VIDEO: Columbia university students support female genital mutilation


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Video: Columbia University Students Support Female Genital Mutilation

Endorse Planned Parenthood funding of barbaric practice

A shocking video produced by the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) shows liberal students at Columbia University supporting Planned Parenthood funding of female genital mutilation (FGM).
What can we expect from zombies who think the US should be a free for all, a screw all, strip everyone and their rights away , as long as it's not theirs...........Hey go screw your dog , or better yet as in Mark Dices vides the sicks supported Screwing your own sister or brother. So why should this be shocking.
Typical BS propaganda. I kept hearing, "if it's their CHOICE" not, they or some should be forced......... The text in the video talks about the practice and deflects to a certain degree the student's responses....... Did the makers of that video graduate from the Goebbels School of Journalism? :dunno:
Typical BS propaganda. I kept hearing, "if it's their CHOICE" not, they or some should be forced......... The text in the video talks about the practice and deflects to a certain degree the student's responses....... Did the makers of that video graduate from the Goebbels School of Journalism? :dunno:
Truth is hard to accept................. Have you no fkn clue that this still exist today " FEMALE Genital mutilation" of course not.
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Typical BS propaganda. I kept hearing, "if it's their CHOICE" not, they or some should be forced......... The text in the video talks about the practice and deflects to a certain degree the student's responses....... Did the makers of that video graduate from the Goebbels School of Journalism? :dunno:

FYI CLUELESS................

Typical BS propaganda. I kept hearing, "if it's their CHOICE" not, they or some should be forced......... The text in the video talks about the practice and deflects to a certain degree the student's responses....... Did the makers of that video graduate from the Goebbels School of Journalism? :dunno:
Truth from idiots is hard to accept................. Have you no fkn clue that this still exist today " FEMALE Genital mutilation" of course not.
The problem is you actually think I don't know what it is or that I can't spot propaganda when I see it....... You know that FGM goes back to at least ancient Egypt, was practiced in ancient Rome and those areas "adjacent to" Islamic controlled areas (primarily Africa) have been practicing FGM as a cultural practice for centuries.
That's not an "it's okay by me" it's simply true info that the video makers attempted to lie about.
Also we're talking about college age kids who rarely think things though for a cause and effect standpoint.
Kinda defeats your and the video makers propagandist "they're evil" (the liberal students) claim.
Video: Columbia University Students Support Female Genital Mutilation

Endorse Planned Parenthood funding of barbaric practice

A shocking video produced by the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) shows liberal students at Columbia University supporting Planned Parenthood funding of female genital mutilation (FGM).
What can we expect from zombies who think the US should be a free for all, a screw all, strip everyone and their rights away , as long as it's not theirs...........Hey go screw your dog , or better yet as in Mark Dices vides the sicks supported Screwing your own sister or brother. So why should this be shocking.
More evidence that liberalism is a mental disorder.
Typical BS propaganda. I kept hearing, "if it's their CHOICE" not, they or some should be forced......... The text in the video talks about the practice and deflects to a certain degree the student's responses....... Did the makers of that video graduate from the Goebbels School of Journalism? :dunno:
Truth from idiots is hard to accept................. Have you no fkn clue that this still exist today " FEMALE Genital mutilation" of course not.
The problem is you actually think I don't know what it is or that I can't spot propaganda when I see it....... You know that FGM goes back to at least ancient Egypt, was practiced in ancient Rome and those areas "adjacent to" Islamic controlled areas (primarily Africa) have been practicing FGM as a cultural practice for centuries.
That's not an "it's okay by me" it's simply true info that the video makers attempted to lie about.
Also we're talking about college age kids who rarely think things though for a cause and effect standpoint.
Kinda defeats your and the video makers propagandist "they're evil" (the liberal students) claim.

Typical BS propaganda. I kept hearing, "if it's their CHOICE" not, they or some should be forced......... The text in the video talks about the practice and deflects to a certain degree the student's responses....... Did the makers of that video graduate from the Goebbels School of Journalism? :dunno:
Truth from idiots is hard to accept................. Have you no fkn clue that this still exist today " FEMALE Genital mutilation" of course not.
The problem is you actually think I don't know what it is or that I can't spot propaganda when I see it....... You know that FGM goes back to at least ancient Egypt, was practiced in ancient Rome and those areas "adjacent to" Islamic controlled areas (primarily Africa) have been practicing FGM as a cultural practice for centuries.
That's not an "it's okay by me" it's simply true info that the video makers attempted to lie about.
Also we're talking about college age kids who rarely think things though for a cause and effect standpoint.
Kinda defeats your and the video makers propagandist "they're evil" (the liberal students) claim.

Something the video makers might not be aware of or think/hope their viewers are not are the Modes of Rhetorical Appeal in opinion sampling and presentation. That's why I'm calling it propaganda, their obvious manipulation of responses in their message and the fact they lied in an attempt to disparage, they destroyed their credibility.
"AFDI" is a crackpot hate group headed by certified crackpots Pam Geller and Robert Spencer.

