Video: Israeli's open about their support of genocide

RE: Israeli's open about their support of genocide
※→ abi, et al,

I don't think that this video is evidence of the general support for "genocide." You hear expressions of mistrust, of frustration against terrorist and asymmetric act of violence as common themes; but only a rare idea that the Arab Palestinian culture should be eliminated on mass.

On the streets of Jerusalem, Abby Martin interviews Jewish Israeli citizens from all walks of life. In several candid interviews, disturbing comments reveal commonly-held views about Palestinians and their future in the region. Israeli-born human rights activist Ronnie Barkan explains why these attitudes dominate Israeli society.

I see this as a result of multi-generational brain washing and it needs stop if there shall ever be peace. And beyond that, how are the Palestinians suppose to deal with people who think like this? I just sit back and try to imagine what it must be like to have these people not only in your neighborhood, but who are also literally ruling over you on your own land... but I can't. :(


We don't know if the "questioner" asked the same question every time and we do not know if the sample size was statistically significant. What I see here is nothing much different then you would get from a question of defense from the citizens of any country dealing with cross border attacks from hostile neighbors.

No question that the Israeli Human Rights Activist that spoke, was quite eloquent for an unscripted interview.

As far as "brainwashing" goes → the Arab Palestinians have been implementing "multi-generational brain washing" (a propaganda description and not a clinical term) as a matter of doctrine.

Most Respectfully,

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