Victory for the first amendment

You are the ONLY one here espousing hate dumb ass.
If you don’t understand the topic, the GTFO

The topic is free speech, and you hate free your own words
You have a right to free speech, not a right to be spared from consequences

That works both ways.
Never said it didn’t, snowflake

Than BOHICA.....
Some people who for some reason have chosen to live in my community but hate it and are hostile to it want an enemy to come inspire more hatred of my community? Nope.

Once again, it is not your community, it is the community of everyone that lives in it. You are not the king nor the god of the community, thus it is not yours and yours alone.

Live and let live...the best way to go through life
It certainly Is. I’ll call on protesters to give whatever conservative troll is coming to insult the staff, students, faculty and community of Berkeley to give the fucker and their security hell.

You're just dying for a shooting war ain't ya?
Listen up ya puss!! If we bring it you're gonna lose in a big way!
It will not come to that, but you'd best remember what happened last time if you’re thinking about it. Rural wasteland doesn’t fight well against cities and their wealth.

What makes you believe the 'rural wasteland' would take their fight to your grand cities?

All rural America would have to do is control ingress into the cities.
A simple task.
It is not just your community, some people in the same community want to hear it. If you do not like what someone has to say, don't go see them. Why do you think you should be the decider of what people other than yourself listen to?
Some people who for some reason have chosen to live in my community but hate it and are hostile to it want an enemy to come inspire more hatred of my community? Nope.

Once again, it is not your community, it is the community of everyone that lives in it. You are not the king nor the god of the community, thus it is not yours and yours alone.

Live and let live...the best way to go through life
It certainly Is. I’ll call on protesters to give whatever conservative troll is coming to insult the staff, students, faculty and community of Berkeley to give the fucker and their security hell.

You're just dying for a shooting war ain't ya?
Listen up ya puss!! If we bring it you're gonna lose in a big way!
It will not come to that, but you'd best remember what happened last time if you’re thinking about it. Rural wasteland doesn’t fight well against cities and their wealth.

Wealth means nothing in an urban combat situation. They only way an enemy in urban areas can run up a body count is by improvised explosive devices or sniper attacks. Obviously you leftists haven't learned a single thing from Iraq and Afghanistan.
Buy it from one of our own farmers

Your own farmers? In the big city, eh? Must be from those illusive skyscraper farms I never hear about.

buy it from an ally

It would have to be an ally with land. You would then be dependent upon said ally. You're back where you started.

or force you to give it to me because otherwise you’d be broke and beggared.

Hmm. So you go into farmland that's foreign to city folk and demand food in exchange for... currency? What happens when they kill you and simply take your currency? Seems like you really haven't fleshed this theory out completely.

the looney left wing attempts to silence conservatives on college campuses just got hit in the mouth.

It was a win for the First Amendment, however, I believe Cal was kinda coerced
into giving in.

Had Cal not given in, this case could have gone to the SCOTUS.

If SCOTUS had ruled on it...they would have clamped down on the
entire Unversity system in the Country. The way it is now, or the
way the ruling read, is that it only involves Cal-Berkley. It's possible
that it could include every school in the Cal system. However it does
not affect anybody outside of California.

This was a case, that it was in the best interests of the Left, to lose.
Now, I totally understand you...
Why do you hate free speech?

If you are so against free speech perhaps there are other countries you would be happier in, and then you could quit shitting on our Constitution.
If you come to my community to attack its members and my friends and neighbors, you are not welcome.

It is not just your community, some people in the same community want to hear it. If you do not like what someone has to say, don't go see them. Why do you think you should be the decider of what people other than yourself listen to?
Some people who for some reason have chosen to live in my community but hate it and are hostile to it want an enemy to come inspire more hatred of my community? Nope.

Once again, it is not your community, it is the community of everyone that lives in it. You are not the king nor the god of the community, thus it is not yours and yours alone.

