Victims' Families Want To Air New 9/11 Truth Ad

evidence is either hard (forensic) or soft ( eye witness/ear witness aka hear say.
your hard evidence is nonexistent.
your soft evidence is questionable at best and does not stand up to close analytical scrutiny!

what hard evidence do you have that supports the NIST theory ???

Or that can't be debunked as BS speculation or lies for that matter. Why are they so secretive about their computer simulation program?
Many things about the NIST theory and report have been disputed, and shown to be bad science in various forms.
The machine needed to achieve certain goals, 9-11 was a way to attain those goals, and scaring the shit out of us to install a police state to stifle opposition is only one of them.
Learn about the world and the systems within it designed to control you.

THIS statement: "The machine needed to achieve certain goals, 9-11 was a way to attain those goals, and scaring the shit out of us to install a police state to stifle opposition is only one of them.
Learn about the world and the systems within it designed to control you".. IS positive proof of SPECIOUS SPECULATION...YOU HAVE NO CREDIBLE EVEDENCE LINKING THAT SPECULATION TO FACT.:eusa_liar:
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the scientific method for dummies
as far as I can tell you folks have done none of these, we can dicuss the one at a time if you like?

this coming from some loon that did not even know the findings of NIST.. until I told
YOU just keep believing that!
I've read the report many times.
the questions I asked and what statements I ask you to post were to see if you'd live down to my expections of the twoofer set.
you've done a fabulous job!
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this coming from some loon that did not even know the findings of NIST.. until I told
YOU just keep believing that!
I've read the report many times.
the questions I asked and what statements I ask you to post were to see if you'd live down to my expections of the twoofer set.
you've done a fabulous job!

bullshit, you did not know the findings of the final report and now you pretend you are a clown
YOU just keep believing that!
I've read the report many times.
the questions I asked and what statements I ask you to post were to see if you'd live down to my expections of the twoofer set.
you've done a fabulous job!

bullshit, you did not know the findings of the final report and now you pretend you are a clown

actually he is retarded in the fact that he is a JFK lone nut theorist.:lol: You should look at his posts in the JFK section.cracks me up to no end.can only resort to one liners when he knows he is defeated.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
evidence is either hard (forensic) or soft ( eye witness/ear witness aka hear say.
your hard evidence is nonexistent.
your soft evidence is questionable at best and does not stand up to close analytical scrutiny!

what hard evidence do you have that supports the NIST theory ???

Or that can't be debunked as BS speculation or lies for that matter. Why are they so secretive about their computer simulation program?
Many things about the NIST theory and report have been disputed, and shown to be bad science in various forms.
The machine needed to achieve certain goals, 9-11 was a way to attain those goals, and scaring the shit out of us to install a police state to stifle opposition is only one of them.
Learn about the world and the systems within it designed to control you.

THIS statement: "The machine needed to achieve certain goals, 9-11 was a way to attain those goals, and scaring the shit out of us to install a police state to stifle opposition is only one of them.
Learn about the world and the systems within it designed to control you".. IS positive proof of SPECIOUS SPECULATION...YOU HAVE NO CREDIBLE EVEDENCE LINKING THAT SPECULATION TO FACT.:eusa_liar:

NISTs theory IS based on BS speculation, if you don't think so and feel the need to defend them, then perhaps you can start by providing CREDIBLE EVIDENCE that can not be disputed by the introduction of a more plausible theory.
BTW, the machine had an agenda, and plans to invade Afghanistan, before 9-11, but their reason were not as sound as say...a new Pearl Harbor type of an event.
bullshit, you did not know the findings of the final report and now you pretend you are a clown

actually he is retarded in the fact that he is a JFK lone nut theorist.:lol: You should look at his posts in the JFK section.cracks me up to no end.can only resort to one liners when he knows he is defeated.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

so what was your hard evidence on wtc 7 again ?...I must of missed that part
NIST: Fire caused the collapse of WTC 7

Oct 1, 2008

“Uncontrolled building fires—similar to fires experienced in other tall buildings—caused an extraordinary event, the collapse of World Trade Center 7 (WTC 7),” S. Shyam Sunder, lead investigator for the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), reported at a news conference in August. This conclusion was reached, Sunder said, “by reconstructing the building, beam by beam, column by column, connection by connection into a computer model.” The investigation results are included in a draft of the report and recommendations available online at; NIST was accepting comments on the document up to September 15, 2008. The study took three years to complete.

