Video emerges of Georgia jogger attack; case headed to grand jury

You don't have much if you're defending the assailants. Anyone can be a tough guy with a gun in their hand or if they have a numbers advantage. Here they had both and you're defending that. Makes you a pussy. You're no better than JoeB, playtime and other stupid Leftists on this site. You are the same person to me as far as I am concerned.

There was one assailant.

Sure, anyone can be tough with a gun, and not everyone with a gun is necessary smart.

That's why you don't argue with those people, if you're unarmed you avoid them.
If you point your gun at me, the last thing I am doing is turning my back. The victim made his move and it backfired (no pun intended). From my experience his body went into fight or flight mode and he didn't have the skills to disarm someone. Tragic event that never should have happened.
I wouldn't run up to a guy with a gun. my mother taught me not to. if someone comes up to me is a completely other issue. If I'm cornered I might do something. but when I have an out, I'm going with that, and I'm certainly not going to run at a guy holding one when all I have to do is go the other way.
I have had people point guns at me in training type exercises, even when not loaded and not really a threatening situation, your body and brain react as one. It can be very unnerving. I have no idea what the victim thought in that instance. Doubt he was acting rationally.
yep. I hate even a pop gun pointed at me. I will scold my kids and grandkids for pointing that at me. I use to point cap pistols at people when I was small, I knew no different. To get back to the story, the guy with a gun didn't point it at the black man, so that piece isn't even present here.
I am making that assumption. Either way it was 2 on 1 and a gun should not have been necessary.

Gun is recommended when confronting criminals.

Ask any cop.
How did Travis McMichael know Arbery was a criminal?

He didn't. He was trying to find out if he was. As it turned out, he was.
So then you lied about confronting criminals as he wasn't confronting a criminal.
Confronting someone suspected of burglary could be dangerous, no?

He could have more than likely. But his flight/fight reflex led him astray. So you think the assailants have zero responsibility here?
I didn't say they had zero responsibility, but if his fight/flight reflexes led him astray, wouldn't that same defense be available to Daddy McMichael watching his son in a deadly struggle for a shotgun that would most likely result in his son's death?

Yep, it would. But there is no way they could have been in that position if the son had not been pointing the gun at the victim.
Well, there would have been no struggle had McMichael been pointing the gun. Have you seen what a shotgun will do to a human body?

He believed his life was in grave danger. He made a move and he lost his life.
that seems odd to run 100 feet and put yourself into danger.
Life is odd. It seems odd that people call Trump a Russian agent. But they do. Just because someone is stupid doesn't mean they have to die.
well stupid is still stupid. and running 100 feet to engage in a suicide confrontation is beyond stupid, especially when there is acres of open field and road to avoid such confrontation. that's beyond stupid. it's suicide.
I do not disagree with you there. My guess is there was a verbal altercation. Dude gets out with a gun and all hell breaks loose. JUST A GUESS ON MY PART.
Life is odd. It seems odd that people call Trump a Russian agent. But they do. Just because someone is stupid doesn't mean they have to die.
But, being stupid is often the reason someone dies.

Nobody MUST die because they are stupid enough to grab an Australian Coastal Taipan by the tail, but that is a likely result.

You don't have much if you're defending the assailants. Anyone can be a tough guy with a gun in their hand or if they have a numbers advantage. Here they had both and you're defending that. Makes you a pussy. You're no better than JoeB, playtime and other stupid Leftists on this site. You are the same person to me as far as I am concerned.

There was one assailant.

Sure, anyone can be tough with a gun, and not everyone with a gun is necessary smart.

