Victims' Families Want To Air New 9/11 Truth Ad

Not a single truther has stepped forward to submit one real piece of evidence for everyone to see their bullshit paranoid delusions are true and everything else is false. All they can do is whine about other posters making them look foolish. :lol: I would claim credit for reducing them to that state, but they started there and they will finish there. They don't have the ability to be more than they are and they can't sink any lower because they are already bottomfeeders.

Utter BS and nonsense. Many parts about the NIST fantasy have been rebuked and I have posted the links to the credible sources that explain their proof and evidence why NIST is FOS like yourself.
People have tried to debate and have reasonable discussions with you about it, to no avail as you ALWAYS resort to sick personal attacks, and hope that people get tired of your BS go away, and when some do you claim a victory!
You have failed at every attempt to prove NIST is anywhere at all correct in their guesses of what happened, and we have provided the links to back it up.
All you can do is ridicule then resort to the personal attacks on members including their families, because you are nothing but a vile coward who would face serious consequences if this was attempted somewhere other then behind the anonymity of the internet.
Let me guess. The NIST report is "guesses" but your "sources" are the truth?

No I'm not saying that, we all know that guesses are part of making up a theory. My problem is with people putting NIST work on a pedestal and claiming it to be beyond reproach. Then when people ask for the evidence and proof of that I posted it.
NIST did not nor could not come to a more reasonable conclusion that they did, because they did not look at all the things they should have, and had to fudge data to arrive at their preconceived conclusions, and the other researchers show us that in their work too.
Thank you. I should have been more specific. There reports are indicating movement throughout the New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut areas. I'll try and nail down some credible sources and post/link them to this thread!


and this has what to do with the unexplained collapse of wtc 7

Well forgive me Father I obviously posted my ? in the wrong thread. I deeply regret doing that. Bye now.

:lol: Happens to us all, BTW I have heard of what you mentioned but don't know what is going on. I saw a Utube video of them hauling explosives, or at least the trucks in the convoy were tagged as such.
Isn't Chandler the guy who thinks NIST was wrong because he believes that the fires were hotter than what they claimed?

I can buy that. Either one proves there was no controlled demolition.....

Chandler is the teacher that forced NIST to confirm free fall indeed occurred at WTC 7. He also is in contact and corresponds with many who have differing opinions. With what has been analyzed and discovered, some form of assistance was provided to destroy the buildings the short time the towers fell is but one analysis.

Isn't it you who also admitted that NIST could be wrong? Isn't it you that goes against everybody's collapse time estimate? :eusa_shhh:

Um, no, I have always maintained that the 911CR and the NIST reports were correct on the major items. You and eots are the ones confused about times.... Along with several others who can't see past their own noses....
Isn't Chandler the guy who thinks NIST was wrong because he believes that the fires were hotter than what they claimed?

I can buy that. Either one proves there was no controlled demolition.....

Chandler is the teacher that forced NIST to confirm free fall indeed occurred at WTC 7. He also is in contact and corresponds with many who have differing opinions. With what has been analyzed and discovered, some form of assistance was provided to destroy the buildings the short time the towers fell is but one analysis.

Isn't it you who also admitted that NIST could be wrong? Isn't it you that goes against everybody's collapse time estimate? :eusa_shhh:

Um, no, I have always maintained that the 911CR and the NIST reports were correct on the major items. You and eots are the ones confused about times.... Along with several others who can't see past their own noses....

Out of curiosity, could you set this straight for me? What exactly are the revered "main points" you speak of? Do you mean obvious things like how many planes the date etc?? I keep hearing this from you people but no one has ever listed what they are. write it down and get back to me on this ok? It might be an interesting new thread topic.
Chandler is the teacher that forced NIST to confirm free fall indeed occurred at WTC 7. He also is in contact and corresponds with many who have differing opinions. With what has been analyzed and discovered, some form of assistance was provided to destroy the buildings the short time the towers fell is but one analysis.

Isn't it you who also admitted that NIST could be wrong? Isn't it you that goes against everybody's collapse time estimate? :eusa_shhh:

Um, no, I have always maintained that the 911CR and the NIST reports were correct on the major items. You and eots are the ones confused about times.... Along with several others who can't see past their own noses....

Out of curiosity, could you set this straight for me? What exactly are the revered "main points" you speak of? Do you mean obvious things like how many planes the date etc?? I keep hearing this from you people but no one has ever listed what they are. write it down and get back to me on this ok? It might be an interesting new thread topic.

