Video emerges of Georgia jogger attack; case headed to grand jury

If I broke into your property, you have every right to shot me.

Actually, not. Your response would have to be proportional to the threat.

If an 80-year-old man in a wheelchair came into your house by mistake and you blew him away ... you may have a lot of 'splaining to do.
here is the video everyone should be watching.....clearly shows the black guy jogging around the truck and attacking the white kid with the gun.

That's not very clear as to what is going on. It does look like whoever was running went out of their way to attack, I would have cut a sharp right to the back way to avoid being shot.
If I broke into your property, you have every right to shot me.

Actually, not. Your response would have to be proportional to the threat.

If an 80-year-old man in a wheelchair came into your house by mistake and you blew him away ... you may have a lot of 'splaining to do.

Again....self defense laws vary from state to state but generally speaking they are pretty similar...but you are correct in that in some states the response must be proportional but in must states the law on simple self defense says one merely has to be in fear of his life or of grievious bodily harm in order to be justified to use lethal force in defense of your life.
I have never seen a black guy go jogging in his 20s..



They can ski and swim too.
One of the guys clearly tells him to freeze.
Indicating he wasnt intent on shooting him,just hold him until the cops arrived.
The guy then bum rushed him and got shot.
Of course it didnt help that CNN decided it was a good idea to cover part of the vid with their banner.
I'll wait to see more evidence on this one.
Looks like they're claiming it was a ''citizen arrest'' type of deal.

Unfortunately, citizens aren't always that bright. They were certainly reckless in this instance. So much for the man's due process, huh?

I'll say this much and I'll leave it at that. If the crap ever does hit the fan, these cowboy wannabe types are the ones you have to watch out for. No doubt about it.
Shoot first ask questions later doesn’t work, much to the dismay of the gun nut knuckle draggers. Prison time obviously do not know what you are talking the complete video and get back with us dumbass.
So, it turns out somebody caught it on video. It is clear from the video that the jogger was ambushed. The truck stopped in the road ahead of him, waiting on him to run by, and when he went around the truck, the driver jumped him while the other man, standing in the back of the truck, either shot the jogger, or was aiming and ready to shoot.

These men were not in fear of their lives. They ambushed the jogger plain and simple. Try them, and if convicted, give them the maximum sentence possible.

Something tells me that jogger pissed these guys off sometime before the attack. I think there's more to this case than we know at this time.

On the other hand, people are morons, and morons do incredibly stupid things. I may be overthinking this.
The guy was healthy enough to move without a pickup truck which pissed off the white trash

This is the sort of response we all see too much of in these cases ....race baiters trying to stir up racial no doubt a lot of racial hatred will be stirred up and the next thing you hear about will be some innocent old white lady walking down the street and a couple of black thugs beat her to death whilst hollering this is for the black guy in Georgia.
If I broke into your property, you have every right to shot me.

Actually, not. Your response would have to be proportional to the threat.

If an 80-year-old man in a wheelchair came into your house by mistake and you blew him away ... you may have a lot of 'splaining to do.

You're comparing someone breaking in, with 80 yo man in a wheelchair making a wrong turn. Nice try.

If you're breaking into my home, I don't care what your "intentions" are. Use force to get inside my home, you will be shot. I'm sure you're not breaking in to get a glass of water, or to say "hello" to my wife and kids.
One of the guys clearly tells him to freeze.
Indicating he wasnt intent on shooting him,just hold him until the cops arrived.
The guy then bum rushed him and got shot.
Of course it didnt help that CNN decided it was a good idea to cover part of the vid with their banner.
I'll wait to see more evidence on this one.
I want to know whose video it is. And why he/ she was trailing the jogger.

If I had to guess I would say it was a victim of the jogger and they were following him to keep him in sight.

