And walk away.
You again have provided no proof that NIST was at all accurate, or had any strong indisputable evidence or proof that they are correct, in their assumptions.
I have provided a list of rebuttals and articles that provide evidence
of credible counter points by researchers, not only about NIST but about other parts of the 9-11 attacks. Proof and evidence, in those links what more do you need, and what points are you trying to make?? :cuckoo:
You only continue to point out the obvious deficiencies in their report?

So you think that these:

Should have resisted this:

I get it now.


Lol, it's not as simple as that, though you try to make it seem as though it is. You have done nothing to prove your point Gamolon.
You have still not posted anything that NIST said, that is indisputable. You haven't shown us why those many trusses all failed at the same time other then just a explanation as to how the NIST is correct in determining "minimal resistance, leading to essentially free fall speeds"

Three things.

1. I have proved my point. The perimeter column floor truss connections are in no way designed to handle the downward force of that upper assembly (better than using "block" yes?) coming down on them. The mass of the upper assembly came down on the floor which transferred the load to the truss connections which sheared/bent them. That is a fact that you can't deny.

That's why, at :11 sec of this next video, you see the perimeter columns peel away from the tower proper. It's that simple. That's what happened. Video evidence to prove it.

[ame=]YouTube - ‪WTC2 Perimeter Peel‬‏[/ame]

2. So your saying that the 61 perimeter column truss connections are supposed to resist the assembly coming down on them??? You're nuts. Take that to a structural engineer and have them explain it to you. THEY'LL tell you your nuts.

3. As has been explained to you, 9 and 11 seconds was the time it took the first panel assemble to hit the ground NOT the elapsed time for the towers to be completely destroyed. Get it straight.
So you think that these:

Should have resisted this:

I get it now.


Lol, it's not as simple as that, though you try to make it seem as though it is. You have done nothing to prove your point Gamolon.
You have still not posted anything that NIST said, that is indisputable. You haven't shown us why those many trusses all failed at the same time other then just a explanation as to how the NIST is correct in determining "minimal resistance, leading to essentially free fall speeds"

Three things.

1. I have proved my point. The perimeter column floor truss connections are in no way designed to handle the downward force of that upper assembly (better than using "block" yes?) coming down on them. The mass of the upper assembly came down on the floor which transferred the load to the truss connections which sheared/bent them. That is a fact that you can't deny.

That's why, at :11 sec of this next video, you see the perimeter columns peel away from the tower proper. It's that simple. That's what happened. Video evidence to prove it.

[ame=]YouTube - ‪WTC2 Perimeter Peel‬‏[/ame]

Last edited:

Yes of course there are deniers of Jones and co, they are addressed here.
Debunking the Debunkers: Super-Duper Thermite: A Year in Review

Debunking the Debunkers: Thermite Denial - A Year in Review

As far as I know there have been no peer reviewed published rebuttals concerning the Jones paper. This is one of many things I would like to see debated in a new investigation.
But lets remember, this is only one part of the whole concerning 9-11, there are many other parts of it that the OCT does not add up, make sense, or even been acknowledged. The people that are against a new investigation befuddle me, as I don't understand what the hell they have against possibly finding out what really happened, or how the political connections and imperialistic military aspirations and policies played a role in the deaths of the victims, and the subsequent deaths of many of our military personnel whose lives were cut short because of lies.
Not to mention the innocent civilians who were murdered, many for sport.
Why not stand up for your country and freedoms, instead of taking on faith, the words of known proven liars, whose policies are destroying our way of life and what America is supposed to be for all of us? The lies in the OCT are shown to exist thanks to the many whistle blowers and researchers, and witnesses whose findings make sense, and add up.

Well, I think we can play this "debunker" game all day. Nothing in the links you posted convinced me of anything. Nothing in the links that I posted for you convinced you of anything. It all boils down to who we find to be credible.
Every claim has been debunked. Then that debunked claim gets debunked. At some level, facts have to be seen as facts. Neither of us, apparently, are going to concede the others "facts".

The point in all of this is, that there IS credible proof, and evidence that reputable intellectuals provide, from scientists, engineers, military, whistle blowers, and more, from all walks of life, that counter the theories of NIST and others, with respect to 9-11.
They clearly prove that what they have uncovered in their research, that the events of 9-11 as told by the government and its agencies are incorrect, and that a new investigation is warranted.
No one on here, has been able to provide any evidence that shows NIST has made an indisputable finding as to what, or how the buildings collapsed.
I have posted links to various people who have countered the OCT, have provided witnesses, and calculations in those links.
If people are stubborn and want to say there is no evidence or proof they are wrong, as I have shown that there is.
What part of first external panels is so hard to understand? You can see them in the videos way ahead of the collapse.

