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Nist did not explain how it was was possible

:lol: Yet another incredibly ignorant claim from eots. Anyone surprised? :lol:

So the report simply states the collapse happened and nothing else? REALLY? :lol: All that talk about column 79 never really happened?

Thanks for the laughs eots!
Nist did not explain how it was was possible

:lol: Yet another incredibly ignorant claim from eots. Anyone surprised? :lol:

So the report simply states the collapse happened and nothing else? REALLY? :lol: All that talk about column 79 never really happened?

Thanks for the laughs eots!

they made up a highly improbable story

Really? As opposed to bullshit flights of fancy where there are explosives and thermites and absolutely no evidence to back it up? :lol:

And if it is so highly improbable, why is it the "people" who question it are the people who can barely understand what is said in the report? Meanwhile, agencies, universities and engineering firms the world over have studied the reports, commented on them, and not ONE of them has come back with "highly improbable".

Unfortunately for your side, the legitimate people who have questioned the report all reject your paranoid delusions as highly improbable and actually discuss other plausible scenarios they believe happened. None of them involve explosives or thermite of any kind. This includes Dr. Quintiere.
Mr. Jones.

Can you also explain something else to me.

If explosives were used to make the facade immediately fall at free fall by blowing out 8 floors worth of 57 columns, why does Chandler's video show that the free fall collapse did not start immediately upon the roof-line's descent?
Have you ever seen a CD, and how there is a very slight delay just before the entire structure collapses? This appears to be quite normal.

Really? Quite normal?

Tell you what. You show me a demolition video where ALL the supporting columns are blown at the same time to remove ALL resistance and it shows a delay before the upper assembly starts to fall at free fall.

Let's see the study you are basing this claim on. According to you and your cohorts, when there is NO RESISTANCE, free fall ensues.
Look you are the one saying it isn't possible perhaps you should be the one doing the looking. You have a lot of questions that can be answered satifactorily by researching material yourself, and yes that would include the particulars of the theory you are against.
I have looked at the NIST report and found what the researchers are talking about and it makes sense to me and others.
I have provided links to their work, proof to justify what they say, and the evidence they use to back it up as well.

You insist on disparaging the researchers, and that is your what you try to use to dismiss their work. Why don't you concentrate on the lack of detail NIST leaves out in their work? Concentrate on what is being presented instead.
True absolute Free fall can only really happen in a vacuum. Everything has to at least over come the resistance provided by air, as the linked article I provided you explains. Still the buildings came down with an admitted rate of near free fall, with no explanations as to what removed the resistance.
That's the problem you don't want to address and resort to character assassination instead.
:lol: Yet another incredibly ignorant claim from eots. Anyone surprised? :lol:

So the report simply states the collapse happened and nothing else? REALLY? :lol: All that talk about column 79 never really happened?

Thanks for the laughs eots!

they made up a highly improbable story

Really? As opposed to bullshit flights of fancy where there are explosives and thermites and absolutely no evidence to back it up? :lol:

And if it is so highly improbable, why is it the "people" who question it are the people who can barely understand what is said in the report?


Meanwhile, agencies, universities and engineering firms the world over have studied the reports, commented on them, and not ONE of them has come back with "highly improbable

NIST said their theory had a low probability

Unfortunately for your side, the legitimate people who have questioned the report all reject your paranoid delusions

another story of yours backed with nothing

as highly improbable and actually discuss other plausible scenarios they believe happened. None of them involve explosives or thermite of any kind. This includes Dr. Quintiere

he is a man of science he made no statement of absolutes except that the investigation was blocked, fact finding deterred and a re-investigation is required
Nist did not explain how it was was possible
Exactly! And NIST is supposed to be the "official" authority that is tax payer funded. They made the assertion, and have to explain how they came to their conclusions. They didn't. So again I ask anyone to post any indisputable evidence from NIST, on the buildings demise, with explanations on why they say the buildings offered only "minimal resistance" and fell at "essentially free fall rates".
they made up a highly improbable story



NIST said their theory had a low probability

another story of yours backed with nothing

as highly improbable and actually discuss other plausible scenarios they believe happened. None of them involve explosives or thermite of any kind. This includes Dr. Quintiere

he is a man of science he made no statement of absolutes except that the investigation was blocked, fact finding deterred and a re-investigation is required

We are talking about the collapse of the buildings and the problems with the NIST theory, and this clown now wants to dismiss what credible researchers say about these collapse events, because they may not adhere to or discuss the multitudes of other aspects about the OCT conspiracy theory the government put out? :lol:
I'm done with this dirt bag.