Among the findings contained in the report are the following:

The collapse was not caused by explosives or fuel oil fires.
Fires, which undermined floor beams and a critical structural column, led to the eventual collapse. The fires on Floors 7 through 9 and 11 through 13 were particularly severe.
Thermal expansion of long-span floor systems in the east side of the building was a critical factor. The building’s exterior columns were more closely spaced than the interior ones. Thermal expansion of the floor beams damaged connections between the steel beams and concrete slab of the composite floor system. Some beams buckled; others pushed the girders, causing some to buckle. A few girders lost their connections to columns, triggering floor failures.
WTC 7 is the first modern high-rise to collapse primarily as a result of a fire. Debris from the falling WTC Tower 1 damaged structural columns and ignited fire on at least 10 floors. The main fuels for the fire were office paper and furnishings.
The water supply for the sprinkler system had been cut off on six of the lower floors, which caused these floors to burn with intensity. The upper floors had a backup water supply.
The collapse started on the 13th floor when a girder disconnected from a critical column (79), which supported a long open floor span. Once the floor gave way, the floors below it, down to the fifth floor, also compressed. The buckling of Column 79 (and then Columns 80 and 81) occurred when lateral support for nine stories was lost. As the building started to fall, a kink occurred at the top of the building as the east penthouse failed.

Sunder noted that thermal expansion effects currently “are not explicitly considered in design practice for fire resistance ratings. No professional is assigned the explicit responsibility for ensuring the adequate fire safety performance of a building’s structural system.” He added that the important lesson for engineers and architects to consider for other skyscrapers is how the heat from fires can weaken structural elements, potentially causing a “so-called progressive collapse.” Owners of tall buildings with a similar floor design, he said, “should immediately consider whether to install reinforcements.” He added, “Perhaps codes should be changed to address the weakness.”
so what was your hard evidence on wtc 7 again ?...I must of missed that part
NIST: Fire caused the collapse of WTC 7

Oct 1, 2008

“Uncontrolled building fires—similar to fires experienced in other tall buildings—caused an extraordinary event, the collapse of World Trade Center 7 (WTC 7),” S. Shyam Sunder, lead investigator for the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), reported at a news conference in August. This conclusion was reached, Sunder said, “by reconstructing the building, beam by beam, column by column, connection by connection into a computer model.” The investigation results are included in a draft of the report and recommendations available online at; NIST was accepting comments on the document up to September 15, 2008. The study took three years to complete.

Among the findings contained in the report are the following:

The collapse was not caused by explosives or fuel oil fires.
Fires, which undermined floor beams and a critical structural column, led to the eventual collapse. The fires on Floors 7 through 9 and 11 through 13 were particularly severe.
Thermal expansion of long-span floor systems in the east side of the building was a critical factor. The building’s exterior columns were more closely spaced than the interior ones. Thermal expansion of the floor beams damaged connections between the steel beams and concrete slab of the composite floor system. Some beams buckled; others pushed the girders, causing some to buckle. A few girders lost their connections to columns, triggering floor failures.
WTC 7 is the first modern high-rise to collapse primarily as a result of a fire. Debris from the falling WTC Tower 1 damaged structural columns and ignited fire on at least 10 floors. The main fuels for the fire were office paper and furnishings.
The water supply for the sprinkler system had been cut off on six of the lower floors, which caused these floors to burn with intensity. The upper floors had a backup water supply.
The collapse started on the 13th floor when a girder disconnected from a critical column (79), which supported a long open floor span. Once the floor gave way, the floors below it, down to the fifth floor, also compressed. The buckling of Column 79 (and then Columns 80 and 81) occurred when lateral support for nine stories was lost. As the building started to fall, a kink occurred at the top of the building as the east penthouse failed.

