Video emerges of Georgia jogger attack; case headed to grand jury

I posted several videos. Why did you only mention the first one? Your entire argument is based on lies. I posted several examples. Would you like 10 more that have nothing to do with someones home? 20? 30? How many must i post before you admit you are wrong?
I don't have time now to go into this further but I will answer your questions later on this evening if I have time.

In the meantime, I just checked with a CJTC firearm instructor (Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission) and he directed me to the specific page and paragraph in their training manual that answers your question which follows below. This is the same training I completed when I obtained my first WA Concealed Pistol License 19 years ago.
Use of force or deadly force when law does not allow it may result in your arrest for assault or homicide.
Criminal charges for an assault with a firearm do not necessarily require that the gun be fired; for example, someone who threatens another without legal justification by pointing a gun at him or her has committed an assault.

An assault with a firearm is usually considered to be a first or second-degree assault (both of these are felonies). Conviction of such a crime may carry a sentence from ten to 20 years. Should your use of force result in the unlawful death of another person, you may be charged with either manslaughter if your recklessness caused the death, or murder if you intended to kill the person.

Penalties for manslaughter may be up to ten years in prison. Murder carries a sentence up to life in prison, unless certain aggravating circumstances exist, in which case the court may impose the death penalty [Washington State no longer has a death penalty as of a few years ago].

It is your responsibility as the person carrying or using a weapon to use it responsibly and within the law. Neither your employer nor any other person is criminally responsible for your acts with a firearm. Under criminal law, you alone have the responsibility for any display or firing of a firearm. If you have any doubt about your ability to make crucial life-and-death decisions regarding the use of deadly force, then you should not carry a firearm.
None of that has anything at all to do with our debate. You said its illegal to point a gun at someone. I showed you that is not true. Good samaritans can absolutely point a gun at a suspected criminal.
LMAO... those two were definitely not "good Samaritans".

Wow...the stupidity.
Sure they were. They were tracking a criminal whom they recognized from crime scene footage. That is by definition a good samaritan.

Criminal or Violent Criminal? Killing someone without a judge and jury makes one a good Samaritan? Oh...
When someone attacks you, you have the right to self defense. A man trying to take your gun away is a dire threat.
And a man pointing a gun at you is also a dire threat. No gun and there is no death in this case. Don't stop the truck in the middle of the street and act like a cop.
Where is your evidence that he pointed his gun at him? Prove that claim or look like the complete fool that we all know you are.
You don't know H2H combat well. A gun like that would have to be pointed for the outcome to be what it was. And when we see them wrestle, you see how it transpired. No other option. You'll see as the case gets resolved. My apologies, I had no idea you were a neophyte to H2H combat.
well again, the black man has two hands on the gun when the first shot is fired and it was at the ground. in no way does it show a gun being pointed at anyone. The confrontation continues and the black man is holding the barrel with his left hand while landing right hooks to the face of the kid holding the gun. tell me you see differently.
I posted several videos. Why did you only mention the first one? Your entire argument is based on lies. I posted several examples. Would you like 10 more that have nothing to do with someones home? 20? 30? How many must i post before you admit you are wrong?
I don't have time now to go into this further but I will answer your questions later on this evening if I have time.

In the meantime, I just checked with a CJTC firearm instructor (Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission) and he directed me to the specific page and paragraph in their training manual that answers your question which follows below. This is the same training I completed when I obtained my first WA Concealed Pistol License 19 years ago.
Use of force or deadly force when law does not allow it may result in your arrest for assault or homicide.
Criminal charges for an assault with a firearm do not necessarily require that the gun be fired; for example, someone who threatens another without legal justification by pointing a gun at him or her has committed an assault.

An assault with a firearm is usually considered to be a first or second-degree assault (both of these are felonies). Conviction of such a crime may carry a sentence from ten to 20 years. Should your use of force result in the unlawful death of another person, you may be charged with either manslaughter if your recklessness caused the death, or murder if you intended to kill the person.

Penalties for manslaughter may be up to ten years in prison. Murder carries a sentence up to life in prison, unless certain aggravating circumstances exist, in which case the court may impose the death penalty [Washington State no longer has a death penalty as of a few years ago].

It is your responsibility as the person carrying or using a weapon to use it responsibly and within the law. Neither your employer nor any other person is criminally responsible for your acts with a firearm. Under criminal law, you alone have the responsibility for any display or firing of a firearm. If you have any doubt about your ability to make crucial life-and-death decisions regarding the use of deadly force, then you should not carry a firearm.
None of that has anything at all to do with our debate. You said its illegal to point a gun at someone. I showed you that is not true. Good samaritans can absolutely point a gun at a suspected criminal.
LMAO... those two were definitely not "good Samaritans".

Wow...the stupidity.
Sure they were. They were tracking a criminal whom they recognized from crime scene footage. That is by definition a good samaritan.

Criminal or Violent Criminal? Killing someone without a judge and jury makes one a good Samaritan? Oh...
When someone attacks you, you have the right to self defense. A man trying to take your gun away is a dire threat.
And a man pointing a gun at you is also a dire threat. No gun and there is no death in this case. Don't stop the truck in the middle of the street and act like a cop.
Where is your evidence that he pointed his gun at him? Prove that claim or look like the complete fool that we all know you are.
he can't. the video clearly shows at the 22 second mark, the black man had his hands on the gun prior to the first shot going off. he can't deny that. to do so, makes him a leftist.
He tried to disarm him with an incorrect technique.
I posted several videos. Why did you only mention the first one? Your entire argument is based on lies. I posted several examples. Would you like 10 more that have nothing to do with someones home? 20? 30? How many must i post before you admit you are wrong?
I don't have time now to go into this further but I will answer your questions later on this evening if I have time.

