Victims' Families Want To Air New 9/11 Truth Ad

So you want a former NASA enginer and a former NIST engineer - but do you accept them for their credentials or do you except them for what the say?

Have Deets or Quintiere published on the subject?

Quintiere has, but neither eots nor Jones accept his conclusions. They like him because he has credentials and questions the NIST report. Eots is only looking for someone people would find credible to whine for his new investigation. They would never accept his conclusions though because he doesn't believe the controlled demolition theories.

his conclusion was the investigation was blocked and fact finding deterred and a independent fact driven re-investigation is required...something you can not seem to except

At least I am intelligent enough to understand and use the English language. That is something you cannot accept either. ;-)

Quintiere has his opinions. He has no evidence to back them up. He believes his own theory more than the NIST theory and the NIST theory more than the bullshit theories of you lowlifes and your controlled demolition. Him being in charge of a new investigation would only produce a result you and your fellow retards could not and will not live with. Thus you will demand a new NEW investigation, this time with Alex Jones, Richard Gage, and Judy Woods leading the investigation just to insure yourselves SOMEONE will validate you and your theories. It would be meaningless because none of the above have any kind of real world credibility. Not only that, but Jones, Gage, and Woods have differing theories. They would have to agree and that is something truthtards are notoriously bad at.

So I'm still waiting for one real piece of evidence from you, eots. You've already been caught lying your ass off once. Care to finally be a man and admit you were doing so about evidence as well?
Quintiere has, but neither eots nor Jones accept his conclusions. They like him because he has credentials and questions the NIST report. Eots is only looking for someone people would find credible to whine for his new investigation. They would never accept his conclusions though because he doesn't believe the controlled demolition theories.

his conclusion was the investigation was blocked and fact finding deterred and a independent fact driven re-investigation is required...something you can not seem to except

At least I am intelligent enough to understand and use the English language. That is something you cannot accept either. ;-)

Quintiere has his opinions. He has no evidence to back them up. He believes his own theory more than the NIST theory and the NIST theory more than the bullshit theories of you lowlifes and your controlled demolition. Him being in charge of a new investigation would only produce a result you and your fellow retards could not and will not live with. Thus you will demand a new NEW investigation, this time with Alex Jones, Richard Gage, and Judy Woods leading the investigation just to insure yourselves SOMEONE will validate you and your theories. It would be meaningless because none of the above have any kind of real world credibility. Not only that, but Jones, Gage, and Woods have differing theories. They would have to agree and that is something truthtards are notoriously bad at.

So I'm still waiting for one real piece of evidence from you, eots. You've already been caught lying your ass off once. Care to finally be a man and admit you were doing so about evidence as well?

you are so full of shit and the only way you can debate anything is to state the other persons postion for them and make up little imaginings of what people would say.. are a clown show troll, nothing more
Although Dr. Quintiere was strongly critical of NIST’s conclusions and its investigatory process, he made it clear he was not a supporter of theories that the Twin Towers were brought down by pre-planted explosives. “If you go to World Trade Center One, nine minutes before its collapse, there was a line of smoke that puffed out. This is one of the basis of the ‘conspiracy theories’ that says the smoke puffing out all around the building is due to somebody setting off an explosive charge. Well, I think, more likely, it’s one of the floors falling down.”

ya so ?


Nist thinks its a collie, Quintire thinks its a labrodor and you think its a unicorn == so how do you think he supports you, he thinks you are insane
Quintiere has, but neither eots nor Jones accept his conclusions. They like him because he has credentials and questions the NIST report. Eots is only looking for someone people would find credible to whine for his new investigation. They would never accept his conclusions though because he doesn't believe the controlled demolition theories.

his conclusion was the investigation was blocked and fact finding deterred and a independent fact driven re-investigation is required...something you can not seem to except

At least I am intelligent enough to understand and use the English language. That is something you cannot accept either. ;-)

Quintiere has his opinions. He has no evidence to back them up. He believes his own theory more than the NIST theory and the NIST theory more than the bullshit theories of you lowlifes and your controlled demolition. Him being in charge of a new investigation would only produce a result you and your fellow retards could not and will not live with

look how he shows a complete lack of comprehension about what the purpose and procedure of a fact driven scientific investigation

Thus you will demand a new NEW investigation, this time with Alex Jones, Richard Gage, and Judy Woods leading the investigation just to insure yourselves SOMEONE will validate you and your theories.
It would be meaningless because none of the above have any kind of real world credibility

now he is off into his own little imaginings again

Not only that, but Jones, Gage, and Woods have differing theories. They would have to agree and that is something truthtards are notoriously bad at

more rambling nonsense showing once again no understanding of scientific method

So I'm still waiting for one real piece of evidence from you, eots.

yet he can not even define the word evidence

You've already been caught lying your ass off once.