Sunder noted that thermal expansion effects currently “are not explicitly considered in design practice for fire resistance ratings. No professional is assigned the explicit responsibility for ensuring the adequate fire safety performance of a building’s structural system.” He added that the important lesson for engineers and architects to consider for other skyscrapers is how the heat from fires can weaken structural elements, potentially causing a “so-called progressive collapse.” Owners of tall buildings with a similar floor design, he said, “should immediately consider whether to install reinforcements.” He added, “Perhaps codes should be changed to address the weakness.”

there is not one shred of hard evidence in your cut & paste you ninny
so what was your hard evidence on wtc 7 again ?...I must of missed that part
NIST: Fire caused the collapse of WTC 7

Oct 1, 2008

“Uncontrolled building fires—similar to fires experienced in other tall buildings—caused an extraordinary event, the collapse of World Trade Center 7 (WTC 7),” S. Shyam Sunder, lead investigator for the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), reported at a news conference in August. This conclusion was reached, Sunder said, “by reconstructing the building, beam by beam, column by column, connection by connection into a computer model.” The investigation results are included in a draft of the report and recommendations available online at; NIST was accepting comments on the document up to September 15, 2008. The study took three years to complete.

Among the findings contained in the report are the following:

The collapse was not caused by explosives or fuel oil fires.
Fires, which undermined floor beams and a critical structural column, led to the eventual collapse. The fires on Floors 7 through 9 and 11 through 13 were particularly severe.
Thermal expansion of long-span floor systems in the east side of the building was a critical factor. The building’s exterior columns were more closely spaced than the interior ones. Thermal expansion of the floor beams damaged connections between the steel beams and concrete slab of the composite floor system. Some beams buckled; others pushed the girders, causing some to buckle. A few girders lost their connections to columns, triggering floor failures.
WTC 7 is the first modern high-rise to collapse primarily as a result of a fire. Debris from the falling WTC Tower 1 damaged structural columns and ignited fire on at least 10 floors. The main fuels for the fire were office paper and furnishings.
The water supply for the sprinkler system had been cut off on six of the lower floors, which caused these floors to burn with intensity. The upper floors had a backup water supply.
The collapse started on the 13th floor when a girder disconnected from a critical column (79), which supported a long open floor span. Once the floor gave way, the floors below it, down to the fifth floor, also compressed. The buckling of Column 79 (and then Columns 80 and 81) occurred when lateral support for nine stories was lost. As the building started to fall, a kink occurred at the top of the building as the east penthouse failed.

Sunder noted that thermal expansion effects currently “are not explicitly considered in design practice for fire resistance ratings. No professional is assigned the explicit responsibility for ensuring the adequate fire safety performance of a building’s structural system.” He added that the important lesson for engineers and architects to consider for other skyscrapers is how the heat from fires can weaken structural elements, potentially causing a “so-called progressive collapse.” Owners of tall buildings with a similar floor design, he said, “should immediately consider whether to install reinforcements.” He added, “Perhaps codes should be changed to address the weakness.”
That is-

so what was your hard evidence on wtc 7 again ?...I must of missed that part
NIST: Fire caused the collapse of WTC 7

Oct 1, 2008

“Uncontrolled building fires—similar to fires experienced in other tall buildings—caused an extraordinary event, the collapse of World Trade Center 7 (WTC 7),” S. Shyam Sunder, lead investigator for the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), reported at a news conference in August. This conclusion was reached, Sunder said, “by reconstructing the building, beam by beam, column by column, connection by connection into a computer model.” The investigation results are included in a draft of the report and recommendations available online at; NIST was accepting comments on the document up to September 15, 2008. The study took three years to complete.