>> Stop Islamization of America (SIOA), also known as the American Freedom Defense Initiative,[1] is an anti-Muslim,[2][3][4][5][6][7] pro-Israel[8][9][10] American organization known primarily for its controversial, Islamophobic advertising campaigns.[11] The group has been described as extremist,[12] far-right[13] and the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) lists SIOA as an anti-Muslim hate group.[9][10][14]

SIOA was founded in 2010 by its current leaders, Pamela Geller and author Robert Spencer << (Wiki)​

It's no surprise they'd come up with a bullshit "study" like this.
"AFDI" is a crackpot hate group headed by certified crackpots Pam Geller and Robert Spencer.

>> Stop Islamization of America (SIOA), also known as the American Freedom Defense Initiative,[1] is an anti-Muslim,[2][3][4][5][6][7] pro-Israel[8][9][10] American organization known primarily for its controversial, Islamophobic advertising campaigns.[11] The group has been described as extremist,[12] far-right[13] and the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) lists SIOA as an anti-Muslim hate group.[9][10][14]

SIOA was founded in 2010 by its current leaders, Pamela Geller and author Robert Spencer << (Wiki)​

It's no surprise they'd come up with a bullshit "study" like this.
I agree to a point but I take the Southern Poverty Law Center's classifications with a block of salt, a large block of salt, about the size of my 2400 sq ft house. They have a habit of labeling anyone who disagrees with them as a hate group.
"AFDI" is a crackpot hate group headed by certified crackpots Pam Geller and Robert Spencer.

>> Stop Islamization of America (SIOA), also known as the American Freedom Defense Initiative,[1] is an anti-Muslim,[2][3][4][5][6][7] pro-Israel[8][9][10] American organization known primarily for its controversial, Islamophobic advertising campaigns.[11] The group has been described as extremist,[12] far-right[13] and the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) lists SIOA as an anti-Muslim hate group.[9][10][14]

SIOA was founded in 2010 by its current leaders, Pamela Geller and author Robert Spencer << (Wiki)​

It's no surprise they'd come up with a bullshit "study" like this.
I agree to a point but I take the Southern Poverty Law Center's classifications with a block of salt, a large block of salt, about the size of my 2400 sq ft house. They have a habit of labeling anyone who disagrees with them as a hate group.

I dunno if they do or not but --- Pan Geller and Robert Spencer. 'Nuff said right there.
"AFDI" is a crackpot hate group headed by certified crackpots Pam Geller and Robert Spencer.

>> Stop Islamization of America (SIOA), also known as the American Freedom Defense Initiative,[1] is an anti-Muslim,[2][3][4][5][6][7] pro-Israel[8][9][10] American organization known primarily for its controversial, Islamophobic advertising campaigns.[11] The group has been described as extremist,[12] far-right[13] and the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) lists SIOA as an anti-Muslim hate group.[9][10][14]

SIOA was founded in 2010 by its current leaders, Pamela Geller and author Robert Spencer << (Wiki)​

It's no surprise they'd come up with a bullshit "study" like this.
I agree to a point but I take the Southern Poverty Law Center's classifications with a block of salt, a large block of salt, about the size of my 2400 sq ft house. They have a habit of labeling anyone who disagrees with them as a hate group.

I dunno if they do or not but --- Pan Geller and Robert Spencer. 'Nuff said right there.
In my humble but accurate opinion SPLC is the far left version of the AFDI both to be taken with a high degree of skepticism.
"AFDI" is a crackpot hate group headed by certified crackpots Pam Geller and Robert Spencer.

>> Stop Islamization of America (SIOA), also known as the American Freedom Defense Initiative,[1] is an anti-Muslim,[2][3][4][5][6][7] pro-Israel[8][9][10] American organization known primarily for its controversial, Islamophobic advertising campaigns.[11] The group has been described as extremist,[12] far-right[13] and the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) lists SIOA as an anti-Muslim hate group.[9][10][14]

SIOA was founded in 2010 by its current leaders, Pamela Geller and author Robert Spencer << (Wiki)​

It's no surprise they'd come up with a bullshit "study" like this.

Islam is a crackpot hateful religion, what you going to do?
"AFDI" is a crackpot hate group headed by certified crackpots Pam Geller and Robert Spencer.

>> Stop Islamization of America (SIOA), also known as the American Freedom Defense Initiative,[1] is an anti-Muslim,[2][3][4][5][6][7] pro-Israel[8][9][10] American organization known primarily for its controversial, Islamophobic advertising campaigns.[11] The group has been described as extremist,[12] far-right[13] and the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) lists SIOA as an anti-Muslim hate group.[9][10][14]

SIOA was founded in 2010 by its current leaders, Pamela Geller and author Robert Spencer << (Wiki)​

It's no surprise they'd come up with a bullshit "study" like this.

Islam is a crackpot hateful religion, what you going to do?

Say something when Geller and Spencer are the ones stirring the shit in lieu of objective reporting, that's what.

What's that?

Oh yeah, you're welcome.
"AFDI" is a crackpot hate group headed by certified crackpots Pam Geller and Robert Spencer.

