VIDEO. Antifa Goons Get Thrashed By Federal Protective Service As They Attack An ICE Facility

Come on ABNORMALS...a thread without your insanity is quite unusual....Come out, come out wherever you are!


^^ that is a great depiction of the USMB Assclown Brigade.
This is the YouTube video posted in another thread that have the Democrats here so upset. My dad would have beat me silly if I disrespected authority like this.

Still wondering if the purple haired thing identifies as male or female

It's Portland, it probably indentifies as a non-binary being.
How things have changed!! 50 years ago when I was a police officer in NYC that little smart mouthed dude would have been eating cement, charged with disorderly conduct at the least and instigating a riot if he kept up his barrage of 4 letter words.AND we had judges that agreed 100% with the officers..... Just another example of how this country has gone to hell with no discipline and the encouragement for bad behavior by the absolute trash that has now taken over teaching our children at what used to be institutes of higher education!!!!!
The even bigger problem is this is the party that wants to control the House, Senate and Presidency.

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