Among the findings contained in the report are the following:

The collapse was not caused by explosives or fuel oil fires.
Fires, which undermined floor beams and a critical structural column, led to the eventual collapse. The fires on Floors 7 through 9 and 11 through 13 were particularly severe.
Thermal expansion of long-span floor systems in the east side of the building was a critical factor. The building’s exterior columns were more closely spaced than the interior ones. Thermal expansion of the floor beams damaged connections between the steel beams and concrete slab of the composite floor system. Some beams buckled; others pushed the girders, causing some to buckle. A few girders lost their connections to columns, triggering floor failures.
WTC 7 is the first modern high-rise to collapse primarily as a result of a fire. Debris from the falling WTC Tower 1 damaged structural columns and ignited fire on at least 10 floors. The main fuels for the fire were office paper and furnishings.
The water supply for the sprinkler system had been cut off on six of the lower floors, which caused these floors to burn with intensity. The upper floors had a backup water supply.
The collapse started on the 13th floor when a girder disconnected from a critical column (79), which supported a long open floor span. Once the floor gave way, the floors below it, down to the fifth floor, also compressed. The buckling of Column 79 (and then Columns 80 and 81) occurred when lateral support for nine stories was lost. As the building started to fall, a kink occurred at the top of the building as the east penthouse failed.

Sunder noted that thermal expansion effects currently “are not explicitly considered in design practice for fire resistance ratings. No professional is assigned the explicit responsibility for ensuring the adequate fire safety performance of a building’s structural system.” He added that the important lesson for engineers and architects to consider for other skyscrapers is how the heat from fires can weaken structural elements, potentially causing a “so-called progressive collapse.” Owners of tall buildings with a similar floor design, he said, “should immediately consider whether to install reinforcements.” He added, “Perhaps codes should be changed to address the weakness.”

there is not one shred of hard evidence in your cut & paste you ninny
that's because there is no hard evidence at all this is as close as it gets. regarding wtc7 and it's a shit load more then the any twoofer explaination! you wanker!:lol:
so what was your hard evidence on wtc 7 again ?...I must of missed that part
NIST: Fire caused the collapse of WTC 7

Oct 1, 2008

“Uncontrolled building fires—similar to fires experienced in other tall buildings—caused an extraordinary event, the collapse of World Trade Center 7 (WTC 7),” S. Shyam Sunder, lead investigator for the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), reported at a news conference in August. This conclusion was reached, Sunder said, “by reconstructing the building, beam by beam, column by column, connection by connection into a computer model.” The investigation results are included in a draft of the report and recommendations available online at; NIST was accepting comments on the document up to September 15, 2008. The study took three years to complete.

Among the findings contained in the report are the following:

The collapse was not caused by explosives or fuel oil fires.
Fires, which undermined floor beams and a critical structural column, led to the eventual collapse. The fires on Floors 7 through 9 and 11 through 13 were particularly severe.
Thermal expansion of long-span floor systems in the east side of the building was a critical factor. The building’s exterior columns were more closely spaced than the interior ones. Thermal expansion of the floor beams damaged connections between the steel beams and concrete slab of the composite floor system. Some beams buckled; others pushed the girders, causing some to buckle. A few girders lost their connections to columns, triggering floor failures.
WTC 7 is the first modern high-rise to collapse primarily as a result of a fire. Debris from the falling WTC Tower 1 damaged structural columns and ignited fire on at least 10 floors. The main fuels for the fire were office paper and furnishings.
The water supply for the sprinkler system had been cut off on six of the lower floors, which caused these floors to burn with intensity. The upper floors had a backup water supply.
The collapse started on the 13th floor when a girder disconnected from a critical column (79), which supported a long open floor span. Once the floor gave way, the floors below it, down to the fifth floor, also compressed. The buckling of Column 79 (and then Columns 80 and 81) occurred when lateral support for nine stories was lost. As the building started to fall, a kink occurred at the top of the building as the east penthouse failed.

Sunder noted that thermal expansion effects currently “are not explicitly considered in design practice for fire resistance ratings. No professional is assigned the explicit responsibility for ensuring the adequate fire safety performance of a building’s structural system.” He added that the important lesson for engineers and architects to consider for other skyscrapers is how the heat from fires can weaken structural elements, potentially causing a “so-called progressive collapse.” Owners of tall buildings with a similar floor design, he said, “should immediately consider whether to install reinforcements.” He added, “Perhaps codes should be changed to address the weakness.”
That is-

again another unprovable specious allegation. you have no credible evidence other wise!
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NIST: Fire caused the collapse of WTC 7

Oct 1, 2008

“Uncontrolled building fires—similar to fires experienced in other tall buildings—caused an extraordinary event, the collapse of World Trade Center 7 (WTC 7),” S. Shyam Sunder, lead investigator for the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), reported at a news conference in August. This conclusion was reached, Sunder said, “by reconstructing the building, beam by beam, column by column, connection by connection into a computer model.” The investigation results are included in a draft of the report and recommendations available online at; NIST was accepting comments on the document up to September 15, 2008. The study took three years to complete.

