Victims' Families Want To Air New 9/11 Truth Ad

All about the evidence eh? Well what about the indisputable NIST evidence I keep asking you to produce?
Already gone over that. The fact you choose to ignore it isn't anyone's fault but your own. The evidence the NIST went off of is well documented and included videos, audio, eyewitness accounts, seismic evidence, and the debris left behind by the collapse. NOTHING in the accumulated evidence was indicitive of controlled demolition and much of it precluded controlled demolitions / explosives.

Mr. Jones said:
What about the evidence to actually charge OBL, that the FBI said didn't exist but the goverment and people like you were quick to scream OBL was the "mastermind" and he was responsible for such a sophisticated attack that "only AlQaeda could pull off" according to all the "experts" on terrorism that came out of the woodwork starting that very same day?
Who carried out 9/11? OBL or Al Qaeda? I know you dishonest truthtards like to pretend it was only OBL, but it wasn't. The evidence is against Al Qaeda of whom OBL WAS the leader. This has been gone over ad nauseum in the past and you got your ass handed to you every time. I am surprised you're stupid enough to bring it up again.

Mr. Jones said:
What about the tortured "evidence" used to convict Zacarias Moussaoui?
Really? They tortured flight manifests? They tortured witnesses who testified to training the pilots? They tortured items recovered from the wreckage? They tortured the paper trail left behind by the hijackers? Or are you just being a dumbass again by pretending the only evidence against Moussaoui was what was gained by torture. :lol:

Mr. Jones said:
See it is only classified as "justice" or "proof" or "evidence" when THEY say it is.
Wrong yet again. I've presented you with the evidence. Can you do the same? Not even close.

Mr. Jones said:
They who "run" the system and basically own it and use it the way THEY want to protect their associates and themselves.
Wrong yet again. Refute the evidence presented. Better yet, present like evidence your bullshit paranoid delusions are real.

Mr. Jones said:
It is the realist vs the deniers.
No, it is the theory that fits the evidence vs. the theory that HAS NO evidence.

Mr. Jones said:
It is about those that want to change this country from the facisim police state it was allowed to evolve into, vs the fascist that are comfortably in power and control.
And this is the crux of the situation. Thank you for finally admitting the truth. This has nothing to do with the truth to you, but it is all about overthrowing the government and putting in one of your own. I've been saying this time and time again and have been repeatedly called a liar by you for stating what you just stated above. Thank you for proving your own dishonesty and complete lack of credibility while boosting my own credibility for accurately calling exactly what it is you are doing.

Mr. Jones said:
It is not a level playing field in the least.
It would be if you had any evidence.

So how about it. One real piece of evidence that would hold up in a court of law. I've shown you tons of examples. I've shown you how the evidence proves the theory. All you have is your paranoid delusions and a bad attitude. Bad combination.
IMO Gage is more of a spokesman for A&E. I read the work of many of the members, and feel they make valid points, to which NIST has not responded. Though Gage has credentials in building construction, and he makes valid observations about the NIST flaws.

Valid observations huh?

Let's discuss his "valid" observations. You continually try and show NIST's mistakes and how they invalidate their theory.

Answer a few questions about Gage's research will you? Since you consider him to make "valid" observations of the NIST flaws.

1. Here is a quote from Gage.

If anyone finds errors in my math below, please point it out.

Can you tell me how Gage got 400,000 cubic yards of concrete? Tell you what. You tell me how many cubic yards of concrete were contained above ground between both towers. See if you come up with 400,000 cubic yards.

My math. 208' x 208' x 4" = 12979.2 cubic feet. MINUS the core area of 3471.3 (87' x 137' x 4") cubic feet gives us 9507.9 cubic feet or 352.122 cubic yards of 4" concrete per floor. So 220 (floors) x 352.122 = 77466.84 cubic yards of concrete above ground in BOTH towers. That's 322533.16 cubic yards off!

2.Another quote from Gage.
Gage said:
Why were virtually no floors found at the base of either Twin Tower? There were originally 110 floors – each of them one acre in size. What explains the disappearance of 220 acres of four-inch thick concrete and steel decking?