So the report simply states the collapse happened and nothing else? REALLY? :lol: All that talk about column 79 never really happened?
Notice no posting of how or why NIST explains the idiotic column 79, he simply asserts NIST does and walks away providing nothing more. All that talk proves nothing but what a failure you are at trying to convince people NIST is anywhere near correct in their theories. What led to the columns failure is said to be thermal expansion? Where is the indisputable proof of this? Fact is NIST theories are flawed and proven to be flawed. It is a bunch of unproven BS, and only tolerated by others in the fields that are relevant because everyone knows the scandalous shit and ridicule that happens to them if they go against the government in any way. The independent researchers have shown it,and people wont accept it because it leads to the most horrific conclusions, and people are scared. That is it in a nutshell, because the contrary evidence shows it, and ignoring wont make it go away nor does it prove in any way that it is not valid.

Anyone want to have a reasonable discussion I'm game, but I will not be responding to Parrot911 as I have had enough of his circular and asinine name calling posts.
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where did I lie? Truthtards are the liars, remember? Like when you said the NIST didn't explain how the collapse was possible? Or when you said I never explained what evidence was? :lol:

eots said:
NIST said their theory had a low probability
Care to back that up with something other than your "good word"? Especially since we all know your "good word" isn't worth dog shit!

eots said:
another story of yours backed with nothing
Wrong yet again. I already linked you to the external studies done on the towers and how they disagreed with the NIST. Of course, they disagreed with your sorry ass even more, but that is beside the point.

eots said:
he is a man of science he made no statement of absolutes except that the investigation was blocked, fact finding deterred and a re-investigation is required
Where did I state he stated anything absolutely? I said he had another theory. His theory is still light years away from your delusional bullshit.
We are talking about the collapse of the buildings and the problems with the NIST theory, and this clown now wants to dismiss what credible researchers say about these collapse events, because they may not adhere to or discuss the multitudes of other aspects about the OCT conspiracy theory the government put out? :lol:
:lol: You mean the lying sacks of shit over at AE911? :lol: Yeah, like Richard Gage playing with boxes to prove the impossibility of it is credible! :lol:

Mr. Jones said:
I'm done with this dirt bag.
You're done period. You've lost.

Mr. Jones said:
Anyone want to have a reasonable discussion I'm game, but I will not be responding to Parrot911 as I have had enough of his circular and asinine name calling posts.
Still haven't looked up hypocrite I see. :lol: Two bit whores have more respectability than you do.
Nist did not explain how it was was possible
Exactly! And NIST is supposed to be the "official" authority that is tax payer funded. They made the assertion, and have to explain how they came to their conclusions. They didn't. So again I ask anyone to post any indisputable evidence from NIST, on the buildings demise, with explanations on why they say the buildings offered only "minimal resistance" and fell at "essentially free fall rates".

:lol: What a dumbass!!! Eots gets his ass handed to him for making a retarded claim that is blatantly false, and you chime in with EXACTLY!!!! :lol: That's what happens when you have your head up eots' ass.
Moussaoui was tortured? I must have missed that....

Not if you dismiss a shock belt installed on a defendant.
Really? And how often was he shocked during the trial? And since when has delivering a shock to control someone been classified as torture? Wow. Our entire police force is engaging in torture with their tazers. Guess they should just shoot everyone instead.

Mr. Jones said:
And he was denied witnesses at his trial, who were tortured.
You mean the same witnesses who continue to state they are guilty? The ones you try to pretend don't matter because they were tortured so ANYTHING they say is to be thrown out? :lol: Fuck you, Jones.

How about just telling us what relevant points you are trying to make instead of making everyone watch yet another 40+ minute lameassed film full of errors, lies and bullshit.

why don't you speak for yourself instead of your imaginary everyone ?

I have to agree with patriot. I would guess that I have watched at least 200 and probably up to 300 hours of video presented by conspiracy theorists. I doubt I will sit and watch another one anytime soon unless there's a really good reason for it. Like something new......
Two bit whores have more respectability than you do.
Of course you would think that, it is understandable, since those are probably the only females that would offer their companionship to you? (for a price of course) and that would ever stoop so low to be with a scum bag like you?

I can't imagine that any female would see any desirable traits in you, or would want to produce any off spring from the likes of you.. of course there's always someone out there for you, a short drive and 20$ away huh? You have to pay for it from "2 bit whores" that you have "respectability" for :lol:

And of course you would have the utmost respect for a "2 bit whore" since you sound like you spent a lot of time around them.
Were you indoctrinated in social etiquette and life in general, somewhere along the way, (were you abandoned?) by "2 bit whores" during a most critical and impressionable time in your life, probably in an area in Denver were you say you live, like West Colfax Avenue?

Are you one of the sickos posting here? I wouldn't doubt it..
World Sex Guide Escort Reviews: North America/United States/Colorado/Denver

Given all the nasty shit you post and the filthy attitude you display on this forum, that would explain why you would have first hand knowledge and respect for "2 bit whores" that you allude to.

It's probably all the "love" and attention you've ever known. Poor thing...
How sad. Intervening services weren't there for you as a youngster?
Too bad. Did you fall through the cracks and weren't taught how to be a decent and good human being by a loving and nurturing village? (that's probably what it would've taken) and now you carry all that anger from your trauma around with you and display it all over the internet forums you frequent.

