Video shows white cops performing roadside cavity search of black man

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated"

That's the reading that some of us need to be doing before approving the behavior of worthless traitors.
The problem here is the way a predominately authoritarian Supreme Court chooses to interpret the word, unreasonable. According to them, almost anything a police officer does is reasonable.

There doesn't appear to be a recent ruling on the subject.
I'm not certain but I believe it to be a component of the same ruling that changed the probable cause requirement to reasonable suspicion, which was done specifically to accommodate searching the vehicles of suspected drug traffickers.

I'm not willing to do a Find-Law search, but if you are in the mood to do it I would be interested in reading the language. It's been awhile but I believe it came down in the late 80s.
The cops were talking about Hemorrhoids. Where are hemorrhoids located? And if the cop was no where near the location of hemorrhoids then is that a common topic to discuss amongst cops?

You do realize that hemorrhoids are on the OUTSIDE, right?
And as I previously corrected you, even external hemorrhoids seldom extend past the buttocks in order to be felt beneath clothing...

I am so sorry that you have led such a sheltered life. I am also sorry that you have such little knowledge on this topic.
The cops were talking about Hemorrhoids. Where are hemorrhoids located? And if the cop was no where near the location of hemorrhoids then is that a common topic to discuss amongst cops?

You do realize that hemorrhoids are on the OUTSIDE, right?
And as I previously corrected you, even external hemorrhoids seldom extend past the buttocks in order to be felt beneath clothing...

I am so sorry that you have led such a sheltered life. I am also sorry that you have such little knowledge on this topic.
I am so sorry that you choose to remain ignorant, I am so sorry you are too stupid to utilize the internet to correct your ignorance, I am so sorry that someone as stupid as you may believe your nonsense, I am so sorry you etc....
Well...first off....the cops are morons for going near his ass. Gross. I never gave a fuck enough about dope to touch a filthy human like that. If it was a GUN that's different and would've been easier to detect.

And for this you have my sincere compliments.
Well...first off....the cops are morons for going near his ass. Gross. I never gave a fuck enough about dope to touch a filthy human like that. If it was a GUN that's different and would've been easier to detect.

And for this you have my sincere compliments.

PS: If I were a cop I wouldn't last very long because the only drug activity I would arrest someone for is distribution to minors. I would ignore the rest as if I didn't even see it.

Police pull over and rape 2 cooperative innocents; they're just too motivated! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I can't believe it!

What rape? They searched a suspect and obviously an unusual object was found. I for one never would have gone that far because it's fucking gross.

Taken as a whole....considering the guys past is as a drug dealer...I bet most people would've thought he was hiding drugs.

Still....the story makes me want to vomit.
That's because you're able to view the situation objectively and assess it intelligently.
I DONT AGREE WITH THE COPS HERE BUT blacks will never be given the benefit of the doubt- why? because of thousands of thugs before them.
Let's look at the scorecard shall we:

Trayvon Martin was murdered for no reason.
There are certain elements of the Trayvon Martin shooting incident which strongly suggest it was self-defense, not murder.

Michael Brown was murdered while his hands were up.
Michael Brown was an aggressive, bullying punk who would have harmed a lot of innocent people if his life wasn't justifiably cut short. The fact that he attacked and attempted to seize the cop's gun is what justified the use of deadly force against Brown, who showed himself to be sufficiently menacing as to justify what happened to him.

The claim that Brown was was mercilessly shot down while his hands were raised in surrender has been disproved. The cop who killed him had adequate cause and in my opinion he did the world a favor.
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No one said they could NOT hide weapons in their asshole. I said you presenting it as something common enough to warrant a roadside anus check without cause is fine.
I believe there is some confusion where the issue of concealing contraband in the rectal area, much of which is the result of misleading language.

While it is possible to conceal some types of objects, such as small amounts of drugs, in the anal cavity, the insertion of larger items into the rectum makes it impossible to walk without bending over and spreading the feet wide apart. What I have just said is roughly paraphrasing from a book called, The Theory and Practice of Hell," by Eugen Kogen, which recounts the experience of a survivor of two Nazi concentration camps.

In his book Kogen describes how some Jews who anticipated being sent to the camps would conceal diamonds and other valuable items in their body cavities. He writes that while women were capable of secreting larger amounts of items in their vaginas, men were limited to relatively small amounts of diamonds or a few small gold coins, and men who became too ambitious in their efforts were quickly detected by their abnormal walking postures.

I personally believe the vast majority of reports of individuals who attempt to conceal certain items, such as .25 automatic pistols, actually tuck these items between their buttocks. But when detected their efforts are described by their captors as having concealed them "up their ass" or "in their ass," which understandably leads to confusion.

In anticipation of disagreement, I challenge anyone who wishes to contest what Kogen has to say on the matter to insert something larger than a few grams of appropriately wrapped powder into their rectum without displaying some form of physical indication that something isn't quite right.
I DONT AGREE WITH THE COPS HERE BUT blacks will never be given the benefit of the doubt- why? because of thousands of thugs before them.
There also is a certain factor of genetically transmitted behavior deriving from the slavery era which affects a substantial percentage of contemporary American Blacks. More specifically, the conditions under which most Black slaves lived called for developing an instinctual tendency for deception when dealing with White people (intimidating authority figures).

This tendency, along with certain speech characteristics and various behavioral mannerisms, has become frustratingly familiar to White cops, especially those who work in or around ghetto neighborhoods. It serves to convey the impression that nothing any Black has to say is credible
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The cops were talking about Hemorrhoids. Where are hemorrhoids located? And if the cop was no where near the location of hemorrhoids then is that a common topic to discuss amongst cops?

You do realize that hemorrhoids are on the OUTSIDE, right?
And as I previously corrected you, even external hemorrhoids seldom extend past the buttocks in order to be felt beneath clothing...

