Video emerges of Georgia jogger attack; case headed to grand jury

Idk, but I tend to run away from people pointing guns at me.
Truth be told, you run if someone looks at you sternly. Some people are not afraid of guns and it pisses them off when someone points one at them.
Yeah, they're dead and I'm not. How ya like them apples? You ever been shot at, dork? I have, it's not a good feeling. If you're not afraid of having a gun pointed at you, you're a retard.
I've been shot at twice and had a gun pointed in my face as well. The guy that pointed it at me is no longer with us. If I die then that is what was meant to be. I've never been afraid to die.

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Not really. Some people are passive. I just happen to be one thats not. Doesnt make me tough but it does make me a fucking problem if you are not fast.
It could make you dead if you're not as fast as the squeeze of a trigger. You got to know when to hold and when to fold. Lemme guess, you don't play poker, huh?
I'm good with that. Hazard of being wired like I am and totally acceptable to me. I dont gamble or do anything that could be addictive.
Idk, but I tend to run away from people pointing guns at me.
Truth be told, you run if someone looks at you sternly. Some people are not afraid of guns and it pisses them off when someone points one at them.
Yeah, they're dead and I'm not. How ya like them apples? You ever been shot at, dork? I have, it's not a good feeling. If you're not afraid of having a gun pointed at you, you're a retard.
I've been shot at twice and had a gun pointed in my face as well. The guy that pointed it at me is no longer with us. If I die then that is what was meant to be. I've never been afraid to die.

View attachment 333429
Not really. Some people are passive. I just happen to be one thats not. Doesnt make me tough but it does make me a fucking problem if you are not fast.
It could make you dead if you're not as fast as the squeeze of a trigger. You got to know when to hold and when to fold. Lemme guess, you don't play poker, huh?
I'm good with that. Hazard of being wired like I am and totally acceptable to me. I dont gamble or do anything that could be addictive.
You take the risk of attacking someone with a gun pointed in your face? Odds are 9/1 you're gonna die.
So did you attack the guy pointing a gun at you? I know I damn sure didn't. I got the hell outta Dodge.
Idk, but I tend to run away from people pointing guns at me.
Truth be told, you run if someone looks at you sternly. Some people are not afraid of guns and it pisses them off when someone points one at them.
Yeah, they're dead and I'm not. How ya like them apples? You ever been shot at, dork? I have, it's not a good feeling. If you're not afraid of having a gun pointed at you, you're a retard.
I've been shot at twice and had a gun pointed in my face as well. The guy that pointed it at me is no longer with us. If I die then that is what was meant to be. I've never been afraid to die.

View attachment 333429
Not really. Some people are passive. I just happen to be one thats not. Doesnt make me tough but it does make me a fucking problem if you are not fast.
It could make you dead if you're not as fast as the squeeze of a trigger. You got to know when to hold and when to fold. Lemme guess, you don't play poker, huh?
I'm good with that. Hazard of being wired like I am and totally acceptable to me. I dont gamble or do anything that could be addictive.
You take the risk of attacking someone with a gun pointed in your face? Odds are 9/1 you're gonna die.
It's a reaction so there is no calculation of odds. You piss me off and youre going to have a problem to deal with so you better be fast. I already said I have no fear of death when I am angry. Lots of people are the same way.
Idk, but I tend to run away from people pointing guns at me.
Truth be told, you run if someone looks at you sternly. Some people are not afraid of guns and it pisses them off when someone points one at them.
Yeah, they're dead and I'm not. How ya like them apples? You ever been shot at, dork? I have, it's not a good feeling. If you're not afraid of having a gun pointed at you, you're a retard.
I've been shot at twice and had a gun pointed in my face as well. The guy that pointed it at me is no longer with us. If I die then that is what was meant to be. I've never been afraid to die.

View attachment 333429
Not really. Some people are passive. I just happen to be one thats not. Doesnt make me tough but it does make me a fucking problem if you are not fast.
It could make you dead if you're not as fast as the squeeze of a trigger. You got to know when to hold and when to fold. Lemme guess, you don't play poker, huh?
I'm good with that. Hazard of being wired like I am and totally acceptable to me. I dont gamble or do anything that could be addictive.
You take the risk of attacking someone with a gun pointed in your face? Odds are 9/1 you're gonna die.
It's a reaction so there is no calculation of odds. You piss me off and youre going to have a problem to deal with so you better be fast. I already said I have no fear of death when I am angry. Lots of people are the same way.
So if you're made angry..what?