That's why you don't argue with those people, if you're unarmed you avoid them.
If you point your gun at me, the last thing I am doing is turning my back. The victim made his move and it backfired (no pun intended). From my experience his body went into fight or flight mode and he didn't have the skills to disarm someone. Tragic event that never should have happened.
I wouldn't run up to a guy with a gun. my mother taught me not to. if someone comes up to me is a completely other issue. If I'm cornered I might do something. but when I have an out, I'm going with that, and I'm certainly not going to run at a guy holding one when all I have to do is go the other way.
I have had people point guns at me in training type exercises, even when not loaded and not really a threatening situation, your body and brain react as one. It can be very unnerving. I have no idea what the victim thought in that instance. Doubt he was acting rationally.
yep. I hate even a pop gun pointed at me. I will scold my kids and grandkids for pointing that at me. I use to point cap pistols at people when I was small, I knew no different. To get back to the story, the guy with a gun didn't point it at the black man, so that piece isn't even present here.
I am making that assumption. Either way it was 2 on 1 and a gun should not have been necessary.

Gun is recommended when confronting criminals.

Ask any cop.
How did Travis McMichael know Arbery was a criminal?

He didn't. He was trying to find out if he was. As it turned out, he was.
So then you lied about confronting criminals as he wasn't confronting a criminal.
Confronting someone suspected of burglary could be dangerous, no?

Confronting anyone could be dangerous. If I am walking around Boston listening to music and you get in my face, we are throwing.
Life is odd. It seems odd that people call Trump a Russian agent. But they do. Just because someone is stupid doesn't mean they have to die.
But, being stupid is often the reason someone dies.

Nobody MUST die because they are stupid enough to grab an Australian Coastal Taipan by the tail, but that is a likely result.

Why did they stop their truck in the middle of the street? Why was he holding a shotgun? Normal people don't do that.
He could have more than likely. But his flight/fight reflex led him astray. So you think the assailants have zero responsibility here?
I didn't say they had zero responsibility, but if his fight/flight reflexes led him astray, wouldn't that same defense be available to Daddy McMichael watching his son in a deadly struggle for a shotgun that would most likely result in his son's death?

Yep, it would. But there is no way they could have been in that position if the son had not been pointing the gun at the victim.
Well, there would have been no struggle had McMichael been pointing the gun. Have you seen what a shotgun will do to a human body?

He believed his life was in grave danger. He made a move and he lost his life.
that seems odd to run 100 feet and put yourself into danger.
Life is odd. It seems odd that people call Trump a Russian agent. But they do. Just because someone is stupid doesn't mean they have to die.
well stupid is still stupid. and running 100 feet to engage in a suicide confrontation is beyond stupid, especially when there is acres of open field and road to avoid such confrontation. that's beyond stupid. it's suicide.
I do not disagree with you there. My guess is there was a verbal altercation. Dude gets out with a gun and all hell breaks loose. JUST A GUESS ON MY PART.
And, by "all hell breaks loose" you mean the victim decides to act in a fashion inconsistent with someone in actual apprehension of immediately receiving a violent injury.

In fact, the actions of the Arbery would put a reasonable person in apprehension of immediately receiving a violent injury, and in fact, resulted in McMichael receiving violent injuries (punches to the head).

You don't have much if you're defending the assailants. Anyone can be a tough guy with a gun in their hand or if they have a numbers advantage. Here they had both and you're defending that. Makes you a pussy. You're no better than JoeB, playtime and other stupid Leftists on this site. You are the same person to me as far as I am concerned.

There was one assailant.

Sure, anyone can be tough with a gun, and not everyone with a gun is necessary smart.

That's why you don't argue with those people, if you're unarmed you avoid them.
If you point your gun at me, the last thing I am doing is turning my back. The victim made his move and it backfired (no pun intended). From my experience his body went into fight or flight mode and he didn't have the skills to disarm someone. Tragic event that never should have happened.
I wouldn't run up to a guy with a gun. my mother taught me not to. if someone comes up to me is a completely other issue. If I'm cornered I might do something. but when I have an out, I'm going with that, and I'm certainly not going to run at a guy holding one when all I have to do is go the other way.
I have had people point guns at me in training type exercises, even when not loaded and not really a threatening situation, your body and brain react as one. It can be very unnerving. I have no idea what the victim thought in that instance. Doubt he was acting rationally.
yep. I hate even a pop gun pointed at me. I will scold my kids and grandkids for pointing that at me. I use to point cap pistols at people when I was small, I knew no different. To get back to the story, the guy with a gun didn't point it at the black man, so that piece isn't even present here.
I am making that assumption. Either way it was 2 on 1 and a gun should not have been necessary.

