Video of Donald Trump's sister surfaces. She says he has "no principles", "cannot be trusted"

I never thought that I would agree with a Trump. But this is the second one I agree with.
First Donald's niece and now his sister.
Will Trump call her nasty on Twitter? Stay tuned
"I'm talking too freely,” Maryanne Trump Barry, a former federal judge and President Trump’s older sister, said during 15 hours recorded in 2018 and 2019 by her niece, Mary L. Trump. Barry’s remarks are the most critical comments known to have been made about the president by one of his siblings."

WTF, are you selling subscriptions to the Washington Post?
I never thought that I would agree with a Trump. But this is the second one I agree with.
First Donald's niece and now his sister.
Will Trump call her nasty on Twitter? Stay tuned
"I'm talking too freely,” Maryanne Trump Barry, a former federal judge and President Trump’s older sister, said during 15 hours recorded in 2018 and 2019 by her niece, Mary L. Trump. Barry’s remarks are the most critical comments known to have been made about the president by one of his siblings."
I don't think the word of his lesbian sister holds a lot of weight in the family.
I don't expect that back-stabber to ever be invited to any more family get-togethers.
A Trump family get-together must be like one of those old murder mysteries waiting to happen.
I never thought that I would agree with a Trump. But this is the second one I agree with.
First Donald's niece and now his sister.
Will Trump call her nasty on Twitter? Stay tuned
"I'm talking too freely,” Maryanne Trump Barry, a former federal judge and President Trump’s older sister, said during 15 hours recorded in 2018 and 2019 by her niece, Mary L. Trump. Barry’s remarks are the most critical comments known to have been made about the president by one of his siblings."
If I were you, I'd vote for Biden.
Thank God I'm not you.
I never thought that I would agree with a Trump. But this is the second one I agree with.
First Donald's niece and now his sister.
Will Trump call her nasty on Twitter? Stay tuned
"I'm talking too freely,” Maryanne Trump Barry, a former federal judge and President Trump’s older sister, said during 15 hours recorded in 2018 and 2019 by her niece, Mary L. Trump. Barry’s remarks are the most critical comments known to have been made about the president by one of his siblings."
I don't think the word of his lesbian sister holds a lot of weight in the family.
I don't expect that back-stabber to ever be invited to any more family get-togethers.
A Trump family get-together must be like one of those old murder mysteries waiting to happen.

Sounds like a Clintoon gathering, discussing all the sucides of the unfortunate people they knew..

Clinton Family: Hey want to work with us?

Me: uhm no thanks
I never thought that I would agree with a Trump. But this is the second one I agree with.
First Donald's niece and now his sister.
Will Trump call her nasty on Twitter? Stay tuned
"I'm talking too freely,” Maryanne Trump Barry, a former federal judge and President Trump’s older sister, said during 15 hours recorded in 2018 and 2019 by her niece, Mary L. Trump. Barry’s remarks are the most critical comments known to have been made about the president by one of his siblings."
No Principals? I think even Trump would agree with that, if it weren't an election year. He has no concern for others, be them family, friends, nor his fellow Americans. With 170,000 dead, his only comment is "It is what it is" said with with no empathy no felling, an no understanding that his mistakes, which he claims were none were certainly a contributor to those deaths. I think any other president in his shoes would have expressed deep regret and expressed sorry that any his action as president may have resulted in any deaths. However, Trump response, "I never made any mistakes."
Anyone who still believes Trump needs his head examined.
I judge Trump on results, not what others may say about him. There is no one more jaded about the political system of this banana republic nor do I participate in it. I can say with ZERO reservations that Trump has done more good, accomplished more even with the deep state going after him with all they have with the lamestream media doing their dirty work.

Yeppers, I would take Trump over ANY leftard or neocon past or present by a long shot. Anyone that would vote and side with the demcrat commie party are the ones with mental illness.
I never thought that I would agree with a Trump. But this is the second one I agree with.
First Donald's niece and now his sister.
Will Trump call her nasty on Twitter? Stay tuned
"I'm talking too freely,” Maryanne Trump Barry, a former federal judge and President Trump’s older sister, said during 15 hours recorded in 2018 and 2019 by her niece, Mary L. Trump. Barry’s remarks are the most critical comments known to have been made about the president by one of his siblings."
No Principals? I think even Trump would agree with that, if it weren't an election year. He has no concern for others, be them family, friends, nor his fellow Americans. With 170,000 dead, his only comment is "It is what it is" said with with no empathy no felling, an no understanding that his mistakes, which he claim were none were certainly a contributor to those deaths. I think any other president in his shoes would have expressed deep regret and expressed sorry that any his action as president may have resulted in any deaths. However, Trump response, "I never made any mistakes."
I would surmise that he wouldn't have approved of leftard governors sticking recovering COVID patients in rest homes where the most vulnerable resided. It was definitely a "win-win" for the blue state governors that were able to alleviate themselves of an elderly person that they believe is draining their coffers will pocketing a cool 35K to boot. Over 90 percent of ACTUAL COVID deaths happened to people over 55 years of age and had underlying health issues.

BTW, I don't need someone to "feign" concern over me because their warm fuzzies don't change anyone's situation. If you are stupid enough to believe that Jesuit Joe, the pervert really gives a flying fart about you personally? Could I interest you in a bridge in Brooklyn that just came on the market? It's priced to sell.