In the meantime, I just checked with a CJTC firearm instructor (Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission) and he directed me to the specific page and paragraph in their training manual that answers your question which follows below. This is the same training I completed when I obtained my first WA Concealed Pistol License 19 years ago.
Use of force or deadly force when law does not allow it may result in your arrest for assault or homicide.
Criminal charges for an assault with a firearm do not necessarily require that the gun be fired; for example, someone who threatens another without legal justification by pointing a gun at him or her has committed an assault.

An assault with a firearm is usually considered to be a first or second-degree assault (both of these are felonies). Conviction of such a crime may carry a sentence from ten to 20 years. Should your use of force result in the unlawful death of another person, you may be charged with either manslaughter if your recklessness caused the death, or murder if you intended to kill the person.

Penalties for manslaughter may be up to ten years in prison. Murder carries a sentence up to life in prison, unless certain aggravating circumstances exist, in which case the court may impose the death penalty [Washington State no longer has a death penalty as of a few years ago].

It is your responsibility as the person carrying or using a weapon to use it responsibly and within the law. Neither your employer nor any other person is criminally responsible for your acts with a firearm. Under criminal law, you alone have the responsibility for any display or firing of a firearm. If you have any doubt about your ability to make crucial life-and-death decisions regarding the use of deadly force, then you should not carry a firearm.
None of that has anything at all to do with our debate. You said its illegal to point a gun at someone. I showed you that is not true. Good samaritans can absolutely point a gun at a suspected criminal.
LMAO... those two were definitely not "good Samaritans".

Wow...the stupidity.
Sure they were. They were tracking a criminal whom they recognized from crime scene footage. That is by definition a good samaritan.

Criminal or Violent Criminal? Killing someone without a judge and jury makes one a good Samaritan? Oh...
When someone attacks you, you have the right to self defense. A man trying to take your gun away is a dire threat.
And a man pointing a gun at you is also a dire threat. No gun and there is no death in this case. Don't stop the truck in the middle of the street and act like a cop.
Where is your evidence that he pointed his gun at him? Prove that claim or look like the complete fool that we all know you are.
You don't know H2H combat well. A gun like that would have to be pointed for the outcome to be what it was. And when we see them wrestle, you see how it transpired. No other option. You'll see as the case gets resolved. My apologies, I had no idea you were a neophyte to H2H combat.
Bitch, you have no idea what i know. No one gives a shit about the MMA classes you took. You arent impressive or knowledgeable in H2H combat. You are nothing but a total buffoon.
I posted several videos. Why did you only mention the first one? Your entire argument is based on lies. I posted several examples. Would you like 10 more that have nothing to do with someones home? 20? 30? How many must i post before you admit you are wrong?
I don't have time now to go into this further but I will answer your questions later on this evening if I have time.

In the meantime, I just checked with a CJTC firearm instructor (Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission) and he directed me to the specific page and paragraph in their training manual that answers your question which follows below. This is the same training I completed when I obtained my first WA Concealed Pistol License 19 years ago.
Use of force or deadly force when law does not allow it may result in your arrest for assault or homicide.
Criminal charges for an assault with a firearm do not necessarily require that the gun be fired; for example, someone who threatens another without legal justification by pointing a gun at him or her has committed an assault.

An assault with a firearm is usually considered to be a first or second-degree assault (both of these are felonies). Conviction of such a crime may carry a sentence from ten to 20 years. Should your use of force result in the unlawful death of another person, you may be charged with either manslaughter if your recklessness caused the death, or murder if you intended to kill the person.

Penalties for manslaughter may be up to ten years in prison. Murder carries a sentence up to life in prison, unless certain aggravating circumstances exist, in which case the court may impose the death penalty [Washington State no longer has a death penalty as of a few years ago].

It is your responsibility as the person carrying or using a weapon to use it responsibly and within the law. Neither your employer nor any other person is criminally responsible for your acts with a firearm. Under criminal law, you alone have the responsibility for any display or firing of a firearm. If you have any doubt about your ability to make crucial life-and-death decisions regarding the use of deadly force, then you should not carry a firearm.
None of that has anything at all to do with our debate. You said its illegal to point a gun at someone. I showed you that is not true. Good samaritans can absolutely point a gun at a suspected criminal.
LMAO... those two were definitely not "good Samaritans".

Wow...the stupidity.
Sure they were. They were tracking a criminal whom they recognized from crime scene footage. That is by definition a good samaritan.

Criminal or Violent Criminal? Killing someone without a judge and jury makes one a good Samaritan? Oh...
When someone attacks you, you have the right to self defense. A man trying to take your gun away is a dire threat.
And a man pointing a gun at you is also a dire threat. No gun and there is no death in this case. Don't stop the truck in the middle of the street and act like a cop.
Where is your evidence that he pointed his gun at him? Prove that claim or look like the complete fool that we all know you are.
You don't know H2H combat well. A gun like that would have to be pointed for the outcome to be what it was. And when we see them wrestle, you see how it transpired. No other option. You'll see as the case gets resolved. My apologies, I had no idea you were a neophyte to H2H combat.
well again, the black man has two hands on the gun when the first shot is fired and it was at the ground. in no way does it show a gun being pointed at anyone. The confrontation continues and the black man is holding the barrel with his left hand while landing right hooks to the face of the kid holding the gun. tell me you see differently.
If there is a video of me dunking a basketball but you don't see me jump and take off just me dunking, you assume I jumped and took off and not that I fell out of a helicopter. For them to be in a position they are, the gun had to have been pointed at him. No other option. Just wait as this gets prosecuted and you will see that I am right. No sense debating it now.
Self defense is not illegal. Arbery has a right to defend himself. He didn’t pick this fight. In fact, he attempted to run from it.
Self-defense requires fear of IMMINENT bodily injury or death. Where was that BEFORE he ran at McMichael?