Save yourself the trouble Ollie and please go to reading the thermite links I took the time to provide for you, or you can post what NIST should have estimated for collapse times instead, and explain for them why only minimal resistance should have been expected without taking other considerations into account.

Nope, if you are so ignorant that you refuse to accept what everyone in the world can see, then there is no hope for you. Not one of us can help you, you will remain ignorant and in fear for eternity. So sad.......

Your appeal is a fallacy
Ad populum
Definition: The Latin name of this fallacy means "to the people." There are several versions of the ad populum fallacy, but what they all have in common is that in them, the arguer takes advantage of the desire most people have to be liked and to fit in with others and uses that desire to try to get the audience to accept his or her argument. One of the most common versions is the bandwagon fallacy, in which the arguer tries to convince the audience to do or believe something because everyone else (supposedly) does.

You people have a desire to run with the crowd, thus your comment is a common one used to avoid the facts that have been presented to you.
You have shown a willful ignorance to anything that has been presented, and have provided no reasonable opinions other then your appeal to authority and the "bandwagon' mentality.
Lol, it's not as simple as that, though you try to make it seem as though it is. You have done nothing to prove your point Gamolon.
You have still not posted anything that NIST said, that is indisputable. You haven't shown us why those many trusses all failed at the same time other then just a explanation as to how the NIST is correct in determining "minimal resistance, leading to essentially free fall speeds"

Three things.

1. I have proved my point. The perimeter column floor truss connections are in no way designed to handle the downward force of that upper assembly (better than using "block" yes?) coming down on them. The mass of the upper assembly came down on the floor which transferred the load to the truss connections which sheared/bent them. That is a fact that you can't deny.

That's why, at :11 sec of this next video, you see the perimeter columns peel away from the tower proper. It's that simple. That's what happened. Video evidence to prove it.

[ame=]YouTube - ‪WTC2 Perimeter Peel‬‏[/ame]


This is a guess that leaves out many variables, and has been shown and proven by calculations from expert engineers to be false, and not likely to happen in the amount of time NIST estimated. But Gamolon seems to not want to take those calculations and facts and use them in any debate. He thinks that the weight on a few truss supports, and the deceiving pictures explains everything :lol:
He still hasn't even said by how much NIST was wrong in their estimation of the collapse times, if he ever does, perhaps he can notify NIST and have them make corrections, like Mr. Chandler did in regards to the free fall time of WTC 7.
Until then the NIST theory remains debunked and rebuked, with serious flaws, and he has proven nothing, only what we already knew.
Three things.

1. I have proved my point. The perimeter column floor truss connections are in no way designed to handle the downward force of that upper assembly (better than using "block" yes?) coming down on them. The mass of the upper assembly came down on the floor which transferred the load to the truss connections which sheared/bent them. That is a fact that you can't deny.

That's why, at :11 sec of this next video, you see the perimeter columns peel away from the tower proper. It's that simple. That's what happened. Video evidence to prove it.

YouTube - ‪WTC2 Perimeter Peel‬‏


This is a guess that leaves out many variables, and has been shown and proven by calculations from expert engineers to be false, and not likely to happen in the amount of time NIST estimated. But Gamolon seems to not want to take those calculations and facts and use them in any debate. He thinks that the weight on a few truss supports, and the deceiving pictures explains everything :lol:
He still hasn't even said by how much NIST was wrong in their estimation of the collapse times, if he ever does, perhaps he can notify NIST and have them make corrections, like Mr. Chandler did in regards to the free fall time of WTC 7.
Until then the NIST theory remains debunked and rebuked, with serious flaws, and he has proven nothing, only what we already knew.

So you think that these:

Should have resisted this:

I get it now.


Lol, it's not as simple as that, though you try to make it seem as though it is. You have done nothing to prove your point Gamolon.
You have still not posted anything that NIST said, that is indisputable. You haven't shown us why those many trusses all failed at the same time other then just a explanation as to how the NIST is correct in determining "minimal resistance, leading to essentially free fall speeds"

Three things.

1. I have proved my point. The perimeter column floor truss connections are in no way designed to handle the downward force of that upper assembly (better than using "block" yes?) coming down on them. The mass of the upper assembly came down on the floor which transferred the load to the truss connections which sheared/bent them. That is a fact that you can't deny.

That's why, at :11 sec of this next video, you see the perimeter columns peel away from the tower proper. It's that simple. That's what happened. Video evidence to prove it.

