Video emerges of Georgia jogger attack; case headed to grand jury

So, a bunch of you argue (or refuse to clarify) that there is NOTHING Arbery could have done in this scenario to prevent his death. A whole bunch of you seem to support the notion that the McMichael idiots stopped on the road with the intent to commit murder, and Arbery had no way out but a body bag.

Just brilliant.

He could have more than likely. But his flight/fight reflex led him astray. So you think the assailants have zero responsibility here?
responsibility for what? again, they did not engage with the black man. no matter how much you wish to lie about it.
Logic and common sense says that there's a better than average chance that, when McMichael ran in front of the truck, he did so in a manner as to completely block Arbery. Maybe he leveled the shotgun at him. Any intelligent person would accept that as being well within the realm of possibility.
Assume that is true.

Any intelligent person who has a gun pointed at him will not rush the guy pointing the gun.

If McMichael were pointing the SHOTGUN at Arbery, did he try to shoot Arbery when Arbery rushed him?

Anybody with any gun experience knows what would have happened to Arbery had McMichael had the barrel aimed and fired when Arbery charged. You would see body parts flying, not a struggle for the gun.

There's some more evidence, there was apparently a burglary reported at the time AA was checking out the house under construction. Man who recorded Ahmaud Arbery shooting speaks out: "Complete shock"
You certainly can when someone is threatening you.
Threatening you how?

Unless Arbery was in fear of severe imminent bodily injury or death, he had no right to take anything from another by force. That is the definition of assault in all 50 jurisdictions.

Arbery's actions in attempting to wrestle the shotgun away from McMichael were not those of someone in fear of imminent bodily injury or death.

He could have more than likely. But his flight/fight reflex led him astray. So you think the assailants have zero responsibility here?
I didn't say they had zero responsibility, but if his fight/flight reflexes led him astray, wouldn't that same defense be available to Daddy McMichael watching his son in a deadly struggle for a shotgun that would most likely result in his son's death?

He could have more than likely. But his flight/fight reflex led him astray. So you think the assailants have zero responsibility here?
I didn't say they had zero responsibility, but if his fight/flight reflexes led him astray, wouldn't that same defense be available to Daddy McMichael watching his son in a deadly struggle for a shotgun that would most likely result in his son's death?

I'm not sure what rights they had. I know if they have license to carry a gun, then that's off the table. Their intent was not a gun fight. it is obvious since they never shot at the man while he was running.
You don't know H2H combat well. A gun like that would have to be pointed for the outcome to be what it was. And when we see them wrestle, you see how it transpired. No other option. You'll see as the case gets resolved. My apologies, I had no idea you were a neophyte to H2H combat.
You don't know shotguns very well, do you?

A gun like that, being pointed in the general direction of the victim will do massive damage. This was not a case of McMichael firing and missing Arbery. It was not even a case of McMichael pointing the gun at him. There would have been ZERO struggle had McMichael been pointing the SHOTGUN at Arbery when Arbery ran at him. It would have been nothing more than a spray of body parts.

You certainly can when someone is threatening you.
Threatening you how?

Unless Arbery was in fear of severe imminent bodily injury or death, he had no right to take anything from another by force. That is the definition of assault in all 50 jurisdictions.

Arbery's actions in attempting to wrestle the shotgun away from McMichael were not those of someone in fear of imminent bodily injury or death.

Chasing him down in their vehicle, driving down several roads to cut him off, yelling at him, and finally getting out of the vehicle with a shotgun.

Those were threatening actions and Arbery had every right to fight for his life.
Chasing him down in tbeir vehicle, driving down several roads to cut him off, yelling at him, and finally getting out of the vehicle with a shotgun.
Show me the definition of assault under Georgia law. Make a case for their actions being assault.

Those were threatening actions and Arbery had every right to fight for his life.
Those were not actions that would reasonably place Arbery in fear of imminent bodily injury or death. Arbery's actions demonstrate that he was not in fear of imminent bodily injury or death.

You certainly can when someone is threatening you.
Threatening you how?

