Video of Roger Stone Plotting to Overthrow 2020 Election Results for Trump

Roger Stone first tried this in 2000...with the Brooks brothers riot.....he has always been engaged in ratfucking.

"In the wake of a bitterly disputed presidential election, a central hub of government operations was suddenly under siege. A group of aggrieved right-wing protesters defied security and flooded into the now-chaotic center of activity. Government officials were harassed and feared for their safety, as charges of fraud and betrayal of the people’s will rose up from the angry mob.

No, this wasn’t January 6, 2021—it was two decades earlier, on the day before Thanksgiving in the year 2000. The target wasn’t the US Capitol but instead the nondescript Steven B. Clark Government Center in downtown Miami. Election officials had congregated there to review disputed ballots - in the deadlocked 2000 election between George W. Bush and Al Gore. They were met by a throng of Republicans clad in polo shirts, chanting, “Shut it down!”

I guess if you consider going to school and learning proper grammar, boot licking, then yes.

It’s sad the demaklan has lead you to that belief.
I know proper grammar -- and ironically, by doing so -- it didn't make me become a self-hating buckdancing minstrel like you

So something tells me your self-hate ain't tied to proper grammar...
I know proper grammar -- and ironically, by doing so -- it didn't make me become a self-hating buckdancing minstrel like you

So something tells me your self-hate ain't tied to proper grammar...
a lot of anger and projection in this post Biff...not surprised given the latest studies that find dembots are by and large unhappy people

Why Are Liberals Less Happy Than Conservatives?​

Liberals, especially liberal women, are significantly less likely to be happy with their lives and satisfied with their “mental health,” compared to their conservative peers aged from 18-55. This is the big takeaway from the 2022 American Family Survey, a striking new poll from YouGov and the Deseret News, which found that liberals are about 15 percentage points less likely to be “completely satisfied” with their lives.

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