Gun is recommended when confronting criminals.

Ask any cop.
How did Travis McMichael know Arbery was a criminal?

He didn't. He was trying to find out if he was. As it turned out, he was.
So then you lied about confronting criminals as he wasn't confronting a criminal.
Confronting someone suspected of burglary could be dangerous, no?

Confronting anyone could be dangerous. If I am walking around Boston listening to music and you get in my face, we are throwing.
Would someone getting in your face reasonably put you in apprehension of immediately receiving a violent injury?

He could have more than likely. But his flight/fight reflex led him astray. So you think the assailants have zero responsibility here?
I didn't say they had zero responsibility, but if his fight/flight reflexes led him astray, wouldn't that same defense be available to Daddy McMichael watching his son in a deadly struggle for a shotgun that would most likely result in his son's death?

Yep, it would. But there is no way they could have been in that position if the son had not been pointing the gun at the victim.
Well, there would have been no struggle had McMichael been pointing the gun. Have you seen what a shotgun will do to a human body?

He believed his life was in grave danger. He made a move and he lost his life.
that seems odd to run 100 feet and put yourself into danger.
Life is odd. It seems odd that people call Trump a Russian agent. But they do. Just because someone is stupid doesn't mean they have to die.
well stupid is still stupid. and running 100 feet to engage in a suicide confrontation is beyond stupid, especially when there is acres of open field and road to avoid such confrontation. that's beyond stupid. it's suicide.
I do not disagree with you there. My guess is there was a verbal altercation. Dude gets out with a gun and all hell breaks loose. JUST A GUESS ON MY PART.
And, by "all hell breaks loose" you mean the victim decides to act in a fashion inconsistent with someone in actual apprehension of immediately receiving a violent injury.

In fact, the actions of the Arbery would put a reasonable person in apprehension of immediately receiving a violent injury, and in fact, resulted in McMichael receiving violent injuries (punches to the head).

All hell breaks loose in that he has two men he doesn't know confront him with a gun.
Why did they stop their truck in the middle of the street? Why was he holding a shotgun? Normal people don't do that.
They were stupid and they trying to stop a burglary suspect. He was holding a shotgun because a burglary suspect can be a dangerous person. Normal people don't typically confront someone they suspect of burglary.

None of that behavior amounts to placing Arbery in apprehension of immediately receiving a violent injury (see the Georgia statute).

All hell breaks loose in that he has two men he doesn't know confront him with a gun.
The "hell" didn't start breaking loose until he decided to run at McMichael. No hell was breaking loose until that happened.

Nobody had done anything that would reasonably place Arbery in apprehension of IMMEDIATELY receiving a violent injury (see Georgia statute).

Why did they stop their truck in the middle of the street? Why was he holding a shotgun? Normal people don't do that.
They were stupid and they trying to stop a burglary suspect. He was holding a shotgun because a burglary suspect can be a dangerous person. Normal people don't typically confront someone they suspect of burglary.

None of that behavior amounts to placing Arbery in apprehension of immediately receiving a violent injury (see the Georgia statute).

AT BEST: They tried to play cops and ended up being vigilantes.

All hell breaks loose in that he has two men he doesn't know confront him with a gun.
The "hell" didn't start breaking loose until he decided to run at McMichael. No hell was breaking loose until that happened.

Nobody had done anything that would reasonably place Arbery in apprehension of IMMEDIATELY receiving a violent injury (see Georgia statute).

We don't hear the audio. We don't know what if any was the verbal exchange. That is the big issue. I am curious how this gets decided in the court system.
Because they were chasing him, attempting to cut him off and intercept him and pulled their truck up to him specifically to stop him.
And that does not justify Arbery's aggression.

