Video games vs.__________.


Jun 25, 2009
Now. Is a brainwashed bed wetter in murka, killing brown civilians with drones(it's just a video game), or this ole boy the badass ?
Then was then and today is only a game.$$$$ for a select few, as usual.
[ame=]Ray Mears / Jungle Survival Part 5/6 - YouTube[/ame]
In my opinion, today's gore-heavy video games are tranforming our youth into the zombies they enjoy wasting.

Gone are the days when Jack and Jill would each recieve a Dollar to spend in the local toy shop/store. They would race to the toy shop with gay abandon and respectively purchase a china doll and a box of tin soldiers.

But now Jack and Jill can only look on in horror at the family gathering, where Jill's granddaughter, Brandy, terminates another unwanted fetus in her Lego abortion clinic. Whereas Jack solemnly watches as his grandson, Tyler, ethnically cleanses yet another village on the latest copy of Modern Bloodbath 6: Afghan Assault.

O tempora. O mores!

Modern Warfare 3 - USMB

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