VIDEO: Extremist Islamist Imam Tells Pamela Geller On Live TV She Should Be Executed...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Poor woman. Very dark times in this country. Not many standing with her defending Free Speech and the Constitution these days.

As long as we parrot this shit it will never end. If he threatened her he belongs in jail.

Shocking so few are supporting her defend Free Speech and the Constitution. The Left especially, has been shameful on this. They're always there to aggressively defend anyone's right to hate and insult Christians. Worst of the worst when it comes to dishonest hypocrisy.
So bizarre watching the Left defend mongoloids who demand the death penalty for homosexuals, women who disobey their husbands, anyone who insults their religion, and so on.

What the hell happened to the Left? I mean, these are the same people who never miss an opportunity to hate and insult Christians. Communists/Progressives have lost all credibility. The can never be trusted.
This exchange is very interesting... But also very disturbing.
VIDEO: Extremist Islamist Imam Tells Pamela Greer On Live TV She Should Be Executed...

"Pamela Greer"?


"what the fuck?"
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