These guys didnt randomly pick some black jogger to shoot and there's obviously more to the story than the vid shows.
I agree. Again, if all one has is the video, then that jogger attacked the man from the truck. It's clear as glass.
One of the guys clearly tells him to freeze.
Indicating he wasnt intent on shooting him,just hold him until the cops arrived.
The guy then bum rushed him and got shot.
Of course it didnt help that CNN decided it was a good idea to cover part of the vid with their banner.
I'll wait to see more evidence on this one.
I want to know whose video it is. And why he/ she was trailing the jogger.
The man was driving behind the truck when it pulled sideways and blocked the jogger from going by them. The guy could obviously see that something interesting was going down so he recorded it like everyone with a cell phone does these days. How much footage is there from every single protest and street fight? People get it on video. I don't know why you consider THAT the suspicious part of this whole scenario.
where do you see that footage? please what time in the video shows us that? go ahead,
That's not all they have though. They have a statement from the men claiming they were attempting a citizen's arrest in spite of not having witnessed the commission of a crime by the victim as required by Georgia law.

Just another demonstration of the "Zimmerman" mentality.
O.C.G.A. §17-4-60 says that a “private person may arrest an offender if the offense is committed in his presence or within his immediate knowledge. If the offense is a felony and the offender is escaping or attempting to escape, a private person may arrest him upon reasonable and probable grounds of suspicion.” In English, this means that a citizen may arrest someone if he sees that person commit the crime. However, if the crime is a felony, and the offender is trying to get away, a citizen can arrest that person if they reasonably believe that the person committed the offense.
Legalese — Citizens Arrest! do make a valid point here which is pretty rare for you.

The question is did the white guys really try to arrest or restrain the black jogger?

Now I did read someone saying one of the white guys said they were attempting to make a citizens arrest in that was their intention...but did they really do that?

When you watch the whole video as in the complete video not the editied ones presented by the will see a white guy in the bed of the truck and the white kid to the front and left of the truck with a will see the black jogger run around the truck and then veer left and attack the white guy with the gun...there was nothing to keep the black jogger from continuing on down the what verbal exchanges went on is not clear ...but from watching the video I see no evidence they actually tried to restrain or arrest the black jogger.

According to the police report, Gregory McMichael told officers he and his son first tried to stop Arbery by shouting, “Stop, stop, we want to talk to you!” The father claimed Arbery attacked his son and they got into a struggle for a shotgun.

Thus if that is the case they actually did nothing that would constitute an actual physical arrest.

and yes...the law on citizens arrest in
Georgia does say one must see the the suspect actually do something of a illegal nature before the can conduct a citizens arrest....from what I have read they do claim they saw a video of the black guy doing a burglary.

I think they have good evidence (the video) of demonstrating they did nothing that would actually constitute an actual arrest or even attempt to arrest....hollering at someone to stop is not or does not constitute an arrest.

Legal definition of an arrest:

An arrest is using legal authority to deprive a person of his or her freedom of movement. An arrest is generally made with an arrest warrant. ... Probable cause is a reasonable belief of the police officer in the guilt of the suspect, based on the facts and information prior to the arrest.

Legal Definition of a Citizen's Arrest............The forcible detaining of an individual suspected of having committed a crime by a person who is not a police or otherwise certified law enforcement officer, such as a private citizen, a private security firm employee or a store employee or cashier, and without the authority of an arrest warrant issue from a court of .

Thus we see that by either definition of 'arrest' what these ole Georgia Boys did does not constitute arrest in any way shape or in there was no physical restraint placed on the black jogger....he could have just kept happily jogging on down the street as he should have and he would still be alive today...instead of veering off to the left and rushing and attacking an ole boy with a loaded gun....crazy to do that...absolute nuts.
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Get zimmermans lawyer! God bless these patriots!
No need. Its Georgia. Any lawyer will do. They just recently and begrudgingly took the confederate flag off their state flag.
Can’t wait for all the thug out pics to come out, and the woman that he raped.. mike Brown all over again lol
It wasnt rape. That white guy and his sister had consensual sex and the son is the result.
Mike Brown Lol I can’t wait when he’s guys are out of jail I’m goNa buy them dinner
Better be careful or they will end up raping you. :)
Jitler has a purdy mouth?
Looks like a fucking snoozer to me. Self defense.

