VIDEO: Extremist Islamist Imam Tells Pamela Geller On Live TV She Should Be Executed...

People really should watch this exchange. I wouldn't just dismiss it. Freedom isn't free. People are risking their lives to ensure its survival.
You're kidding right? You actually believe she is intentionally risking her life to protect your freedoms?
Don't be made to look the fool. She has a clear agenda and part of it is her wallet. The rest is coincidence

That may be so, but in the end we all must still support her. She's exposing what these mongoloids truly believe in. Watch the exchange. Hannity did a great job pinning the kook down on his awful positions. So like her or not, we have to support her.

I support her right to believe and say stupid things, just like the Imam can say and believe stupid things.
Agreed and we should be loudly condemning those who would resort to violence to silence those they disagree with.

Agreed, of course.
It shouldn't come as a surprise that Islamic fanatics would execute Ms. Geller if they could. Besides insulting Mohammed Ms. Geller is probably guilty of half a dozen capital crimes listed in the Koran just be being a normal 21st century woman being judged by 6th century nut cases. What is rather surprising is that most of the real lefties on the forum seem to agree with the Imam.
Brave souls like this woman and those at Charlie Hebdo, are canaries in the coal mine for Free Speech. So don't be so quick to condemn and dismiss them. They're fighting for your Freedoms. It would be wise to support them.
You're loosing it bro.

The US military is fighting for my rights. Some politicians are fighting for my rights.

People intentionally pissing off a deadly enemy are fighting nothing but common sense

The founding fathers would disagree.
Paul Revere used a similar tactic against the brits.

This loud mouthed woman IS NOT Paul Revere.

You guys are fucking losing it
Yes she is Paul Revere. She's warning about a coming invasion and the danger it poses. Paul would be proud.
Brave souls like this woman and those at Charlie Hebdo, are canaries in the coal mine for Free Speech. So don't be so quick to condemn and dismiss them. They're fighting for your Freedoms. It would be wise to support them.
You're loosing it bro.

The US military is fighting for my rights. Some politicians are fighting for my rights.

People intentionally pissing off a deadly enemy are fighting nothing but common sense

The founding fathers would disagree.
Paul Revere used a similar tactic against the brits.

This loud mouthed woman IS NOT Paul Revere.

You guys are fucking losing it
Yes she is Paul Revere. She's warning about a coming invasion and the danger it poses. Paul would be proud.
The influx of terrorist activity has been predicted for a decade. The only thing new she is predicting is how big her bank account will get by riding the coattails of the predictions of others before her.
People really should watch this exchange. I wouldn't just dismiss it. Freedom isn't free. People are risking their lives to ensure its survival.
You're kidding right? You actually believe she is intentionally risking her life to protect your freedoms?
Don't be made to look the fool. She has a clear agenda and part of it is her wallet. The rest is coincidence

That may be so, but in the end we all must still support her. She's exposing what these mongoloids truly believe in. Watch the exchange. Hannity did a great job pinning the kook down on his awful positions. So like her or not, we have to support her.

I support her right to believe and say stupid things, just like the Imam can say and believe stupid things.

I think the problem here that escapes you is this......if this creep gets his way.....He would put her to death for not agreeing with his relgious beliefs.

Liberals have been claiming for years that this is what Christians, whites, or republicans want to do to gays and or fill in the blank special-interest groups. Now we have one of Obama's favorite religious groups spokesmen for the religion of peace, spouting death threats live on national television......kind of ironic.....don't you think???? Instead the entire Obama media is worried about Tom Brady's soft balls.

He wants Shria law in America and/or to try her under it and execute her. He is an asshole, and that's just not happening in the USA.. You have some evidence that this vile British Imam is President Obama favorite spokesman for Islam?
Brave souls like this woman and those at Charlie Hebdo, are canaries in the coal mine for Free Speech. So don't be so quick to condemn and dismiss them. They're fighting for your Freedoms. It would be wise to support them.
You're loosing it bro.

The US military is fighting for my rights. Some politicians are fighting for my rights.

People intentionally pissing off a deadly enemy are fighting nothing but common sense

The founding fathers would disagree.
Paul Revere used a similar tactic against the brits.

This loud mouthed woman IS NOT Paul Revere.