If you can’t see where McMichael is, then how can you say it’s clear that he never approached Arbery? You can’t. It’s not “clear”. It’s anything but.
You can't see him anywhere in the frame when Arbery RUNS AT HIM!!!!

The video confirms this was self defense, not aggression. The shot rang out at the point Avery was rounding the vehicle. The aggression is from those who were in possession of illegally loaded firearms.
Yeah, what part of the video do you see where the dead guy initially feared for his life? It’s not there. All you see is the black guy being aggressive toward a white dude. That’s what’s making you fucking pissed off. A white dude killed a black dude who deserved it.

Boo fucking who.

Guys having guns does not equal aggression, you gun-grabbing twat. Running at someone is. You can cry all you want. The black dude was the aggressor and deserved to die. Fuck him.

So, considering that you see things so crystal clear, do you believe the McMichael's will be exonerated?
I’m not sure.

All I’m saying is the video does not provide any evidence of anybody being an aggressor but the dead guy.

Show me anywhere in that video where you see anybody but the dead guy being the initial aggressor. And I don’t wanna hear any shit about them stopping their truck. That is not aggression. I don’t wanna hear any shit about them having guns. That is not aggression either.

"Show me anywhere in that video where you see anybody but the dead guy being the initial aggressor."

Where they cut him off in their vehicle and got out armed. That's an aggressive maneuver.
If he was innocent, he would have stopped and proven his innocence. He attacked someone instead, so now he paid the price.

Who the fuck is gonna stop and talk to some armed guys screaming at them from their vehicle. And why should Arbery have stopped to talk to them? The murderers had zero authority to stop him.
Sure they had authority. You have never heard of a citizens arrest?
Let's try this one last time...

A private person may arrest an offender if the offense is committed in his presence or within his immediate knowledge. If the offense is a felony and the offender is escaping or attempting to escape, a private person may arrest him upon reasonable and probable grounds of suspicion.

What "felony" did Arbery commit in Travis McMichael's "presence" or within his "immediate knowledge?"
Yes, he matched the description of a guy in a suspected burglary that literally just happened. They knew about it and spotted him. That is a text book citizens arrest.
He could have more than likely. But his flight/fight reflex led him astray. So you think the assailants have zero responsibility here?
I didn't say they had zero responsibility, but if his fight/flight reflexes led him astray, wouldn't that same defense be available to Daddy McMichael watching his son in a deadly struggle for a shotgun that would most likely result in his son's death?

Yep, it would. But there is no way they could have been in that position if the son had not been pointing the gun at the victim.
Well, there would have been no struggle had McMichael been pointing the gun. Have you seen what a shotgun will do to a human body?

He believed his life was in grave danger. He made a move and he lost his life.
that seems odd to run 100 feet and put yourself into danger.
Life is odd. It seems odd that people call Trump a Russian agent. But they do. Just because someone is stupid doesn't mean they have to die.
well stupid is still stupid. and running 100 feet to engage in a suicide confrontation is beyond stupid, especially when there is acres of open field and road to avoid such confrontation. that's beyond stupid. it's suicide.
I do not disagree with you there. My guess is there was a verbal altercation. Dude gets out with a gun and all hell breaks loose. JUST A GUESS ON MY PART.
And, by "all hell breaks loose" you mean the victim decides to act in a fashion inconsistent with someone in actual apprehension of immediately receiving a violent injury.

In fact, the actions of the Arbery would put a reasonable person in apprehension of immediately receiving a violent injury, and in fact, resulted in McMichael receiving violent injuries (punches to the head).

All hell breaks loose in that he has two men he doesn't know confront him with a gun.
no one confronted the black man with a gun. you should perhaps look up that word.
You don't have much if you're defending the assailants. Anyone can be a tough guy with a gun in their hand or if they have a numbers advantage. Here they had both and you're defending that. Makes you a pussy. You're no better than JoeB, playtime and other stupid Leftists on this site. You are the same person to me as far as I am concerned.

There was one assailant.

Sure, anyone can be tough with a gun, and not everyone with a gun is necessary smart.