Among the findings contained in the report are the following:

The collapse was not caused by explosives or fuel oil fires.
Fires, which undermined floor beams and a critical structural column, led to the eventual collapse. The fires on Floors 7 through 9 and 11 through 13 were particularly severe.
Thermal expansion of long-span floor systems in the east side of the building was a critical factor. The building’s exterior columns were more closely spaced than the interior ones. Thermal expansion of the floor beams damaged connections between the steel beams and concrete slab of the composite floor system. Some beams buckled; others pushed the girders, causing some to buckle. A few girders lost their connections to columns, triggering floor failures.
WTC 7 is the first modern high-rise to collapse primarily as a result of a fire. Debris from the falling WTC Tower 1 damaged structural columns and ignited fire on at least 10 floors. The main fuels for the fire were office paper and furnishings.
The water supply for the sprinkler system had been cut off on six of the lower floors, which caused these floors to burn with intensity. The upper floors had a backup water supply.
The collapse started on the 13th floor when a girder disconnected from a critical column (79), which supported a long open floor span. Once the floor gave way, the floors below it, down to the fifth floor, also compressed. The buckling of Column 79 (and then Columns 80 and 81) occurred when lateral support for nine stories was lost. As the building started to fall, a kink occurred at the top of the building as the east penthouse failed.

Sunder noted that thermal expansion effects currently “are not explicitly considered in design practice for fire resistance ratings. No professional is assigned the explicit responsibility for ensuring the adequate fire safety performance of a building’s structural system.” He added that the important lesson for engineers and architects to consider for other skyscrapers is how the heat from fires can weaken structural elements, potentially causing a “so-called progressive collapse.” Owners of tall buildings with a similar floor design, he said, “should immediately consider whether to install reinforcements.” He added, “Perhaps codes should be changed to address the weakness.”

there is not one shred of hard evidence in your cut & paste you ninny

that's because there is no hard evidence at all this is as close as it gets. regarding wtc7 and it's a shit load more then the any twoofer explaination! you wanker!:lol:

I see...
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The collapse was not caused by explosives or fuel oil fires.
Fires, which undermined floor beams and a critical structural column, led to the eventual collapse. The fires on Floors 7 through 9 and 11 through 13 were particularly severe.
Thermal expansion of long-span floor systems in the east side of the building was a critical factor. The building’s exterior columns were more closely spaced than the interior ones. Thermal expansion of the floor beams damaged connections between the steel beams and concrete slab of the composite floor system. Some beams buckled; others pushed the girders, causing some to buckle. A few girders lost their connections to columns, triggering floor failures.
WTC 7 is the first modern high-rise to collapse primarily as a result of a fire. Debris from the falling WTC Tower 1 damaged structural columns and ignited fire on at least 10 floors. The main fuels for the fire were office paper and furnishings.
The water supply for the sprinkler system had been cut off on six of the lower floors, which caused these floors to burn with intensity. The upper floors had a backup water supply.
The collapse started on the 13th floor when a girder disconnected from a critical column (79), which supported a long open floor span. Once the floor gave way, the floors below it, down to the fifth floor, also compressed. The buckling of Column 79 (and then Columns 80 and 81) occurred when lateral support for nine stories was lost. As the building started to fall, a kink occurred at the top of the building as the east penthouse failed.

but I thought you had a contradictory theory to that of NIST ?
IMO the only thing they got wrong was the "1st time in history" quote.
my guess is that the others ( steel buildings destroyed by fire) did not fit their criteria.
the thermal expansion theory is the only one that fits all the evidence.
since they tested for explosives and other accelerants and found that it was highly improbable to set these without being detected and no one else come forward with a competing theory that has any scientific merit or credibility of any kind ,it only make sense to any reasonable person to agree with the people who do safety and standards for a living.

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