Victory for Trickle Down.......Richest Americans wealth jumps 8%


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Richest Americans see 8% jump in total worth, 'Forbes' says -

The nation's richest Americans have seen a healthy jump in their net worth, even as the economy faces an uncertain recovery.
The total worth of the 400 members of the Forbes 400 list of the richest Americans rose to an estimated $1.37 trillion in 2010, up 8% from 2009, according to the list released late Wednesday
This, unfortunately, is normal for recessions. When the economy is in the crapper, the lowest incomes suffer damnably, but the well off do quite well, thank you very much.

This is not so much trickle down, and those in steerage suffer first and hardest when the boat sinks.

this is so old news, that Adam Smith spent a lot of ink on the subject

When incomes are rising, they rise proportionately fastest in the lowest income levels. Which is why conservatives always argue for a fast raising economy.
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Isn't Hopey Changey fun? We're actually experiencing 'Trickle Up Poverty' at this point. The number of Americans currently living in poverty has now reached it's highest level in the 50yrs of such record-keeping. Rich Americans have basically stayed rich. I don't find that very surprising. I do find the number of Americans currently living in poverty incredibly shocking though. So if you Hopey Changeys are so upset about these things,why don't you just call the White House & Congress and see if your Hopey Changey One,Pelosi,or Reid will schedule a meeting with you to discuss your displeasure over the state of our economy? Hey let us all know how that works out for ya. Good luck.
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What gets me is how the rich whine and whine about a 2% bump in income tax. We heard it in 1993 when Clinton first raised taxes, and we're hearing it again. The DC whores always cut taxes and increase spending instead of vice-versa. I feel sorry for the poor sap who onoy has $999-million instead of that first $billion. not really.
The rich know how to make money, which is why they're rich in the first place.

Jealousy and envy don't do anybody any good.
What gets me is how the rich whine and whine about a 2% bump in income tax.

What gets me is how people like you think you're entitled to their money.
I find it interesting that Hopey Changey followers get so worked up over some rich people staying rich yet don't show any outrage over their leader presiding over the highest levels of poverty seen in this country in the last 50yrs. Personally i'm much more concerned about that. The rich staying rich really shouldn't surprise anyone. The worst poverty level in the last 50yrs should surprise everyone. It is pretty disturbing no? "Hope & Change" has failed miserably. This is just the truth.
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What gets me is how the rich whine and whine about a 2% bump in income tax.

What gets me is how people like you think you're entitled to their money.

Yes their money...

The ones who told you they had no money when the froze your salary
The ones who said they couldn't afford it when they slashed your health benefits
The ones who told you how hard times were when they fired you

Those are the ones who saw their wealth increase 8% last year
Richest Americans see 8% jump in total worth, 'Forbes' says -

The nation's richest Americans have seen a healthy jump in their net worth, even as the economy faces an uncertain recovery.
The total worth of the 400 members of the Forbes 400 list of the richest Americans rose to an estimated $1.37 trillion in 2010, up 8% from 2009, according to the list released late Wednesday

you might want to consider WHY their net worth is higher now..... this is a measure not of their holdings alone, which are flat, but their cash asset worth has risen........a lot of these folks are cashing out of investments and entrenching for the long haul....why?

well lets see capital gains, dividends taxes etc...are going up, this always happens when tax law is about to undergo huge shifts that will add a higher tax burden later, they pay the 15% now, so they won't have to pay the 25% next year or the year after,.....and put it in protected funds etc.
I find it interesting that Hopey Changey followers get so worked up over some rich people staying rich yet don't show any outrage over their leader presiding over the highest levels of poverty seen in this country in the last 50yrs. Personally i'm much more concerned about that. The rich staying rich really shouldn't surprise anyone. The worst poverty level in the last 50yrs should surprise everyone. It is pretty disturbing no? "Hope & Change" has failed miserably. This is just the truth.

