Good on him
ROFL! The Hillary butthole sucking douche bag applauds crime. Thanks for living up to expectations.
You applaud Wikileaks..
There seems to be a liberal movie on Edward Snowen, that is making him out to be a hero. In actuality, he is no different than any traitor that reveals classified information that puts lives at risk and compromises our national security.
With respect to the op, grafitti by a liberal is nothing new. I'm sure we will find it hailed as freedom of expression rather than vandalism - no surprise there either.
No, Snowden is indeed a "hero" and this military industrial complex/ corporate "gubermint" endangers not only national security but the lives of Americans when they purposely start wars and finance the very entities that we are supposed to be afraid and leery of.....they are POS and I have no respect or use for them at all. The stupid fucks that serve this corporate entity for a paycheck ARE the traitors.
No. Using your own judgment to establish some form of "personal gain" in releasing sensitive classified government information IS TREASON and no different than the those spies who used it to achieve some form of personal gain or power adrenalin kick.
He is NOT a hero and deserves the very same sentence as those who have done the same. You have this twisted mindset as if people have a right to government classified information to do as they please, they do not. There is no amount of entitlement that is above the law - period!