Video Games Causing Splits In Japan


Belligerent Drunk
Nov 19, 2010
Richmond VA
Video Games Causing Splits In Japan


Married men, you may want to step away from the Xbox.

In a recent online survey of 721 Japanese women, playing video games was the fourth most cited reason for splitting up with a spouse.

So what's worse than gaming? The women, who ranged in age from teens to 60 plus, said that adultery, alcoholism and overspending were greater grounds for divorcing their husbands. Gaming edged out less offensive options like sleeping in until noon on the weekends and differing "approaches to cleanliness."

This is hardly the first time that we've heard of video game addictions wreaking havoc on marriages. Last year, Divorce Online found that 15 percent of women who cited unreasonable behavior for ending their marriage said they felt that their partner put gaming before their relationship.

Divorce Cause: Video Games Causing Splits In Japan

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