Unless Arbery was in fear of severe imminent bodily injury or death, he had no right to take anything from another by force. That is the definition of assault in all 50 jurisdictions.

Arbery's actions in attempting to wrestle the shotgun away from McMichael were not those of someone in fear of imminent bodily injury or death.

Chasing him down in their vehicle, driving down several roads to cut him off, yelling at him, and finally getting out of the vehicle with a shotgun.

Those were threatening actions and Arbery had every right to fight for his life.
I will do your work for you:
Simple assault:
(a) A person commits the offense of simple assault when he or she either:

(1) Attempts to commit a violent injury to the person of another; or

(2) Commits an act which places another in reasonable apprehension of immediately receiving a violent injury.

Aggravated Assault:
(a) A person commits the offense of aggravated assault when he or she assaults:

(1) With intent to murder, to rape, or to rob;

(2) With a deadly weapon or with any object, device, or instrument which, when used offensively against a person, is likely to or actually does result in serious bodily injury; or

(3) A person or persons without legal justification by discharging a firearm from within a motor vehicle toward a person or persons.

Make the case.

You don't have much if you're defending the assailants. Anyone can be a tough guy with a gun in their hand or if they have a numbers advantage. Here they had both and you're defending that. Makes you a pussy. You're no better than JoeB, playtime and other stupid Leftists on this site. You are the same person to me as far as I am concerned.

There was one assailant.

Sure, anyone can be tough with a gun, and not everyone with a gun is necessary smart.

That's why you don't argue with those people, if you're unarmed you avoid them.
If you point your gun at me, the last thing I am doing is turning my back. The victim made his move and it backfired (no pun intended). From my experience his body went into fight or flight mode and he didn't have the skills to disarm someone. Tragic event that never should have happened.
I wouldn't run up to a guy with a gun. my mother taught me not to. if someone comes up to me is a completely other issue. If I'm cornered I might do something. but when I have an out, I'm going with that, and I'm certainly not going to run at a guy holding one when all I have to do is go the other way.
I have had people point guns at me in training type exercises, even when not loaded and not really a threatening situation, your body and brain react as one. It can be very unnerving. I have no idea what the victim thought in that instance. Doubt he was acting rationally.
yep. I hate even a pop gun pointed at me. I will scold my kids and grandkids for pointing that at me. I use to point cap pistols at people when I was small, I knew no different. To get back to the story, the guy with a gun didn't point it at the black man, so that piece isn't even present here.
I am making that assumption. Either way it was 2 on 1 and a gun should not have been necessary.
no it wasn't there was no one in front of the man and he didn't have to run at that possible scenario. all he had to do was either turn around, veer to the right, but basically avoid the two dudes was well within his options. he choose differently than me.

And, the video clearly shows his own actions caused the gun to fire.
OK but doesn't change the variables of:

#1) It was 2 vs. 1
#2) No need for a gun due to #1
where was it 2 vs 1? I only see the kid wrestling with the black man 1 vs 1. Again, the black man had an option to turn around or veer to the right, there were never two against one. never. his options available removed that position.
There were two in the truck and two were arrested. With a gun pointed at you, many don't turn their back and run.
yep, and neither person denied the black man any constitutional right to run down a street. just didn't. I'm happy to entertain other evidence that shows they did. So far, the only video clearly shows the black man at least one hundred feet from a truck parked in the street. no one impeded his position at all. The black man continues running toward the truck, encounters the truck and runs around the truck. no one detained him during that entire process. Show me differently. No one pointed a gun at him, no one did any thing until the black man darted across the front of the truck and attacked the man with a gun. That's all one sees. please, I'll entertain other evidence. post it.
As I said, let's watch it play out. If I am right you throw me a fist pump and if you're right I'll do the same. Deal?
sure. But you never answered if the dude with the gun ever actually pointed the gun at the black man, and if the black man had options to avoid confrontation.
Once you see a gun you go into fight or flight.
that's odd. I ignore.
You're an evolved human then. Congratulations. You point a gun at me and ignore is the last thing I do.
so a cop tells you to freeze with their pistol pointed at you and you run at them? oohhhhhkay francis.
Some do and get shot.
So, a bunch of you argue (or refuse to clarify) that there is NOTHING Arbery could have done in this scenario to prevent his death. A whole bunch of you seem to support the notion that the McMichael idiots stopped on the road with the intent to commit murder, and Arbery had no way out but a body bag.

