Zone1 Video: 12 Year Old Girl Protects Black Man, They Brought Oprah to Tears (Goalcast)


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2018
1961 is within my lifetime and the lifetime of my parents, aunts, uncles and some of my grandparents. When you see the imagery - the photos, the movie/video footage of this incident I can't help but wonder what is wrong with people with this mentality. I understand people who fight for their lives, but these people, all I see is savagery yet so many of this site constantly refer to Black people as savages.
Freedom Riders were groups of white and African American civil rights activists who participated in Freedom Rides, bus trips through the American South in 1961 to protest segregated bus terminals. Freedom Riders tried to use “whites-only” restrooms and lunch counters at bus stations in Alabama, South Carolina and other Southern states. The groups were confronted by arresting police officers—as well as horrific violence from white protestors—along their routes, but also drew international attention to the civil rights movement.

12 y/o Girl Protects Black Man, They Bring Oprah To Tears | Goalcast
1961 is within my lifetime and the lifetime of my parents, aunts, uncles and some of my grandparents. When you see the imagery - the photos, the movie/video footage of this incident I can't help but wonder what is wrong with people with this mentality. I understand people who fight for their lives, but these people, all I see is savagery yet so many of this site constantly refer to Black people as savages.
Freedom Riders were groups of white and African American civil rights activists who participated in Freedom Rides, bus trips through the American South in 1961 to protest segregated bus terminals. Freedom Riders tried to use “whites-only” restrooms and lunch counters at bus stations in Alabama, South Carolina and other Southern states. The groups were confronted by arresting police officers—as well as horrific violence from white protestors—along their routes, but also drew international attention to the civil rights movement.

12 y/o Girl Protects Black Man, They Bring Oprah To Tears | Goalcast
Dont you think youve spent enough time talking about shit from before most of us were even born? What other group constantly does that? You dont see white people constantly complaining about being drafted to go to war, for example. Sons were stolen by the US government just to go off and die in some foreign jungle. Do you see white people using that fact in politics? At some point you people are going to have to realize that you live in 2023.
1961 is within my lifetime and the lifetime of my parents, aunts, uncles and some of my grandparents. When you see the imagery - the photos, the movie/video footage of this incident I can't help but wonder what is wrong with people with this mentality. I understand people who fight for their lives, but these people, all I see is savagery yet so many of this site constantly refer to Black people as savages.
Freedom Riders were groups of white and African American civil rights activists who participated in Freedom Rides, bus trips through the American South in 1961 to protest segregated bus terminals. Freedom Riders tried to use “whites-only” restrooms and lunch counters at bus stations in Alabama, South Carolina and other Southern states. The groups were confronted by arresting police officers—as well as horrific violence from white protestors—along their routes, but also drew international attention to the civil rights movement.

12 y/o Girl Protects Black Man, They Bring Oprah To Tears | Goalcast
That is intense…no words. In my lifetime too.

That time was full of so much bravery, fear, hate, love, sorrow, pain…just so people could have have the same simple basic rights.

Sometimes music defines it best…
These guys are just con artists looking for freebies, is all. they got everything handed to them on a platter, job quotas, free education, effective control of their on school systems, Federal gravy contracts, the whole works, and they pissed on all of it and now sit around worshipping gangsters and punks like George Floyd, and demanding 'reparations', which of course they will just piss away also. Meanwhile the small minority of blacks who kept their families together, were smart enough to actually educate themselves with all the resources made available, and developed a work ethic are doing a well or better than any other group. These losers like the OP are just sniveling brats, is all.
You are certainly doing a good job representing the worst in us, keep it up…👍🏻
Dont you think youve spent enough time talking about shit from before most of us were even born? What other group constantly does that? You dont see white people constantly complaining about being drafted to go to war, for example. Sons were stolen by the US government just to go off and die in some foreign jungle. Do you see white people using that fact in politics? At some point you people are going to have to realize that you live in 2023.
Off God’s sakes…we STILL see white people complaining about losing the Civil War! We remember the Holocaust. When those last voices who lived it, die off, is that book closed?

It’s in the living memory of many Americans.
You are certainly doing a good job representing the worst in us, keep it up…👍🏻

lol says you. The fact is most black pols don;t give a rat's ass about 'Hope and Change', they peddle racism, scams, and hate crimes; like Patrick Moynihan said, the black middle class just uses hood rats to extort bennies for themselves, and have zero incentives to actually help their own out in any way. They all flee to the White Burbs the second they scam enough money to move.
Off God’s sakes…we STILL see white people complaining about losing the Civil War! We remember the Holocaust. When those last voices who lived it, die off, is that book closed?

It’s in the living memory of many Americans.
No, we dont see white people complaining about losing the civil war. No one uses the Holocaust as a political tool to win elections either. Are you only able to defend your position by being dishonest? If so, why take that position in the first place? :cuckoo:
No, we dont see white people complaining about losing the civil war. No one uses the Holocaust as a political tool to win elections either. Are you only able to defend your position by being dishonest? If so, why take that position in the first place? :cuckoo:

Because they have nothing, just a Hate Whitey mentality. Never mind white people started the anti-slavery movements, Christians in fact, and white people passed the Civil Rights Acts. These gimos come along 50 years later and then pretend they know something and snivel and whine more than black people did back then. Just look at the morons like Spike Lee and Maxine Waters.
No, we dont see white people complaining about losing the civil war. No one uses the Holocaust as a political tool to win elections either. Are you only able to defend your position by being dishonest? If so, why take that position in the first place? :cuckoo:
If you say so….