You'd charge somebody with a pistol or shotgun on you? :cuckoo:
If so, well, you're derper than I thought you a smidgen.
The video is Bs, it doesn't show much of anything. Those two guys need to be questioned.
The video shows a lot.

Your face should be questioned.
Wow, you are an ultra-retard. Aren't you the OP here?

I think the 2 guys should be questioned myself.
That video is not clear. Whatever link you posted had no video, you jackass!
OP fail, tardo!
The video is Bs, it doesn't show much of anything. Those two guys need to be questioned.
The video shows a lot.

Your face should be questioned.
Wow, you are an ultra-retard. Aren't you the OP here?

I think the 2 guys should be questioned myself.
That video is not clear. Whatever link you posted had no video, you jackass!
OP fail, tardo!
I think the problem is with you, pilgrim

I don't know much about the Georgia case except for what I read here and I couldn't see the video, so watched it here. The two's story does not jive as they didn't attempt to call the police and they confronted the unarmed jogger with a shotgun. It does look like a racially motivated killing to me. Give them life in prison or the death sentence. It seems open and shut to me with the video.

The difficult part would be to show a racially motivated killing.

Now, you bring George Zimmerman into this and I think that makes it more confusing of a case if you do that. You have to remember that "super dumbass" Zimmerman was found not guilty and shot in self-defense. Okay, that case was crazy, but why bring that into the black jogger in Georgia case when it appears the father and son's testimonies are full of holes? We haven't even gotten to their arrest nor a criminal case yet.

It makes it sound that you think the father and son will get off scot free in this case. How do you know? these sorts of cases bias in the facts are ignored, spun, censored or as in the case of the video on cbs ....the whole video is not shown....when you watch the whole video you see the black guy run over to the guy with the shotgun and attack him.....thus in defense of his life he shoots the black guy....not a complicated case...another case of simple self defense....yet the media once again is attempting to ignite racial tensions by not correctly reporting the story.

That is why there were no arrests in the we will see what the grand jury has to say.....if they follow the law and do not bow to political and media pressure the shooter will be exonerated.

That's not how the law is supposed to work. I had the video that showed it all along with a witness and you got jack diddly. This was second degree murder or it could've been first degree. We know these guys were racist. What's the punishment for a capital crime in Georgia? Better yet the Feds are investigating for a hate crime. Let these suckas burn.

I don't know much about the Georgia case except for what I read here and I couldn't see the video, so watched it here. The two's story does not jive as they didn't attempt to call the police and they confronted the unarmed jogger with a shotgun. It does look like a racially motivated killing to me. Give them life in prison or the death sentence. It seems open and shut to me with the video.

The difficult part would be to show a racially motivated killing.

Now, you bring George Zimmerman into this and I think that makes it more confusing of a case if you do that. You have to remember that "super dumbass" Zimmerman was found not guilty and shot in self-defense. Okay, that case was crazy, but why bring that into the black jogger in Georgia case when it appears the father and son's testimonies are full of holes? We haven't even gotten to their arrest nor a criminal case yet.

It makes it sound that you think the father and son will get off scot free in this case. How do you know? these sorts of cases bias in the facts are ignored, spun, censored or as in the case of the video on cbs ....the whole video is not shown....when you watch the whole video you see the black guy run over to the guy with the shotgun and attack him.....thus in defense of his life he shoots the black guy....not a complicated case...another case of simple self defense....yet the media once again is attempting to ignite racial tensions by not correctly reporting the story.

That is why there were no arrests in the we will see what the grand jury has to say.....if they follow the law and do not bow to political and media pressure the shooter will be exonerated.

That's not how the law is supposed to work. I had the video that showed it all along with a witness and you got jack diddly. This was second degree murder or Nit could've been first degree. We know these guys were racist. What's the punishment for a capital crime in Georgia? Better yet the Feds are investigating for a hate crime. Let these suckas burn. do you know these guys were racist? Not that in and of itself would matter.

