Victoria Secret Perfect Body Ads and American Fascism

Liberals are victims of life. It's always somebody else's fault because they are simply products of their environment. That's why they want mommy government looking out for them.

True enough, the biggest sin for a liberal is someone who makes them feel bad about themselves. That is why they are so anti-religion.
Man you guy's logic got left at the toilet this morning....Advertisement motivation and corporate profit for lingerie, have nothing to do with partisan politics in D.C.

Why is that?

Why is advertising for the socialist/fascist brand exempt?

Instead of replying to the actual issue, your preference is to create one...
The whole of the advertising industry should be considered the same.

The advertising industry should include the Government Disinformation Agencies.
Why they are two completely separate unrelated issues?

AGAIN, why is advertising for the government supremacy brand exempt?

Why is it that politicians can use the broadcast medium to incite violence against the wealthy, the producers , the taxpayers exempt?

This is not a "Politics" topic. It's cultural. Doesn't have jack shit to do with "liberalism", "conservatism" or "religions".
Politics is the mechanism for forwarding your ideology. Liberalism and conservativism aren't politics, they are ideologies, or world views, if you will. There very definitely is a correlation between how one sees themselves in their environment and how they respond to it. Either they are victims of circumstances or they respond to circumstances and determine their own destinies.

There is NO difference between "liberalism" and "conservatism". One wants to impose tyranny in the name of the fatherland the other one in the name of "god".

Progressives are the most miserable and unhappy people on the planet
Progressives , elitists and socialists are the most miserable and unhappy people on the plane

....see what I mean Ardie? Here the OP completely firebombs his own topic.
Uh, no....

Ummm, yes.
His political connection was the word "fascism", by which I'm sure he refers to the domination of government by Corporatia.

No, FASCISM is the domination of private businesses by the massive regulatory confiscatory state.

That's a good topic to explore. That's a great one in fact. It could explore a common adversary We the People are all up against.

But then he went full partisan hack with the divisive put-down labels and shot his own potential point in the foot. It's the same game the Puppetmaster plays -- get the People transfixed on how the puppets are dressed in red and blue, fight over that, and forget that they're still puppets.


Both parties are dominated by progressives.

That is the reason we are being governed by a behemoth.

This is not a "Politics" topic. It's cultural. Doesn't have jack shit to do with "liberalism", "conservatism" or "religions".
Politics is the mechanism for forwarding your ideology. Liberalism and conservativism aren't politics, they are ideologies, or world views, if you will. There very definitely is a correlation between how one sees themselves in their environment and how they respond to it. Either they are victims of circumstances or they respond to circumstances and determine their own destinies.

There is NO difference between "liberalism" and "conservatism". One wants to impose tyranny in the name of the fatherland the other one in the name of "god".

Straw man.............There is a difference and you confuse Conservatives with Rhino's.................The status quo has fucked us and our nation and in that I have no argument.............but blanket condemnation of conservatives in general makes your posts inane.................

I am a Conservative with major leanings to a return to the Constitutional Principles that we have lost...............You ditch ideologies as BS politics while you push your own ideology and claim it isn't the same. Very Hypocritical of you.
"Victoria Secret Perfect Body Ads and American Fascism"

This is true idiocy.

The authors of the petition aren't US citizens, they are from the UK, and are in no manner 'fascists,' 'American' or otherwise.

The OP then ventures into a realm completely devoid of logic and fact by making a bizarre connection between three women in the UK and their disapproval of a Victoria's Secret ad, and some paranoid lunacy about the American government stealing, plundering, and looting our wealth.
Progressives are the most miserable and unhappy people on the planet
Progressives , elitists and socialists are the most miserable and unhappy people on the plane

....see what I mean Ardie? Here the OP completely firebombs his own topic.
Uh, no....

Ummm, yes.
His political connection was the word "fascism", by which I'm sure he refers to the domination of government by Corporatia.

No, FASCISM is the domination of private businesses by the massive regulatory confiscatory state.

Swap the "of" and "by" in that sentence and you've got it right. Unless you'd have us believe the puppets are pulling the puppeteers' strings...

That's a good topic to explore. That's a great one in fact. It could explore a common adversary We the People are all up against.

But then he went full partisan hack with the divisive put-down labels and shot his own potential point in the foot. It's the same game the Puppetmaster plays -- get the People transfixed on how the puppets are dressed in red and blue, fight over that, and forget that they're still puppets.


Both parties are dominated by progressives.

That is the reason we are being governed by a behemoth.

Yuh huh. You're only about a hundred years out of date with that term...
Uh ... If a picture of a beautiful lady makes you feel bad about yourself ... Get some fricken professional help and leave the rest of us out of it.

Liberals are victims of life. It's always somebody else's fault because they are simply products of their environment. That's why they want mommy government looking out for them.

This is not a "Politics" topic. It's cultural. Doesn't have jack shit to do with "liberalism", "conservatism" or "religions".

Someone's fat.

And stupid.

And an insipid hack who can't write to save its (because no one can figure out what the fuck you are) ass.
Liberals are victims of life. It's always somebody else's fault because they are simply products of their environment. That's why they want mommy government looking out for them.
It applies to ANYONE who wants to manipulate government in order to get what they want.
Everyone who votes does that.


But in our CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC that is not supposed to happen.

"A" does not have the right to "B"'s property.

"A" does not have a right to tell "B" whether or not he can own property.

In summary, the government does not have the authority to steal from "A" to feed "B""

The government has not authority to prevent "B:" from owning firearms or 20 round magazines in order to please "B".

Liberals are victims of life. It's always somebody else's fault because they are simply products of their environment. That's why they want mommy government looking out for them.

True enough, the biggest sin for a liberal is someone who makes them feel bad about themselves. That is why they are so anti-religion.
Man you guy's logic got left at the toilet this morning....Advertisement motivation and corporate profit for lingerie, have nothing to do with partisan politics in D.C.

Why is that?

Why is advertising for the socialist/fascist brand exempt?

Instead of replying to the actual issue, your preference is to create one...

Why is advertising for the socialist/fascist brand exempt?


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