Video - IDF shoots 2 Palestinians to death, one in the back, both harmless

As I said, they don't believe that the kids were shot and killed while it's not even a question in the rest of the world including Israel. Amazing. And, they think they are normal people.
No, you and the rest of the Mooooslem assholes said you were SURE that the IDF shot them.

Moreover, the big elephant in the room is why was he wearing a mask and others around him WEREN'T? That's a big red flag right there.

It's interesting how you categorize a masked person who is bigger and taller than those around him as a "kid".

So to conclude you have nothing but lies and false accusations. Another epic propaganda fail.
As I said, they don't believe that the kids were shot and killed while it's not even a question in the rest of the world including Israel. Amazing. And, they think they are normal people.
One question, genius. Have you ever seen a person shot in the chest or back at a close range? Look at the video and tell us what you observe.
It is so interesting to watch how conditioning and brain washing works with the Israel Firsters. They have now convinced each other that there was no killing of two Palestinian kids. While in the rest of the world this is now a given whilst even the Israeli media, report that the two kids were killed. Incredible cognitive dissonance of the Israel Firsters.

"Palestinians shot dead at Nakba Day protest did not threaten soldiers"

Video: Palestinians shot dead at Nakba Day protest did not threaten soldiers - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News | Haaretz

Even the IDF admits to the killing but claims that it was a violent and "illegal" demonstration (so for them it's ok to kill kids in those conditions)

"the IDF Spokesperson Unit said, "On Thursday, an illegal and violent disturbance occurred in Beitunia. The said video is edited in a tendentious manner and does not reflect the level of violence that occurred at the disturbance."

IDF: Video showing soldiers killing unarmed Palestinians 'edited in a tendentious manner' | JPost | Israel News

and to complete the circle:

"initial findings on Nakba Day incident at Bitunya: grave suspicion that forces willfully killed two Palestinians, injured two others..."

B'Tselem's initial findings on Nakba Day incident at Bitunya: grave suspicion that forces willfully killed two Palestinians, injured two others | B'Tselem

If the IDF were firing with rubber bullets, who had the gun with the live round? The video did not show IDF soldiers. Since tear gas was used, it would make seeing the boys back behind the gas. The video does not even show which direction the IDF was supposed to have been.
You are presuming that a live round was fired at the boys though a crowd of protesters and tear gas to kill two boys the IDF probably could not even see.
The boys seemed to throwing rocks in the direction of the road block. If that is where the IDF were, then the boys were trying to hit the IDF and it was a weapon attack. If the IDF were in the other direct the IDF probably could not even see the boys. Some with another rifle could have fired the shots and photographers where right there to start snapping pictures and lay the blame on the IDF.

If you know how you can kill with paperclip or a card from a deck of playing cards. Rubber bullets can be lethal, but they are designed to minimize casualties. Rubber bullets and tear gas are for crowd/protest/riots control. They are not intended to kill.

The kids could be down the street or round the corner, but there are no IDF in the video firing on the boys, or killing them. I know the video was grainy but I did not see any blood, just two boys that look like they tripped and fell down, friends crowded around the moved their friend out the frame.
There are major question about the incident but without an open mind about discovering the facts, you are nothing more than a lynch mob out for Israeli blood. String them up first and don't ask questions later.
It is so interesting to watch how conditioning and brain washing works with the Israel Firsters. They have now convinced each other that there was no killing of two Palestinian kids. While in the rest of the world this is now a given whilst even the Israeli media, report that the two kids were killed. Incredible cognitive dissonance of the Israel Firsters.

"Palestinians shot dead at Nakba Day protest did not threaten soldiers"

Video: Palestinians shot dead at Nakba Day protest did not threaten soldiers - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News | Haaretz

Even the IDF admits to the killing but claims that it was a violent and "illegal" demonstration (so for them it's ok to kill kids in those conditions)

"the IDF Spokesperson Unit said, "On Thursday, an illegal and violent disturbance occurred in Beitunia. The said video is edited in a tendentious manner and does not reflect the level of violence that occurred at the disturbance."

IDF: Video showing soldiers killing unarmed Palestinians 'edited in a tendentious manner' | JPost | Israel News

and to complete the circle:

"initial findings on Nakba Day incident at Bitunya: grave suspicion that forces willfully killed two Palestinians, injured two others..."

B'Tselem's initial findings on Nakba Day incident at Bitunya: grave suspicion that forces willfully killed two Palestinians, injured two others | B'Tselem

If the IDF were firing with rubber bullets, who had the gun with the live round? The video did not show IDF soldiers. Since tear gas was used, it would make seeing the boys back behind the gas. The video does not even show which direction the IDF was supposed to have been.
You are presuming that a live round was fired at the boys though a crowd of protesters and tear gas to kill two boys the IDF probably could not even see.
The boys seemed to throwing rocks in the direction of the road block. If that is where the IDF were, then the boys were trying to hit the IDF and it was a weapon attack. If the IDF were in the other direct the IDF probably could not even see the boys. Some with another rifle could have fired the shots and photographers where right there to start snapping pictures and lay the blame on the IDF.

If you know how you can kill with paperclip or a card from a deck of playing cards. Rubber bullets can be lethal, but they are designed to minimize casualties. Rubber bullets and tear gas are for crowd/protest/riots control. They are not intended to kill.

The kids could be down the street or round the corner, but there are no IDF in the video firing on the boys, or killing them. I know the video was grainy but I did not see any blood, just two boys that look like they tripped and fell down, friends crowded around the moved their friend out the frame.
There are major question about the incident but without an open mind about discovering the facts, you are nothing more than a lynch mob out for Israeli blood. String them up first and don't ask questions later.
The videos look totally fake.
As you see the local Israel Firsters have convinced themselves that there were no killings. An example of mass delusion.
As you see the local Israel Firsters have convinced themselves that there were no killings. An example of mass delusion.
As opposed to you Islam firsters who are also Pallywood agents. Have you recruited any new actors for Pallywood in the Muslim American community?
What country is a dual citizen loyal to?

Why do you pro Palis care if pro Zionists are loyal to Israel or not?You guys make such a big deal out if the smallest issues.

I have dual citizenship ( Canada Israel).

The Jonathan Pollack syndrome that affects us.

Many Americans have the 9/11 syndrome, especially since our Intelligence Services have picked up many Muslim terrorists before they were able to carry out their heinous deed. By the way, Pbel, maybe you can find out what prison Jihad Jane is incarcerated, and you can write letters to her.
As you see the local Israel Firsters have convinced themselves that there were no killings. An example of mass delusion.
As opposed to you Islam firsters who are also Pallywood agents. Have you recruited any new actors for Pallywood in the Muslim American community?

Have you acquired Israeli citizenship?
No, I'm a Jew hating convert to Islam posing as a Christian who has no life but spreading outlandish lies and bullshit on the internet. Plus I never leave home without my AMEX.
Have you acquired Israeli citizenship?

Why would that matter ?

What country is a dual citizen loyal to?

What is a Muslim loyal to? There are many rebels in Syria who have come from countries around the globe to fight for the new worldwide Caliphate. Why didn't these Muslims stay home, like England, Australia, Germany, Indonesia, etc. if they were loyal to the country in which they had citizenship?
Why would that matter ?

What country is a dual citizen loyal to?

What is a Muslim loyal to? There are many rebels in Syria who have come from countries around the globe to fight for the new worldwide Caliphate. Why didn't these Muslims stay home, like England, Australia, Germany, Indonesia, etc. if they were loyal to the country in which they had citizenship?
You cannot be Muslim and not follow Shariah law. And Shariah law is the antithesis of freedom and what Western democracy stands for.

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