?????...about ?..just more of his empty narative

Care to finally be a man and admit you were doing so about evidence as well?

be a what would a child like you know about being a man ?
Yes it did, thanks to your recent idiotic posts :lol:

Jones, you are a fucking douche. Always have been. Always will be. Fortunately one can always spot you in real life from the trail of slime you leave behind where ever you go.

Now why don't you grow a pair of balls for once in your pathetic life and either supply us with a piece of real evidence you claim to have, or man up and admit you've been lying your ass off the whole time.

You know.... sooner or later whatever credibility you have left is going to disappear as you continue to run like a little bitch from this very simple request..... well..... simple if you were being honest. But we both know you're not. You're only here to preach your lies in a vain attempt to overthrow the government. :lol:

Like I said. What a fucking douche. Good thing no woman would touch you. Could you imagine a mini truthtard with a bad attitude.

is this some kind of thinly veiled attack on spouses and children ?

Family attack? Where?
Jones, you are a fucking douche. Always have been. Always will be. Fortunately one can always spot you in real life from the trail of slime you leave behind where ever you go.

Now why don't you grow a pair of balls for once in your pathetic life and either supply us with a piece of real evidence you claim to have, or man up and admit you've been lying your ass off the whole time.

You know.... sooner or later whatever credibility you have left is going to disappear as you continue to run like a little bitch from this very simple request..... well..... simple if you were being honest. But we both know you're not. You're only here to preach your lies in a vain attempt to overthrow the government. :lol:

Like I said. What a fucking douche. Good thing no woman would touch you. Could you imagine a mini truthtard with a bad attitude.

is this some kind of thinly veiled attack on spouses and children ?

Family attack? Where?

it was a question not a statement...and what ever it is this type of poster should go to the flame zone if all he wants to do is spew obscenities and make endless sick little imaginings of sex and woman and children etc
the odd jab that way can be amusing..but this guys takes it to the point of some kind of illness
is this some kind of thinly veiled attack on spouses and children ?

Family attack? Where?

it was a question not a statement...and what ever it is this type of poster should go to the flame zone if all he wants to do is spew obscenities and make endless sick little imaginings of sex and woman and children etc
the odd jab that way can be amusing..but this guys takes it to the point of some kind of illness

Absolutely, I have said for a long time now this poster is a sicko that uses the USMB as his personal launching pad to attack others.
I have an extensive list of his activity and passed it on.
Once you read and study the psychology of these trolls, you begin to understand the mental sickness they have, is why they exhibit this kind of behavior that many times leads them to a self projection of themselves subconsciously. In other words they wrongly portray in others, what they themselves are plagued with. It really is quite fascinating, and you can learn more about it here-

Anybody hear about a substantial movement of military equipment throughout the I95 corridor? This have been going on the past few weeks. Several reports of weapons and others mics. gear being shipped via private carriers!


It's probably time for Exercise Solid Shield conducted each year by Units at Ft Bragg and Camp Lejune.....

Thank you. I should have been more specific. There reports are indicating movement throughout the New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut areas. I'll try and nail down some credible sources and post/link them to this thread!

Anybody hear about a substantial movement of military equipment throughout the I95 corridor? This have been going on the past few weeks. Several reports of weapons and others mics. gear being shipped via private carriers!


It's probably time for Exercise Solid Shield conducted each year by Units at Ft Bragg and Camp Lejune.....