What matters is the facts of the case which though very simple seem beyond your grasp......can anyone say because you are biased?

Not even to mention you have a severe ignorance of the law. the whole video and you will clearly see the black guy jogging down the road....then he runs around the truck to the right on the passenger side....the father is in the bed of the truck....the son is to the front and left of the truck....the black jogger then quickly runs to the left to attack the son with the shotgun.....when he runs into the white guy we hear a gunshot and then we hear a second and 3rd gunshot as the black guy strikes the white guy and they struggle for the gun...and then we see the jogger start to run off and then collapses.

Simple case of self guy stupidly attacks white guy with a gun and gets killed. Case closed.

Watch the full on full video.

This looks like Zimmerman all over again.

I hope I'm wrong here, but I wouldn't be surprised if they're found innocent.
I many times purposely jog close to the traffic and get yelled at. I do it to tick people off. But they always back down. Not one of the hundreds that have sworn at me has ever bothered to come for some when I invite them.
sounds are bigger than you
This looks like Zimmerman all over again.

I hope I'm wrong here, but I wouldn't be surprised if they're found innocent.
..of all the shootings of blacks, the Martin shooting was clearly because of super dumbass Zimmerman --he should've been found guilty of manslaughter--easily--but--- have humans on the juries and humans for lawyers, so you can get any verdict in an ''air tight'' case....the Robert Durst case comes to mind...and the OJ case also ...the prosecutors in the Durst case told the family members it was an air tight case--and wham--the jury voted the moron/psycho not guilty
There is no "odds are" in this. Why would you make such a statement? It looks much more like two ignorant little Georgia crackers out to murder somebody.
There you go with the racial slurs again

I say the black guy initiated the physical contact based on common sense

the man holding the shotgun has no reason to wrestle with the other man
jeus f christ people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the people in the truck INITIATED the problem----this is undeniable
..Zimmerheadman INITIATED the problem
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So, it turns out somebody caught it on video. It is clear from the video that the jogger was ambushed. The truck stopped in the road ahead of him, waiting on him to run by, and when he went around the truck, the driver jumped him while the other man, standing in the back of the truck, either shot the jogger, or was aiming and ready to shoot.

These men were not in fear of their lives. They ambushed the jogger plain and simple. Try them, and if convicted, give them the maximum sentence possible.

Something tells me that jogger pissed these guys off sometime before the attack. I think there's more to this case than we know at this time.

On the other hand, people are morons, and morons do incredibly stupid things. I may be overthinking this.
The guy was healthy enough to move without a pickup truck which pissed off the white trash

This is the sort of response we all see too much of in these cases ....race baiters trying to stir up racial no doubt a lot of racial hatred will be stirred up and the next thing you hear about will be some innocent old white lady walking down the street and a couple of black thugs beat her to death whilst hollering this is for the black guy in Georgia.
The guy was healthy enough to move without a pickup truck which pissed off the white trash

These clowns might as well blow their own brains out now, because they are not taking their guns to prison
Who is running toward somebody the black or the white guy?

Arbery runs around the truck to be confronted by a man holding a rifle. It's not hard to believe Arbery was in fear for his life. Neither of these guys are police and neither of them had any reason to confront him.

Your opinion is irrelevant as you are a known racist.