That's why you don't argue with those people, if you're unarmed you avoid them.
If you point your gun at me, the last thing I am doing is turning my back. The victim made his move and it backfired (no pun intended). From my experience his body went into fight or flight mode and he didn't have the skills to disarm someone. Tragic event that never should have happened.
I wouldn't run up to a guy with a gun. my mother taught me not to. if someone comes up to me is a completely other issue. If I'm cornered I might do something. but when I have an out, I'm going with that, and I'm certainly not going to run at a guy holding one when all I have to do is go the other way.
I have had people point guns at me in training type exercises, even when not loaded and not really a threatening situation, your body and brain react as one. It can be very unnerving. I have no idea what the victim thought in that instance. Doubt he was acting rationally.
yep. I hate even a pop gun pointed at me. I will scold my kids and grandkids for pointing that at me. I use to point cap pistols at people when I was small, I knew no different. To get back to the story, the guy with a gun didn't point it at the black man, so that piece isn't even present here.
I am making that assumption. Either way it was 2 on 1 and a gun should not have been necessary.

Gun is recommended when confronting criminals.

Ask any cop.
How did Travis McMichael know Arbery was a criminal?

He didn't. He was trying to find out if he was. As it turned out, he was.
So then you lied about confronting criminals as he wasn't confronting a criminal.
Confronting someone suspected of burglary could be dangerous, no?

Confronting anyone could be dangerous. If I am walking around Boston listening to music and you get in my face, we are throwing.
I dont believe you. You arent a convincing tough guy at all.
He could have more than likely. But his flight/fight reflex led him astray. So you think the assailants have zero responsibility here?
I didn't say they had zero responsibility, but if his fight/flight reflexes led him astray, wouldn't that same defense be available to Daddy McMichael watching his son in a deadly struggle for a shotgun that would most likely result in his son's death?

Yep, it would. But there is no way they could have been in that position if the son had not been pointing the gun at the victim.
Well, there would have been no struggle had McMichael been pointing the gun. Have you seen what a shotgun will do to a human body?

He believed his life was in grave danger. He made a move and he lost his life.
that seems odd to run 100 feet and put yourself into danger.
Life is odd. It seems odd that people call Trump a Russian agent. But they do. Just because someone is stupid doesn't mean they have to die.
well stupid is still stupid. and running 100 feet to engage in a suicide confrontation is beyond stupid, especially when there is acres of open field and road to avoid such confrontation. that's beyond stupid. it's suicide.
I do not disagree with you there. My guess is there was a verbal altercation. Dude gets out with a gun and all hell breaks loose. JUST A GUESS ON MY PART.
And, by "all hell breaks loose" you mean the victim decides to act in a fashion inconsistent with someone in actual apprehension of immediately receiving a violent injury.

In fact, the actions of the Arbery would put a reasonable person in apprehension of immediately receiving a violent injury, and in fact, resulted in McMichael receiving violent injuries (punches to the head).

All hell breaks loose in that he has two men he doesn't know confront him with a gun.
no one confronted the black man with a gun. you should perhaps look up that word.
Then why did the victim grab it? For fun?
All hell breaks loose in that he has two men he doesn't know confront him with a gun.
The "hell" didn't start breaking loose until he decided to run at McMichael. No hell was breaking loose until that happened.

Nobody had done anything that would reasonably place Arbery in apprehension of IMMEDIATELY receiving a violent injury (see Georgia statute).

We don't hear the audio. We don't know what if any was the verbal exchange. That is the big issue. I am curious how this gets decided in the court system.
I heard freeze. that's it. it was quite faint. still never saw them confront the black man. they did not approach him at all. he approached them.
You don't have much if you're defending the assailants. Anyone can be a tough guy with a gun in their hand or if they have a numbers advantage. Here they had both and you're defending that. Makes you a pussy. You're no better than JoeB, playtime and other stupid Leftists on this site. You are the same person to me as far as I am concerned.

There was one assailant.