>> Stop Islamization of America (SIOA), also known as the American Freedom Defense Initiative,[1] is an anti-Muslim,[2][3][4][5][6][7] pro-Israel[8][9][10] American organization known primarily for its controversial, Islamophobic advertising campaigns.[11] The group has been described as extremist,[12] far-right[13] and the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) lists SIOA as an anti-Muslim hate group.[9][10][14]

SIOA was founded in 2010 by its current leaders, Pamela Geller and author Robert Spencer << (Wiki)​

It's no surprise they'd come up with a bullshit "study" like this.

Islam is a crackpot hateful religion, what you going to do?

Say something when Geller and Spencer are the ones stirring the shit in lieu of objective reporting, that's what.

What's that?

Oh yeah, you're welcome.
They have a message that people like you can't accept. You would rather think they are wrong and hateful when it is Islam that is wrong and hateful. What has Islam done that is positive?
"AFDI" is a crackpot hate group headed by certified crackpots Pam Geller and Robert Spencer.

>> Stop Islamization of America (SIOA), also known as the American Freedom Defense Initiative,[1] is an anti-Muslim,[2][3][4][5][6][7] pro-Israel[8][9][10] American organization known primarily for its controversial, Islamophobic advertising campaigns.[11] The group has been described as extremist,[12] far-right[13] and the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) lists SIOA as an anti-Muslim hate group.[9][10][14]

SIOA was founded in 2010 by its current leaders, Pamela Geller and author Robert Spencer << (Wiki)​

It's no surprise they'd come up with a bullshit "study" like this.

Islam is a crackpot hateful religion, what you going to do?

Say something when Geller and Spencer are the ones stirring the shit in lieu of objective reporting, that's what.

What's that?

Oh yeah, you're welcome.
They have a message that people like you can't accept. You would rather think they are wrong and hateful when it is Islam that is wrong and hateful. What has Islam done that is positive?

:lol: Sorry clown, I'm not qualified to discourse on this level. You see, I've actually met, interacted with, even lived with and worked with Muslims. So I know way too much.
"AFDI" is a crackpot hate group headed by certified crackpots Pam Geller and Robert Spencer.

>> Stop Islamization of America (SIOA), also known as the American Freedom Defense Initiative,[1] is an anti-Muslim,[2][3][4][5][6][7] pro-Israel[8][9][10] American organization known primarily for its controversial, Islamophobic advertising campaigns.[11] The group has been described as extremist,[12] far-right[13] and the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) lists SIOA as an anti-Muslim hate group.[9][10][14]

SIOA was founded in 2010 by its current leaders, Pamela Geller and author Robert Spencer << (Wiki)​

It's no surprise they'd come up with a bullshit "study" like this.

Islam is a crackpot hateful religion, what you going to do?

Say something when Geller and Spencer are the ones stirring the shit in lieu of objective reporting, that's what.

What's that?

Oh yeah, you're welcome.
They have a message that people like you can't accept. You would rather think they are wrong and hateful when it is Islam that is wrong and hateful. What has Islam done that is positive?

:lol: Sorry clown, I'm not qualified to discourse on this level. You see, I've actually met, interacted with, even lived with and worked with Muslims. So I know way too much.

Actually you are saying you know nothing.
FGM has been outlawed in U.S. since 1996...

US Doctor Arrested in Michigan on FGM Charges
April 14, 2017 - An emergency-room doctor in the U.S. Midwest has been arrested and charged with performing female genital mutilation on girls between the ages of 6 and 8, in the first criminal case brought under a 1996 law that outlawed the practice.
Jumana Nagarwala, a 44-year-old doctor at a hospital in Detroit, Michigan, is accused of performing genital mutilation on young girls as far back as 2005, according to a criminal complaint released Thursday. The U.S. Department of Justice said she "performed horrifying acts of brutality on the most vulnerable victims." Nagarwala had an initial court appearance before a U.S. magistrate Thursday in Detroit and was ordered detained until Monday, pending a further hearing on the felony charges she is facing, which specifically involve two 7-year-old girls she operated on in February. Senior officials called the charges "disturbing" and "deplorable," and said U.S. law-enforcement agencies "are committed to doing whatever is necessary to bring an end to this barbaric practice, and to ensure no additional children fall victim to this procedure."

Physician denies charges

A preliminary criminal complaint released by the U.S. Department of Justice said Nagarwala told federal agents she knew that performing female genital mutilation is a crime in the United States and denied that she conducted the procedure on anyone. Nagarwala, who received her medical degree from Johns Hopkins University in Maryland, has been licensed as a physician in Michigan since 2001; state records show no formal complaints or disciplinary action against her. Her lawyer, Shannon Smith, did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the case.

If convicted, Nagarwala faces a fine and up to five years in prison for performing female genital mutilation, also known as FGM. She would be the first person prosecuted under the 1996 law prohibiting FGM. In the most recent case outlined in the complaint, the FBI, using court-ordered telephone records and video surveillance, tracked two Minnesota mothers and their 7-year-old daughters as they visited Nagarwala at a medical office near Detroit, and where the physician allegedly performed FGM procedures on the girls two months ago.

Examination confirms FGM

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