[VIDEO] ~ Portugal legalizes ALL personal drug usage, Usage and crime drop instantly

The point is they will find something else ILLEGAL to do. they won't go straight. So that part of your hope is bogus.
When alcohol prohibition ended the national crime rate declined dramatically. So whatever pursuits the displaced booze dealers followed the statistics do not support the theory of continued criminal activity. While some undoubtedly will follow other illegal pursuits there is no reason to believe that all or most would.

While I have no opinion on the potential legalization of all presently illegal drugs I strongly advocate the legalization of marijuana, which I believe to be relatively benign. And if marijuana were legalized the demand for it would not decline, meaning the need for experienced growers and distributors would remain constant. The major difference would be the federally mandated requirement to produce and distribute quality cannabis products, which implies the creation of a new tax-producing, jobs-producing industry.

Meh, I have no opinion whatsoever on MJ, legalize it, whatever, but to just declare that ALL drugs should be legalized is beyond stupid.
Meh, I have no opinion whatsoever on MJ, legalize it, whatever, but to just declare that ALL drugs should be legalized is beyond stupid.
What makes pot deserving of such magnanimous dispensation?

BTW, ending the foolish and failed "war" on (some) drugs won't automatically make all recreational drugs legal...The r-r-r-r-r-r-r-responsibility (remember that word?) for dealing with them would devolve to the states.
Meh, I have no opinion whatsoever on MJ, legalize it, whatever, but to just declare that ALL drugs should be legalized is beyond stupid.
What makes pot deserving of such magnanimous dispensation?

BTW, ending the foolish and failed "war" on (some) drugs won't automatically make all recreational drugs legal...The r-r-r-r-r-r-r-responsibility (remember that word?) for dealing with them would devolve to the states.

Personally I don't think there's conclusive evidence that pot is either addictive or any more dangerous than alcohol. The same can't be said for other drugs.

Pot should be regulated just the same as alcohol with the same laws for DUI and the like.

I DO feel that pot should be up to the voters of each state. I do not feel other drugs should be up for debate.
Alleged "addictiveness" is irrelevant...Nicotine is 10 times as addictive as cocaine, yet remains legal.

Besides that, continued criminalization will continue to act as defacto price supports for violent drug gangs.
What a shitty way for pot heads to treat all the dealers that risk life and limb to provide them with something that gives them a buzz. Where's the damn respect ???
They may have no choice.

What if your "industry" dried up and blew away tomorrow?...Would you find something else to do, or just continue doing what you were doing for shits-n-grins?

Do you think drug traffickers accustom making big money in an illegal trade would just go straight? or would they just find another high paying illegal activity to engage in?

I can guarantee that all the pot dealers would put down their guns. Why? Simple, they can now sell their product to companies like the cigarette companies rather than carve off areas of operation via gang war.

Chances are, when the other dealers of stuff like meth, cocaine and heroin (which should remain illegal in my opinion), would follow suit and become pot farmers.

And yes, the DEA would still have something to do.

As far as my personal opinion about it? I'd rather follow the advice of God when He told Adam and Eve "if it grows out of the ground, you may have it". It was also reiterated to Moses on Sinai.

Oh yeah.........the Holy Anointing Oil of the Kings of Israel, God's Chosen People? One of the ingredients was cannabis oil.

It was also used medicinally as well as for pleasure, there is archaeological evidence of this.

I knew it!!!!! I just knew it!!!! Jesus WAS a doper!!!

I had my suspicions all along...but now, it's been proven!! HOLY POT PIPE BATMAN!!! The Son of God had a hash habit!
We're not Portugal, if they jumped off a bridge would you follow them down?

A drastic decrease in crime and drug use is hardly jumping off a bridge. You are an idiot.

Maybe he took alot of legal drugs in Portugal and now his brain is mush...oh wait...that would be a negative to legalizing drugs wouldn't it...sorry, bad analogy. A TRUE one...but bad for the thread.
Do you think drug traffickers accustom making big money in an illegal trade would just go straight? or would they just find another high paying illegal activity to engage in?

I can guarantee that all the pot dealers would put down their guns. Why? Simple, they can now sell their product to companies like the cigarette companies rather than carve off areas of operation via gang war.

Chances are, when the other dealers of stuff like meth, cocaine and heroin (which should remain illegal in my opinion), would follow suit and become pot farmers.

And yes, the DEA would still have something to do.

As far as my personal opinion about it? I'd rather follow the advice of God when He told Adam and Eve "if it grows out of the ground, you may have it". It was also reiterated to Moses on Sinai.

Oh yeah.........the Holy Anointing Oil of the Kings of Israel, God's Chosen People? One of the ingredients was cannabis oil.

It was also used medicinally as well as for pleasure, there is archaeological evidence of this.

I knew it!!!!! I just knew it!!!! Jesus WAS a doper!!!

I had my suspicions all along...but now, it's been proven!! HOLY POT PIPE BATMAN!!! The Son of God had a hash habit!

Jesus comes in handy sometimes.
I can guarantee that all the pot dealers would put down their guns. Why? Simple, they can now sell their product to companies like the cigarette companies rather than carve off areas of operation via gang war.

Chances are, when the other dealers of stuff like meth, cocaine and heroin (which should remain illegal in my opinion), would follow suit and become pot farmers.

And yes, the DEA would still have something to do.