Sure, anyone can be tough with a gun, and not everyone with a gun is necessary smart.

That's why you don't argue with those people, if you're unarmed you avoid them.
If you point your gun at me, the last thing I am doing is turning my back. The victim made his move and it backfired (no pun intended). From my experience his body went into fight or flight mode and he didn't have the skills to disarm someone. Tragic event that never should have happened.
I wouldn't run up to a guy with a gun. my mother taught me not to. if someone comes up to me is a completely other issue. If I'm cornered I might do something. but when I have an out, I'm going with that, and I'm certainly not going to run at a guy holding one when all I have to do is go the other way.
I have had people point guns at me in training type exercises, even when not loaded and not really a threatening situation, your body and brain react as one. It can be very unnerving. I have no idea what the victim thought in that instance. Doubt he was acting rationally.
yep. I hate even a pop gun pointed at me. I will scold my kids and grandkids for pointing that at me. I use to point cap pistols at people when I was small, I knew no different. To get back to the story, the guy with a gun didn't point it at the black man, so that piece isn't even present here.
I am making that assumption. Either way it was 2 on 1 and a gun should not have been necessary.

Gun is recommended when confronting criminals.

Ask any cop.
How did Travis McMichael know Arbery was a criminal?

He didn't. He was trying to find out if he was. As it turned out, he was.
So then you lied about confronting criminals as he wasn't confronting a criminal.
Confronting someone suspected of burglary could be dangerous, no?

Confronting anyone could be dangerous. If I am walking around Boston listening to music and you get in my face, we are throwing.
I dont believe you. You arent a convincing tough guy at all.
I don't care what you believe. Want to come to Boston and find out?
He could have more than likely. But his flight/fight reflex led him astray. So you think the assailants have zero responsibility here?
I didn't say they had zero responsibility, but if his fight/flight reflexes led him astray, wouldn't that same defense be available to Daddy McMichael watching his son in a deadly struggle for a shotgun that would most likely result in his son's death?

Yep, it would. But there is no way they could have been in that position if the son had not been pointing the gun at the victim.
Well, there would have been no struggle had McMichael been pointing the gun. Have you seen what a shotgun will do to a human body?

He believed his life was in grave danger. He made a move and he lost his life.
that seems odd to run 100 feet and put yourself into danger.
Life is odd. It seems odd that people call Trump a Russian agent. But they do. Just because someone is stupid doesn't mean they have to die.
well stupid is still stupid. and running 100 feet to engage in a suicide confrontation is beyond stupid, especially when there is acres of open field and road to avoid such confrontation. that's beyond stupid. it's suicide.
I do not disagree with you there. My guess is there was a verbal altercation. Dude gets out with a gun and all hell breaks loose. JUST A GUESS ON MY PART.
And, by "all hell breaks loose" you mean the victim decides to act in a fashion inconsistent with someone in actual apprehension of immediately receiving a violent injury.

In fact, the actions of the Arbery would put a reasonable person in apprehension of immediately receiving a violent injury, and in fact, resulted in McMichael receiving violent injuries (punches to the head).

All hell breaks loose in that he has two men he doesn't know confront him with a gun.
no one confronted the black man with a gun. you should perhaps look up that word.
Then why did the victim grab it? For fun?
cause it wasn't pointed at him. and he thought he'd take that kid out. he had momentum running and running at him. he never hesitated. did he?
All hell breaks loose in that he has two men he doesn't know confront him with a gun.
The "hell" didn't start breaking loose until he decided to run at McMichael. No hell was breaking loose until that happened.

Nobody had done anything that would reasonably place Arbery in apprehension of IMMEDIATELY receiving a violent injury (see Georgia statute).

We don't hear the audio. We don't know what if any was the verbal exchange. That is the big issue. I am curious how this gets decided in the court system.
I heard freeze. that's it. it was quite faint. still never saw them confront the black man. they did not approach him at all. he approached them.
If someone on the street told you to freeze, would you? They are not police officers. This will go to trial for sure. Let's see what happens?

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