VIDEO FOX NEWS : Newt Gingrich lies about panel in the killing of american citizens


Jul 3, 2011
VIDEO FOX NEWS : Newt Gingrich lies about panel that resulted in the killing of american citizens.

Gingrich is dead wrong about this : the president does not have the authority to become judge, jury and executioner. This is why we are a nation of laws not dictators. There was never any large panel that determined Alawaki was to be convicted of crimes he had not commited, the panel consisted of 2 Obama attorneys AND NO ONE ELSE!

Fox news on Gingrich does the president have the authority to kill americans
I know, but you won't convince the kooky Neocons that love war that their new and improved messiah Newt can be wrong about anything... He's like so smart n stuff!
I know, but you won't convince the kooky Neocons that love war that their new and improved messiah Newt can be wrong about anything... He's like so smart n stuff!
You can't convince kooky LibTurds that love their Messiah Obama that he could be wrong about anything, cause he's so smart and stuff!:
It is pretty obvious why the Gitmo crowd is pretty quiet now a days considering the expanded use of the drone program being used by the Obama administration that can now even target US citizens:
The Obama administration’s secret legal memorandum that opened the door to the killing of Anwar al-Awlaki, the American-born radical Muslim cleric hiding in Yemen, found that it would be lawful only if it were not feasible to take him alive, according to people who have read the document.
The memo, written last year, followed months of extensive interagency deliberations and offers a glimpse into the legal debate that led to one of the most significant decisions made by President Obama — to move ahead with the killing of an American citizen without a trial.
The secret document provided the justification for acting despite an executive order banning assassinations, a federal law against murder, protections in the Bill of Rights and various strictures of the international laws of war, according to people familiar with the analysis. The memo, however, was narrowly drawn to the specifics of Mr. Awlaki’s case and did not establish a broad new legal doctrine to permit the targeted killing of any Americans believed to pose a terrorist threat. [NY Times]
Politics isn't like Sports. You can't just be a stupid "American League" or National League" guy and blindly cheer for for either side. That's not intelligent.

If you had any brains at all you'd see there is no difference between Obama and Bush II. They are both SHIT Presidents.
I know, but you won't convince the kooky Neocons that love war that their new and improved messiah Newt can be wrong about anything... He's like so smart n stuff!

Newt is not going to win let alone beat Obama, this man has so much baggage he can't carry it.

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