Don't we have hair stylist to send to prison? C'mon people we need to focus.
Idk, but I tend to run away from people pointing guns at me.
Truth be told, you run if someone looks at you sternly. Some people are not afraid of guns and it pisses them off when someone points one at them.
Yeah, they're dead and I'm not. How ya like them apples? You ever been shot at, dork? I have, it's not a good feeling. If you're not afraid of having a gun pointed at you, you're a retard.
I don't run towards people pointing guns at

That guy had yards to get away and did not. I saw trees, too.
Let that cracker try to shoot me as I'm running away weaving through trees. :abgg2q.jpg:

There's a reason I'm still alive, dumbass. Maybe to tell people like you how it really is.
I ran up on a dude with a bat in my hands (was gonna beat his ass for jumping a friend) but was looking down the barrel of a gun, I turned and hauled ass weaving until i could grab onto the trunk of a car! Derp! He shot and missed me twice. He missed everybody, all 6 people, thank the Lord! Only 3 were fighting age, the other 3 were little kids.
If you ever run up on someone, and they have a gun pointed right between your eyes and aren't scared and attack them? 9 out of 10 times most likely you will be dead.
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Looks like a fucking snoozer to me. Self defense.

Don't we have hair stylist to send to prison? C'mon people we need to focus.

Yep............unfortunately a lot of media hyberbole, spinning and omitting of facts and in essence engaging in race baiting using an edited video is what we see now....but this is rural Georgia....the media may not be able to make a lot of headway with their b.s. down there.

Hopefully saner minds on the grand jury will put a quick end to just another media effort to lynch 2 innocent white men.
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Idk, but I tend to run away from people pointing guns at me.
Truth be told, you run if someone looks at you sternly. Some people are not afraid of guns and it pisses them off when someone points one at them.
Yeah, they're dead and I'm not. How ya like them apples? You ever been shot at, dork? I have, it's not a good feeling. If you're not afraid of having a gun pointed at you, you're a retard.
I've been shot at twice and had a gun pointed in my face as well. The guy that pointed it at me is no longer with us. If I die then that is what was meant to be. I've never been afraid to die.
Idk, but I tend to run away from people pointing guns at me.
Truth be told, you run if someone looks at you sternly. Some people are not afraid of guns and it pisses them off when someone points one at them.
Yeah, they're dead and I'm not. How ya like them apples? You ever been shot at, dork? I have, it's not a good feeling. If you're not afraid of having a gun pointed at you, you're a retard.
I've been shot at twice and had a gun pointed in my face as well. The guy that pointed it at me is no longer with us. If I die then that is what was meant to be. I've never been afraid to die.

Idk, but I tend to run away from people pointing guns at me.
Truth be told, you run if someone looks at you sternly. Some people are not afraid of guns and it pisses them off when someone points one at them.
Yeah, they're dead and I'm not. How ya like them apples? You ever been shot at, dork? I have, it's not a good feeling. If you're not afraid of having a gun pointed at you, you're a retard.
I've been shot at twice and had a gun pointed in my face as well. The guy that pointed it at me is no longer with us. If I die then that is what was meant to be. I've never been afraid to die.

View attachment 333429
Not really. Some people are passive. I just happen to be one thats not. Doesnt make me tough but it does make me a fucking problem if you are not fast.
Idk, but I tend to run away from people pointing guns at me.
Truth be told, you run if someone looks at you sternly. Some people are not afraid of guns and it pisses them off when someone points one at them.
Yeah, they're dead and I'm not. How ya like them apples? You ever been shot at, dork? I have, it's not a good feeling. If you're not afraid of having a gun pointed at you, you're a retard.
I've been shot at twice and had a gun pointed in my face as well. The guy that pointed it at me is no longer with us. If I die then that is what was meant to be. I've never been afraid to die.

View attachment 333429
Not really. Some people are passive. I just happen to be one thats not. Doesnt make me tough but it does make me a fucking problem if you are not fast.
It could make you dead if you're not as fast as the squeeze of a trigger. You got to know when to hold and when to fold. Lemme guess, you don't play poker, huh?

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