220 acres of 4" thick concrete and steel decking? Really? Was he aware the the core of the towers had elevators in them? The core of each tower was 87' x 133'. That makes each floor about .7275 acres, which gives us 160 acres, not 220. How did he mess up by 60 acres in his calculation?

3. Gage says that WTC7's facade came down in 6.6 seconds. Can you explain how he came up with that time frame? What video did he use to come up with this since there is no video showing the facade AFTER it disappeared behind the building. Compare Gage's 6.6 seconds for complete collapse to Chandler's video. Interesting isn't it? Chandler kind of makes Gag'es time frame a little impossible?

Could you post a link of the article you are getting your quotes from?That would be where I would want to start.

Sure thing.

Info Item
IMO Gage is more of a spokesman for A&E. I read the work of many of the members, and feel they make valid points, to which NIST has not responded. Though Gage has credentials in building construction, and he makes valid observations about the NIST flaws.

Valid observations huh?

Let's discuss his "valid" observations. You continually try and show NIST's mistakes and how they invalidate their theory.

Answer a few questions about Gage's research will you? Since you consider him to make "valid" observations of the NIST flaws.

1. Here is a quote from Gage.

If anyone finds errors in my math below, please point it out.

Can you tell me how Gage got 400,000 cubic yards of concrete? Tell you what. You tell me how many cubic yards of concrete were contained above ground between both towers. See if you come up with 400,000 cubic yards.

My math. 208' x 208' x 4" = 12979.2 cubic feet. MINUS the core area of 3471.3 (87' x 137' x 4") cubic feet gives us 9507.9 cubic feet or 352.122 cubic yards of 4" concrete per floor. So 220 (floors) x 352.122 = 77466.84 cubic yards of concrete above ground in BOTH towers. That's 322533.16 cubic yards off!

2.Another quote from Gage.
Gage said:
Why were virtually no floors found at the base of either Twin Tower? There were originally 110 floors – each of them one acre in size. What explains the disappearance of 220 acres of four-inch thick concrete and steel decking?

220 acres of 4" thick concrete and steel decking? Really? Was he aware the the core of the towers had elevators in them? The core of each tower was 87' x 133'. That makes each floor about .7275 acres, which gives us 160 acres, not 220. How did he mess up by 60 acres in his calculation?

3. Gage says that WTC7's facade came down in 6.6 seconds. Can you explain how he came up with that time frame? What video did he use to come up with this since there is no video showing the facade AFTER it disappeared behind the building. Compare Gage's 6.6 seconds for complete collapse to Chandler's video. Interesting isn't it? Chandler kind of makes Gag'es time frame a little impossible?

Could you post a link of the article you are getting your quotes from?That would be where I would want to start.

The 6.5 (sorry not 6.6) second total collapse of WTC7 claim is in his presentations.

Richard Gage ~ 9/11 TruthSaturday AM Opening Keynote
Richard Gage, AIA, Blueprint for Truth - Valley 9/11 Truth (Northampton, MA) - Meetup
Mr. Jones.

Can you also explain something else to me.

If explosives were used to make the facade immediately fall at free fall by blowing out 8 floors worth of 57 columns, why does Chandler's video show that the free fall collapse did not start immediately upon the roof-line's descent?
Have you ever seen a CD, and how there is a very slight delay just before the entire structure collapses? This appears to be quite normal.
Perhaps it is because even air provides resistance that has to briefly be overcome. Potential energy gets expended doing the work of pushing a lot of air out of the way in order for the object to fall.
As a result, not all of the potential gravitational energy can go towards accelerating the object downward at gravity's maximal rate of 32 ft/sec/sec.
In other words, only when there is zero resistance can any falling object's potential energy be completely converted into kinetic energy. Anything which interferes with any falling object's downward progress will cause its acceleration to be reduced from the maximum gravitational acceleration of 32 feet per second per second, as some of gravity's potential energy is consumed doing work overcoming resistance.
But in air, once a falling object reaches a certain speed, its propensity to fall will be matched by air's resistance to the fall. At that point the object will continue to fall, but its speed will no longer increase over time.