I know what you're gonna say. They were armed. Bullshit. That's not enough.

It appears that he DID pick this fight. He could have just kept on running, rather than ATTACK McMichael, which the video CLEARLY shows.

He did NOT attempt to run from it. He ran AT McMichael. Deny it. I'll show you the video.

They were chasing him, attempting to cut him off, to intercept him. They put themselves in his path repeatedly. They shouted at him telling him to stop.

And they did so while brandishing firearms.

A rational person would find that to be a threatening situation. Do you disagree?
How are they supposed to stop a burglar WITHOUT putting themselves in his path? :cuckoo:
Let the police do their job.
The police werent there, obviously. How stupid ARE you?
Did I say they were? :cuckoo:
If they werent there, how are they supposed to "do their job"? Your logic is terribly flawed.
Nope, no flaw. The police were called and made aware of the circumstances.
I posted several videos. Why did you only mention the first one? Your entire argument is based on lies. I posted several examples. Would you like 10 more that have nothing to do with someones home? 20? 30? How many must i post before you admit you are wrong?
I don't have time now to go into this further but I will answer your questions later on this evening if I have time.

In the meantime, I just checked with a CJTC firearm instructor (Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission) and he directed me to the specific page and paragraph in their training manual that answers your question which follows below. This is the same training I completed when I obtained my first WA Concealed Pistol License 19 years ago.
Use of force or deadly force when law does not allow it may result in your arrest for assault or homicide.
Criminal charges for an assault with a firearm do not necessarily require that the gun be fired; for example, someone who threatens another without legal justification by pointing a gun at him or her has committed an assault.

An assault with a firearm is usually considered to be a first or second-degree assault (both of these are felonies). Conviction of such a crime may carry a sentence from ten to 20 years. Should your use of force result in the unlawful death of another person, you may be charged with either manslaughter if your recklessness caused the death, or murder if you intended to kill the person.

Penalties for manslaughter may be up to ten years in prison. Murder carries a sentence up to life in prison, unless certain aggravating circumstances exist, in which case the court may impose the death penalty [Washington State no longer has a death penalty as of a few years ago].

It is your responsibility as the person carrying or using a weapon to use it responsibly and within the law. Neither your employer nor any other person is criminally responsible for your acts with a firearm. Under criminal law, you alone have the responsibility for any display or firing of a firearm. If you have any doubt about your ability to make crucial life-and-death decisions regarding the use of deadly force, then you should not carry a firearm.
None of that has anything at all to do with our debate. You said its illegal to point a gun at someone. I showed you that is not true. Good samaritans can absolutely point a gun at a suspected criminal.
LMAO... those two were definitely not "good Samaritans".

Wow...the stupidity.
Sure they were. They were tracking a criminal whom they recognized from crime scene footage. That is by definition a good samaritan.

Criminal or Violent Criminal? Killing someone without a judge and jury makes one a good Samaritan? Oh...
When someone attacks you, you have the right to self defense. A man trying to take your gun away is a dire threat.
And a man pointing a gun at you is also a dire threat. No gun and there is no death in this case. Don't stop the truck in the middle of the street and act like a cop.
Where is your evidence that he pointed his gun at him? Prove that claim or look like the complete fool that we all know you are.
You don't know H2H combat well. A gun like that would have to be pointed for the outcome to be what it was. And when we see them wrestle, you see how it transpired. No other option. You'll see as the case gets resolved. My apologies, I had no idea you were a neophyte to H2H combat.
Bitch, you have no idea what i know. No one gives a shit about the MMA classes you took. You arent impressive or knowledgeable in H2H combat. You are nothing but a total buffoon.
Took. Taught. Only buffoon here is you. You cannot add 2+2 to get 4. Pussy.
I posted several videos. Why did you only mention the first one? Your entire argument is based on lies. I posted several examples. Would you like 10 more that have nothing to do with someones home? 20? 30? How many must i post before you admit you are wrong?
I don't have time now to go into this further but I will answer your questions later on this evening if I have time.

In the meantime, I just checked with a CJTC firearm instructor (Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission) and he directed me to the specific page and paragraph in their training manual that answers your question which follows below. This is the same training I completed when I obtained my first WA Concealed Pistol License 19 years ago.
Use of force or deadly force when law does not allow it may result in your arrest for assault or homicide.
Criminal charges for an assault with a firearm do not necessarily require that the gun be fired; for example, someone who threatens another without legal justification by pointing a gun at him or her has committed an assault.

An assault with a firearm is usually considered to be a first or second-degree assault (both of these are felonies). Conviction of such a crime may carry a sentence from ten to 20 years. Should your use of force result in the unlawful death of another person, you may be charged with either manslaughter if your recklessness caused the death, or murder if you intended to kill the person.

Penalties for manslaughter may be up to ten years in prison. Murder carries a sentence up to life in prison, unless certain aggravating circumstances exist, in which case the court may impose the death penalty [Washington State no longer has a death penalty as of a few years ago].

It is your responsibility as the person carrying or using a weapon to use it responsibly and within the law. Neither your employer nor any other person is criminally responsible for your acts with a firearm. Under criminal law, you alone have the responsibility for any display or firing of a firearm. If you have any doubt about your ability to make crucial life-and-death decisions regarding the use of deadly force, then you should not carry a firearm.
None of that has anything at all to do with our debate. You said its illegal to point a gun at someone. I showed you that is not true. Good samaritans can absolutely point a gun at a suspected criminal.
LMAO... those two were definitely not "good Samaritans".