Live and let live...the best way to go through life
It certainly Is. I’ll call on protesters to give whatever conservative troll is coming to insult the staff, students, faculty and community of Berkeley to give the fucker and their security hell.
At least to other schools, it should be a wake up call. I feel sure those other schools suppressing free speech have been watching closely for the outcome.

the looney left wing attempts to silence conservatives on college campuses just got hit in the mouth.

It was a win for the First Amendment, however, I believe Cal was kinda coerced
into giving in.

Had Cal not given in, this case could have gone to the SCOTUS.

If SCOTUS had ruled on it...they would have clamped down on the
entire Unversity system in the Country. The way it is now, or the
way the ruling read, is that it only involves Cal-Berkley. It's possible
that it could include every school in the Cal system. However it does
not affect anybody outside of California.

This was a case, that it was in the best interests of the Left, to lose.
Some people who for some reason have chosen to live in my community but hate it and are hostile to it want an enemy to come inspire more hatred of my community? Nope.

Once again, it is not your community, it is the community of everyone that lives in it. You are not the king nor the god of the community, thus it is not yours and yours alone.

Live and let live...the best way to go through life
It certainly Is. I’ll call on protesters to give whatever conservative troll is coming to insult the staff, students, faculty and community of Berkeley to give the fucker and their security hell.

You're just dying for a shooting war ain't ya?
Listen up ya puss!! If we bring it you're gonna lose in a big way!
It will not come to that, but you'd best remember what happened last time if you’re thinking about it. Rural wasteland doesn’t fight well against cities and their wealth.

Wealth means nothing in an urban combat situation. They only way an enemy in urban areas can run up a body count is by improvised explosive devices or sniper attacks. Obviously you leftists haven't learned a single thing from Iraq and Afghanistan.

Those tactics wouldnt work anyway.
We'd have no reason to enter cities. All we'd have to do is control the means of sustenance entering the cities.
We could set up miles from the city limits and blow the bridges and rail lines and never suffer any losses whatsoever.

It would be a siege type war. You control what comes and goes and you win.
At least to other schools, it should be a wake up call. I feel sure those other schools suppressing free speech have been watching closely for the outcome.

the looney left wing attempts to silence conservatives on college campuses just got hit in the mouth.

It was a win for the First Amendment, however, I believe Cal was kinda coerced
into giving in.

Had Cal not given in, this case could have gone to the SCOTUS.

If SCOTUS had ruled on it...they would have clamped down on the
entire Unversity system in the Country. The way it is now, or the
way the ruling read, is that it only involves Cal-Berkley. It's possible
that it could include every school in the Cal system. However it does
not affect anybody outside of California.

This was a case, that it was in the best interests of the Left, to lose.

I understand that, but the process of what these nutjobs have been
doing has not been altered. The next school can also waste time and
money dragging this stuff thru the courts, while maintaining their
assault on the rights of their conservative students.
It is not just your community, some people in the same community want to hear it. If you do not like what someone has to say, don't go see them. Why do you think you should be the decider of what people other than yourself listen to?
Some people who for some reason have chosen to live in my community but hate it and are hostile to it want an enemy to come inspire more hatred of my community? Nope.
You are the ONLY one here espousing hate dumb ass.
If you don’t understand the topic, the GTFO

The topic is free speech, and you hate free your own words
You have a right to free speech, not a right to be spared from consequences

And the people who provide the consequences are not spared from law and penalty.
At least to other schools, it should be a wake up call. I feel sure those other schools suppressing free speech have been watching closely for the outcome.

the looney left wing attempts to silence conservatives on college campuses just got hit in the mouth.

It was a win for the First Amendment, however, I believe Cal was kinda coerced
into giving in.

Had Cal not given in, this case could have gone to the SCOTUS.

If SCOTUS had ruled on it...they would have clamped down on the
entire Unversity system in the Country. The way it is now, or the
way the ruling read, is that it only involves Cal-Berkley. It's possible
that it could include every school in the Cal system. However it does
not affect anybody outside of California.

