VIDEO. Antifa Goons Get Thrashed By Federal Protective Service As They Attack An ICE Facility

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Yesterday, a couple of thousand people showed up in Portland for the Climate Strike. This was a coordinated worldwide event in which the least educated and most credulous among us demanded that the rest of us join them in moving society back to the Stone Age. [Every once in a while I muse over just how few of the Michael Mann types would survive in the society they are trying to create where there would be no major income streams of grant money, they would have to actually work to survive, and we might be inclined to hunt them for sport.]

As you know, you can’t have a demonstration in Portland without antifa or bloc or whatever they are calling themselves. So, naturally, they set out to attack the DHS/ICE facility in Portland. That’s when they found out that they weren’t opposed by Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler’s ineffectual and anarchist-sympathetic police force but by people who took their duties and responsibilities seriously.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

So much violence from THE LEFT....LOLOLOL
Yesterday, a couple of thousand people showed up in Portland for the Climate Strike. This was a coordinated worldwide event in which the least educated and most credulous among us demanded that the rest of us join them in moving society back to the Stone Age. [Every once in a while I muse over just how few of the Michael Mann types would survive in the society they are trying to create where there would be no major income streams of grant money, they would have to actually work to survive, and we might be inclined to hunt them for sport.]

As you know, you can’t have a demonstration in Portland without antifa or bloc or whatever they are calling themselves. So, naturally, they set out to attack the DHS/ICE facility in Portland. That’s when they found out that they weren’t opposed by Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler’s ineffectual and anarchist-sympathetic police force but by people who took their duties and responsibilities seriously.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

So much violence from THE LEFT....LOLOLOL

All that was missing was their dresses.



This is the YouTube video posted in another thread that have the Democrats here so upset. My dad would have beat me silly if I disrespected authority like this.

Still wondering if the purple haired thing identifies as male or female

That was fun to watch. But Sgt.Takemdown and Corporal Bookem should have used the pepper spray on every one of those retards. :04:
These are usually quite frail looking guys and dykey girls laden with profanity.
Any beat downs that come their way are well deserved.
Love it. They should have used those real big pepper sprays made for large groups. Hose them down

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Yesterday, a couple of thousand people showed up in Portland for the Climate Strike. This was a coordinated worldwide event in which the least educated and most credulous among us demanded that the rest of us join them in moving society back to the Stone Age. [Every once in a while I muse over just how few of the Michael Mann types would survive in the society they are trying to create where there would be no major income streams of grant money, they would have to actually work to survive, and we might be inclined to hunt them for sport.]

As you know, you can’t have a demonstration in Portland without antifa or bloc or whatever they are calling themselves. So, naturally, they set out to attack the DHS/ICE facility in Portland. That’s when they found out that they weren’t opposed by Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler’s ineffectual and anarchist-sympathetic police force but by people who took their duties and responsibilities seriously.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

So much violence from THE LEFT....LOLOLOL
Wow, great to see police actually DOING THEIR JOB in Portland! Federal police should be at all events like this.
How things have changed!! 50 years ago when I was a police officer in NYC that little smart mouthed dude would have been eating cement, charged with disorderly conduct at the least and instigating a riot if he kept up his barrage of 4 letter words.AND we had judges that agreed 100% with the officers..... Just another example of how this country has gone to hell with no discipline and the encouragement for bad behavior by the absolute trash that has now taken over teaching our children at what used to be institutes of higher education!!!!!
This is the YouTube video posted in another thread that have the Democrats here so upset. My dad would have beat me silly if I disrespected authority like this.

Still wondering if the purple haired thing identifies as male or female

That was fun to watch. But Sgt.Takemdown and Corporal Bookem should have used the pepper spray on every one of those retards. :04:

Not fun to watch for me...I stopped watching

I’d like to know about these delinquents parents
These disrespectful, out of control punks
should be rounded up and brought home
and their parents should have to give an account

They should be forced to be proactive in their causes
How things have changed!! 50 years ago when I was a police officer in NYC that little smart mouthed dude would have been eating cement, charged with disorderly conduct at the least and instigating a riot if he kept up his barrage of 4 letter words.AND we had judges that agreed 100% with the officers..... Just another example of how this country has gone to hell with no discipline and the encouragement for bad behavior by the absolute trash that has now taken over teaching our children at what used to be institutes of higher education!!!!!
The disrespect shown towards the police is just disgusting. Who do we have to thank for this? One Barry Obama stoked hatred for the police while president and this hatred continues with the hideously biased mainstream media.
The ANTIFA-loving loony libs aren't joining the conversation. Not too surprising, since their heroes got beaten down in the video. But it's nice not having the jackass libs on this thread.
This is the YouTube video posted in another thread that have the Democrats here so upset. My dad would have beat me silly if I disrespected authority like this.

Still wondering if the purple haired thing identifies as male or female

That was fun to watch. But Sgt.Takemdown and Corporal Bookem should have used the pepper spray on every one of those retards. :04:

Not fun to watch for me...I stopped watching

I’d like to know about these delinquents parents
These disrespectful, out of control punks
should be rounded up and brought home
and their parents should have to give an account

They should be forced to be proactive in their causes

Really. There needs to be a remedy group for these subversives...something like BIKERS FOR TRUMP that has the WILL, ABILITY and BALLS to not worry about being arrested for PROTECTING THE PUBLIC from these Nazi Brown Shirt DemonRATS who do their dirty work wearing MASKS to hide their identity....leave a few hundred in pools of blood more than a few times and even these low IQ Soros funded idiots will NOT want to get severely injured every time they show up. Freedom can work both ways just be sure your freedom is well prepared and has the anger to fight it out to the one standing!
This is the BS our public education system is manufacturing. How long will it be before one of these jerkoffs commits a mass shooting or bombing because their teacher-professor teaches that violence is an acceptable response to a difference of opinion. Democrats are radical bigots, especially the ones controlling our education system.
This shows how Trump is actually making a difference.

Last time these fuckers attacked an ICE facility, the people called the local police, who had been ordered to stand down by the dem mayor.

I remember saying that Trump should order federal forces of some sort to protect fed facilities in the area if the locals won't,

No big announcements, but he did it, and suddenly, we are living in a civilized society again.

At least for a moment.

This also shows, how Antifa are not rebels, but stormtroopers.

Rebels would expect and be prepared for the people they attack to fight back.

Stormtroopers expect people to be cowed by the power of the State behind them.
Come on ABNORMALS...a thread without your insanity is quite unusual....Come out, come out wherever you are!

Antifa are domestic terrorists and should be treated as such and the mayor who told his police to stand down should have been arrested for obstruction of justice. What a meathead.

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