Just brilliant.

He could have more than likely. But his flight/fight reflex led him astray. So you think the assailants have zero responsibility here?
responsibility for what? again, they did not engage with the black man. no matter how much you wish to lie about it.
I think they did. We'll see as the case unravels. How is my opinion a lie? You sound like a Leftist again.
He could have more than likely. But his flight/fight reflex led him astray. So you think the assailants have zero responsibility here?
I didn't say they had zero responsibility, but if his fight/flight reflexes led him astray, wouldn't that same defense be available to Daddy McMichael watching his son in a deadly struggle for a shotgun that would most likely result in his son's death?

Yep, it would. But there is no way they could have been in that position if the son had not been pointing the gun at the victim.
You certainly can when someone is threatening you.
Threatening you how?

Unless Arbery was in fear of severe imminent bodily injury or death, he had no right to take anything from another by force. That is the definition of assault in all 50 jurisdictions.

Arbery's actions in attempting to wrestle the shotgun away from McMichael were not those of someone in fear of imminent bodily injury or death.

Chasing him down in their vehicle, driving down several roads to cut him off, yelling at him, and finally getting out of the vehicle with a shotgun.

Those were threatening actions and Arbery had every right to fight for his life.
I will do your work for you:
Simple assault:
(a) A person commits the offense of simple assault when he or she either:

(1) Attempts to commit a violent injury to the person of another; or

(2) Commits an act which places another in reasonable apprehension of immediately receiving a violent injury.

Aggravated Assault:
(a) A person commits the offense of aggravated assault when he or she assaults:

(1) With intent to murder, to rape, or to rob;

(2) With a deadly weapon or with any object, device, or instrument which, when used offensively against a person, is likely to or actually does result in serious bodily injury; or

(3) A person or persons without legal justification by discharging a firearm from within a motor vehicle toward a person or persons.

Make the case.

Already made it. Someone is chasing you down in a vehicle, yelling at you,, cutting you off, then getting out to block your way while holding a shotgun; produces a legitimate fear they are intending to harm you.
You don't have much if you're defending the assailants. Anyone can be a tough guy with a gun in their hand or if they have a numbers advantage. Here they had both and you're defending that. Makes you a pussy. You're no better than JoeB, playtime and other stupid Leftists on this site. You are the same person to me as far as I am concerned.

There was one assailant.

Sure, anyone can be tough with a gun, and not everyone with a gun is necessary smart.

That's why you don't argue with those people, if you're unarmed you avoid them.
If you point your gun at me, the last thing I am doing is turning my back. The victim made his move and it backfired (no pun intended). From my experience his body went into fight or flight mode and he didn't have the skills to disarm someone. Tragic event that never should have happened.
I wouldn't run up to a guy with a gun. my mother taught me not to. if someone comes up to me is a completely other issue. If I'm cornered I might do something. but when I have an out, I'm going with that, and I'm certainly not going to run at a guy holding one when all I have to do is go the other way.
I have had people point guns at me in training type exercises, even when not loaded and not really a threatening situation, your body and brain react as one. It can be very unnerving. I have no idea what the victim thought in that instance. Doubt he was acting rationally.
yep. I hate even a pop gun pointed at me. I will scold my kids and grandkids for pointing that at me. I use to point cap pistols at people when I was small, I knew no different. To get back to the story, the guy with a gun didn't point it at the black man, so that piece isn't even present here.
I am making that assumption. Either way it was 2 on 1 and a gun should not have been necessary.

Gun is recommended when confronting criminals.