Wow...the stupidity.
Sure they were. They were tracking a criminal whom they recognized from crime scene footage. That is by definition a good samaritan.

Criminal or Violent Criminal? Killing someone without a judge and jury makes one a good Samaritan? Oh...
When someone attacks you, you have the right to self defense. A man trying to take your gun away is a dire threat.
And a man pointing a gun at you is also a dire threat. No gun and there is no death in this case. Don't stop the truck in the middle of the street and act like a cop.
Where is your evidence that he pointed his gun at him? Prove that claim or look like the complete fool that we all know you are.
he can't. the video clearly shows at the 22 second mark, the black man had his hands on the gun prior to the first shot going off. he can't deny that. to do so, makes him a leftist.
He tried to disarm him with an incorrect technique.
This isnt the movies, dipshit. Youve never disarmed a man with a gun and you would suck at it if you tried.

The fact is, the gun was never pointed at him and the black guy attacked him anyway. His mistake. Im glad he is dead and no longer able to victimize anyone else.
You don't grab a shutgun the way he did. You attack from the side.
Uh huh

dont bet the rent money (and your life) on that
If you point it at me, I am assuming you're going to use it. So I am betting my life on it.
At that point your life depends on whether I pull the trigger or not

you may think you can leap tall buildings in a single bound but you dont move faster than my finger
Not as easy as you think with a shotgun.
You don't have much if you're defending the assailants. Anyone can be a tough guy with a gun in their hand or if they have a numbers advantage. Here they had both and you're defending that. Makes you a pussy. You're no better than JoeB, playtime and other stupid Leftists on this site. You are the same person to me as far as I am concerned.

There was one assailant.

Sure, anyone can be tough with a gun, and not everyone with a gun is necessary smart.

That's why you don't argue with those people, if you're unarmed you avoid them.
If you point your gun at me, the last thing I am doing is turning my back. The victim made his move and it backfired (no pun intended). From my experience his body went into fight or flight mode and he didn't have the skills to disarm someone. Tragic event that never should have happened.
I wouldn't run up to a guy with a gun. my mother taught me not to. if someone comes up to me is a completely other issue. If I'm cornered I might do something. but when I have an out, I'm going with that, and I'm certainly not going to run at a guy holding one when all I have to do is go the other way.
I have had people point guns at me in training type exercises, even when not loaded and not really a threatening situation, your body and brain react as one. It can be very unnerving. I have no idea what the victim thought in that instance. Doubt he was acting rationally.
yep. I hate even a pop gun pointed at me. I will scold my kids and grandkids for pointing that at me. I use to point cap pistols at people when I was small, I knew no different. To get back to the story, the guy with a gun didn't point it at the black man, so that piece isn't even present here.
I am making that assumption. Either way it was 2 on 1 and a gun should not have been necessary.
no it wasn't there was no one in front of the man and he didn't have to run at that possible scenario. all he had to do was either turn around, veer to the right, but basically avoid the two dudes was well within his options. he choose differently than me.

And, the video clearly shows his own actions caused the gun to fire.
OK but doesn't change the variables of:

#1) It was 2 vs. 1
#2) No need for a gun due to #1
where was it 2 vs 1? I only see the kid wrestling with the black man 1 vs 1. Again, the black man had an option to turn around or veer to the right, there were never two against one. never. his options available removed that position.
There were two in the truck and two were arrested. With a gun pointed at you, many don't turn their back and run.
yep, and neither person denied the black man any constitutional right to run down a street. just didn't. I'm happy to entertain other evidence that shows they did. So far, the only video clearly shows the black man at least one hundred feet from a truck parked in the street. no one impeded his position at all. The black man continues running toward the truck, encounters the truck and runs around the truck. no one detained him during that entire process. Show me differently. No one pointed a gun at him, no one did any thing until the black man darted across the front of the truck and attacked the man with a gun. That's all one sees. please, I'll entertain other evidence. post it.
I posted several videos. Why did you only mention the first one? Your entire argument is based on lies. I posted several examples. Would you like 10 more that have nothing to do with someones home? 20? 30? How many must i post before you admit you are wrong?
I don't have time now to go into this further but I will answer your questions later on this evening if I have time.

In the meantime, I just checked with a CJTC firearm instructor (Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission) and he directed me to the specific page and paragraph in their training manual that answers your question which follows below. This is the same training I completed when I obtained my first WA Concealed Pistol License 19 years ago.
Use of force or deadly force when law does not allow it may result in your arrest for assault or homicide.
Criminal charges for an assault with a firearm do not necessarily require that the gun be fired; for example, someone who threatens another without legal justification by pointing a gun at him or her has committed an assault.

An assault with a firearm is usually considered to be a first or second-degree assault (both of these are felonies). Conviction of such a crime may carry a sentence from ten to 20 years. Should your use of force result in the unlawful death of another person, you may be charged with either manslaughter if your recklessness caused the death, or murder if you intended to kill the person.

Penalties for manslaughter may be up to ten years in prison. Murder carries a sentence up to life in prison, unless certain aggravating circumstances exist, in which case the court may impose the death penalty [Washington State no longer has a death penalty as of a few years ago].

It is your responsibility as the person carrying or using a weapon to use it responsibly and within the law. Neither your employer nor any other person is criminally responsible for your acts with a firearm. Under criminal law, you alone have the responsibility for any display or firing of a firearm. If you have any doubt about your ability to make crucial life-and-death decisions regarding the use of deadly force, then you should not carry a firearm.
None of that has anything at all to do with our debate. You said its illegal to point a gun at someone. I showed you that is not true. Good samaritans can absolutely point a gun at a suspected criminal.
LMAO... those two were definitely not "good Samaritans".