You must skip a lot of posts.....This has been stated many times.

1. The plot was carried out by A Q
2. The US Government had no fore knowledge of the attack
3. The US Government had nothing to do with the planning or execution of the attack.
4. There were no pre-planted explosives.
5. The entire WTC complex was destroyed by 2 planes.
6. Flight 77 hit the pentagon
7. Flight 93 crashed in PA.
8. There were no stand down orders.
9. We were caught with our pants down.
10. It will probably happen again...........(That ones from me)
Um, no, I have always maintained that the 911CR and the NIST reports were correct on the major items. You and eots are the ones confused about times.... Along with several others who can't see past their own noses....

Out of curiosity, could you set this straight for me? What exactly are the revered "main points" you speak of? Do you mean obvious things like how many planes the date etc?? I keep hearing this from you people but no one has ever listed what they are. write it down and get back to me on this ok? It might be an interesting new thread topic.

You must skip a lot of posts.....This has been stated many times.

1. The plot was carried out by A Q
2. The US Government had no fore knowledge of the attack
3. The US Government had nothing to do with the planning or execution of the attack.
4. There were no pre-planted explosives.
5. The entire WTC complex was destroyed by 2 planes.
6. Flight 77 hit the pentagon
7. Flight 93 crashed in PA.
8. There were no stand down orders.
9. We were caught with our pants down.
10. It will probably happen again...........(That ones from me)

So these are the main points that you agree with? Every single on of them cab be shown to be in dispute, and there is evidence that proves the disputes validity. Some like #4 were not even looked inot by NIST! So they can't claim that is true at all, since they didn't even investigate it!:lol:
Out of curiosity, could you set this straight for me? What exactly are the revered "main points" you speak of? Do you mean obvious things like how many planes the date etc?? I keep hearing this from you people but no one has ever listed what they are. write it down and get back to me on this ok? It might be an interesting new thread topic.

You must skip a lot of posts.....This has been stated many times.

1. The plot was carried out by A Q
2. The US Government had no fore knowledge of the attack
3. The US Government had nothing to do with the planning or execution of the attack.
4. There were no pre-planted explosives.
5. The entire WTC complex was destroyed by 2 planes.
6. Flight 77 hit the pentagon
7. Flight 93 crashed in PA.
8. There were no stand down orders.
9. We were caught with our pants down.
10. It will probably happen again...........(That ones from me)

So these are the main points that you agree with? Every single on of them cab be shown to be in dispute, and there is evidence that proves the disputes validity. Some like #4 were not even looked inot by NIST! So they can't claim that is true at all, since they didn't even investigate it!:lol:

So show us the real evidence you constantly claim to have, yet to date have never produced a real piece of.

BTW, #4 WAS looked at and proven to be false given all the evidence you ignore.... like no seismic evidence, no audio evidence, no steel blown apart by explosives, and no physical evidence of the paraphanalia used for high explosives like detonators.

More lies from you that are easily disproven and well documented. You lose. Again. :lol:
Judging from your reply, you have no clue what a hypocrite is. Why don't you go look it up and realize it has nothing to do with me. :lol:
You are a HYPOCRITE. You fling personal attacks against others, and when they defend themselves and insult you back, you have the nerve to look even more foolish, but calling them out for attacking you back :lol: You really don't care how stupid you look on these boards, perhaps you don't even realize it.
Here are the instances you have instigated and been involved in with different people throughout your short time here.
.....blah blah blah...... a bunch of pussy whining by Jones.....

You STILL don't know what a hypocrite is. Again, it has nothing to do with me. Try to figure this out. Have someone with an IQ higher than your age explain it to you. It isn't hard.

So when are you going to actually produce the real evidence that proves your bullshit that you constantly claim you have? You have yet to produce a single piece.

Come on, Jonesie. How hard is it to back up your bullshit? You've had almost ten years now, yet you don't have even one piece? :lol:
judging from your reply, you have no clue what a hypocrite is. Why don't you go look it up and realize it has nothing to do with me. :lol:
you are a hypocrite. You fling personal attacks against others, and when they defend themselves and insult you back, you have the nerve to look even more foolish, but calling them out for attacking you back :lol: You really don't care how stupid you look on these boards, perhaps you don't even realize it.
Here are the instances you have instigated and been involved in with different people throughout your short time here.
.....blah blah blah...... A bunch of pussy whining by jones.....

you still don't know what a hypocrite is. Again, it has nothing to do with me. Try to figure this out. Have someone with an iq higher than your age explain it to you. It isn't hard.