There is a maximum possible rate at which objects fall, and if any of gravity's potential energy is consumed doing anything other than accelerate the object downward -- even just having to push air out of the way -- there will be less energy available to accelerate the object downward, and so that object's downward acceleration will be diminished.
So we are told that on 9-11 and only on 9-11-
The undamaged stories below the impact zone offered zero resistance to the collapse ( with no plausible explanation)
The glass and concrete spontaneously disintegrated without any expenditure of energy ( with no plausible explanation)
On 9/11, gravity was much stronger than gravity ( with no plausible explanation)
On 9/11, energy was not conserved (with no plausible explanation)

The better question is what caused all the resistance to be removed that caused the few secs of free fall in the first place?
And why did NIST, a heavily funded group of experts not admit to this that a lowly high school physics teacher did? How could something so obvious be "overlooked". First they say absoluetly no free fall happened because there would be resistance...then they say free fall happened, leading to the obvious conclusion that resistance vanished...somehow..without even explaining, nor so much as an apology for "overlooking" such a "blunder".
These are hard facts that NIST again fails to address properly.
I also find it hilarious when apologists for the demise of WTC 7 as told by NIST, say a 110 ten story building "fell on WTC 7" when even NIST says that had no bearing on the actual collapse!
I mean their theory is so full of shit, it is so obvious!

911blimp Proof: Free-Fall Physics (the towers fell too fast)
Mr. Jones.

Can you also explain something else to me.

If explosives were used to make the facade immediately fall at free fall by blowing out 8 floors worth of 57 columns, why does Chandler's video show that the free fall collapse did not start immediately upon the roof-line's descent?
Have you ever seen a CD, and how there is a very slight delay just before the entire structure collapses? This appears to be quite normal.

Really? Quite normal?

Tell you what. You show me a demolition video where ALL the supporting columns are blown at the same time to remove ALL resistance and it shows a delay before the upper assembly starts to fall at free fall.

Let's see the study you are basing this claim on. According to you and your cohorts, when there is NO RESISTANCE, free fall ensues.
Wow............almost rendered speechless.
You seem to be lost in the difference between "facts" and "claims". Facts are always facts. Claims may or may not be factual.
The difference is that the OCT "facts" regarding 9-11 and WTC collapses do not stand up to scrutiny, and many "facts" used in the NIST hypothesis are from altered data to fit their hypothesis. They have admitted as such in their report, that they do not know exactly what happened and only examined the events prior to collapse initiation. 10,000 pages to tell us what we saw put together in a fancy worded report, that screams "believe us , we're NIST!" We're the authority! Same for the government reports about 9-11, "we're the government, you must trust and believe us"
It is the same when individuals side with NIST and the government, they have people brainwashed into thinking they are such a benevolent entity, that they couldn't possibly be involved in such horrendous activities, but an honest objective researcher will find that to not be the case.
For the record, I do not blame the entire government, but people who worked within the government in positions of authority and power, all the way up to the president himself.

And just where is NISTs corroborating evidence? Evidence that can't be disputed and found to be without alternative explanations? NIST has used every thing at their disposal, to make their guess be more believable, but that included leaving out much that counters their hypotheses. A proper study would have taken ALL available evidence and witnesses, and done so with proper calculations. Come to think of it a proper investigation would not have included shipping out most of the available evidence, so the fix was in from the getgo, make evidence vanish, but they still had the eutectic steel to answer to, and apparently didn't.
Why don't people want to open their minds and honestly view and study the alternative evidence that counters NIST? Because it would destroy their perceptions of America, and the betrayal is more then they can handle, there wouldn't be enough Soloft to go around either. Denial is the worst form of ignorance.

And the "THEY" conspiracy.....................REALLY!?
We live in a police state now? Your freedoms are evenly slightly different than they were on 9/10/01?
Absolutely, read how the laws have changed in favor of more government control and less personal freedoms and how the constitution and rights of American citizens have been ignored.
Evidence of this is everywhere! Even in MSM headlines.
You can start with the Patriot act, and the Geneva convention also. Are you going to say that torture and the targeting of American citizens for assassination have always been something the USA has endorsed?

