Video of Roger Stone Plotting to Overthrow 2020 Election Results for Trump

Plotting? JFK plotters and dirty tricksters stole the election from Nixon. LBJ used black bag tricks to bug Goldwater's plane and God knows what and Hollywood joined in with a dirty trick (Daisy) ad to portray Goldwater as a war monger while LBJ was naping Vietnam villages. Clinton dirty tricksters used a 3rd party activist to steal the election from George H.W. Bush. Al Gore plotted to steal the election from George Bush. Roger Stone was playing politics as usual but the mainstream media's political spin against republicans is unrelenting.
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That happens in every election regardless of who wins and who loses. The difference is, acting on it. And the fact that Hillary conceded and accepted the election. It's one thing to talk about a crime but another to actually do it.
Wait…last I check xiden is president…so just this did stone do it?
Think about it, almost everyone including the media agreed that LBJ was the most corrupt politician in history and they laughed about it. Today the Commies, trans activists and drag queens running the mainstream media seem to believe that democrat party politicians are so squeaky clean that they are above reproach. Now that Trump seems to be on the ropes, the MSM is primed get it's panties in a bind and spin normal hard core politics into some hysterical episode of "plotting". It makes the 50's HUAC investigations seem like childs play. The crazy thing is that they might get away with it as long as hard core democrats are blinded by hatred.
Plotting? JFK plotters and dirty tricksters stole the election from Nixon. LBJ used black bag tricks to bug Goldwater's plane and God knows what and Hollywood joined in with a dirty trick (Daisy) ad to portray Goldwater as a war monger while LBJ was naping Vietnam villages. Clinton dirty tricksters used a 3rd party activist to steal the election from George H.W. Bush. Al Gore plotted to steal the election from George Bush. Roger Stone was playing politics as usual but the mainstream media's political spin against republicans is unrelenting.
Any links to what you're saying? In the mean while, Nixon proved to be a crook.
It doesn't happen in every election.
When did Stone "act upon"?
They started recounts in the 2016 election, but they discovered wide spread voter fraud in Detroit and stopped the recount.....then Hillary conceded.
Dems have short memories.
You do know that we can fact check your statements. widespread voter fraud In Detroit? wrong.
Fake election was stolen which is why they closed and kicked out GOP watchers in 4 key big cities
Videos of trucks bringing in manufactured ballots by the tens of thousands
You do know that we can fact check your statements. widespread voter fraud In Detroit? wrong.
Democrats lie and cheat.
They have zero integrity.
Any links to what you're saying? In the mean while, Nixon proved to be a crook.
JFK used his father's influence with organized crime to convince Chicago that they should switch their votes and bring Illinois over to Kennedy. Nixon didn't complain because the media back then was always rigged with the democrat party. What the media did to Nixon goes beyond understanding. How in the world could a newspaper use hearsay junk gleaned from an unidentified anonymous informant and keep his identity secret until he died? This is crazy stuff but it was mainstream news at the time. Imagine if an unidentified source in the Clinton W.H. offered salacious information about sex, drugs and Rock & roll? How long would he last? How long would the media tolerate anonymous unverified information targeting a democrat?
Haha yes it did. Wow still can’t believe you are hanging on to the russian hoax…you are deep on that demaklan plantation
I am not hanging on a damn thing, your Orange God about 94 other things to think about. Should have known the boot licker would come running 🏃‍♀️ if somebody said something about her master.
I am not hanging on a damn thing, your Orange God about 94 other things to think about. Should have known the boot licker would come running 🏃‍♀️ if somebody said something about her master.
Are you trying to say something here?

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