Ask any cop.
You don't have much if you're defending the assailants. Anyone can be a tough guy with a gun in their hand or if they have a numbers advantage. Here they had both and you're defending that. Makes you a pussy. You're no better than JoeB, playtime and other stupid Leftists on this site. You are the same person to me as far as I am concerned.

There was one assailant.

Sure, anyone can be tough with a gun, and not everyone with a gun is necessary smart.

That's why you don't argue with those people, if you're unarmed you avoid them.
If you point your gun at me, the last thing I am doing is turning my back. The victim made his move and it backfired (no pun intended). From my experience his body went into fight or flight mode and he didn't have the skills to disarm someone. Tragic event that never should have happened.
I wouldn't run up to a guy with a gun. my mother taught me not to. if someone comes up to me is a completely other issue. If I'm cornered I might do something. but when I have an out, I'm going with that, and I'm certainly not going to run at a guy holding one when all I have to do is go the other way.
I have had people point guns at me in training type exercises, even when not loaded and not really a threatening situation, your body and brain react as one. It can be very unnerving. I have no idea what the victim thought in that instance. Doubt he was acting rationally.
yep. I hate even a pop gun pointed at me. I will scold my kids and grandkids for pointing that at me. I use to point cap pistols at people when I was small, I knew no different. To get back to the story, the guy with a gun didn't point it at the black man, so that piece isn't even present here.
I am making that assumption. Either way it was 2 on 1 and a gun should not have been necessary.
no it wasn't there was no one in front of the man and he didn't have to run at that possible scenario. all he had to do was either turn around, veer to the right, but basically avoid the two dudes was well within his options. he choose differently than me.

And, the video clearly shows his own actions caused the gun to fire.
OK but doesn't change the variables of:

#1) It was 2 vs. 1
#2) No need for a gun due to #1
where was it 2 vs 1? I only see the kid wrestling with the black man 1 vs 1. Again, the black man had an option to turn around or veer to the right, there were never two against one. never. his options available removed that position.
There were two in the truck and two were arrested. With a gun pointed at you, many don't turn their back and run.
yep, and neither person denied the black man any constitutional right to run down a street. just didn't. I'm happy to entertain other evidence that shows they did. So far, the only video clearly shows the black man at least one hundred feet from a truck parked in the street. no one impeded his position at all. The black man continues running toward the truck, encounters the truck and runs around the truck. no one detained him during that entire process. Show me differently. No one pointed a gun at him, no one did any thing until the black man darted across the front of the truck and attacked the man with a gun. That's all one sees. please, I'll entertain other evidence. post it.
As I said, let's watch it play out. If I am right you throw me a fist pump and if you're right I'll do the same. Deal?
sure. But you never answered if the dude with the gun ever actually pointed the gun at the black man, and if the black man had options to avoid confrontation.
Once you see a gun you go into fight or flight.
that's odd. I ignore.
You're an evolved human then. Congratulations. You point a gun at me and ignore is the last thing I do.
so a cop tells you to freeze with their pistol pointed at you and you run at them? oohhhhhkay francis.
Some do and get shot.
I call that suicide by cop
He could have more than likely. But his flight/fight reflex led him astray. So you think the assailants have zero responsibility here?
I didn't say they had zero responsibility, but if his fight/flight reflexes led him astray, wouldn't that same defense be available to Daddy McMichael watching his son in a deadly struggle for a shotgun that would most likely result in his son's death?

I'm not sure what rights they had. I know if they have license to carry a gun, then that's off the table. Their intent was not a gun fight. it is obvious since they never shot at the man while he was running.
Hard to hit someone as truck is moving and a man is running. My guess they wanted to scare him and it got out of control.
He could have more than likely. But his flight/fight reflex led him astray. So you think the assailants have zero responsibility here?
I didn't say they had zero responsibility, but if his fight/flight reflexes led him astray, wouldn't that same defense be available to Daddy McMichael watching his son in a deadly struggle for a shotgun that would most likely result in his son's death?