Jits and Asclepias are two sides of the same racist coin. Neither can be taken very seriously when logic is required.
I’m typing what the video shows
Then we are seeing two vastly different encounters. Does your video show the man to be larger and faster than a typical truck?
do you see a truck chasing the jogger? again, post the time from the video showing that. I'll wait.
No. This is an assumption I am making. Need more facts than the 35 second video but people have yet to explain why the persons in the truck did not drive away. If more of the story comes out and there is a credible reason, I will gladly retract what I said. My intuition has been great so far in my life so I will continue to trust it. Hopefully more details come out regarding this homicide.
you don't know if that black man threatened someone prior to the incident, you don't know if he was a home invader, maybe he keyed their truck. No one fking knows. dude you jumped into hanging without one piece of evidence. wow. again, isn't like you at all.
Don't know and don't care anymore. TBH. I would have called the police and taken his picture but thats me. If people like Assfaceias see me as an equal to those men then I'll play the part and just bad for actually caring initially. He, IM2, MarcATL all assholes.
Now youre feelings are hurt. Sorry but like I said, If you have to be convinced or persuaded not to be a racist then youre already a racist. The excuses these other racists have come up with are the reason I stated that even with video Black people will not get any justice. African americans live in a country founded and built on racism. Whites as a group will never come to terms with that because they fear Black people.
Sorry. Just the usual crowd is getting worked up about a dead thug.
There it is. Tho the thugs were the two in the truck.
If the jogger was a white guy liberal media wouldn't even cover it.
yes, this is other aspect of it......
...everyone who has seen my posts on cops/etc shooting black CRIMINALS/jackasses, know how I feel....and the Starbucks/etc stories where race has nothing to do with it ......but it appears TMartin and this man were doing nothing wrong ..... both of these cases, race might have been, if there had been reports of blacks causing crimes, I can understand profiling.....
Why is the truck parked in the middle of the lane? And is the one hick standing by the door holding a gun before the jogger gets there? The other dipwad in the box seems to react slow. It's too bad guys like this think they are do gooders when they should call the police. Why is the guy standing in the other lane waiting for the jogger? What an idiot. A low IQ guy who is as knowledgeable as Barney Fife.

In another thread, we're discussing what makes a good father... Just for the record, a father that takes his son out shooting people they don't like is NOT a good father.
Who goes out jogging and attacking someone with a gun?


That's what people usually do when they run out of house they just broke in to.

A 25-year-old black man was shot dead in Georgia while jogging

"However, according to the Times, someone called the police station and said a black man with a white t-shirt had run inside a house under construction that was only "partially closed in." Arbery had some run-ins with police in the past, included being "sentenced to five years' probation as a first offender on charges of carrying a weapon on campus and several counts of obstructing a law enforcement officer," the AJC reported. Arbery was also charged for shoplifting and violating his probation in 2018, according to the AJC. "

Who goes out jogging and rob houses along the way?

It doesn't matter if he had just robbed a house; the shooters didn't see it and it's still murder. But, in any case, black men are aloud to go jogging.. in jeans and t-shirt.
please read my other posts on how I feel about this case......BUT =
...if someone just robbed a house and got shot to death---this is GOOD!!!!!! for the community .....FK!!!!!!! those jackass BASTARDS.......
The video is Bs, it doesn't show much of anything. Those two guys need to be questioned.
The video shows a lot.

Your face should be questioned.
Wow, you are an ultra-retard. Aren't you the OP here?

I think the 2 guys should be questioned myself.
That video is not clear. Whatever link you posted had no video, you jackass!
OP fail, tardo!
I think the problem is with you, pilgrim
Who is running toward somebody the black or the white guy?

Arbery runs around the truck to be confronted by a man holding a rifle. It's not hard to believe Arbery was in fear for his life. Neither of these guys are police and neither of them had any reason to confront him.

Your opinion is irrelevant as you are a known racist.

Jits and Asclepias are two sides of the same racist coin. Neither can be taken very seriously when logic is required.
I’m typing what the video shows
Then we are seeing two vastly different encounters. Does your video show the man to be larger and faster than a typical truck?
do you see a truck chasing the jogger? again, post the time from the video showing that. I'll wait.
No. This is an assumption I am making. Need more facts than the 35 second video but people have yet to explain why the persons in the truck did not drive away. If more of the story comes out and there is a credible reason, I will gladly retract what I said. My intuition has been great so far in my life so I will continue to trust it. Hopefully more details come out regarding this homicide.
you don't know if that black man threatened someone prior to the incident, you don't know if he was a home invader, maybe he keyed their truck. No one fking knows. dude you jumped into hanging without one piece of evidence. wow. again, isn't like you at all.
Don't know and don't care anymore. TBH. I would have called the police and taken his picture but thats me. If people like Assfaceias see me as an equal to those men then I'll play the part and just bad for actually caring initially. He, IM2, MarcATL all assholes.
Now youre feelings are hurt. Sorry but like I said, If you have to be convinced or persuaded not to be a racist then youre already a racist. The excuses these other racists have come up with are the reason I stated that even with video Black people will not get any justice. African americans live in a country founded and built on racism. Whites as a group will never come to terms with that because they fear Black people.
Sorry. Just the usual crowd is getting worked up about a dead thug.
There it is. Tho the thugs were the two in the truck.
If the jogger was a white guy liberal media wouldn't even cover it. of the time when whites murder/shoot blacks, it has nothing to do with race--but this black murders whites because of race---and the MSM says nothing about race!!!!!!
This looks like Zimmerman all over again.