And yes, there are those who will, rightfully, make sure the Holocaust is never forgotten, and those who will use it to drive pro Israel policy.
Newsvine and Im2 are both successful American Black people, yet all they do is post thread after thread of "Whitey was Bad, therefore Whitey is Bad". Now why do you suppose they do this? I don't get it. :dunno:
If you say so….

View attachment 779957

And yes, there are those who will, rightfully, make sure the Holocaust is never forgotten, and those who will use it to drive pro Israel policy.
How can you separate the two? The need for the continued existence and support of Israel is because of the Holocaust. If Jews had their own state as Hitler was ramping up his demonization of Jews, they could have escaped to Israel.
How can you separate the two? The need for the continued existence and support of Israel is because of the Holocaust. If Jews had their own state as Hitler was ramping up his demonization of Jews, they could have escaped to Israel.

In terms of making sure it is never forgotten, I happen to agree with that.

You can separate it the same way you can for issues of race. Not every political policy is related to Israel’s right to exist, but I’ve heard the Holocaust used to drive support for something so I’m using it as a comparable example to racial policies.
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In terms of making sure it is never forgotten, I happen to agree with that.

You can separate it the same way you can for issues of race. Not every political policy is related to Israel’s right to exist, but I’ve heard the Holocaust used to drive support for something so I’m using it as a comparable example to racial policies.
The only thing the Holocaust is ”used for” is to drive support of Israel’s right to exist, which includes strong actions agains those who seek to destroy her. What other way have you heard the Holocaust, and the remembrance of what vicious antisemitism can result in - used?
The only thing the Holocaust is ”used for” is to drive support of Israel’s right to exist, which includes strong actions agains those who seek to destroy her. What other way have you heard the Holocaust, and the remembrance of what vicious antisemitism can result in - used?
I've seen it used to justify total support of Israeli policies regardless whether they relate to exhistential threats. Rememberance is good, and that applies to atrocities across the board, but we need to be aware I think, of whether we support something because it is the right thing or whether an atricity is being used to guilt people into supporting something that is no longer even connected with the atricity or trying to right past wrongs.
I've seen it used to justify total support of Israeli policies regardless whether they relate to exhistential threats. Rememberance is good, and that applies to atrocities across the board, but we need to be aware I think, of whether we support something because it is the right thing or whether an atricity is being used to guilt people into supporting something that is no longer even connected with the atricity or trying to right past wrongs.
It’s your opinion that the policies are not related to existential threats. When Palestinians elect Islamic terrorists who declare their wish to wipe Israel off the map, taken together with the knowledge that Jews must defend themselves strongly against their enemies who want to kill them, it’s up to Israel to decide what it needs to show that they will not be defeated, nor placed in danger, no destroyed totally.

What remains….shall we say…interesting…that with all the horrible, inhumane countries in the world, that people for some reason Target their condemnation on the one and only (tiny) Jewish country. Below is a list of the top 15 worst human rights abusers, and Israel is not even on there.

It’s your opinion that the policies are not related to existential threats. When Palestinians elect Islamic terrorists who declare their wish to wipe Israel off the map, taken together with the knowledge that Jews must defend themselves strongly against their enemies who want to kill them, it’s up to Israel to decide what it needs to show that they will not be defeated, nor placed in danger, no destroyed totally.

What remains….shall we say…interesting…that with all the horrible, inhumane countries in the world, that people for some reason Target their condemnation on the one and only (tiny) Jewish country. Below is a list of the top 15 worst human rights abusers, and Israel is not even on there.

I’m not going to argue this because it’s going to derail the thread, but my feeling is that I do not just blindly support actions of anyone or any country.
Because they have nothing, just a Hate Whitey mentality. Never mind white people started the anti-slavery movements, Christians in fact, and white people passed the Civil Rights Acts. These gimos come along 50 years later and then pretend they know something and snivel and whine more than black people did back then. Just look at the morons like Spike Lee and Maxine Waters.
Slight correction here. Black people started the anti-slavery movement from their first day in bondage. You act as if they were passive observers as others fought for their rights.
Slight correction here. Black people started the anti-slavery movement from their first day in bondage. You act as if they were passive observers as others fought for their rights.

No, they didn't, and they didn't fight for shit, it was all white people all the time. In fact the biggest slave traders in South Carolina and Lousianna were black traders. Free blacks were slave owners as well.
Newsvine and Im2 are both successful American Black people, yet all they do is post thread after thread of "Whitey was Bad, therefore Whitey is Bad". Now why do you suppose they do this? I don't get it. :dunno:

Successful at what? sniveling bout Whitey is just an industry, and it hires people to scam the public like any other PR campaign.

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