Wow...the stupidity.
Sure they were. They were tracking a criminal whom they recognized from crime scene footage. That is by definition a good samaritan.

Criminal or Violent Criminal? Killing someone without a judge and jury makes one a good Samaritan? Oh...
When someone attacks you, you have the right to self defense. A man trying to take your gun away is a dire threat.
And a man pointing a gun at you is also a dire threat. No gun and there is no death in this case. Don't stop the truck in the middle of the street and act like a cop.
Where is your evidence that he pointed his gun at him? Prove that claim or look like the complete fool that we all know you are.
he can't. the video clearly shows at the 22 second mark, the black man had his hands on the gun prior to the first shot going off. he can't deny that. to do so, makes him a leftist.
He tried to disarm him with an incorrect technique.
This isnt the movies, dipshit. Youve never disarmed a man with a gun and you would suck at it if you tried.

The fact is, the gun was never pointed at him and the black guy attacked him anyway. His mistake. Im glad he is dead and no longer able to victimize anyone else.
But I have and many times. Granted they weren't loaded but the same techniques apply. It was 100% already pointed and as this gets tried and experts opine, you'll see that I am correct.
You don't have much if you're defending the assailants. Anyone can be a tough guy with a gun in their hand or if they have a numbers advantage. Here they had both and you're defending that. Makes you a pussy. You're no better than JoeB, playtime and other stupid Leftists on this site. You are the same person to me as far as I am concerned.

There was one assailant.

Sure, anyone can be tough with a gun, and not everyone with a gun is necessary smart.

That's why you don't argue with those people, if you're unarmed you avoid them.
If you point your gun at me, the last thing I am doing is turning my back. The victim made his move and it backfired (no pun intended). From my experience his body went into fight or flight mode and he didn't have the skills to disarm someone. Tragic event that never should have happened.
I wouldn't run up to a guy with a gun. my mother taught me not to. if someone comes up to me is a completely other issue. If I'm cornered I might do something. but when I have an out, I'm going with that, and I'm certainly not going to run at a guy holding one when all I have to do is go the other way.
I have had people point guns at me in training type exercises, even when not loaded and not really a threatening situation, your body and brain react as one. It can be very unnerving. I have no idea what the victim thought in that instance. Doubt he was acting rationally.
yep. I hate even a pop gun pointed at me. I will scold my kids and grandkids for pointing that at me. I use to point cap pistols at people when I was small, I knew no different. To get back to the story, the guy with a gun didn't point it at the black man, so that piece isn't even present here.
I am making that assumption. Either way it was 2 on 1 and a gun should not have been necessary.
no it wasn't there was no one in front of the man and he didn't have to run at that possible scenario. all he had to do was either turn around, veer to the right, but basically avoid the two dudes was well within his options. he choose differently than me.

And, the video clearly shows his own actions caused the gun to fire.
OK but doesn't change the variables of:

#1) It was 2 vs. 1
#2) No need for a gun due to #1
where was it 2 vs 1? I only see the kid wrestling with the black man 1 vs 1. Again, the black man had an option to turn around or veer to the right, there were never two against one. never. his options available removed that position.
There were two in the truck and two were arrested. With a gun pointed at you, many don't turn their back and run.
yep, and neither person denied the black man any constitutional right to run down a street. just didn't. I'm happy to entertain other evidence that shows they did. So far, the only video clearly shows the black man at least one hundred feet from a truck parked in the street. no one impeded his position at all. The black man continues running toward the truck, encounters the truck and runs around the truck. no one detained him during that entire process. Show me differently. No one pointed a gun at him, no one did any thing until the black man darted across the front of the truck and attacked the man with a gun. That's all one sees. please, I'll entertain other evidence. post it.
As I said, let's watch it play out. If I am right you throw me a fist pump and if you're right I'll do the same. Deal?
These guys are trying to get us to believe they had no intention of stopping him.
So? Trying to stop somebody is not assault.

Going after somebody and try to take their gun away from him is very much assault.

What's equally clear is that McMichaels then went from the driver's side of the truck to the front of the truck. Why would he have done that if he had no interest in confronting the jogger?
He did. Irrelevant. Confronting is not assaulting.

The only person that you can tell is committing assault in this video is the dead guy.

Nope, people have a right to fight for their life when someone pulls out a gun at them.
I posted several videos. Why did you only mention the first one? Your entire argument is based on lies. I posted several examples. Would you like 10 more that have nothing to do with someones home? 20? 30? How many must i post before you admit you are wrong?
I don't have time now to go into this further but I will answer your questions later on this evening if I have time.

In the meantime, I just checked with a CJTC firearm instructor (Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission) and he directed me to the specific page and paragraph in their training manual that answers your question which follows below. This is the same training I completed when I obtained my first WA Concealed Pistol License 19 years ago.
Use of force or deadly force when law does not allow it may result in your arrest for assault or homicide.
Criminal charges for an assault with a firearm do not necessarily require that the gun be fired; for example, someone who threatens another without legal justification by pointing a gun at him or her has committed an assault.

An assault with a firearm is usually considered to be a first or second-degree assault (both of these are felonies). Conviction of such a crime may carry a sentence from ten to 20 years. Should your use of force result in the unlawful death of another person, you may be charged with either manslaughter if your recklessness caused the death, or murder if you intended to kill the person.

Penalties for manslaughter may be up to ten years in prison. Murder carries a sentence up to life in prison, unless certain aggravating circumstances exist, in which case the court may impose the death penalty [Washington State no longer has a death penalty as of a few years ago].