Can you name some specific freedoms that we have lost? What rights have been ignored?
I'll agree the government used the event to try and harness some more power. The Patriot act is B.S., you won't get any argument here. But the idea that they are using that power to "torture" or "target American citizens for assassination"? That's a little much.
Do you believe that we no longer have "Habeas Corpus" or are entitled to "do process"?
Anyone else notice Mr. Jones is still running from either presenting real evidence or admitting he is nothing but a lowlife liar? :lol: He's thrown up excuses claiming nobody else has real evidence either, but that was a blatant lie. I would have pity on him if he weren't such a low life degenerate.
The difference is that the OCT "facts" regarding 9-11 and WTC collapses do not stand up to scrutiny, and many "facts" used in the NIST hypothesis are from altered data to fit their hypothesis. They have admitted as such in their report, that they do not know exactly what happened and only examined the events prior to collapse initiation. 10,000 pages to tell us what we saw put together in a fancy worded report, that screams "believe us , we're NIST!" We're the authority! Same for the government reports about 9-11, "we're the government, you must trust and believe us"
It is the same when individuals side with NIST and the government, they have people brainwashed into thinking they are such a benevolent entity, that they couldn't possibly be involved in such horrendous activities, but an honest objective researcher will find that to not be the case.
For the record, I do not blame the entire government, but people who worked within the government in positions of authority and power, all the way up to the president himself.

And just where is NISTs corroborating evidence? Evidence that can't be disputed and found to be without alternative explanations? NIST has used every thing at their disposal, to make their guess be more believable, but that included leaving out much that counters their hypotheses. A proper study would have taken ALL available evidence and witnesses, and done so with proper calculations. Come to think of it a proper investigation would not have included shipping out most of the available evidence, so the fix was in from the getgo, make evidence vanish, but they still had the eutectic steel to answer to, and apparently didn't.
Why don't people want to open their minds and honestly view and study the alternative evidence that counters NIST? Because it would destroy their perceptions of America, and the betrayal is more then they can handle, there wouldn't be enough Soloft to go around either. Denial is the worst form of ignorance.

Absolutely, read how the laws have changed in favor of more government control and less personal freedoms and how the constitution and rights of American citizens have been ignored.
Evidence of this is everywhere! Even in MSM headlines.
You can start with the Patriot act, and the Geneva convention also. Are you going to say that torture and the targeting of American citizens for assassination have always been something the USA has endorsed?

Can you name some specific freedoms that we have lost? What rights have been ignored?
I'll agree the government used the event to try and harness some more power. The Patriot act is B.S., you won't get any argument here. But the idea that they are using that power to "torture" or "target American citizens for assassination"? That's a little much.
Do you believe that we no longer have "Habeas Corpus" or are entitled to "do process"?

only if they decide to give it to you
Anyone else notice Mr. Jones is still running from either presenting real evidence or admitting he is nothing but a lowlife liar? :lol: He's thrown up excuses claiming nobody else has real evidence either, but that was a blatant lie. I would have pity on him if he weren't such a low life degenerate.

No,but I did notice you can not even define evidence and your complete lack of character
Anyone else notice Mr. Jones is still running from either presenting real evidence or admitting he is nothing but a lowlife liar? :lol: He's thrown up excuses claiming nobody else has real evidence either, but that was a blatant lie. I would have pity on him if he weren't such a low life degenerate.

No,but I did notice you can not even define evidence and your complete lack of character

Already gave you the definition of evidence. The fact you wish to sit here and lie your ass off about it only hurts your credibility, not mine.

As for "character", someone with a complete lack of character would STILL beat the living shit out of a fucked up retard like you. Unfortunately for you, I have TONS of character! :lol: Suck it, eots! You lose! AGAIN! :lol:
Anyone else notice Mr. Jones is still running from either presenting real evidence or admitting he is nothing but a lowlife liar? :lol: He's thrown up excuses claiming nobody else has real evidence either, but that was a blatant lie. I would have pity on him if he weren't such a low life degenerate.

No,but I did notice you can not even define evidence and your complete lack of character

Already gave you the definition of evidence. The fact you wish to sit here and lie your ass off about it only hurts your credibility, not mine.