So when are you going to actually produce the real evidence that proves your bullshit that you constantly claim you have? You have yet to produce a single piece.

Come on, jonesie. How hard is it to back up your bullshit? You've had almost ten years now, yet you don't have even one piece? :lol:

why have you not defined evidence yet ?
you are a hypocrite. You fling personal attacks against others, and when they defend themselves and insult you back, you have the nerve to look even more foolish, but calling them out for attacking you back :lol: You really don't care how stupid you look on these boards, perhaps you don't even realize it.
Here are the instances you have instigated and been involved in with different people throughout your short time here.
.....blah blah blah...... A bunch of pussy whining by jones.....

you still don't know what a hypocrite is. Again, it has nothing to do with me. Try to figure this out. Have someone with an iq higher than your age explain it to you. It isn't hard.

So when are you going to actually produce the real evidence that proves your bullshit that you constantly claim you have? You have yet to produce a single piece.

Come on, jonesie. How hard is it to back up your bullshit? You've had almost ten years now, yet you don't have even one piece? :lol:

why have you not defined evidence yet ?

This is a circular argument he constantly presents. Evidence of the problems with NIST is in the researchers works that I have posted a few pages back. Proof of the discrepancies in NISTs theories is in the links. Once again he acts like an idiot and pretends it has never been presented. And he has yet to provide anything that NIST produced that can be claimed as indisputable.
He is a hypocrite, while trying to say the same of others. He has nothing, nor is he sensible in his reasoning or responses.
you are a hypocrite. You fling personal attacks against others, and when they defend themselves and insult you back, you have the nerve to look even more foolish, but calling them out for attacking you back :lol: You really don't care how stupid you look on these boards, perhaps you don't even realize it.
Here are the instances you have instigated and been involved in with different people throughout your short time here.
.....blah blah blah...... A bunch of pussy whining by jones.....

you still don't know what a hypocrite is. Again, it has nothing to do with me. Try to figure this out. Have someone with an iq higher than your age explain it to you. It isn't hard.

So when are you going to actually produce the real evidence that proves your bullshit that you constantly claim you have? You have yet to produce a single piece.

Come on, jonesie. How hard is it to back up your bullshit? You've had almost ten years now, yet you don't have even one piece? :lol:

why have you not defined evidence yet ?

Yeah let's see what he thinks qualifys as evidence, after all NIST used distorted data and misrepresentations and he allows that as evidence. I'm waiting on his answer....
Judging from your reply, you have no clue what a hypocrite is. Why don't you go look it up and realize it has nothing to do with me. :lol:
You are a HYPOCRITE. You fling personal attacks against others, and when they defend themselves and insult you back, you have the nerve to look even more foolish, but calling them out for attacking you back :lol: You really don't care how stupid you look on these boards, perhaps you don't even realize it.
Here are the instances you have instigated and been involved in with different people throughout your short time here.
.....blah blah blah...... a bunch of pussy whining by Jones.....

You STILL don't know what a hypocrite is. Again, it has nothing to do with me. Try to figure this out. Have someone with an IQ higher than your age explain it to you. It isn't hard.

So when are you going to actually produce the real evidence that proves your bullshit that you constantly claim you have? You have yet to produce a single piece.

Come on, Jonesie. How hard is it to back up your bullshit? You've had almost ten years now, yet you don't have even one piece? :lol:

I have, and here is how you are a hypocrite.
In almost every exchange with someone that has differing viewpoints about 9-11 then your own, you personally attack them and start tirades of name calling, ( ad hominem) then when someone defends themselves and slings a few insults your way, you accuse them of "ad hominem attacks"! Which is precisely what you do in the first place!
Anyone can read the links I posted where you are stone cold guilty of this. Now provide us with your definition of evidence is that you claim the 9-11truth researchers are lacking, and or are of no relevance, or STFU and go away with your hypocritical self.
Look, 9 11 was an inside job. It's time to grow up now, and, if you are not aware of this, start looking at the facts. It was to suspend our rights, and the fourth amendment in particular. Bush didn't just decide to do it, as false flag operations have been going on for a long time. June 8th, 1967, Israel attacked us then. Hitler did it with the Reichstag fires. Where to begin? Perhaps learn the history of money. Then perhaps study words, such as "parliament", and study law; Our law, and how it is based, Constitutional law, the history of it. It isn't just like someone decided, "hey, let's just blow up some buildings! Hah hah!" Stop thinking one dimensional. It's just so unattractive.
You must skip a lot of posts.....This has been stated many times.