It is your responsibility as the person carrying or using a weapon to use it responsibly and within the law. Neither your employer nor any other person is criminally responsible for your acts with a firearm. Under criminal law, you alone have the responsibility for any display or firing of a firearm. If you have any doubt about your ability to make crucial life-and-death decisions regarding the use of deadly force, then you should not carry a firearm.
None of that has anything at all to do with our debate. You said its illegal to point a gun at someone. I showed you that is not true. Good samaritans can absolutely point a gun at a suspected criminal.
LMAO... those two were definitely not "good Samaritans".

Wow...the stupidity.
Sure they were. They were tracking a criminal whom they recognized from crime scene footage. That is by definition a good samaritan.

Criminal or Violent Criminal? Killing someone without a judge and jury makes one a good Samaritan? Oh...
When someone attacks you, you have the right to self defense. A man trying to take your gun away is a dire threat.
And a man pointing a gun at you is also a dire threat. No gun and there is no death in this case. Don't stop the truck in the middle of the street and act like a cop.
Where is your evidence that he pointed his gun at him? Prove that claim or look like the complete fool that we all know you are.
You don't know H2H combat well. A gun like that would have to be pointed for the outcome to be what it was. And when we see them wrestle, you see how it transpired. No other option. You'll see as the case gets resolved. My apologies, I had no idea you were a neophyte to H2H combat.
Bitch, you have no idea what i know. No one gives a shit about the MMA classes you took. You arent impressive or knowledgeable in H2H combat. You are nothing but a total buffoon.
Took. Taught. Only buffoon here is you. You cannot add 2+2 to get 4. Pussy.
Yeah, here is some footage of you teaching.

I posted several videos. Why did you only mention the first one? Your entire argument is based on lies. I posted several examples. Would you like 10 more that have nothing to do with someones home? 20? 30? How many must i post before you admit you are wrong?
I don't have time now to go into this further but I will answer your questions later on this evening if I have time.

In the meantime, I just checked with a CJTC firearm instructor (Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission) and he directed me to the specific page and paragraph in their training manual that answers your question which follows below. This is the same training I completed when I obtained my first WA Concealed Pistol License 19 years ago.
Use of force or deadly force when law does not allow it may result in your arrest for assault or homicide.
Criminal charges for an assault with a firearm do not necessarily require that the gun be fired; for example, someone who threatens another without legal justification by pointing a gun at him or her has committed an assault.

An assault with a firearm is usually considered to be a first or second-degree assault (both of these are felonies). Conviction of such a crime may carry a sentence from ten to 20 years. Should your use of force result in the unlawful death of another person, you may be charged with either manslaughter if your recklessness caused the death, or murder if you intended to kill the person.

Penalties for manslaughter may be up to ten years in prison. Murder carries a sentence up to life in prison, unless certain aggravating circumstances exist, in which case the court may impose the death penalty [Washington State no longer has a death penalty as of a few years ago].

It is your responsibility as the person carrying or using a weapon to use it responsibly and within the law. Neither your employer nor any other person is criminally responsible for your acts with a firearm. Under criminal law, you alone have the responsibility for any display or firing of a firearm. If you have any doubt about your ability to make crucial life-and-death decisions regarding the use of deadly force, then you should not carry a firearm.
None of that has anything at all to do with our debate. You said its illegal to point a gun at someone. I showed you that is not true. Good samaritans can absolutely point a gun at a suspected criminal.
LMAO... those two were definitely not "good Samaritans".

Wow...the stupidity.
Sure they were. They were tracking a criminal whom they recognized from crime scene footage. That is by definition a good samaritan.

Criminal or Violent Criminal? Killing someone without a judge and jury makes one a good Samaritan? Oh...
When someone attacks you, you have the right to self defense. A man trying to take your gun away is a dire threat.
And a man pointing a gun at you is also a dire threat. No gun and there is no death in this case. Don't stop the truck in the middle of the street and act like a cop.
Where is your evidence that he pointed his gun at him? Prove that claim or look like the complete fool that we all know you are.
he can't. the video clearly shows at the 22 second mark, the black man had his hands on the gun prior to the first shot going off. he can't deny that. to do so, makes him a leftist.
He tried to disarm him with an incorrect technique.
why? he never threatened him.
I posted several videos. Why did you only mention the first one? Your entire argument is based on lies. I posted several examples. Would you like 10 more that have nothing to do with someones home? 20? 30? How many must i post before you admit you are wrong?
I don't have time now to go into this further but I will answer your questions later on this evening if I have time.

In the meantime, I just checked with a CJTC firearm instructor (Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission) and he directed me to the specific page and paragraph in their training manual that answers your question which follows below. This is the same training I completed when I obtained my first WA Concealed Pistol License 19 years ago.
Use of force or deadly force when law does not allow it may result in your arrest for assault or homicide.
Criminal charges for an assault with a firearm do not necessarily require that the gun be fired; for example, someone who threatens another without legal justification by pointing a gun at him or her has committed an assault.

An assault with a firearm is usually considered to be a first or second-degree assault (both of these are felonies). Conviction of such a crime may carry a sentence from ten to 20 years. Should your use of force result in the unlawful death of another person, you may be charged with either manslaughter if your recklessness caused the death, or murder if you intended to kill the person.

Penalties for manslaughter may be up to ten years in prison. Murder carries a sentence up to life in prison, unless certain aggravating circumstances exist, in which case the court may impose the death penalty [Washington State no longer has a death penalty as of a few years ago].