As for "character", someone with a complete lack of character would STILL beat the living shit out of a fucked up retard like you. Unfortunately for you, I have TONS of character! :lol: Suck it, eots! You lose! AGAIN! :lol:

you have never defined evidence you foul little man
Anyone else notice Mr. Jones is still running from either presenting real evidence or admitting he is nothing but a lowlife liar? :lol: He's thrown up excuses claiming nobody else has real evidence either, but that was a blatant lie. I would have pity on him if he weren't such a low life degenerate.
You're fucking stupid, I have presented the evidence the researchers have many pages ago, and have also supplied how the courts will not allow it, and the reasons why. You on the other hand have not provided any indisputable evidence or proof that NIST is correct, and continue to run away from answering this, nor have you defined your definition of what you consider proof! Do you not consider evidence good enough simply because the defendants have the power over the federal judges? That is the problem as I have explained this also.
Your being irrational and arguing in circles once again, resorting to the usual BS personal attacks because you can't defend your position without doing so, and seem to think it solidifies it somehow :lol:
You refuse to acknowledge what I and others have posted as a response to your questions, and continue to say we haven't responded :cuckoo: :eusa_liar:
People who worked for the government and or its agencies are considered defendants, these people have the power to "persuade" others including judges, this has been explained to you. They can and do control many aspects and outcomes of any legal litigation that anyone tries to peruse against them.
Deny it all you want, it is a provable fact, but it is a waste of time pointing this out to you with links or proof of this as you will simply resort to saying how it isn't excepted by the courts, and around we go again, with me having to explain it all again, so fuck off, and quit wasting others time with your BS, and saying I am blatantly lying, and a degenerate, because I have shown everyone here who those labels fit and it is by far a perfect description of you.
Anyone else notice Mr. Jones is still running from either presenting real evidence or admitting he is nothing but a lowlife liar? :lol: He's thrown up excuses claiming nobody else has real evidence either, but that was a blatant lie. I would have pity on him if he weren't such a low life degenerate.

No,but I did notice you can not even define evidence and your complete lack of character

Anyone else notice Mr. Jones is still running from either presenting real evidence or admitting he is nothing but a lowlife liar? :lol: He's thrown up excuses claiming nobody else has real evidence either, but that was a blatant lie. I would have pity on him if he weren't such a low life degenerate.
Aw what's the matter poor Parrot can't respond with anything other then appeals to others to help him out?
Can't answer questions posed, so he resorts to starting his childish name calling, instead of acting like a man and responding like one?
Can't post any links to show us where he gets his opinions?
How pathetic, seems like no one took the time to show him how to act like a man, and instead educated him on being a low life instead, and they did a good job of it too.
Too bad, he would have turned out to be a better human being by the authorities intervening or removing himself from such an environment and joining the Boys and Girls Clubs, or a decent foster home instead.
He's probably considered a social success where he comes from. Cream of the lowlife crop.

I've presented my facts, proof, and evidence while showing how justice is being denied and this moron continues to pretend I haven't :lol: But this is all he ever does, and when he has to face that he is the liar and the distorter facts and of threads, he resorts to his usual low life slime ball no class tactics that he is famous for. I have called him out and pointed his BS out for all to see and he sinks lower into his own pile of shit that he created!
This poster has been shown to be the most lying disingenuous spreader of BS anywhere on the net, and has no class or moral character and does not care, as he has already sunk so low, his credibility is irretrievably destroyed.
Even if someone wanted to believe the OCT, he has singlehandedly ruined what ever it might have had going for it, what a great spokesman he turned out to be eh?
He seems to think personally attacking people gives him some sort of legitimacy :lol: :lol: What a sad sorry ass loser poor Parrot911 is. Nice job showing us all what a weak mental misfit you are Parrot, way to go :clap2:
Last edited:
Anyone else notice Mr. Jones is still running from either presenting real evidence or admitting he is nothing but a lowlife liar? :lol: He's thrown up excuses claiming nobody else has real evidence either, but that was a blatant lie. I would have pity on him if he weren't such a low life degenerate.
You're fucking stupid, I have presented the evidence the researchers have many pages ago, and have also supplied how the courts will not allow it, and the reasons why.
Wrong yet again. That "evidence" is their opinion, not fact and not evidence. What I want is one real piece of evidence. You know.... something that is concrete evidence of a controlled demolition. There should be tons of evidence around that you cannot get around. Seismic records. People admitting to helping plant the explosives. People admitting to cleaning up evidence of explosives. Steel showing signs of being destroyed with explosives. Videos with more than just the rumble of the internal collapse on them. You know.... EVIDENCE.