Thank you. I should have been more specific. There reports are indicating movement throughout the New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut areas. I'll try and nail down some credible sources and post/link them to this thread!


and this has what to do with the unexplained collapse of wtc 7
Not a single truther has stepped forward to submit one real piece of evidence for everyone to see their bullshit paranoid delusions are true and everything else is false. All they can do is whine about other posters making them look foolish. :lol: I would claim credit for reducing them to that state, but they started there and they will finish there. They don't have the ability to be more than they are and they can't sink any lower because they are already bottomfeeders.
Family attack? Where?

it was a question not a statement...and what ever it is this type of poster should go to the flame zone if all he wants to do is spew obscenities and make endless sick little imaginings of sex and woman and children etc
the odd jab that way can be amusing..but this guys takes it to the point of some kind of illness

Absolutely, I have said for a long time now this poster is a sicko that uses the USMB as his personal launching pad to attack others.
I have an extensive list of his activity and passed it on.
Once you read and study the psychology of these trolls, you begin to understand the mental sickness they have, is why they exhibit this kind of behavior that many times leads them to a self projection of themselves subconsciously. In other words they wrongly portray in others, what they themselves are plagued with. It really is quite fascinating, and you can learn more about it here-


Thus says the biggest hypocrite on the board. :lol:
It's probably time for Exercise Solid Shield conducted each year by Units at Ft Bragg and Camp Lejune.....

Thank you. I should have been more specific. There reports are indicating movement throughout the New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut areas. I'll try and nail down some credible sources and post/link them to this thread!


and this has what to do with the unexplained collapse of wtc 7

Well forgive me Father I obviously posted my ? in the wrong thread. I deeply regret doing that. Bye now.
it was a question not a statement...and what ever it is this type of poster should go to the flame zone if all he wants to do is spew obscenities and make endless sick little imaginings of sex and woman and children etc
the odd jab that way can be amusing..but this guys takes it to the point of some kind of illness

Absolutely, I have said for a long time now this poster is a sicko that uses the USMB as his personal launching pad to attack others.
I have an extensive list of his activity and passed it on.
Once you read and study the psychology of these trolls, you begin to understand the mental sickness they have, is why they exhibit this kind of behavior that many times leads them to a self projection of themselves subconsciously. In other words they wrongly portray in others, what they themselves are plagued with. It really is quite fascinating, and you can learn more about it here-


Thus says the biggest hypocrite on the board. :lol:

You signed up here and started your insults and troll tactics and fallacy arguments from the get go, and started the personal attacks on people, now you want to cry hypocrisy when people defend themselves from your idiotic and vulgar attacks? :cuckoo:
I can fill a list of page long instances where you are proven to be the most vulgar sick hypocrite people have ever come across.
The topics in the link above fit you to a T.
The only one you have ever made look foolish is yourself.
Absolutely, I have said for a long time now this poster is a sicko that uses the USMB as his personal launching pad to attack others.
I have an extensive list of his activity and passed it on.
Once you read and study the psychology of these trolls, you begin to understand the mental sickness they have, is why they exhibit this kind of behavior that many times leads them to a self projection of themselves subconsciously. In other words they wrongly portray in others, what they themselves are plagued with. It really is quite fascinating, and you can learn more about it here-


Thus says the biggest hypocrite on the board. :lol:

You signed up here and started your insults and troll tactics and fallacy arguments from the get go, and started the personal attacks on people, now you want to cry hypocrisy when people defend themselves from your idiotic and vulgar attacks? :cuckoo:
Judging from your reply, you have no clue what a hypocrite is. Why don't you go look it up and realize it has nothing to do with me. :lol:

Mr. Jones said:
I can fill a list of page long instances where you are proven to be the most vulgar sick hypocrite people have ever come across.
:lol: Does this make you feel like a big boy? Wow!

Mr. Jones said:
The topics in the link above fit you to a T.
The only one you have ever made look foolish is yourself.
Wrong yet again.

So why don't you present us with a real piece of evidence to back up your paranoid delusional fantasies that you pretend you have all kinds of evidence for? Or are you finally going to admit to everyone that you are lying your ass off.

The more you ignore this, the more obvious it becomes what the truth really is.
Not a single truther has stepped forward to submit one real piece of evidence for everyone to see their bullshit paranoid delusions are true and everything else is false. All they can do is whine about other posters making them look foolish. :lol: I would claim credit for reducing them to that state, but they started there and they will finish there. They don't have the ability to be more than they are and they can't sink any lower because they are already bottomfeeders.

