Video: Romney criticized Obama for not foreclosing on American families fast enough



Romney Campaigns Against Foreclosure Relief In Nevada (VIDEO)

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"Don’t try to stop the foreclosure process. Let it run its course and hit the bottom," Romney said when asked what he would do to jump-start the floundering housing market.

"Allow investors to buy homes, put renters in them, fix the homes up and let it turn around and come back up," he continued. "The Obama administration has slow walked the foreclosure process ... that has long existed and as a result we still have a foreclosure overhang."

Does he even mention fraudulent lending or foreclosure practices? Of course not. This is part of what he considers "capitalism".
Fraudulent lending? You mean when people who know they cant afford a mortgage take one out anyway?
Even during the debate, Mitt said foreclosures weren't happening fast enough. Funny that Michelle had a different take. It was Mitt's comments that led directly to Michelle Bachman's comments about women suffering and worrying about losing their homes.
He actually might be right. It might be better for the long-term health of this country if houses were foreclosed on and sold cheaply to those who can re-sell them for a profit. It'll suck a lot for right now, though.
The longer we delay the bubble burst, the longer it will take to recover.
Romney Campaigns Against Foreclosure Relief In Nevada (VIDEO)

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"Don’t try to stop the foreclosure process. Let it run its course and hit the bottom," Romney said when asked what he would do to jump-start the floundering housing market.

"Allow investors to buy homes, put renters in them, fix the homes up and let it turn around and come back up," he continued. "The Obama administration has slow walked the foreclosure process ... that has long existed and as a result we still have a foreclosure overhang."

Does he even mention fraudulent lending or foreclosure practices? Of course not. This is part of what he considers "capitalism".

Would you like a list of economists who think propping up the housing bubble is only making things worse, or would things like facts make your head explode?
I like Romney a little more.
Yes, all the gov'ts programs have stopped the housing market from recovering and kept the economy in the doldrums. There needs to be more foreclosures, more firesale prices, until we reach equilibrium. Then we can start back again.
Romney Campaigns Against Foreclosure Relief In Nevada (VIDEO)

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"Don’t try to stop the foreclosure process. Let it run its course and hit the bottom," Romney said when asked what he would do to jump-start the floundering housing market.

"Allow investors to buy homes, put renters in them, fix the homes up and let it turn around and come back up," he continued. "The Obama administration has slow walked the foreclosure process ... that has long existed and as a result we still have a foreclosure overhang."

Does he even mention fraudulent lending or foreclosure practices? Of course not. This is part of what he considers "capitalism".

First of all it disgusts me watching him talk about getting people through the forclosure process. Even though its true it still makes me sick because this fucking two timing flip flopper bailed out the banks, when the best thing for the market was to 'forclose' on the banks aswell.

2nd He says the first time home buyer credit wasnt enough! Were stimulating the housing market with TAXPAYER DOLLARS DIPSHIT. For what!??? To prop up a housing market thats inflated and needs to burst?? This is socialism! Transfering wealth to certian individuals to maintain an economy.

Here is what Romney thinks will fix the economy:

1)Bring discretionary spending to before Obama (which was bush era, you know, bush who NEVER VETOED A SINGLE SPENDING BILL)
2)End Obamacare
3)Return Medicaid to the states as a block grant (RON PAUL PLAN)
4)Reduce Federal Employment by 10% through attrition (RON PAUL PLAN)
5)Destroy the unions and regulate instead

This guy is a fucking ass hat establishment, corporate lapdog scum sucking weasel.

10,000$ ? Why do most people plan on a 4% increase in GDP annually?
Cause thats what they think the rate of inflation is.
If people will not take care of themselves, they will not be taken care of. It's just a fact of life.
Romney Campaigns Against Foreclosure Relief In Nevada (VIDEO)

Click on link to watch video:

"Don’t try to stop the foreclosure process. Let it run its course and hit the bottom," Romney said when asked what he would do to jump-start the floundering housing market.

"Allow investors to buy homes, put renters in them, fix the homes up and let it turn around and come back up," he continued. "The Obama administration has slow walked the foreclosure process ... that has long existed and as a result we still have a foreclosure overhang."

Does he even mention fraudulent lending or foreclosure practices? Of course not. This is part of what he considers "capitalism".

This is the problem with your thinking man. You are so focused on the plight of the individual people losing their home, that you can not see that stalling foreclosures Hurts everyone else. It's a needs of the many vs the few thing. It is hurting the entire Housing market, and the lenders to stall this process. Many of these people could not afford the home before this crisis. They were living on borrowed time counting on record low Interest and the ability to refinance almost at will. Now that, that is gone the illusion that they could afford their home is gone.

My wife and I had a choice. We could have bought a much bigger nicer house in a much nicer location. We had a good amount of money for a down payment on a 400k or 500k home. We could have gotten a mortgage for the rest and Been able to just barely afford the payments up until the shit hit the fan, then we would have been fucked. Instead we took our money and bought a smaller home for 1/4 the price and paid cash.

If you need any proof just how bad the lending situation is. I have 100% equity in my home, an ok Credit rating, and I could not borrow a dime against my home when I tried not long ago. They wanted a co signer for someone with a 600 Plus Credit Rating to borrow about 10% the value of the home he Owns out right.

I mean WTF lol
He actually might be right. It might be better for the long-term health of this country if houses were foreclosed on and sold cheaply to those who can re-sell them for a profit. It'll suck a lot for right now, though.

The debt must be cleared. People that 'own' a house they cant pay for need to lose it. If the banks made two many loans that couldnt be repaid, and then run into problems themselves then they should go bankrupt. Investors seeking get rich scheams in that bank should lose there investment money.

This is why OWS is sitting in out on the streets, because there has been no justice. Justice should have come in the form of corporate bankruptcy's and lost investments.

What we have done so far is propped up the banks with taxpayer dollars, sold lots of the debt to the taxpayers, and the banks are siezing the property's. Capitalism for the poor, socailism for the rich.
Even during the debate, Mitt said foreclosures weren't happening fast enough. Funny that Michelle had a different take. It was Mitt's comments that led directly to Michelle Bachman's comments about women suffering and worrying about losing their homes.

What solution would you suggest? Should the government get in the business of paying down peoples mortgages??
Fraudulent lending? You mean when people who know they cant afford a mortgage take one out anyway?

Or when someones job is moved to China and they can't pay the mortgage.

2.4 million jobs lost due to China from 2001-2008
Then maybe they shouldn't have taken the mortgage out or gotten a job in a smarter industry for their security.

That's on them. Completely.

As I heard someone say today about your opinion,

it's possible to be technically correct but politically dead wrong.
Romney Campaigns Against Foreclosure Relief In Nevada (VIDEO)

Click on link to watch video:

"Don’t try to stop the foreclosure process. Let it run its course and hit the bottom," Romney said when asked what he would do to jump-start the floundering housing market.

"Allow investors to buy homes, put renters in them, fix the homes up and let it turn around and come back up," he continued. "The Obama administration has slow walked the foreclosure process ... that has long existed and as a result we still have a foreclosure overhang."

Does he even mention fraudulent lending or foreclosure practices? Of course not. This is part of what he considers "capitalism".

Yeah--if you don't pay--you don't stay. The homeowner signs an agreement to that fact.

Romney wants the bottom to come quickly--so we can start to move up. Dragging the foreclosure process out only delays the recovery.

There's no point in dipping your toe into very cold water to ease in--when it's much better and easier to get it over with and JUMP in.


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