[ame=]YouTube - ‪WTC2 Perimeter Peel‬‏[/ame]

2. So your saying that the 61 perimeter column truss connections are supposed to resist the assembly coming down on them??? You're nuts. Take that to a structural engineer and have them explain it to you. THEY'LL tell you your nuts.

3. As has been explained to you, 9 and 11 seconds was the time it took the first panel assemble to hit the ground NOT the elapsed time for the towers to be completely destroyed. Get it straight.

You still haven't shown us why all the trusses failed in such a short amount of time, nor taken into consideration anything I have said, in all the prior postings!
You simply post a picture, of a few truss supports and the top half of one of the towers and want us to assume that is what happened, when there is a lot more to it then that.
No consideration of the mass that fell over the sides and was pulverized, therefore can't be used to calculate, weight/mass/kinetic energy properly in your failed explanation.
Also no real proof that can't be disputed is provided, to even begin to explain what initiated the collapses.
Sorry dude you failed, and only repeated what has been rebuked already.

"Condemnation without investigation is the highest form of ignorance."
The point in all of this is, that there IS credible proof, and evidence that reputable intellectuals provide, from scientists, engineers, military, whistle blowers, and more, from all walks of life, that counter the theories of NIST and others, with respect to 9-11.
They clearly prove that what they have uncovered in their research, that the events of 9-11 as told by the government and its agencies are incorrect, and that a new investigation is warranted.
No one on here, has been able to provide any evidence that shows NIST has made an indisputable finding as to what, or how the buildings collapsed.
I have posted links to various people who have countered the OCT, have provided witnesses, and calculations in those links.
If people are stubborn and want to say there is no evidence or proof they are wrong, as I have shown that there is.
Well, there's where we differ. You are calling all the "other" claims proof. While you call NIST claims theory. NIST is the one that compiled their report from people that were on that site. Touched those beams & saw the scattering of those buildings. They didn't sit in a conference room and "guess" what happened. They did the best they could with the evidence that they had. There were mistakes, there were things they left out. NOBODY knows or can know every single detail that took place while those buildings were failing. Especially not people that are doing all their work on what they think buildings SHOULD look like when they fail.
You say that nobody can prove that NISTs claims are indisputable. Again, we are back to who we find credible!
Last edited:
Well, I think we can play this "debunker" game all day. Nothing in the links you posted convinced me of anything. Nothing in the links that I posted for you convinced you of anything. It all boils down to who we find to be credible.
Every claim has been debunked. Then that debunked claim gets debunked. At some level, facts have to be seen as facts. Neither of us, apparently, are going to concede the others "facts".

Are you kidding, they will even tell you that those were not the right planes that we all saw hit the towers, that those planes landed safely in Cleveland......... God only knows where the people are today.....

Well, that's true. That is one of those subjects that is beyond debate. But, Mr. Jones hasn't made that claim, at least not as far as I know.
I HOPE that we all agree that commercial planes where used on that day and that the people on them actually died in those crashes. I know there is still debate about the Pentagon and Pennsylvania. But, I've heard all the evidence I need to convince me of those crashes.

Actually he does allude to that theory in a manner of speaking in this post:
Save yourself the trouble Ollie and please go to reading the thermite links I took the time to provide for you, or you can post what NIST should have estimated for collapse times instead, and explain for them why only minimal resistance should have been expected without taking other considerations into account.

Nope, if you are so ignorant that you refuse to accept what everyone in the world can see, then there is no hope for you. Not one of us can help you, you will remain ignorant and in fear for eternity. So sad.......

Your appeal is a fallacy
Ad populum
Definition: The Latin name of this fallacy means "to the people." There are several versions of the ad populum fallacy, but what they all have in common is that in them, the arguer takes advantage of the desire most people have to be liked and to fit in with others and uses that desire to try to get the audience to accept his or her argument. One of the most common versions is the bandwagon fallacy, in which the arguer tries to convince the audience to do or believe something because everyone else (supposedly) does.

You people have a desire to run with the crowd, thus your comment is a common one used to avoid the facts that have been presented to you.
You have shown a willful ignorance to anything that has been presented, and have provided no reasonable opinions other then your appeal to authority and the "bandwagon' mentality.

Oh horse shit. You want to believe that NIST says the towers fell in 9 to 11 seconds, you go right on believing that. The only person who looks like an idiot is you. If you cannot see the parts of the building falling ahead of the collapse then you truly are in need of professional help.
Well, I think we can play this "debunker" game all day. Nothing in the links you posted convinced me of anything. Nothing in the links that I posted for you convinced you of anything. It all boils down to who we find to be credible.
Every claim has been debunked. Then that debunked claim gets debunked. At some level, facts have to be seen as facts. Neither of us, apparently, are going to concede the others "facts".