Utter BS and nonsense. Many parts about the NIST fantasy have been rebuked and I have posted the links to the credible sources that explain their proof and evidence why NIST is FOS like yourself.
People have tried to debate and have reasonable discussions with you about it, to no avail as you ALWAYS resort to sick personal attacks, and hope that people get tired of your BS go away, and when some do you claim a victory!
You have failed at every attempt to prove NIST is anywhere at all correct in their guesses of what happened, and we have provided the links to back it up.
All you can do is ridicule then resort to the personal attacks on members including their families, because you are nothing but a vile coward who would face serious consequences if this was attempted somewhere other then behind the anonymity of the internet.
Thus says the biggest hypocrite on the board. :lol:

You signed up here and started your insults and troll tactics and fallacy arguments from the get go, and started the personal attacks on people, now you want to cry hypocrisy when people defend themselves from your idiotic and vulgar attacks? :cuckoo:
Judging from your reply, you have no clue what a hypocrite is. Why don't you go look it up and realize it has nothing to do with me. :lol:

Mr. Jones said:
I can fill a list of page long instances where you are proven to be the most vulgar sick hypocrite people have ever come across.
:lol: Does this make you feel like a big boy? Wow!

Mr. Jones said:
The topics in the link above fit you to a T.
The only one you have ever made look foolish is yourself.
Wrong yet again.

So why don't you present us with a real piece of evidence to back up your paranoid delusional fantasies that you pretend you have all kinds of evidence for? Or are you finally going to admit to everyone that you are lying your ass off.

The more you ignore this, the more obvious it becomes what the truth really is.

The evidence and proof that independent researchers have discovered are well documented and have been posted many times. They are the reasons the NIST theory has been proven to be false and flawed. Your arguments for NIST are inconsistent with the rules you are applying for other view points. Such as NIST has NOT proven their theory is correct by providing indisputable evidence as anyone who has read the report will readily see, yet you demand what NIST does not and could not provide, from other alternative theories, that is a hypocrite clear as daylight. And quit with the appeal to authority and how great NIST is, that is a false argument also, as NIST has been shown to be wrong many times, especially by Chandler.
So you have failed to provide the indisputable proof that NIST is correct, while demanding proof we are correct? Ain't working that way. What we have provided is proof that shows they are wrong, among many other instances of inadequacies and inconsistencies.

Put up indisputable proof NIST got it right or STFU, and face the reality that they have been shown to be wrong on many fronts. Hell they even admit they may be wrong, and come to think of it so have you.
Isn't Chandler the guy who thinks NIST was wrong because he believes that the fires were hotter than what they claimed?

I can buy that. Either one proves there was no controlled demolition.....
Judging from your reply, you have no clue what a hypocrite is. Why don't you go look it up and realize it has nothing to do with me. :lol:
You are a HYPOCRITE. You fling personal attacks against others, and when they defend themselves and insult you back, you have the nerve to look even more foolish, but calling them out for attacking you back :lol: You really don't care how stupid you look on these boards, perhaps you don't even realize it.
Here are the instances you have instigated and been involved in with different people throughout your short time here.

Here is the lone thread started by you letting be known of your intention in a mission statement that screams internet troll-


More insults from Patriot911-

Continues with insults

And again with the insults-

More insults on other members-

New member faces the same by Patriot911 and responds-

Here is an example of his hypocrisy about insults-

Example of other USMB member and Partiot911-

Partiot911 warns others for spamming infraction, but his behavior that degrades the USMB forums is OK?-

Patriot911 is on other forums as a troll with same behavior-

More bullshit lies and ad hominem from the king of the fucktards. You "respect" what the OCT put out? :lol: You're SUCH a fucking liar! :lol:
You're a fucking loser. I bet you always have been. I know you always will be. There is no redemption for someone as lowlife as you.

Are you fucking kidding?!!:cuckoo::eusa_liar:

Patriot911 has caused people who just sign up to abandon USMB as a good place to frequent-
Check last activity of this poster?