Maybe this can explain why you are such a vile and angry person...
"Human beings tend to have an innate desire for nurturing love and to be loved as well. There are even some scientific studies that show children who grow up in loving, nurturing environments tend to be healthier and better adjusted to the world around them than those who do not."
Nurturing Love In Relationships Can Lead To Much More |

Anyway the result is what you are today, a sorry sad sack of shit that can't cope or debate any issues rationally, and is not well adjusted to the world around him, and self projects his inadequacies as an internet troll hiding behind a computer monitor.
It's no wonder that you think the state of the nation you live in is just fine and dandy, and why you side with all that is wrong with America, and opposes those that speak out on the Fascism/corporatism and destruction of America and its values. You have no values, as no sense of decency was instilled in you.

You have no idea what that even is, you act like you were never taught, and are too lazy to look it up and correct your problems.
But you also were never taught about American values, or the history of the struggle to make this nation the greatest in the world and what it is supposed to stand for.
Your definition of a Patriot is skewed and perverted.
Your thinking is, hell your life sucks, so why shouldn't everyone elses?
You are a prime example of why abortion should be a viable alternative instead of allowing children to languish and suffer to become monsters and unrepairable head cases with mental and social problems in our society.
Your DNA strain should be strictly controlled for lab testing purposes only to show students of genetics what can go go wrong when mixing donkey and human DNA, or perhaps even eliminated from human society especially if you are an example of what spawns from it.
How about just telling us what relevant points you are trying to make instead of making everyone watch yet another 40+ minute lameassed film full of errors, lies and bullshit.

why don't you speak for yourself instead of your imaginary everyone ?

I have to agree with patriot. I would guess that I have watched at least 200 and probably up to 300 hours of video presented by conspiracy theorists. I doubt I will sit and watch another one anytime soon unless there's a really good reason for it. Like something new......

We understand you can't comprehend much anyways, and can't make any sense of the information, just stick to your TV and your indoctrinated habits, no big loss.
Two bit whores have more respectability than you do.
Of course you would think that, it is understandable, since those are probably the only females that would offer their companionship to you? (for a price of course) and that would ever stoop so low to be with a scum bag like you?

I can't imagine that any female would see any desirable traits in you, or would want to produce any off spring from the likes of you.. of course there's always someone out there for you, a short drive and 20$ away huh? You have to pay for it from "2 bit whores" that you have "respectability" for :lol:

And of course you would have the utmost respect for a "2 bit whore" since you sound like you spent a lot of time around them.
Were you indoctrinated in social etiquette and life in general, somewhere along the way, (were you abandoned?) by "2 bit whores" during a most critical and impressionable time in your life, probably in an area in Denver were you say you live, like West Colfax Avenue?

Are you one of the sickos posting here? I wouldn't doubt it..
World Sex Guide Escort Reviews: North America/United States/Colorado/Denver

Given all the nasty shit you post and the filthy attitude you display on this forum, that would explain why you would have first hand knowledge and respect for "2 bit whores" that you allude to.

It's probably all the "love" and attention you've ever known. Poor thing...
How sad. Intervening services weren't there for you as a youngster?
Too bad. Did you fall through the cracks and weren't taught how to be a decent and good human being by a loving and nurturing village? (that's probably what it would've taken) and now you carry all that anger from your trauma around with you and display it all over the internet forums you frequent.

Maybe this can explain why you are such a vile and angry person...
"Human beings tend to have an innate desire for nurturing love and to be loved as well. There are even some scientific studies that show children who grow up in loving, nurturing environments tend to be healthier and better adjusted to the world around them than those who do not."
Nurturing Love In Relationships Can Lead To Much More |

Anyway the result is what you are today, a sorry sad sack of shit that can't cope or debate any issues rationally, and is not well adjusted to the world around him, and self projects his inadequacies as an internet troll hiding behind a computer monitor.
It's no wonder that you think the state of the nation you live in is just fine and dandy, and why you side with all that is wrong with America, and opposes those that speak out on the Fascism/corporatism and destruction of America and its values. You have no values, as no sense of decency was instilled in you.

You have no idea what that even is, you act like you were never taught, and are too lazy to look it up and correct your problems.
But you also were never taught about American values, or the history of the struggle to make this nation the greatest in the world and what it is supposed to stand for.
Your definition of a Patriot is skewed and perverted.
Your thinking is, hell your life sucks, so why shouldn't everyone elses?
You are a prime example of why abortion should be a viable alternative instead of allowing children to languish and suffer to become monsters and unrepairable head cases with mental and social problems in our society.
Your DNA strain should be strictly controlled for lab testing purposes only to show students of genetics what can go go wrong when mixing donkey and human DNA, or perhaps even eliminated from human society especially if you are an example of what spawns from it.

Awwww..... isn't that cute! The fucktard thinks he is somehow relevant because he can insult people! What a joke! Grow up and fuck off. :lol:

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