Mr. Jones said:
You on the other hand have not provided any indisputable evidence or proof that NIST is correct, and continue to run away from answering this, nor have you defined your definition of what you consider proof! Do you not consider evidence good enough simply because the defendants have the power over the federal judges? That is the problem as I have explained this also.
Wrong yet again. I already owned your sorry ass in this respect several posts ago. You ran away from that post as well.

Mr. Jones said:
Your being irrational and arguing in circles once again, resorting to the usual BS personal attacks because you can't defend your position without doing so, and seem to think it solidifies it somehow :lol:
Wrong yet again. All I want is one piece of hard evidence that proves your bullshit paranoid delusions. Come on. You CLAIM to have tons of it! So do you have ANY of this evidence or are you just lying out your ass again?

Mr. Jones said:
You refuse to acknowledge what I and others have posted as a response to your questions, and continue to say we haven't responded :cuckoo: :eusa_liar:
Wrong yet again, you fucking liar! I responded to what you posted. Your post was nothing but the whining of a pathetic little bitch who got caught lying his ass off. Instead of presenting evidence, you cried about everyone ELSE not having evidence either. Except every instance you listed had hard evidence that backed them up even when you had to lie your ass off about what happened. I loved the evidence got tortured in the Moussaoui case! :lol:

Mr. Jones said:
People who worked for the government and or its agencies are considered defendants, these people have the power to "persuade" others including judges, this has been explained to you.
And you have zero evidence to back up THIS bullshit as well. You also were never able to address the fact that this "persuasion", if discovered, makes the person who was persuaded an accomplice to 3,000 counts of first degree murder. Your bullshit paranoid delusions don't hold up to the cold hard facts of reality.

Mr. Jones said:
They can and do control many aspects and outcomes of any legal litigation that anyone tries to peruse against them.
According to the piece of shit liar who is constantly trying to pretend his opinion is fact even though he has no evidence to back up his bullshit.

Mr. Jones said:
Deny it all you want, it is a provable fact, but it is a waste of time pointing this out to you with links or proof of this as you will simply resort to saying how it isn't excepted by the courts, and around we go again, with me having to explain it all again, so fuck off, and quit wasting others time with your BS, and saying I am blatantly lying, and a degenerate, because I have shown everyone here who those labels fit and it is by far a perfect description of you.
Yeah, all you've shown them is you have no evidence you claim you have and that you are more than willing to lie your ass off about it. :lol: Congratulations on exposing just what a piece of shit you really are!
Anyone else notice Mr. Jones is still running from either presenting real evidence or admitting he is nothing but a lowlife liar? :lol: He's thrown up excuses claiming nobody else has real evidence either, but that was a blatant lie. I would have pity on him if he weren't such a low life degenerate.
Aw what's the matter poor Parrot can't respond with anything other then appeals to others to help him out?
Another BLATANT lie from fucktard Jones. Where did I appeal to anyone else? I was just pointing out your dishonesty and the FACT you can't actually produce any of the evidence you claim you have. The unproven bullshit opinions of your "expert" shitbags isn't going to cut it.

Mr. Jones said:
Can't answer questions posed, so he resorts to starting his childish name calling, instead of acting like a man and responding like one?
Another BLATANT lie from you. Where have I not answered the questions posed? Keep digging, asshole! You're just destroying your own credibility.

Mr. Jones said:
Can't post any links to show us where he gets his opinions?
This tired lie again? :lol: You've aready been proven a liar on this one, but I guess you just don't care anymore how ridiculous and pathetic you look.