I am so fucking tired of all this virtue signaling of people trying to claim some kind of moral high ground because they claim to weep tears over the trials and tribulations of those they don't even if it washes away the sins of their own selfish wants and needs....... as if it is a "conscience cleansing act of contrition". These phonies that pass by those that obviously need a helping hand, snub "the little people" that clean their tables at a restaurant or pick up their garbage? They have no time to even acknowledge their existence but weep and wail over George "Light Up A Blunt" Floyd. Give me a fucking break.......

They screwed Mary. Now Mary screws back. Like they say - payback's a bitch.
I never thought that I would agree with a Trump. But this is the second one I agree with.
First Donald's niece and now his sister.
Will Trump call her nasty on Twitter? Stay tuned
"I'm talking too freely,” Maryanne Trump Barry, a former federal judge and President Trump’s older sister, said during 15 hours recorded in 2018 and 2019 by her niece, Mary L. Trump. Barry’s remarks are the most critical comments known to have been made about the president by one of his siblings."
Only the right wing trust him. Why should anyone take right wingers seriously about ethics, the law, or morals?
I never thought that I would agree with a Trump. But this is the second one I agree with.
First Donald's niece and now his sister.
Will Trump call her nasty on Twitter? Stay tuned
"I'm talking too freely,” Maryanne Trump Barry, a former federal judge and President Trump’s older sister, said during 15 hours recorded in 2018 and 2019 by her niece, Mary L. Trump. Barry’s remarks are the most critical comments known to have been made about the president by one of his siblings."
Only the right wing trust him. Why should anyone take right wingers seriously about ethics, the law, or morals?
Only leftards trusted obamamonkey, the Hildebeast, Pedo Joe and Bill "drop trou". Why would I take leftards seriously about anything????
I never thought that I would agree with a Trump. But this is the second one I agree with.
First Donald's niece and now his sister.
Will Trump call her nasty on Twitter? Stay tuned
"I'm talking too freely,” Maryanne Trump Barry, a former federal judge and President Trump’s older sister, said during 15 hours recorded in 2018 and 2019 by her niece, Mary L. Trump. Barry’s remarks are the most critical comments known to have been made about the president by one of his siblings."

So, her opinion is supposed to matter to us? What are these “lies”?

She just sounds like another TDS moron, just like you.
You people who keep calling out others for TDS are the deranged one. No matter what the evidence against Trump, you have such blind and obsessive loyalty to Trump that you psychologically can’t haNile the truth. Derangement is the purview of the Trump supporter.
I keep asking for this “evidence”, no one can ever come up with any.

Can you name one policy of his that has been “disastrous” for the nation? One “right” he has taken away?

His sister sounds like she watches CNN all day. I have plenty of old women in my family that think and say the same thing. Yet when I ask them what is wrong with not starting new stupid wars and brining jobs back to this country, they have no answer. He’s just “mean”. Uh-huh, okay.
Everyone of his exec orders he took down from obamas 8 years Trump is lower than shark shit
Can you articulate one example? I mean, otherwise you’re just proving my point.
“He can’t read”.
“the change of stories, the lack of preparation, the lying — holy shit.”

That’s Trump in a nutshell.
I never thought that I would agree with a Trump. But this is the second one I agree with.
First Donald's niece and now his sister.
Will Trump call her nasty on Twitter? Stay tuned
"I'm talking too freely,” Maryanne Trump Barry, a former federal judge and President Trump’s older sister, said during 15 hours recorded in 2018 and 2019 by her niece, Mary L. Trump. Barry’s remarks are the most critical comments known to have been made about the president by one of his siblings."
Yep, it sounds like Bubba Clinton picked a real winner when he appointed her to the United States District Court...

Allegations of tax evasion[edit]
In October 2018, The New York Times published an investigative report asserting that Barry, along with her father and siblings, had engaged in fraudulent and illegal activity for the purpose of limiting estate tax and gift tax liability stemming from Fred Trump's real estate enterprises.[26] Investigative journalist Susanne Craig discovered a critical piece of information in the investigation: a filing Barry had made to the Senate as part of her federal judiciary confirmation in which she had reported a $1 million contribution from All County Building Supply & Maintenance.[27] The Times reported that All County Building Supply & Maintenance was a "sham company" formed in 1992
Trumps own sister knows....

What has he read?” Mary Trump asked her aunt. Barry responded: “He doesn’t read.”
I never thought that I would agree with a Trump. But this is the second one I agree with.
First Donald's niece and now his sister.
Will Trump call her nasty on Twitter? Stay tuned
"I'm talking too freely,” Maryanne Trump Barry, a former federal judge and President Trump’s older sister, said during 15 hours recorded in 2018 and 2019 by her niece, Mary L. Trump. Barry’s remarks are the most critical comments known to have been made about the president by one of his siblings."
Yep, it sounds like Bubba Clinton picked a real winner when he appointed her to the United States District Court...

Allegations of tax evasion[edit]
In October 2018, The New York Times published an investigative report asserting that Barry, along with her father and siblings, had engaged in fraudulent and illegal activity for the purpose of limiting estate tax and gift tax liability stemming from Fred Trump's real estate enterprises.[26] Investigative journalist Susanne Craig discovered a critical piece of information in the investigation: a filing Barry had made to the Senate as part of her federal judiciary confirmation in which she had reported a $1 million contribution from All County Building Supply & Maintenance.[27] The Times reported that All County Building Supply & Maintenance was a "sham company" formed in 1992
You do realize Donald J Trump was a prime beneficiary of that “sham company “?

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