You guys are fucking losing it
Yes she is Paul Revere. She's warning about a coming invasion and the danger it poses. Paul would be proud.
The influx of terrorist activity has been predicted for a decade. The only thing new she is predicting is how big her bank account will get by riding the coattails of the predictions of others before her.
Do you have proof she's striking it rich or did you just pull that out of your sagging, asymetrical ass?
People really should watch this exchange. I wouldn't just dismiss it. Freedom isn't free. People are risking their lives to ensure its survival.
You're kidding right? You actually believe she is intentionally risking her life to protect your freedoms?
Don't be made to look the fool. She has a clear agenda and part of it is her wallet. The rest is coincidence

That may be so, but in the end we all must still support her. She's exposing what these mongoloids truly believe in. Watch the exchange. Hannity did a great job pinning the kook down on his awful positions. So like her or not, we have to support her.

I support her right to believe and say stupid things, just like the Imam can say and believe stupid things.

I think the problem here that escapes you is this......if this creep gets his way.....He would put her to death for not agreeing with his relgious beliefs.

Liberals have been claiming for years that this is what Christians, whites, or republicans want to do to gays and or fill in the blank special-interest groups. Now we have one of Obama's favorite religious groups spokesmen for the religion of peace, spouting death threats live on national television......kind of ironic.....don't you think???? Instead the entire Obama media is worried about Tom Brady's soft balls.

He wants Shria law in America and/or to try her under it and execute her. He is an asshole, and that's just not happening in the USA.. You have some evidence that this vile British Imam is President Obama favorite spokesman for Islam?

Obama's favorite religion.

If he doesn't get a visit from the FBI he's being protected. What he said could be considered an act of terrorism.....if not hate-speech.
Canaries in a coal mine for Free Speech. All of us should be supporting this woman and those at Charlie Hebdo. They're brave defenders of Free Speech. It's very sad so many have chosen to turn on these people. It says so much about where we're headed. Pretty depressing.
Brave souls like this woman and those at Charlie Hebdo, are canaries in the coal mine for Free Speech. So don't be so quick to condemn and dismiss them. They're fighting for your Freedoms. It would be wise to support them.
You're loosing it bro.

The US military is fighting for my rights. Some politicians are fighting for my rights.

People intentionally pissing off a deadly enemy are fighting nothing but common sense

You really should reconsider your position on this. Free Speech is vital to the survival of our Republic. This woman and those at Charlie Hebdo are truly brave souls.
People really should watch this exchange. I wouldn't just dismiss it. Freedom isn't free. People are risking their lives to ensure its survival.
You're kidding right? You actually believe she is intentionally risking her life to protect your freedoms?
Don't be made to look the fool. She has a clear agenda and part of it is her wallet. The rest is coincidence

That may be so, but in the end we all must still support her. She's exposing what these mongoloids truly believe in. Watch the exchange. Hannity did a great job pinning the kook down on his awful positions. So like her or not, we have to support her.

I support her right to believe and say stupid things, just like the Imam can say and believe stupid things.

I think the problem here that escapes you is this......if this creep gets his way.....He would put her to death for not agreeing with his relgious beliefs.

Liberals have been claiming for years that this is what Christians, whites, or republicans want to do to gays and or fill in the blank special-interest groups. Now we have one of Obama's favorite religious groups spokesmen for the religion of peace, spouting death threats live on national television......kind of ironic.....don't you think???? Instead the entire Obama media is worried about Tom Brady's soft balls.

He wants Shria law in America and/or to try her under it and execute her. He is an asshole, and that's just not happening in the USA.. You have some evidence that this vile British Imam is President Obama favorite spokesman for Islam?

Or for that matter -- that he's anything more influential than being just another gadfly like Pam Geller -- two attention whores using Fox Noise as their pimp?
Brave souls like this woman and those at Charlie Hebdo, are canaries in the coal mine for Free Speech. So don't be so quick to condemn and dismiss them. They're fighting for your Freedoms. It would be wise to support them.
You're loosing it bro.

The US military is fighting for my rights. Some politicians are fighting for my rights.

People intentionally pissing off a deadly enemy are fighting nothing but common sense

You really should reconsider your position on this. Free Speech is vital to the survival of our Republic. This woman and those at Charlie Hebdo are truly brave souls.
No one threatened her free speech that I heard of. Was she arrested? Detained?

If you're referring to the Muslim extremists, fuckem. Stop elevating them to the levels you are. You give them just what they want with all this stupid fear mongering.
People really should watch this exchange. I wouldn't just dismiss it. Freedom isn't free. People are risking their lives to ensure its survival.
You're kidding right? You actually believe she is intentionally risking her life to protect your freedoms?
Don't be made to look the fool. She has a clear agenda and part of it is her wallet. The rest is coincidence

That may be so, but in the end we all must still support her. She's exposing what these mongoloids truly believe in. Watch the exchange. Hannity did a great job pinning the kook down on his awful positions. So like her or not, we have to support her.