Are you kidding, they will even tell you that those were not the right planes that we all saw hit the towers, that those planes landed safely in Cleveland......... God only knows where the people are today.....

Well, that's true. That is one of those subjects that is beyond debate. But, Mr. Jones hasn't made that claim, at least not as far as I know.
I HOPE that we all agree that commercial planes where used on that day and that the people on them actually died in those crashes. I know there is still debate about the Pentagon and Pennsylvania. But, I've heard all the evidence I need to convince me of those crashes.
Now Ollie is resorting to strawman fallacy arguments, and generalizing because he has lost the ability to say anything intelligent.
I for one have never made such a crazy claim, I have shown you all the links to the sources that have disputes with the OCT, I have shown you proof of the evidence that exists that counters NIST and the governments version.
I believed the OS when it first happened, but I'll be damned if I will sit around and not speak out when I am clearly being lied to, and if anybody thinks the OCT is the undisputed truth, post your damned evidence, and I can guarantee you there will be a problem with it.
Do you people seriously think, that after all the flaws have been found in the OCT from all the many different, credible sources, that it can possibly be true and stand up to scrutiny?
If so, then it is you people that live in a fantasy world and subscribe to the most outrageous conspiracy theory ever foisted on the American public, and you should have your asses debrainwashed.

I can understand the denial process, I really can as I myself experienced it, but when these MFKERS continue to try to use their positions of power and authority to make us look like total fucking clueless imbeciles, that's it man, I call it for what it is and that is BS!

Look around, read your history, and witness how bad Americans ( and the rest of the world) have been fucked over for decades, If you insist on not wanting to believe what has been done, STFU, and at least let people who are aware of the atrocities use their rights to speak out, and try to hold the lying fucks accountable.
Are you kidding, they will even tell you that those were not the right planes that we all saw hit the towers, that those planes landed safely in Cleveland......... God only knows where the people are today.....

Well, that's true. That is one of those subjects that is beyond debate. But, Mr. Jones hasn't made that claim, at least not as far as I know.
I HOPE that we all agree that commercial planes where used on that day and that the people on them actually died in those crashes. I know there is still debate about the Pentagon and Pennsylvania. But, I've heard all the evidence I need to convince me of those crashes.

Actually he does allude to that theory in a manner of speaking in this post:

Why don't you be a man and quote me directly Ollie? You are embarrassing yourself by reaching in your ass and pulling pure shit out now. :lol:
Nope, if you are so ignorant that you refuse to accept what everyone in the world can see, then there is no hope for you. Not one of us can help you, you will remain ignorant and in fear for eternity. So sad.......

Your appeal is a fallacy
Ad populum
Definition: The Latin name of this fallacy means "to the people." There are several versions of the ad populum fallacy, but what they all have in common is that in them, the arguer takes advantage of the desire most people have to be liked and to fit in with others and uses that desire to try to get the audience to accept his or her argument. One of the most common versions is the bandwagon fallacy, in which the arguer tries to convince the audience to do or believe something because everyone else (supposedly) does.

You people have a desire to run with the crowd, thus your comment is a common one used to avoid the facts that have been presented to you.
You have shown a willful ignorance to anything that has been presented, and have provided no reasonable opinions other then your appeal to authority and the "bandwagon' mentality.

Oh horse shit. You want to believe that NIST says the towers fell in 9 to 11 seconds, you go right on believing that. The only person who looks like an idiot is you. If you cannot see the parts of the building falling ahead of the collapse then you truly are in need of professional help.

I believe NIST is wrong and flat out lied in many instances about the collapses. NIST has an estimate for collapse times, that you all posted, and they claim that those times occurred because the towers "provided minimal resistance" without even explaining why.
So why don't you tell us what NIST should have estimated those times to be?? Instead of making up lies about me, and begging for us to believe you about anything because in your opinion" the whole world believes NIST" and the OCT. :lol:
The point in all of this is, that there IS credible proof, and evidence that reputable intellectuals provide, from scientists, engineers, military, whistle blowers, and more, from all walks of life, that counter the theories of NIST and others, with respect to 9-11.
They clearly prove that what they have uncovered in their research, that the events of 9-11 as told by the government and its agencies are incorrect, and that a new investigation is warranted.
No one on here, has been able to provide any evidence that shows NIST has made an indisputable finding as to what, or how the buildings collapsed.
I have posted links to various people who have countered the OCT, have provided witnesses, and calculations in those links.
If people are stubborn and want to say there is no evidence or proof they are wrong, as I have shown that there is.
Well, there's where we differ. You are calling all the "other" claims proof. While you call NIST claims theory. NIST is the one that compiled their report from people that were on that site. Touched those beams & saw the scattering of those buildings. They didn't sit in a conference room and "guess" what happened.