As far as my personal opinion about it? I'd rather follow the advice of God when He told Adam and Eve "if it grows out of the ground, you may have it". It was also reiterated to Moses on Sinai.

Oh yeah.........the Holy Anointing Oil of the Kings of Israel, God's Chosen People? One of the ingredients was cannabis oil.

It was also used medicinally as well as for pleasure, there is archaeological evidence of this.

I knew it!!!!! I just knew it!!!! Jesus WAS a doper!!!

I had my suspicions all along...but now, it's been proven!! HOLY POT PIPE BATMAN!!! The Son of God had a hash habit!

Jesus comes in handy sometimes.

Don't you know it!! Just ask the writers of Southpark!!
Dateline..Seattle Today I took a friend to the Goodwill store to do some shopping' While I was sitting in the caddy in the parking lot this elderly Japoneezz woman walked up to me and tried to get me to take her watchtower mag. I laughed at her and said no ...she looked hurt. That made me laugh harder. THEN..a few minutes later I took out one of my little cigars and was about to fire it up and there she was again like a bad penny. This time she had a jehovas witness booklet on how to quit smoking.. I looked her in the eyes and said sternly.. I DO NOT BELEIVE IN YOUR GOD! Her eyes bugged out and I thought she was havin a coronary.. priceless. Apparantly God wants up in everyones business ..

Pot?..don't even think about it...God says..NO SMOKING!!!!

You Christians arte fucking crazy!
Dateline..Seattle Today I took a friend to the Goodwill store to do some shopping' While I was sitting in the caddy in the parking lot this elderly Japoneezz woman walked up to me and tried to get me to take her watchtower mag. I laughed at her and said no ...she looked hurt. That made me laugh harder. THEN..a few minutes later I took out one of my little cigars and was about to fire it up and there she was again like a bad penny. This time she had a jehovas witness booklet on how to quit smoking.. I looked her in the eyes and said sternly.. I DO NOT BELEIVE IN YOUR GOD! Her eyes bugged out and I thought she was havin a coronary.. priceless. Apparantly God wants up in everyones business ..

Pot?..don't even think about it...God says..NO SMOKING!!!!

You Christians arte fucking crazy!

What kind of little cigars to you smoke? I'm a Partagas fan
Personally I don't think there's conclusive evidence that pot is either addictive or any more dangerous than alcohol. The same can't be said for other drugs.

You're quite right. But to carry the point a bit further, marijuana is not the least bit as dangerous as alcohol. While alcohol kills hundreds of thousands and afflicts hundreds of thousands more every year with a variety of serious medical problems, including liver cirrhosis, delerium tremens, blindness and brain damage, there is no evidence in the annals of medical science that anyone has ever died or been medically harmed from using marijuana.

Also, as any experienced police officer will attest, while alcohol is responsible for the vast majority of the violent behavior, marijuana is best described as a euphoric tranquilizer that produces peaceful, contemplative behavior. The average seasoned cop will tell you off the record that marijuana prohibition should be ended. And I've known cops who will go out of their way to avoid arresting someone for marijuana possession.
We're not Portugal, if they jumped off a bridge would you follow them down?

After spending trillions of tax payer dollars in the war on drugs--isn't it about time we learned that we have to stop throwing money at a futile attempt to save people from themselves?

It hasn't worked. The definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over again while expecting a different result.

On the other hand--there has to be laws that protect our children. Someone cooking up some meth--the most hideous drug known to man--should not be able to sell it to youngers--along with crack/cocain and herion or prescription drugs. I agree with law enforcement here. But someone smoking a joint--it doesn't work--it costs us billions and it is much less dangerous than alcohol.
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"The apocalypse never happened" as some predicted...

When the country of Portugal decriminalized ALL illegal drugs eight years ago.

The country did NOT become a haven for drug use.

Drug abuse & drug crime actually DRASTICALLY DECREASED.

YouTube - Portugal legalizes drugs. Crime/Usage falls.

Dream on dope fiend......it'll never happen here.

weed will be legal country wide in 5 years. its already decriminalized in many places.
So what drugs would everyone like to see legalized?

all of them and put them under strict control by the government and have them sold by private companies. same rules apply to not being on drugs while high, no driving while high etc, no public drugs yadda yadda just make them legal
Personally I don't think there's conclusive evidence that pot is either addictive or any more dangerous than alcohol. The same can't be said for other drugs.

You're quite right. But to carry the point a bit further, marijuana is not the least bit as dangerous as alcohol. While alcohol kills hundreds of thousands and afflicts hundreds of thousands more every year with a variety of serious medical problems, including liver cirrhosis, delerium tremens, blindness and brain damage, there is no evidence in the annals of medical science that anyone has ever died or been medically harmed from using marijuana.

Also, as any experienced police officer will attest, while alcohol is responsible for the vast majority of the violent behavior, marijuana is best described as a euphoric tranquilizer that produces peaceful, contemplative behavior. The average seasoned cop will tell you off the record that marijuana prohibition should be ended. And I've known cops who will go out of their way to avoid arresting someone for marijuana possession.

the task force I am , only for a short time longer, associated with routinely ignores marijuana unless

A) it's large amounts
B) it's in found in conjunction with other drugs and so will extend someone's sentence
C) the individual is a dickhead and just needed some jail time

meth is where the problems are at.

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