Victory for the first amendment

Oh, man, you have it bad. I can imagine the camp you are a product of.
If you come to my community to attack its members and my friends and neighbors, you are not welcome.

That's the emotional take, and I, for one, don't find it overly compelling.

It should be noted that the provision of Berkeley facilities for some event is not a First Amendment issue. That's what the settlement is about.

It should also be noted that the alt-right speakers are not "merely" attacking (whatever that means) friends and neighbors. What they are actually attacking is language itself by way of normalizing dehumanizing, demonizing speech.

Now, there's good and sound reason to believe that students, the thinkers of the future, should be able to hear all sides, even speech from those who have a status not very different from trolls. It's at the very least an occasion to hone their judgment.

So yes, on principle I am coming down on the side of letting them speak, with a wary look at a (re-) normalization of speech everybody gifted with more than a shred of decency hoped would soon be eradicated. Of all the weapons considered to counter the latter, the least tried and, I think, most effective, would be ridicule. Well deserved ridicule for alt-right dolts - insecure manikins with a desperate need to look down upon someone, anyone - in particular.
If you come to my community to attack its members and my friends and neighbors, you are not welcome.

That's the emotional take, and I, for one, don't find it overly compelling.

It should be noted that the provision of Berkeley facilities for some event is not a First Amendment issue. That's what the settlement is about.

It should also be noted that the alt-right speakers are not "merely" attacking (whatever that means) friends and neighbors. What they are actually attacking is language itself by way of normalizing dehumanizing, demonizing speech.

Now, there's good and sound reason to believe that students, the thinkers of the future, should be able to hear all sides, even speech from those who have a status not very different from trolls. It's at the very least an occasion to hone their judgment.

So yes, on principle I am coming down on the side of letting them speak, with a wary look at a (re-) normalization of speech everybody gifted with more than a shred of decency hoped would soon be eradicated. Of all the weapons considered to counter the latter, the least tried and, I think, most effective, would be ridicule. Well deserved ridicule for alt-right dolts - insecure manikins with a desperate need to look down upon someone, anyone - in particular.

One has to ponder as to why leftists can't stand the thought of opposing speech. But it makes perfect sense.

Conservatism is pragmatism. It makes sense unlike what the left believes. College kids are indoctrinated by their professors into leftist ways without ever questioning how they came to their conclusions. All they know is to parrot what they have been taught.

The fear of conservative speech is that a speaker just may break that spell. A lost soul might sit back and say "you know, that makes sense what X is saying!" Once a person is convinced of something out of the college ordinary, it's difficult to have them reprogrammed.

On the right however, we welcome leftist views. In fact Limbaugh said it repeatedly: the entertainment on my show are leftists themselves. We play what they say, we read what they write, and that's why there will never be a leftist Rush Limbaugh, because you can't do that with conservatives.

So when a leftist wants to speak, not only do we give little resistance, we want people to hear what they are all about. We need them to help convince voters to vote our way. When a leftist speaks, we ask if we can help: turn up the PA system, adjust their mic, anything!
Why do you hate free speech?

If you are so against free speech perhaps there are other countries you would be happier in, and then you could quit shitting on our Constitution.
If you come to my community to attack its members and my friends and neighbors, you are not welcome.

It is not just your community, some people in the same community want to hear it. If you do not like what someone has to say, don't go see them. Why do you think you should be the decider of what people other than yourself listen to?
Some people who for some reason have chosen to live in my community but hate it and are hostile to it want an enemy to come inspire more hatred of my community? Nope.
Who cares what you want? If some community in Michigan doesn't want muzzie savages living in their community should they be able to exclude them?
They’d rather exclude you
You'd rather weasel than answer the question. That means you know you're spewing horseshit.

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