Yep, it would. But there is no way they could have been in that position if the son had not been pointing the gun at the victim.
he never pointed the gun at anyone.
You don't have much if you're defending the assailants. Anyone can be a tough guy with a gun in their hand or if they have a numbers advantage. Here they had both and you're defending that. Makes you a pussy. You're no better than JoeB, playtime and other stupid Leftists on this site. You are the same person to me as far as I am concerned.

There was one assailant.

Sure, anyone can be tough with a gun, and not everyone with a gun is necessary smart.

That's why you don't argue with those people, if you're unarmed you avoid them.
If you point your gun at me, the last thing I am doing is turning my back. The victim made his move and it backfired (no pun intended). From my experience his body went into fight or flight mode and he didn't have the skills to disarm someone. Tragic event that never should have happened.
I wouldn't run up to a guy with a gun. my mother taught me not to. if someone comes up to me is a completely other issue. If I'm cornered I might do something. but when I have an out, I'm going with that, and I'm certainly not going to run at a guy holding one when all I have to do is go the other way.
I have had people point guns at me in training type exercises, even when not loaded and not really a threatening situation, your body and brain react as one. It can be very unnerving. I have no idea what the victim thought in that instance. Doubt he was acting rationally.
yep. I hate even a pop gun pointed at me. I will scold my kids and grandkids for pointing that at me. I use to point cap pistols at people when I was small, I knew no different. To get back to the story, the guy with a gun didn't point it at the black man, so that piece isn't even present here.
I am making that assumption. Either way it was 2 on 1 and a gun should not have been necessary.

Gun is recommended when confronting criminals.

Ask any cop.
Sure it is but they aren't cops. If you're speeding, am I allowed to follow you and give you a ticket?
You don't have much if you're defending the assailants. Anyone can be a tough guy with a gun in their hand or if they have a numbers advantage. Here they had both and you're defending that. Makes you a pussy. You're no better than JoeB, playtime and other stupid Leftists on this site. You are the same person to me as far as I am concerned.

There was one assailant.

Sure, anyone can be tough with a gun, and not everyone with a gun is necessary smart.

That's why you don't argue with those people, if you're unarmed you avoid them.
If you point your gun at me, the last thing I am doing is turning my back. The victim made his move and it backfired (no pun intended). From my experience his body went into fight or flight mode and he didn't have the skills to disarm someone. Tragic event that never should have happened.
I wouldn't run up to a guy with a gun. my mother taught me not to. if someone comes up to me is a completely other issue. If I'm cornered I might do something. but when I have an out, I'm going with that, and I'm certainly not going to run at a guy holding one when all I have to do is go the other way.
I have had people point guns at me in training type exercises, even when not loaded and not really a threatening situation, your body and brain react as one. It can be very unnerving. I have no idea what the victim thought in that instance. Doubt he was acting rationally.
yep. I hate even a pop gun pointed at me. I will scold my kids and grandkids for pointing that at me. I use to point cap pistols at people when I was small, I knew no different. To get back to the story, the guy with a gun didn't point it at the black man, so that piece isn't even present here.
I am making that assumption. Either way it was 2 on 1 and a gun should not have been necessary.
no it wasn't there was no one in front of the man and he didn't have to run at that possible scenario. all he had to do was either turn around, veer to the right, but basically avoid the two dudes was well within his options. he choose differently than me.

And, the video clearly shows his own actions caused the gun to fire.
OK but doesn't change the variables of:

#1) It was 2 vs. 1
#2) No need for a gun due to #1

So cops should not carry guns. We just need to have enough cops.
He could have more than likely. But his flight/fight reflex led him astray. So you think the assailants have zero responsibility here?
I didn't say they had zero responsibility, but if his fight/flight reflexes led him astray, wouldn't that same defense be available to Daddy McMichael watching his son in a deadly struggle for a shotgun that would most likely result in his son's death?

I'm not sure what rights they had. I know if they have license to carry a gun, then that's off the table. Their intent was not a gun fight. it is obvious since they never shot at the man while he was running.
Hard to hit someone as truck is moving and a man is running. My guess they wanted to scare him and it got out of control.
it got out of control when the black man darted across the front of the pickup. period. no one had a gun pointed at him. no one.

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