I am so sorry that you have led such a sheltered life. I am also sorry that you have such little knowledge on this topic.
I am so sorry that you choose to remain ignorant, I am so sorry you are too stupid to utilize the internet to correct your ignorance, I am so sorry that someone as stupid as you may believe your nonsense, I am so sorry you etc....

So, you admit by your response that you have nothing!

I hope you revel in being embarrassed.
I DONT AGREE WITH THE COPS HERE BUT blacks will never be given the benefit of the doubt- why? because of thousands of thugs before them.
There also is a certain factor of genetically transmitted behavior deriving from the slavery era which affects a substantial percentage of contemporary American Blacks. More specifically, the conditions under which most Black slaves lived called for developing an instinctual tendency for deception when dealing with White people (intimidating authority figures).

This tendency, along with certain speech characteristics and various behavioral mannerisms, has become frustratingly familiar to White cops, especially those who work in or around ghetto neighborhoods. It serves to convey the impression that nothing any Black has to say is credible

Genetically transmitted behavior?


What an ignorant and racist thing to say!
I DONT AGREE WITH THE COPS HERE BUT blacks will never be given the benefit of the doubt- why? because of thousands of thugs before them.
There also is a certain factor of genetically transmitted behavior deriving from the slavery era which affects a substantial percentage of contemporary American Blacks. More specifically, the conditions under which most Black slaves lived called for developing an instinctual tendency for deception when dealing with White people (intimidating authority figures).

This tendency, along with certain speech characteristics and various behavioral mannerisms, has become frustratingly familiar to White cops, especially those who work in or around ghetto neighborhoods. It serves to convey the impression that nothing any Black has to say is credible

So by your logic....German-Americans are genetically predisposed to gassing Jews???
So by your logic....German-Americans are genetically predisposed to gassing Jews???
Not necessarily Jews. But as a German/American I can tell you that some German Americans are predisposed to the kind of authoritarian (obedience to authority) orientation which can easily be maneuvered to accommodate the ambitions of a despotic government, such as the Third Reich. History has shown that because most Germans are intelligent, unusually competent at most practical tasks and unquestioningly obedient to authority, their organized efforts will always result in exceptional achievements -- either good or evil.
So by your logic....German-Americans are genetically predisposed to gassing Jews???
Not necessarily Jews. But as a German/American I can tell you that some German Americans are predisposed to the kind of authoritarian (obedience to authority) orientation which can easily be maneuvered to accommodate the ambitions of a despotic government, such as the Third Reich. History has shown that because most Germans are intelligent, unusually competent at most practical tasks and unquestioningly obedient to authority, their organized efforts will always result in exceptional achievements -- either good or evil.

So you're saying people have specific traits, strengths and weaknesses based on their racial and ethnic DNA??? Hmmm. Lefties aren't gonna like you for this one.

It's implying certain races may be better at some things in life than others....and's racist to agree with your premise so I wont.
So by your logic....German-Americans are genetically predisposed to gassing Jews???
Not necessarily Jews. But as a German/American I can tell you that some German Americans are predisposed to the kind of authoritarian (obedience to authority) orientation which can easily be maneuvered to accommodate the ambitions of a despotic government, such as the Third Reich. History has shown that because most Germans are intelligent, unusually competent at most practical tasks and unquestioningly obedient to authority, their organized efforts will always result in exceptional achievements -- either good or evil.

So you're saying people have specific traits, strengths and weaknesses based on their racial and ethnic DNA??? Hmmm. Lefties aren't gonna like you for this one.

It's implying certain races may be better at some things in life than others....and's racist to agree with your premise so I wont.
Why won't you? It's not only true it's rather obvious. E.g., have you ever wondered what accounts for the number of Chinese musical prodigies -- such as the five year-old who has mastered the entirety of two Rachmaninoff piano concertos? If so, it is believed the reason for this innate ability is pre-conscious conditioning by the (melodic) intricacies of the Chinese language.

Do you doubt that Italians are more predisposed to artful achievement than are other ethnicities?

While I can't presume to know what your definition of racism is I can assure you it has nothing to do with logical observation.
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Addendum for the benefit of those who refuse to believe behavioral characteristics can be genetically passed on: One very common and undeniably obvious example occurring on an extremely basic level is seen in a rather primal behavior of kittens born to an indoor cat.

At some point in their early development most (not all) of the kittens will manifest what quite obviously is the stalking behavior of a predator animal -- the slow, crouched, ears back, methodical movement toward a prey animal (a sibling kitten). This playtime behavior is unmistakably that of all hunting cats in the wild and kittens born to an indoor cat have no way of learning it by observation. It clearly is an example of genetically transmitted behavior. It is present in their DNA.
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So you're saying people have specific traits, strengths and weaknesses based on their racial and ethnic DNA??? Hmmm. Lefties aren't gonna like you for this one.

Please tell me specifically what you mean by "lefties." I am sincerely curious.

There is no jurisprudence to back up an internal search. It is plainly unconstitutional, and will surely be brought to the Supreme Court once there is a fifth sane Justice.
Like you, I hopefully look forward to the appointment of a fifth left-wing Supreme Court Justice -- but I'm not at all optimistic about the prospect.

Obama is controlled by the One Percent, so I know he is not motivated to resist opposition to a Liberal-minded candidate. But even if he were, how much longer can R.B. Ginsberg hang on? The only slim chance I can hope for depends on a Sanders Presidency.

Wouldn't that be something: President Bernie, a left-wing Supreme Court, a Democrat Congress and Senate.

The overall effect would resemble the FDR revolution.

Addendum: It's 4:45PM, April 9. Sanders just won Wyoming. I'm going to send him another $20.

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