I hope I'm wrong here, but I wouldn't be surprised if they're found innocent.
..of all the shootings of blacks, the Martin shooting was clearly because of super dumbass Zimmerman --he should've been found guilty of manslaughter--easily--but--- have humans on the juries and humans for lawyers, so you can get any verdict in an ''air tight'' case....the Robert Durst case comes to mind...and the OJ case also ...the prosecutors in the Durst case told the family members it was an air tight case--and wham--the jury voted the moron/psycho not guilty

You are one of the dumbest posters i have seen on you escaped getting put on ignore I do not understand(which will now be remedied after I post the following)....unless it was some sort of glitch...I have purposely gone through a lot of threads putting dummies like you and democrats on ignore....very little difference between yall .... anyhow while I am here ...Z was doing his job not only as a watchman but as a concerned citizen....if your house had been one of those broken into in that neighborhood you might have a better understanding of that event.

If you had watched the trial you might have a better understanding of that least you should have ..but maybe it was all tooooo complex for your excuse for a brain....though it was really not complex at all....a punk wanna be gangsta trying to impress his g/f with how tough he was paid the ultimate price for his closed.

The jury despite all the death threats did their job and they did it well....listened to all the evidence(of which you have not a clue) and made the right decision....even super liberal Jimmy Carter said so.

No reasonable person that looked at all the evidence could have come to any other conclusion unless they were extremely biased and let that over-rule the law and commonsense
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Who is running toward somebody the black or the white guy?

Arbery runs around the truck to be confronted by a man holding a rifle. It's not hard to believe Arbery was in fear for his life. Neither of these guys are police and neither of them had any reason to confront him.

Your opinion is irrelevant as you are a known racist.

Jits and Asclepias are two sides of the same racist coin. Neither can be taken very seriously when logic is required.
I’m typing what the video shows
Then we are seeing two vastly different encounters. Does your video show the man to be larger and faster than a typical truck?
do you see a truck chasing the jogger? again, post the time from the video showing that. I'll wait.
No. This is an assumption I am making. Need more facts than the 35 second video but people have yet to explain why the persons in the truck did not drive away. If more of the story comes out and there is a credible reason, I will gladly retract what I said. My intuition has been great so far in my life so I will continue to trust it. Hopefully more details come out regarding this homicide.
you don't know if that black man threatened someone prior to the incident, you don't know if he was a home invader, maybe he keyed their truck. No one fking knows. dude you jumped into hanging without one piece of evidence. wow. again, isn't like you at all.
Don't know and don't care anymore. TBH. I would have called the police and taken his picture but thats me. If people like Assfaceias see me as an equal to those men then I'll play the part and just bad for actually caring initially. He, IM2, MarcATL all assholes.
Now youre feelings are hurt. Sorry but like I said, If you have to be convinced or persuaded not to be a racist then youre already a racist. The excuses these other racists have come up with are the reason I stated that even with video Black people will not get any justice. African americans live in a country founded and built on racism. Whites as a group will never come to terms with that because they fear Black people.
Sorry. Just the usual crowd is getting worked up about a dead thug.
There it is. Tho the thugs were the two in the truck.
If the jogger was a white guy liberal media wouldn't even cover it. of the time when whites murder/shoot blacks, it has nothing to do with race--but this black murders whites because of race---and the MSM says nothing about race!!!!!!

Always a double-standard with the media when it comes to interacial crimes...they never deviate from their narrative of blacks being innocent victims and of whites being evil spite of all the evidence to the contrary.

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