Seriously why does USMB tolerate this behavior?
Naw. You're a pussy. I know it. You know it. It's obvious. As for making points, I am addressing the points you make, you ignorant fuck! Which is why it isn't surprising when you go running to your mama like a little bitch when you get your ass handed to you instead of being a man and either admitting fault or standing up for what you pretend you believe in. :lol:

Another new member with no recent activity because of the behavior allowed by Patriot911-

Same member being 'WELCOMED" to USMB by Patriot911-

USMB member appeals for rational discussion and end to name calling-

More hypocrisy and namecalling-

Another new member leaves USMB as a result of allowing threads to be derailed and obstucted by Patriot911-

Fed up USMB member-

Others notice Patriot911 and complain to him-

My Response to Patriot911 and warning to others-with examples of his past behavior

Everyone of those instances, and there are even more, was started by you attacking others. In many your hypocrisy is on full display.
You have resorted to harassment by continually asking questions that have been answered many times.
You are a member that has no credibility, and if people really pay attention and analyze your ramblings, they will come to find that you either consciously or subconsciously, display serious mental problems and paranoid delusions.
Here is a post where you actually think you are doing a good service for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission! :cuckoo:

"Claims like Jones' erode the public's confidence in the nuclear reactors based on nothing but fearmongering and lies, not the truth. How can that be good for the nuclear industry? Here in Colorado a plant was just denied construction in Pueblo based on public opinion that was extremely negative. People like Jones pretend they bear no responsibility for the consequences of their irresponsible BS. I don't think that is right, so I speak up and expose the lies for what they are.
Is this a bad thing? Or should we just let the lies rot and fester in the minds of the readers?"

My response in part was--
I think I have a good guess at figuring you out, here's my take.
Your problem is that you have an inner fear that makes you panic as soon as you might hear or suspect something is wrong, (any situation I assume will do) so you scramble to find comfort in anything that counters the threat, ( you immediately look for anything from any source) and if you find something, you then call those that expose the threat or even mention it as news LIARS!! and you get all pissed off at us because you blame us for you panic attacks, while you pretend you are a crusader of sorts and are on a mission to ("protect America, the Nuclear Industry etc..) quell all the "LIES" that make you feel uncomfortable and stressed out.
You must go through boatloads of benzos Your mental problems are quite apparent.

You are a very sick and twisted individual, that is why I ignore you many times, you are too irrational, use every known logical fallacy know, and try to steer the discussion by making up your own arguments and positioning others statements to do so. Then when that doesn't work you resort to more insults, flaming and personal attacks including the use of family members, sex, pedophilia, you name it.
People like you should be on a permanent vacation for this type of behavior.
Not a single truther has stepped forward to submit one real piece of evidence for everyone to see their bullshit paranoid delusions are true and everything else is false. All they can do is whine about other posters making them look foolish. :lol: I would claim credit for reducing them to that state, but they started there and they will finish there. They don't have the ability to be more than they are and they can't sink any lower because they are already bottomfeeders.

Utter BS and nonsense. Many parts about the NIST fantasy have been rebuked and I have posted the links to the credible sources that explain their proof and evidence why NIST is FOS like yourself.
People have tried to debate and have reasonable discussions with you about it, to no avail as you ALWAYS resort to sick personal attacks, and hope that people get tired of your BS go away, and when some do you claim a victory!
You have failed at every attempt to prove NIST is anywhere at all correct in their guesses of what happened, and we have provided the links to back it up.
All you can do is ridicule then resort to the personal attacks on members including their families, because you are nothing but a vile coward who would face serious consequences if this was attempted somewhere other then behind the anonymity of the internet.
Let me guess. The NIST report is "guesses" but your "sources" are the truth?
Isn't Chandler the guy who thinks NIST was wrong because he believes that the fires were hotter than what they claimed?

I can buy that. Either one proves there was no controlled demolition.....

Chandler is the teacher that forced NIST to confirm free fall indeed occurred at WTC 7. He also is in contact and corresponds with many who have differing opinions. With what has been analyzed and discovered, some form of assistance was provided to destroy the buildings the short time the towers fell is but one analysis.

Isn't it you who also admitted that NIST could be wrong? Isn't it you that goes against everybody's collapse time estimate? :eusa_shhh:

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