This was a case, that it was in the best interests of the Left, to lose.

I understand that, but the process of what these nutjobs have been
doing has not been altered. The next school can also waste time and
money dragging this stuff thru the courts, while maintaining their
assault on the rights of their conservative students.

Asserting 'rights'* seems to be the big battle in today's SJW society, and even much more within the educational system. I feel unchecked left wingerism is responsible for much of this as educators as a whole lean to left politically. We gotta refrain from being such over sensitive, irresponsible vaginas and take our lumps from time to time. That's America.
That means protestors are going to have to be more forceful. If the college or law enforcement will not remove individuals hostile to the community, members of the community will need to do so.

Why do you hate free speech?

If you are so against free speech perhaps there are other countries you would be happier in, and then you could quit shitting on our Constitution.
If you come to my community to attack its members and my friends and neighbors, you are not welcome.

How is anybody attacking them?

the looney left wing attempts to silence conservatives on college campuses just got hit in the mouth.

It was a win for the First Amendment, however, I believe Cal was kinda coerced
into giving in.

Had Cal not given in, this case could have gone to the SCOTUS.

If SCOTUS had ruled on it...they would have clamped down on the
entire Unversity system in the Country. The way it is now, or the
way the ruling read, is that it only involves Cal-Berkley. It's possible
that it could include every school in the Cal system. However it does
not affect anybody outside of California.

This was a case, that it was in the best interests of the Left, to lose.

It may still end up there if another institution does the same thing and pushes it to the next level. But for now, the last court ruling does stand for the entire country.
I would hope that the rules change in the House of Representatives to allow a representative to wear her religious headgear in chamber will also be seen as a victory for the First Amendment.
That means protestors are going to have to be more forceful. If the college or law enforcement will not remove individuals hostile to the community, members of the community will need to do so.

Why do you hate free speech?

If you are so against free speech perhaps there are other countries you would be happier in, and then you could quit shitting on our Constitution.
If you come to my community to attack its members and my friends and neighbors, you are not welcome.

We'll be sure to steer clear of the trailer park you're living in.
Oh, this great, they knew they’d lose, if they hadn’t agreed-

According to the campus statement, the compensation for attorney costs constitutes “a fraction of the attorney’s fees” amassed in the process of litigation and is less than the cost incurred had the university further pursued the case in court.

“Given that this outcome is all but indistinguishable from what a courtroom victory would have looked like, we see this as the least expensive path to successful resolution of this lawsuit,” Mogulof said in the statement. “While we regret the time, effort and resources that have been expended successfully defending the constitutionality of UC Berkeley’s event policy, this settlement means the campus will not need to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars in unrecoverable defense costs to prove that UC Berkeley has never discriminated on the basis of viewpoint.”
UC Berkeley to settle free speech lawsuit with conservative groups
If you come to my community to attack its members and my friends and neighbors, you are not welcome.

That's the emotional take, and I, for one, don't find it overly compelling.

It should be noted that the provision of Berkeley facilities for some event is not a First Amendment issue. That's what the settlement is about.

It should also be noted that the alt-right speakers are not "merely" attacking (whatever that means) friends and neighbors. What they are actually attacking is language itself by way of normalizing dehumanizing, demonizing speech.

Now, there's good and sound reason to believe that students, the thinkers of the future, should be able to hear all sides, even speech from those who have a status not very different from trolls. It's at the very least an occasion to hone their judgment.

So yes, on principle I am coming down on the side of letting them speak, with a wary look at a (re-) normalization of speech everybody gifted with more than a shred of decency hoped would soon be eradicated. Of all the weapons considered to counter the latter, the least tried and, I think, most effective, would be ridicule. Well deserved ridicule for alt-right dolts - insecure manikins with a desperate need to look down upon someone, anyone - in particular.

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