its just the usual selective angst....
Oh this is just another one of those Socialist/Progressive "Evil Rich People" rants huh? Sorry i clicked on this post now. lol! Look,get real people. We are now currently experiencing 'Trickle Up Poverty.' Poverty has gotten so much worse since their guy took over. Go and read the latest poverty numbers. Worst in the last 50yrs. That should be far more disturbing to all you Hopey Changey followers. Hmm?
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Already a thread on this, Chicken Little.
Richest Americans see 8% jump in total worth, 'Forbes' says -

The nation's richest Americans have seen a healthy jump in their net worth, even as the economy faces an uncertain recovery.
The total worth of the 400 members of the Forbes 400 list of the richest Americans rose to an estimated $1.37 trillion in 2010, up 8% from 2009, according to the list released late Wednesday

That's right, the rich got richer. Obama's stimulus package was nothing more than a smoke screen for liberal pork projects. It did nothing to help the economy and the average American. It didn't create jobs, it didn't rebuild the infrastructure. The Obama admin knew all along the rich would be scarfing up bargains. Devalued properties, Stocks and Goods. Their spending would give the appearance of a recovering economy. All it did was increase their wealth. He had hoped it would continue through the November elections but if fell a few months short.

Now it is evident his stimulus was a farce. He hasn't helped the economy at all and we are deeper in debt. Americans are waking up. Even many of the Koolaid drinkers.
Richest Americans see 8% jump in total worth, 'Forbes' says -

The nation's richest Americans have seen a healthy jump in their net worth, even as the economy faces an uncertain recovery.
The total worth of the 400 members of the Forbes 400 list of the richest Americans rose to an estimated $1.37 trillion in 2010, up 8% from 2009, according to the list released late Wednesday

That's right, the rich got richer. Obama's stimulus package was nothing more than a smoke screen for liberal pork projects. It did nothing to help the economy and the average American. It didn't create jobs, it didn't rebuild the infrastructure. The Obama admin knew all along the rich would be scarfing up bargains. Devalued properties, Stocks and Goods. Their spending would give the appearance of a recovering economy. All it did was increase their wealth. He had hoped it would continue through the November elections but if fell a few months short.

Now it is evident his stimulus was a farce. He hasn't helped the economy at all and we are deeper in debt. Americans are waking up. Even many of the Koolaid drinkers.

It did nothing to help the economy ........It helped stop an economic collapse

It didn't create jobs......It created 3 million jobs per CBO

it didn't rebuild the infrastructure....Ask the states where billions of dollars went to infrastucture
Richest Americans see 8% jump in total worth, 'Forbes' says -

The nation's richest Americans have seen a healthy jump in their net worth, even as the economy faces an uncertain recovery.
The total worth of the 400 members of the Forbes 400 list of the richest Americans rose to an estimated $1.37 trillion in 2010, up 8% from 2009, according to the list released late Wednesday

That's right, the rich got richer. Obama's stimulus package was nothing more than a smoke screen for liberal pork projects. It did nothing to help the economy and the average American. It didn't create jobs, it didn't rebuild the infrastructure. The Obama admin knew all along the rich would be scarfing up bargains. Devalued properties, Stocks and Goods. Their spending would give the appearance of a recovering economy. All it did was increase their wealth. He had hoped it would continue through the November elections but if fell a few months short.

Now it is evident his stimulus was a farce. He hasn't helped the economy at all and we are deeper in debt. Americans are waking up. Even many of the Koolaid drinkers.

It did nothing to help the economy ........It helped stop an economic collapse

It didn't create jobs......It created 3 million jobs per CBO

it didn't rebuild the infrastructure....Ask the states where billions of dollars went to infrastucture
foreclosures up, unemployment up, national dissatisfaction up. Stop jerking yourself off and clean out you eyeballs. Obama help only the rich and screwed the middle class.
What gets me is how the rich whine and whine about a 2% bump in income tax.

What gets me is how people like you think you're entitled to their money.

Yes their money...

The ones who told you they had no money when the froze your salary
The ones who said they couldn't afford it when they slashed your health benefits
The ones who told you how hard times were when they fired you

Those are the ones who saw their wealth increase 8% last year

You Poor dumb liberals just hate anyone with money! What a bunch of whiny sissies you are. Create your own job.

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