Video: Jen Psaki gets upset because a reporter asked her when the laid off oil workers will get the green energy jobs that Biden had promised them

A reporter asked Jen Psaki when the laid off oil workers will get the green jobs that Biden had promised them.

Psaki refused to cite any specific date.

She even seems to be mad that the reporter would ask such a question.

I think it was a great question:

Here is a blog post that I wrote about Democrats’ previous broken promises about green energy jobs.

How many people do you think were working on that pipeline, and in what positions? Generally, how many do you think it takes to lay a pipeline?

Thousands. 11,000+ are now out of work because of Veggie Joe.

Again, how many people do you think it takes to lay a pipeline?

In the 2014 State Department report, the agency wrote that 10,400 estimated positions would be for seasonal construction work lasting four to eight-month periods. Since the State Department defines "job" as "one position that is filled for 1 year," that would equate to approximately 3,900 jobs over a two-year period.

In short: Most of the estimated jobs were temporary.

The State Department forecasted that no more than 50 jobs, some of which could be located in Canada, would be required to maintain the pipeline. Thirty-five of them would be permanent, while 15 would be temporary contractors.

11,000+, Dummy.

That's how many jobs Veggie Joe destroyed with his crayon.
Didn't take you long to switch to the Jen "Fuck You" attack the questioner answer. No wonder you like and defend her.
Tell me the story of 1,000 pipe fitters being laid off again.
Here's some of their profiles. I'm sure you can contact them and tell them to get off their lazy asses and move to Arkansas.

A reporter asked Jen Psaki when the laid off oil workers will get the green jobs that Biden had promised them.

Psaki refused to cite any specific date.

She even seems to be mad that the reporter would ask such a question.

I think it was a great question:

Here is a blog post that I wrote about Democrats’ previous broken promises about green energy jobs.

How many people do you think were working on that pipeline, and in what positions? Generally, how many do you think it takes to lay a pipeline?

Thousands. 11,000+ are now out of work because of Veggie Joe.

Again, how many people do you think it takes to lay a pipeline?

In the 2014 State Department report, the agency wrote that 10,400 estimated positions would be for seasonal construction work lasting four to eight-month periods. Since the State Department defines "job" as "one position that is filled for 1 year," that would equate to approximately 3,900 jobs over a two-year period.

In short: Most of the estimated jobs were temporary.

The State Department forecasted that no more than 50 jobs, some of which could be located in Canada, would be required to maintain the pipeline. Thirty-five of them would be permanent, while 15 would be temporary contractors.

11,000+, Dummy.

That's how many jobs Veggie Joe destroyed with his crayon.

You keep using that number. You got a credible link that says that many lost their jobs?
A reporter asked Jen Psaki when the laid off oil workers will get the green jobs that Biden had promised them.

Psaki refused to cite any specific date.

She even seems to be mad that the reporter would ask such a question.

I think it was a great question:

Here is a blog post that I wrote about Democrats’ previous broken promises about green energy jobs.

Who really controls her?

A reporter asked Jen Psaki when the laid off oil workers will get the green jobs that Biden had promised them.

Psaki refused to cite any specific date.

She even seems to be mad that the reporter would ask such a question.

I think it was a great question:

Here is a blog post that I wrote about Democrats’ previous broken promises about green energy jobs.

Who really controls her?


Kerry's face looks like melted wax.
11,000+, Dummy.

That's how many jobs Veggie Joe destroyed with his crayon.

I already showed it's only 1,000 to be laid off in the next couple of weeks, and the proposed 10,000 new hires are seasonal, so that's only the equivalent to 4,000 full time workers.
Biggest lightweight to ever hold the position.

You prefer the heavy weight, Sarah Sanders?
In a heartbeat. She was never snarky or condescending.
Sarah Sanders lied like a rug.

  • Denying knowledge of Trump’s in-office hush-money payoffs, despite the fact that Trump himself admitted to them;
  • Claiming that Trump had created far more jobs for African Americans than Obama, when, in reality, Obama created four times as many as Trump;
  • And, of course who could forget the time she created an elaborate yarn about how she’d heard from “countless…individuals who work at the FBI who said they were very happy” with Trump’s decision to fire James Comey,
You loved Sarah Sanders because she would just make shit up to defend Trump.

Like that she talked to countless people at the FBI.
Biggest lightweight to ever hold the position.

You prefer the heavy weight, Sarah Sanders?
In a heartbeat. She was never snarky or condescending.
Sarah Sanders lied like a rug.

  • Denying knowledge of Trump’s in-office hush-money payoffs, despite the fact that Trump himself admitted to them;
  • Claiming that Trump had created far more jobs for African Americans than Obama, when, in reality, Obama created four times as many as Trump;
  • And, of course who could forget the time she created an elaborate yarn about how she’d heard from “countless…individuals who work at the FBI who said they were very happy” with Trump’s decision to fire James Comey,

A lumpy rug.
11,000+, Dummy.

That's how many jobs Veggie Joe destroyed with his crayon.

I already showed it's only 1,000 to be laid off in the next couple of weeks, and the proposed 10,000 new hires are seasonal, so that's only the equivalent to 4,000 full time workers.
1,000 + 10,000 = 11,000.

With another estimated 60,000 indirect jobs.....but I won't expect you to have the IQ to grasp what an indirect job is.
A reporter asked Jen Psaki when the laid off oil workers will get the green jobs that Biden had promised them.

Psaki refused to cite any specific date.

She even seems to be mad that the reporter would ask such a question.

I think it was a great question:

Here is a blog post that I wrote about Democrats’ previous broken promises about green energy jobs.

Who really controls her?


Kerry's face looks like melted wax.

Yeah, why the long face, John?
A reporter asked Jen Psaki when the laid off oil workers will get the green jobs that Biden had promised them.

Psaki refused to cite any specific date.

She even seems to be mad that the reporter would ask such a question.

I think it was a great question:

Here is a blog post that I wrote about Democrats’ previous broken promises about green energy jobs.

Who really controls her?


Kerry's face looks like melted wax.

Yeah, why the long face, John?

Long would be good; his skin is stretching.

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