Video: Perfect Demostration of the DETRIMENT TO SOCIETY of the Welfare State!!!


Apr 22, 2007
[ame=]Why our Country is Going Down The Drain - YouTube[/ame]

Judge Judy case explains the detriment of the welfare state. Summary this guy is getting sued by his girlfriend for not contributing to the rent. He gets welfare checks that are specifically earmarked for rent, he spent it else where. He gets government checks for college. In 3 yrs the government spend $70K on him for education and other expenses. This his girlfriend is suing him for not paying the rent. Only catch she didn't pay the rent either! LOL, young people today believe they are entitle to free rent, free clothes, free everything and will revolt against the government (as the Occupy Communist Movement demonstrated) went even a penny is denied!

When will it end? We are creating a nation of unproductive and uneducated beggars!
Perfectly able bodied male- mooching off of the hard working American taxpayer. This is disgusting. Notice how he calls it, "FREE MONEY?" It's free money because he doesn't have to ante up..IT'S OUR MONEY, the taxpayer. LEACHES.
Is this welfare?

"...Gov Rick Perry’s Office said as an incentive the state provided the firm with $1.8 million through the Texas Enterprise Fund to close the deal on this job creation..."

James Skinner Baking Invests $25 Million In Paris, Texas, Artisan Baking Facility, Creating Almost 400 Jobs | Area Development Online

That's $1.8 million of the tax payers money going to a corporation as an "incentive" to build a new plant.

A few years ago, it was $3 million to Tyson to open a plant in an empty building they already owned!

Y'all go on about welfare to poor people so...what have you got to say about corporate welfare, which amounts to a lot more money?
Is this welfare?

"...Gov Rick Perry’s Office said as an incentive the state provided the firm with $1.8 million through the Texas Enterprise Fund to close the deal on this job creation..."

James Skinner Baking Invests $25 Million In Paris, Texas, Artisan Baking Facility, Creating Almost 400 Jobs | Area Development Online

That's $1.8 million of the tax payers money going to a corporation as an "incentive" to build a new plant.

A few years ago, it was $3 million to Tyson to open a plant in an empty building they already owned!

Y'all go on about welfare to poor people so...what have you got to say about corporate welfare, which amounts to a lot more money?

YOU are the problem in this nation, and those like you.. Even with ABJECT fraud staring you in the face, you revert back to politics. Nothing will ever get done because of people like you who place party politics above the good of the nation.
Is this welfare?

"...Gov Rick Perry’s Office said as an incentive the state provided the firm with $1.8 million through the Texas Enterprise Fund to close the deal on this job creation..."

James Skinner Baking Invests $25 Million In Paris, Texas, Artisan Baking Facility, Creating Almost 400 Jobs | Area Development Online

That's $1.8 million of the tax payers money going to a corporation as an "incentive" to build a new plant.

A few years ago, it was $3 million to Tyson to open a plant in an empty building they already owned!

Y'all go on about welfare to poor people so...what have you got to say about corporate welfare, which amounts to a lot more money?

Yes. That is certainly welfare, too. Wealth redistribution.

On the news last night, they featured an American rice farmer who said that because of the stalemate over the fiscal cliff, he did not know if he should plant his rice crop since he depended on government subsidies to offset the price volatility of the rice market.

Can you imagine just how gobsmacked our Founders would have been if farmers couldn't plant their crops because the Federal government was haggling over the federal budget?!?!

If that is not evidence the federal government has far, far, far, far exceeded its originally intended boundaries, I don't know what does.

Personal responsibility...what's that?

Watch one episode of Parking Wars on A&E some time and you'll know how foreign that concept is in America today.
Is this welfare?

"...Gov Rick Perry’s Office said as an incentive the state provided the firm with $1.8 million through the Texas Enterprise Fund to close the deal on this job creation..."

James Skinner Baking Invests $25 Million In Paris, Texas, Artisan Baking Facility, Creating Almost 400 Jobs | Area Development Online

That's $1.8 million of the tax payers money going to a corporation as an "incentive" to build a new plant.

A few years ago, it was $3 million to Tyson to open a plant in an empty building they already owned!

Y'all go on about welfare to poor people so...what have you got to say about corporate welfare, which amounts to a lot more money?
Nice red herring argument! This guy is getting money for nothing and not doing anyone any good. At least the money going to help build the facility will be jobs and tax revenue. First, you have the non-direct jobs, the local construction companies, local material suppliers and local construction workers that will get paid to build this. Then you have the local employees that get hired to work there.

If you are talking about money well spent, I would say the say spending money to bring in corps that hire locals to contribute to the economy is money well spent!

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