Mr. Jones said:
How pathetic, seems like no one took the time to show him how to act like a man, and instead educated him on being a low life instead, and they did a good job of it too.
:lol: You're one to talk about acting like a man. Since when is "acting like a man" mean lying one's ass off, running from the truth, and in general, acting like an immature asshole? You wouldn't know what being a man is like if John Wayne were to come back from the dead and give you personal lessons.

Mr. Jones said:
Too bad, he would have turned out to be a better human being by the authorities intervening or removing himself from such an environment and joining the Boys and Girls Clubs, or a decent foster home instead.
This all you got? :lol: Like the rest of your claims..... PATHETIC! :lol:

Mr. Jones said:
He's probably considered a social success where he comes from. Cream of the lowlife crop.
I think I sense some extreme jealousy and more than a little projection.

Mr. Jones said:
I've presented my facts, proof, and evidence while showing how justice is being denied and this moron continues to pretend I haven't :lol:
No, you've presented other people's work that is NOT backed up by any evidence and pretend that they are telling the truth while EVERYONE ELSE is lying. :lol:

Mr. Jones said:
But this is all he ever does, and when he has to face that he is the liar and the distorter facts and of threads, he resorts to his usual low life slime ball no class tactics that he is famous for. I have called him out and pointed his BS out for all to see and he sinks lower into his own pile of shit that he created!
:lol: The more you lie about this the worse you look. Keep it up! :lol:

Mr. Jones said:
This poster has been shown to be the most lying disingenuous spreader of BS anywhere on the net, and has no class or moral character and does not care, as he has already sunk so low, his credibility is irretrievably destroyed.
Wrong yet again! You tried once to prove I lied and you got your ass handed to you. I proved you lied and you had to pathetically try to reinvent the meaning of words to cover your lies. You're no Bill Clinton.

Mr. Jones said:
Even if someone wanted to believe the OCT, he has singlehandedly ruined what ever it might have had going for it, what a great spokesman he turned out to be eh?
:lol: Still pissed off you can't defend your own theories or debunk the OCT, eh? I would be too if I were a dishonest prick like you, but then again, I don't pick bullshit lies to defend in order to try and overthrow the government by your own admission. :lol: That was classic! I love it when you go and prove I was right all along despite your whining that I am lying about you.

Mr. Jones said:
He seems to think personally attacking people gives him some sort of legitimacy :lol: :lol: What a sad sorry ass loser poor Parrot911 is. Nice job showing us all what a weak mental misfit you are Parrot, way to go :clap2:
You still don't know what a hypocrite is, do you, fucktard! :lol: What a loser!
No,but I did notice you can not even define evidence and your complete lack of character

Already gave you the definition of evidence. The fact you wish to sit here and lie your ass off about it only hurts your credibility, not mine.

As for "character", someone with a complete lack of character would STILL beat the living shit out of a fucked up retard like you. Unfortunately for you, I have TONS of character! :lol: Suck it, eots! You lose! AGAIN! :lol:

you have never defined evidence you foul little man

:lol: How did I know you were going to step into your own fetid shit yet again and prove yourself a liar? You already made this claim. I already proved you wrong.

already did. So far you've ignored it like you do everything you don't like and can't address.

this debwunker is almost as pathetic as that dwivecon clot
anytime he wants to avoid answering a question he makes the false claim.... he already has

As usual, it is SOOOOOO easy to prove you're nothing but a pathetic two-bit loser of a liar.

Me providing definition of evidence to eots earlier. So.... are you going to man up and admit you were lying your ass off or are you going to run away and hide like usual?


So once again, thanks for proving what a low life liar you are, eots. It's like fishing in a barrel with a shotgun with you guys! :lol:
You on the other hand have not provided any indisputable evidence or proof that NIST is correct,

Let's turn this around Mr. Jones. Where is YOUR proof and evidence that Niels Harritt's claim that nano-thermite was used to bring down the towers is correct? I mean, let's use the same type of thiking you are applying to NIST. As an example, see below about your thought process.

1. An event happened. NIST says the buildings collapsed and explain how it was possible. You want proof hat NIST is correct.


2. An event happened. Harritt says nano-thermite was used in a demolition of the towers and explains how. You except it as is and demand no proof that Harritt is correct.

Why the double standard?
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