1. The plot was carried out by A Q
2. The US Government had no fore knowledge of the attack
3. The US Government had nothing to do with the planning or execution of the attack.
4. There were no pre-planted explosives.
5. The entire WTC complex was destroyed by 2 planes.
6. Flight 77 hit the pentagon
7. Flight 93 crashed in PA.
8. There were no stand down orders.
9. We were caught with our pants down.
10. It will probably happen again...........(That ones from me)

So these are the main points that you agree with? Every single on of them cab be shown to be in dispute, and there is evidence that proves the disputes validity. Some like #4 were not even looked inot by NIST! So they can't claim that is true at all, since they didn't even investigate it!:lol:

So show us the real evidence you constantly claim to have, yet to date have never produced a real piece of.

BTW, #4 WAS looked at and proven to be false given all the evidence you ignore.... like no seismic evidence, no audio evidence, no steel blown apart by explosives, and no physical evidence of the paraphanalia used for high explosives like detonators.

More lies from you that are easily disproven and well documented. You lose. Again. :lol:

BS. You are proven wrong.
paraphernalia used for high explosives like detonators would not be found as they would be consumed.
You are deceptively assuming conventional explosives and methods were used in a CD that would be intended to LOOK LIKE PLANES AND FIRES WERE TO BLAME. This is explained by Tom Sullivan in the video linked on here many times. Stop lying your ass off.

Many eyewitnesses who were near the South Tower when it began its precipitous collapse reported sights and sounds of explosions.
Where are they mentioned in the NIST report?

The towers' destruction cannot be accurately described without the word 'explosion.' Huge clouds billowed out from the towers, starting around the crash zones, and grew rapidly as they consumed each tower, converting them to fine powder and fragments of steel, and depositing the bulk of the remains outside of each tower's footprint in a radial pattern.
The cores were obliterated. There is no gravity collapse scenario that can account for the complete leveling of the massive columns of the towers' cores. Where's NIST calculations and explanation for this in their report?

Nearly all the concrete was pulverized in the air, so finely that it blanketed parts of Lower Manhattan with inches of dust. In a gravity collapse, there would not have been enough energy to pulverize the concrete until it hit the ground, if then.The towers exploded into immense clouds of dust, which were several times the original volumes of the buildings by the time their disintegration reached the ground. Where is NISTS calculations and explanation for this in their report?

Parts of the towers were thrown 500 feet laterally. The downward forces of a gravity collapse cannot account for the energetic lateral ejection of pieces. Where is NISTS calculations and explanation for this in their report?

Explosive events were visible before many floors had collapsed.





The towers had just started to collapse...So where does NIST adequately explain this in their report?

Since overpressures are the only possible explanations for the explosive dust plumes emerging from the buildings, the top would have to be falling to produce them in a gravity collapse. But in the South Tower collapse, energetic dust ejections are first seen while the top is only slightly tipping, not falling. Where is NISTS calculations and explanation for this in their report?

A three-second movie shows about 2.5 seconds of the South Tower collapse starting at about three seconds into the plunge of the tower's top. The short movie shows the roughly spherical debris cloud nearly double in size, even accounting for the perspective. The leading edge of the wave is about to reach the 44th-floor sky lobby when the camera operator turns to run. The movie (mpeg) was found on plaguepuppy's cafe with the following description.

Though the view of the building is brief, looking at it in slow motion reveals some peculiar features. At the very start of the clip we can see how perfectly even the collapse is, advancing with what looks for all the world like rows of explosions progressing in a perfectly straight line around the building, and advancing down in an extremely uniform way. As the demolition wave advances there is only dust and smoke where the top of the building used to be, and a great quantity of dust mixed with small pieces of structural steel is ejected out horizontally at high speed.

Here’s NIST’s Statement from their website “Did investigators consider the possibility that an explosion caused or contributed to the collapse of WTC 7?
Yes, this possibility was investigated carefully. NIST concluded that blast events inside the building did not occur and found no evidence supporting the existence of a blast event.
In addition, no blast sounds were heard on the audio tracks of video recordings during the collapse of WTC 7 or reported by witnesses. …”
Questions and Answers about the NIST WTC 7 Investigation

They lie their asses off just like you do.
Fire Fighters For 9-11 Truth » Evidence

Extremism- N.F.P.A. 921-
During an investigation, many things must be considered. Aside from the physical evidence, and witness testimony, suspect criminal history also must be analyzed. The investigation must include past history and the Modus Operandi, “M.O.” for short.