They did the best they could with the evidence that they had. There were mistakes, there were things they left out. NOBODY knows or can know every single detail that took place while those buildings were failing. Especially not people that are doing all their work on what they think buildings SHOULD look like when they fail.


You say that nobody can prove that NISTs claims are indisputable. Again, we are back to who we find credible!

Well, that's true. That is one of those subjects that is beyond debate. But, Mr. Jones hasn't made that claim, at least not as far as I know.
I HOPE that we all agree that commercial planes where used on that day and that the people on them actually died in those crashes. I know there is still debate about the Pentagon and Pennsylvania. But, I've heard all the evidence I need to convince me of those crashes.

Actually he does allude to that theory in a manner of speaking in this post:

Why don't you be a man and quote me directly Ollie? You are embarrassing yourself by reaching in your ass and pulling pure shit out now. :lol:

Do you deny that you posted this as part of your argument?

United 93 Still Airborne After Alleged Crash - According To ATC/Radar
04/28/09 ( - Recently it has been brought to our attention that Air Traffic Control (ATC) transcripts reveal United 93 as being airborne after it's alleged crash. Similar scenarios have been offered with regard to American 77 and American 11 showing an aircraft target continuing past its alleged crash point in the case of American 11, or past the turn-around point in the case of American 77. However, both these issues can be easily explained by "Coast Mode" radar tracking. This is not the case with United 93.
Full Article Here
-By Gordon Ross

Don't doubt me numb nuts...... I certainly didn't make it up....
Your appeal is a fallacy
Ad populum
Definition: The Latin name of this fallacy means "to the people." There are several versions of the ad populum fallacy, but what they all have in common is that in them, the arguer takes advantage of the desire most people have to be liked and to fit in with others and uses that desire to try to get the audience to accept his or her argument. One of the most common versions is the bandwagon fallacy, in which the arguer tries to convince the audience to do or believe something because everyone else (supposedly) does.

You people have a desire to run with the crowd, thus your comment is a common one used to avoid the facts that have been presented to you.
You have shown a willful ignorance to anything that has been presented, and have provided no reasonable opinions other then your appeal to authority and the "bandwagon' mentality.

Oh horse shit. You want to believe that NIST says the towers fell in 9 to 11 seconds, you go right on believing that. The only person who looks like an idiot is you. If you cannot see the parts of the building falling ahead of the collapse then you truly are in need of professional help.

I believe NIST is wrong and flat out lied in many instances about the collapses. NIST has an estimate for collapse times, that you all posted, and they claim that those times occurred because the towers "provided minimal resistance" without even explaining why.
So why don't you tell us what NIST should have estimated those times to be?? Instead of making up lies about me, and begging for us to believe you about anything because in your opinion" the whole world believes NIST" and the OCT. :lol:

NIST did that for you, if you only read a little bit more than what your handlers want you to.

From video evidence, significant portions of the cores of both buildings (roughly 60 stories of WTC 1 and 40 stories of WTC 2) are known to have stood 15 to 25 seconds after collapse initiation before they, too, began to collapse. Neither the duration of the seismic records nor video evidence (due to obstruction of view caused by debris clouds) are reliable indicators of the total time it took for each building to collapse completely.

NIST's Investigation of the Sept. 11 World Trade Center Disaster - Frequently Asked Questions

Now i know you have a hard time understanding all this so I'll tell you again.

The 9 and 11 second time periods were for the first unobstructed pieces of the buildings to hit the ground. The buildings were still collapsing at this time, and didn't finish collapsing for at least another 15 to 25 seconds.....

It's soooo simple.

You can see the pieces that hit the ground first in most videos.

[ame=]YouTube - ‪9/11: South Tower "Collapse" video compilation‬‏[/ame]
Curious, say you get a new investigation -- who should perform the investigation? I'd like to know who you think is qualified.

That is a good question. Because, apparently, there is a "vast power that the government has over the researchers who have contrary theories"(quote from Mr. Jones). So, using that premise, who could possibly do this investigation? If a committee WAS established, that had no government ties, & where all independent researchers, scientists, & engineers, would that be good enough? I don't believe it would. As soon as the committee submitted a report that didn't align with their claims, all we would hear is "the government (or some element of) derailed the investigation!!" You can't keep moving the goal post back when you don't like the answer.
I have already had this conversation with Mr. Jones. Although, I don't think he ever addressed this question.

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