I support her right to believe and say stupid things, just like the Imam can say and believe stupid things.
Agreed and we should be loudly condemning those who would resort to violence to silence those they disagree with.

The man was stating what he truly believed. He believes people who draw cartoons of the prophet should be executed. And he's certainly not alone in that belief.

That warped thinking goes against everything our Nation is about. That's why it's vital we support those who are brave enough to stand up for Free Speech. What you think of this woman personally is irrelevant. It's not about that.
People really should watch this exchange. I wouldn't just dismiss it. Freedom isn't free. People are risking their lives to ensure its survival.
You're kidding right? You actually believe she is intentionally risking her life to protect your freedoms?
Don't be made to look the fool. She has a clear agenda and part of it is her wallet. The rest is coincidence

That may be so, but in the end we all must still support her. She's exposing what these mongoloids truly believe in. Watch the exchange. Hannity did a great job pinning the kook down on his awful positions. So like her or not, we have to support her.

I support her right to believe and say stupid things, just like the Imam can say and believe stupid things.

I think the problem here that escapes you is this......if this creep gets his way.....He would put her to death for not agreeing with his relgious beliefs.

Liberals have been claiming for years that this is what Christians, whites, or republicans want to do to gays and or fill in the blank special-interest groups. Now we have one of Obama's favorite religious groups spokesmen for the religion of peace, spouting death threats live on national television......kind of ironic.....don't you think???? Instead the entire Obama media is worried about Tom Brady's soft balls.

Yeah, Communists//Progressives have lost all credibility. Their treatment of this woman has been appalling. I mean these are the same people who never miss an opportunity to hate and insult Christians. Yet very few on the Left have supported this woman. But why the strange double standard? It's pretty shameful.
Brave souls like this woman and those at Charlie Hebdo, are canaries in the coal mine for Free Speech. So don't be so quick to condemn and dismiss them. They're fighting for your Freedoms. It would be wise to support them.
You're loosing it bro.

The US military is fighting for my rights. Some politicians are fighting for my rights.

People intentionally pissing off a deadly enemy are fighting nothing but common sense

The founding fathers would disagree.
Paul Revere used a similar tactic against the brits.

This loud mouthed woman IS NOT Paul Revere.

You guys are fucking losing it
Yes she is Paul Revere. She's warning about a coming invasion and the danger it poses. Paul would be proud.
The influx of terrorist activity has been predicted for a decade. The only thing new she is predicting is how big her bank account will get by riding the coattails of the predictions of others before her.

Dude, she's drawing bleepin cartoons. If you can't defend that, you're as lost as the mongoloid cheering for her execution on TV. Grow a spine.
You're loosing it bro.

The US military is fighting for my rights. Some politicians are fighting for my rights.

People intentionally pissing off a deadly enemy are fighting nothing but common sense

The founding fathers would disagree.
Paul Revere used a similar tactic against the brits.

This loud mouthed woman IS NOT Paul Revere.

You guys are fucking losing it
Yes she is Paul Revere. She's warning about a coming invasion and the danger it poses. Paul would be proud.
The influx of terrorist activity has been predicted for a decade. The only thing new she is predicting is how big her bank account will get by riding the coattails of the predictions of others before her.

Dude, she's drawing bleepin cartoons. If you can't defend that, you're as lost as the mongoloid cheering for her execution on TV. Grow a spine.
IMO the Lefties don't like Geller because she is not one of them. Had this been done by Bill Maher for example, they'd be fully supportive.

Just another example of their psychosis.
The founding fathers would disagree.
Paul Revere used a similar tactic against the brits.

This loud mouthed woman IS NOT Paul Revere.

You guys are fucking losing it
Yes she is Paul Revere. She's warning about a coming invasion and the danger it poses. Paul would be proud.
The influx of terrorist activity has been predicted for a decade. The only thing new she is predicting is how big her bank account will get by riding the coattails of the predictions of others before her.

Dude, she's drawing bleepin cartoons. If you can't defend that, you're as lost as the mongoloid cheering for her execution on TV. Grow a spine.
IMO the Lefties don't like Geller because she is not one of them. Had this been done by Bill Maher for example, they'd be fully supportive.

Just another example of their psychosis.

Actually it's just another example of Speculation Fallacy.
Fantasy - Reality ... know the difference.

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