It is your responsibility as the person carrying or using a weapon to use it responsibly and within the law. Neither your employer nor any other person is criminally responsible for your acts with a firearm. Under criminal law, you alone have the responsibility for any display or firing of a firearm. If you have any doubt about your ability to make crucial life-and-death decisions regarding the use of deadly force, then you should not carry a firearm.
None of that has anything at all to do with our debate. You said its illegal to point a gun at someone. I showed you that is not true. Good samaritans can absolutely point a gun at a suspected criminal.
LMAO... those two were definitely not "good Samaritans".

Wow...the stupidity.
Sure they were. They were tracking a criminal whom they recognized from crime scene footage. That is by definition a good samaritan.

Criminal or Violent Criminal? Killing someone without a judge and jury makes one a good Samaritan? Oh...
When someone attacks you, you have the right to self defense. A man trying to take your gun away is a dire threat.
And a man pointing a gun at you is also a dire threat. No gun and there is no death in this case. Don't stop the truck in the middle of the street and act like a cop.
Where is your evidence that he pointed his gun at him? Prove that claim or look like the complete fool that we all know you are.
You don't know H2H combat well. A gun like that would have to be pointed for the outcome to be what it was. And when we see them wrestle, you see how it transpired. No other option. You'll see as the case gets resolved. My apologies, I had no idea you were a neophyte to H2H combat.
Bitch, you have no idea what i know. No one gives a shit about the MMA classes you took. You arent impressive or knowledgeable in H2H combat. You are nothing but a total buffoon.
Took. Taught. Only buffoon here is you. You cannot add 2+2 to get 4. Pussy.
Yeah, here is some footage of you teaching.


Believe what you will.
You don't have much if you're defending the assailants. Anyone can be a tough guy with a gun in their hand or if they have a numbers advantage. Here they had both and you're defending that. Makes you a pussy. You're no better than JoeB, playtime and other stupid Leftists on this site. You are the same person to me as far as I am concerned.

There was one assailant.

Sure, anyone can be tough with a gun, and not everyone with a gun is necessary smart.

That's why you don't argue with those people, if you're unarmed you avoid them.
If you point your gun at me, the last thing I am doing is turning my back. The victim made his move and it backfired (no pun intended). From my experience his body went into fight or flight mode and he didn't have the skills to disarm someone. Tragic event that never should have happened.
I wouldn't run up to a guy with a gun. my mother taught me not to. if someone comes up to me is a completely other issue. If I'm cornered I might do something. but when I have an out, I'm going with that, and I'm certainly not going to run at a guy holding one when all I have to do is go the other way.
I have had people point guns at me in training type exercises, even when not loaded and not really a threatening situation, your body and brain react as one. It can be very unnerving. I have no idea what the victim thought in that instance. Doubt he was acting rationally.
yep. I hate even a pop gun pointed at me. I will scold my kids and grandkids for pointing that at me. I use to point cap pistols at people when I was small, I knew no different. To get back to the story, the guy with a gun didn't point it at the black man, so that piece isn't even present here.
I am making that assumption. Either way it was 2 on 1 and a gun should not have been necessary.
no it wasn't there was no one in front of the man and he didn't have to run at that possible scenario. all he had to do was either turn around, veer to the right, but basically avoid the two dudes was well within his options. he choose differently than me.

And, the video clearly shows his own actions caused the gun to fire.
OK but doesn't change the variables of:

#1) It was 2 vs. 1
#2) No need for a gun due to #1
where was it 2 vs 1? I only see the kid wrestling with the black man 1 vs 1. Again, the black man had an option to turn around or veer to the right, there were never two against one. never. his options available removed that position.
There were two in the truck and two were arrested. With a gun pointed at you, many don't turn their back and run.
yep, and neither person denied the black man any constitutional right to run down a street. just didn't. I'm happy to entertain other evidence that shows they did. So far, the only video clearly shows the black man at least one hundred feet from a truck parked in the street. no one impeded his position at all. The black man continues running toward the truck, encounters the truck and runs around the truck. no one detained him during that entire process. Show me differently. No one pointed a gun at him, no one did any thing until the black man darted across the front of the truck and attacked the man with a gun. That's all one sees. please, I'll entertain other evidence. post it.
As I said, let's watch it play out. If I am right you throw me a fist pump and if you're right I'll do the same. Deal?
sure. But you never answered if the dude with the gun ever actually pointed the gun at the black man, and if the black man had options to avoid confrontation.
Self defense is not illegal. Arbery has a right to defend himself. He didn’t pick this fight. In fact, he attempted to run from it.
Self-defense requires fear of IMMINENT bodily injury or death. Where was that BEFORE he ran at McMichael?

I know what you're gonna say. They were armed. Bullshit. That's not enough.

It appears that he DID pick this fight. He could have just kept on running, rather than ATTACK McMichael, which the video CLEARLY shows.

He did NOT attempt to run from it. He ran AT McMichael. Deny it. I'll show you the video.

They were chasing him, attempting to cut him off, to intercept him. They put themselves in his path repeatedly. They shouted at him telling him to stop.

And they did so while brandishing firearms.

A rational person would find that to be a threatening situation. Do you disagree?
How are they supposed to stop a burglar WITHOUT putting themselves in his path? :cuckoo:
Let the police do their job.
The police werent there, obviously. How stupid ARE you?
Did I say they were? :cuckoo:
If they werent there, how are they supposed to "do their job"? Your logic is terribly flawed.
That's what 911 is for. The two redneck murderers weren't in law enforcement.
Youve never heard of a citizens arrest? Have you been living in a cave your whole life?
In Georgia, it requires witnessing a felony. Arbery did not commit a felony. Gregory McMichael didn't witness anything other than Arbery running down his street, which is not even a misdemeanor. And his son, Travis, didn't even witness that.

