Video Emerges of Black Lives Matter Activist Spray Painting Trump International Hotel in DC…

ROFL! The Hillary butthole sucking douche bag applauds crime. Thanks for living up to expectations.
You applaud Wikileaks..
Most people recognize the difference between common thug vandals and whistle blowers.
Hacking is illegal...Period...

Except when done by the NSA w/o a warrant. :lmao:


Hypocritical statist mutherfuckers.
That is illegal also..

Nothing is illegal for those who enforce the rules. Haven't you been paying attention?

When the cops violate the civil rights and civil liberties of minorities, what happens? NOTHING.

When a high ranking government bureaucrat that the establishment wishes to make president blatantly breaks the rules and violates that law they are tasked with upholding, what happens? NOTHING.

When the NSA is caught violating it's mandate and is found spying on it's own citizens, corporations, and friendly foreign leaders and citizens alike, what happens? NOTHING.

You are really not paying attention to what is going on in the world, are you?
ROFL! The Hillary butthole sucking douche bag applauds crime. Thanks for living up to expectations.
You applaud Wikileaks..
Most people recognize the difference between common thug vandals and whistle blowers.
Hacking is illegal...Period...
Yes but it is obvious that Congress would not pass a whistle blower protection act so one has to do what one needs to do. Along with the fact that it is not one and the same of destruction of private property but it does reveal the corrupt and they deserve no protection from their crimes.
The Whistleblower Protection Act of 1989, Pub.L. 101-12 as amended, is a United States federal law that protects federal whistleblowers who work for the government and report agency misconduct.
Updated it was repeatedly turned down by congress and senator Grassley keeps pushing for more protection of whistle blowers. Senate Judiciary Committee Advances FBI Whistleblower Protection Bill | Chuck Grassley
The Whistleblower Protection Act was what DNC Staffer Seth Rich was relying on when he tried to do what Ed Snowden was supposed to do. Ed Snowden went to a friendly and safe country. Poor Seth Rich was set up and murdered.
Good on him :thup:
ROFL! The Hillary butthole sucking douche bag applauds crime. Thanks for living up to expectations.
You applaud Wikileaks..

There seems to be a liberal movie on Edward Snowen, that is making him out to be a hero. In actuality, he is no different than any traitor that reveals classified information that puts lives at risk and compromises our national security.

With respect to the op, grafitti by a liberal is nothing new. I'm sure we will find it hailed as freedom of expression rather than vandalism - no surprise there either.

No, Snowden is indeed a "hero" and this military industrial complex/ corporate "gubermint" endangers not only national security but the lives of Americans when they purposely start wars and finance the very entities that we are supposed to be afraid and leery of.....they are POS and I have no respect or use for them at all. The stupid fucks that serve this corporate entity for a paycheck ARE the traitors.
Good on him :thup:

The ends justifies the means......of course when a leftard gets "slighted" by politically incorrect speech they fall to the ground like they were mortally wounded and curl up in the fetal position....the sucking of the thumb usually follows. Leftards suffer from arrested development.

Good on him :thup:
ROFL! The Hillary butthole sucking douche bag applauds crime. Thanks for living up to expectations.
You applaud Wikileaks..
Most people recognize the difference between common thug vandals and whistle blowers.
Hacking is illegal...Period...
You know tapping someones phone line when they have not committed a crime and they are the whistle blowers is illegal also but that does not prevent the crooks that are in public positions protecting the criminal elite from doing it.
You applaud Wikileaks..
Most people recognize the difference between common thug vandals and whistle blowers.
Hacking is illegal...Period...

Except when done by the NSA w/o a warrant. :lmao:


Hypocritical statist mutherfuckers.
That is illegal also..

Nothing is illegal for those who enforce the rules. Haven't you been paying attention?

When the cops violate the civil rights and civil liberties of minorities, what happens? NOTHING.

When a high ranking government bureaucrat that the establishment wishes to make president blatantly breaks the rules and violates that law they are tasked with upholding, what happens? NOTHING.

When the NSA is caught violating it's mandate and is found spying on it's own citizens, corporations, and friendly foreign leaders and citizens alike, what happens? NOTHING.

You are really not paying attention to what is going on in the world, are you?

That gets my vote for best post of the month.......good job.
ROFL! The Hillary butthole sucking douche bag applauds crime. Thanks for living up to expectations.
You applaud Wikileaks..
Most people recognize the difference between common thug vandals and whistle blowers.
Hacking is illegal...Period...
Yes but it is obvious that Congress would not pass a whistle blower protection act so one has to do what one needs to do. Along with the fact that it is not one and the same of destruction of private property but it does reveal the corrupt and they deserve no protection from their crimes.
The Whistleblower Protection Act of 1989, Pub.L. 101-12 as amended, is a United States federal law that protects federal whistleblowers who work for the government and report agency misconduct.

So what does the government do in response? It contracts all of it's business out to private contractors to protect itself from this Act and the FOIA. Those cleaver swine!
Good on him :thup:
ROFL! The Hillary butthole sucking douche bag applauds crime. Thanks for living up to expectations.
You applaud Wikileaks..
Most people recognize the difference between common thug vandals and whistle blowers.
Hacking is illegal...Period...
You know tapping someones phone line when they have not committed a crime and they are the whistle blowers is illegal also but that does not prevent the crooks that are in public positions protecting the criminal elite from doing it.
I am sure....Just ask Nixon...
You applaud Wikileaks..
Most people recognize the difference between common thug vandals and whistle blowers.
Hacking is illegal...Period...

Except when done by the NSA w/o a warrant. :lmao:


Hypocritical statist mutherfuckers.
That is illegal also..

Nothing is illegal for those who enforce the rules. Haven't you been paying attention?

When the cops violate the civil rights and civil liberties of minorities, what happens? NOTHING.

When a high ranking government bureaucrat that the establishment wishes to make president blatantly breaks the rules and violates that law they are tasked with upholding, what happens? NOTHING.

When the NSA is caught violating it's mandate and is found spying on it's own citizens, corporations, and friendly foreign leaders and citizens alike, what happens? NOTHING.

You are really not paying attention to what is going on in the world, are you?
I am sure Nixon wouldn't agree or Agnew..
ROFL! The Hillary butthole sucking douche bag applauds crime. Thanks for living up to expectations.
You applaud Wikileaks..
Most people recognize the difference between common thug vandals and whistle blowers.
Hacking is illegal...Period...
You know tapping someones phone line when they have not committed a crime and they are the whistle blowers is illegal also but that does not prevent the crooks that are in public positions protecting the criminal elite from doing it.
I am sure....Just ask Nixon...
Tell me, what exactly do you think Nixon was guilty of?
Could we get a BLM activist to blow up Trump Towers?

My only criticism of these guys is that they are small time. Too much hooliganism and not enough revolutionary activity.

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