N.F.P.A. 921 – Extremism” addresses terrorism specifically. It reads:
Extremism-motivated firesetting is committed to further a social, political, or religious cause. Fires have been used as a weapon of social protest since revolutions first began. Extremist firesetters may work in groups or as individuals. Also, due to planning aspects and the selection of their targets, extremist firesetters generally have a great degree of organization, as reflected in their use of more elaborate ignition or incendiary devices. Subcategories of extremist firesetting are identified as follows.
(a) Terrorism. The targets set by terrorists may appear to be at random; however, target locations are generally selected with some degree of political or economic significance. Political targets generally include government offices, newspapers, universities, political party headquarters, and military or law enforcement installations. Political terrorists may also target diverse properties such as animal research facilities or abortion clinics. Economic targets may include business offices, distribution facilities of utility providers, banks, or companies thought to have an adverse impact on the environments. Fires or explosions become a means of creation confusion fear, or anarchy. THE TERRORIST MAY INCLUDE FIRE AS BUT ONE OF A VARITETY OF WEAPONS, ALONG WITH EXPLOSIVES, USED IN FURTHERING HIS OR HER GOAL…

It very clearly states the Terrorist may use explosives along with fire to further their goal. Did NIST investigate for explosives in conducting a thorough investigation? Fuck no.

Fire Fighters For 9-11 Truth » Blog Archive » Extremism- N.F.P.A. 921-

9-11 Research: Explosions

PlaguePuppy's Caf and Sanctuary for the Unspeakable Truth, Home

So show everybody the proof of calculations and explanations by NIST concerning all of this?
You can't because NIST leaves any verifiable explanations and calculations out, by simply ignoring this, thus you are proven wrong that they did, thus you are proven a liar and are exposed for spreading misinformation and more lies. I have posted evidence and proof of NIST deceptions and lies like you have been crying about, now it's your turn. Show us what NIST has.
Your opinions are no proof of anything, post links about NIST that prove your claims or STFU and go away you loser.
Last edited:
You gotta be shitting me...................

You have a handful of people, a very small percentage of architects and engineers (like 0.01%) who actually believe there were explosives, and you want to call that proof?

Take it to court, I want to see this....

I don't know what kind of idiots you want to believe but if those buildings were blown there would have been evidence. And no, there wasn't some super secret silent explosives involved either......
You gotta be shitting me...................

You have a handful of people, a very small percentage of architects and engineers (like 0.01%) who actually believe there were explosives, and you want to call that proof?

Take it to court, I want to see this....

I don't know what kind of idiots you want to believe but if those buildings were blown there would have been evidence. And no, there wasn't some super secret silent explosives involved either......

You aren't addressing anything they say. You aren't showing us where NIST has all this indisputable proof. I have shown that NIST is FOS. Denying they aren't by opinion only is no evidence to back their theory up.
There is vast amount of reasonable doubt concerning the OCT and NIST. Now you all can shut up about it, and move on to explain why despite the credible objections to the OCT story, you insist on running from what has been in your faces all this time.
You gotta be shitting me...................

You have a handful of people, a very small percentage of architects and engineers (like 0.01%) who actually believe there were explosives, and you want to call that proof?

Take it to court, I want to see this....

I don't know what kind of idiots you want to believe but if those buildings were blown there would have been evidence. And no, there wasn't some super secret silent explosives involved either......

You aren't addressing anything they say. You aren't showing us where NIST has all this indisputable proof. I have shown that NIST is FOS. Denying they aren't by opinion only is no evidence to back their theory up.
There is vast amount of reasonable doubt concerning the OCT and NIST. Now you all can shut up about it, and move on to explain why despite the credible objections to the OCT story, you insist on running from what has been in your faces all this time.

Shut up? You are telling me to shut up? I don't think I will. What I will do is remind you that the official investigation still stands as the official investigation. I don't have any need to prove it is right.

You believe it to be wrong; prove it. And no so far you don't have any credible objections that say you are right. If you did it would have already gone to court. What has happened is that your 911 support groups sent a letter to NIST asking them to change their report on several different points and on each point they were shot down and told NO....
Why? Because they were wrong.....

So when you do have something credible, take it to court. Because as long as you are just talking trash on the internet, you got nothing.....

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