So no, the McMichael's could not legally enforce a citizen’s arrest.
I posted several videos. Why did you only mention the first one? Your entire argument is based on lies. I posted several examples. Would you like 10 more that have nothing to do with someones home? 20? 30? How many must i post before you admit you are wrong?
I don't have time now to go into this further but I will answer your questions later on this evening if I have time.

In the meantime, I just checked with a CJTC firearm instructor (Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission) and he directed me to the specific page and paragraph in their training manual that answers your question which follows below. This is the same training I completed when I obtained my first WA Concealed Pistol License 19 years ago.
Use of force or deadly force when law does not allow it may result in your arrest for assault or homicide.
Criminal charges for an assault with a firearm do not necessarily require that the gun be fired; for example, someone who threatens another without legal justification by pointing a gun at him or her has committed an assault.

An assault with a firearm is usually considered to be a first or second-degree assault (both of these are felonies). Conviction of such a crime may carry a sentence from ten to 20 years. Should your use of force result in the unlawful death of another person, you may be charged with either manslaughter if your recklessness caused the death, or murder if you intended to kill the person.

Penalties for manslaughter may be up to ten years in prison. Murder carries a sentence up to life in prison, unless certain aggravating circumstances exist, in which case the court may impose the death penalty [Washington State no longer has a death penalty as of a few years ago].

It is your responsibility as the person carrying or using a weapon to use it responsibly and within the law. Neither your employer nor any other person is criminally responsible for your acts with a firearm. Under criminal law, you alone have the responsibility for any display or firing of a firearm. If you have any doubt about your ability to make crucial life-and-death decisions regarding the use of deadly force, then you should not carry a firearm.
None of that has anything at all to do with our debate. You said its illegal to point a gun at someone. I showed you that is not true. Good samaritans can absolutely point a gun at a suspected criminal.
LMAO... those two were definitely not "good Samaritans".

Wow...the stupidity.
Sure they were. They were tracking a criminal whom they recognized from crime scene footage. That is by definition a good samaritan.

Criminal or Violent Criminal? Killing someone without a judge and jury makes one a good Samaritan? Oh...
When someone attacks you, you have the right to self defense. A man trying to take your gun away is a dire threat.
And a man pointing a gun at you is also a dire threat. No gun and there is no death in this case. Don't stop the truck in the middle of the street and act like a cop.
Where is your evidence that he pointed his gun at him? Prove that claim or look like the complete fool that we all know you are.
You don't know H2H combat well. A gun like that would have to be pointed for the outcome to be what it was. And when we see them wrestle, you see how it transpired. No other option. You'll see as the case gets resolved. My apologies, I had no idea you were a neophyte to H2H combat.
Bitch, you have no idea what i know. No one gives a shit about the MMA classes you took. You arent impressive or knowledgeable in H2H combat. You are nothing but a total buffoon.
Took. Taught. Only buffoon here is you. You cannot add 2+2 to get 4. Pussy.
Yeah, here is some footage of you teaching.


Believe what you will.

the video is clear.
I posted several videos. Why did you only mention the first one? Your entire argument is based on lies. I posted several examples. Would you like 10 more that have nothing to do with someones home? 20? 30? How many must i post before you admit you are wrong?
I don't have time now to go into this further but I will answer your questions later on this evening if I have time.

In the meantime, I just checked with a CJTC firearm instructor (Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission) and he directed me to the specific page and paragraph in their training manual that answers your question which follows below. This is the same training I completed when I obtained my first WA Concealed Pistol License 19 years ago.
Use of force or deadly force when law does not allow it may result in your arrest for assault or homicide.
Criminal charges for an assault with a firearm do not necessarily require that the gun be fired; for example, someone who threatens another without legal justification by pointing a gun at him or her has committed an assault.

An assault with a firearm is usually considered to be a first or second-degree assault (both of these are felonies). Conviction of such a crime may carry a sentence from ten to 20 years. Should your use of force result in the unlawful death of another person, you may be charged with either manslaughter if your recklessness caused the death, or murder if you intended to kill the person.

Penalties for manslaughter may be up to ten years in prison. Murder carries a sentence up to life in prison, unless certain aggravating circumstances exist, in which case the court may impose the death penalty [Washington State no longer has a death penalty as of a few years ago].

It is your responsibility as the person carrying or using a weapon to use it responsibly and within the law. Neither your employer nor any other person is criminally responsible for your acts with a firearm. Under criminal law, you alone have the responsibility for any display or firing of a firearm. If you have any doubt about your ability to make crucial life-and-death decisions regarding the use of deadly force, then you should not carry a firearm.
None of that has anything at all to do with our debate. You said its illegal to point a gun at someone. I showed you that is not true. Good samaritans can absolutely point a gun at a suspected criminal.
LMAO... those two were definitely not "good Samaritans".

Wow...the stupidity.
Sure they were. They were tracking a criminal whom they recognized from crime scene footage. That is by definition a good samaritan.

Criminal or Violent Criminal? Killing someone without a judge and jury makes one a good Samaritan? Oh...
When someone attacks you, you have the right to self defense. A man trying to take your gun away is a dire threat.
And a man pointing a gun at you is also a dire threat. No gun and there is no death in this case. Don't stop the truck in the middle of the street and act like a cop.
Where is your evidence that he pointed his gun at him? Prove that claim or look like the complete fool that we all know you are.
he can't. the video clearly shows at the 22 second mark, the black man had his hands on the gun prior to the first shot going off. he can't deny that. to do so, makes him a leftist.
He tried to disarm him with an incorrect technique.
why? he never threatened him.
Subjective. When you see a gun that is a threat. Especially with the truck stopped in the middle of the street.

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