Video: Woman confronts transgender using women's restroom

Which one of them is an ACTUAL woman and belongs in the ladies' room, and which one was in the wrong bathroom and should give up pretending to be a victim? I don't think you can call her a "stalker" when SHE was where she was supposed to be, and HE wasn't.

Besides stalking this poor person with her cell phone, did she complain to the manager? Did she call the police? Do you think she has a snowball's chance?

Stalking? I'm afraid I'm not seeing the "stalking" part of being videotaped coming out of THE WRONG BATHROOM. I believe she DID, in fact, call the manager (if I remember correctly), and I'm pretty sure if she'd called the cops, you'd be pissing and whining about the harassment of THAT, as well.

Not if he had broken the law. She live streamed her initial confrontation inside the bathroom. It's clear it was a political stunt she had planned. I can only hope it backfires and the voters in her district reject her out of hand.

Oh, riiiiiiight. Because you lefties have TOTALLY made it possible for people to relax in the assumption that laws will be observed and enforced, rather than ignored to pander to an insane mob.

You think this candidate wasn't trying to pander to mod mentality by live streaming it?

I'll worry about it being "mob mentality" when it stops corresponding to reality and common sense, the way you leftists have done.
Oh, riiiiiiight. Because you lefties have TOTALLY made it possible for people to relax in the assumption that laws will be observed and enforced, rather than ignored to pander to an insane mob.

You think this candidate wasn't trying to pander to mod mentality by live streaming it?
Hey, she paid attention to election 2016's "boys mandated in girls' public school bathrooms" bungle and is hedging her bets. If CA elections go how Prop 8 did (and still stands as law in that state today on the books), then it's a sure bet. You're just pissed it may work and work well. And why? Because you know how actual public opinion comes down in this insane-men-in-women's/girls' showers/bathrooms thing. And you know she's looking at a landslide victory.

It isn't so much that she'll win that bothers your cult. It will be WHY she won heartily that burns you folks more than anything. It will be publicized and that will roll back what, like two decades of false propaganda your paid-bloggers have been typing their limp fingers to the bone trying to accomplish... You know, "fake it till you make it". Election 2016 and that little bathroom caper let the cat out of the bag. If this lady takes a landslide in super deep blue left CA, there will be no more pulling the wool over the eyes of the more purplish states...
Advice to female Snowflakes....Man up

Some guy peeing in one of your stalls, just ignore him
A woman in California filmed herself confronting a transgender person using the women’s restroom.
Video: Woman Confronts Transgender Using Women’s Restroom

Oh no problem for the leftist liberal idiots. why they'd send their kid in there to help him pull down his pants and or zipper. " Liberal Democrat" now honey go in and show the lady how to hold it while he stands up and pisses like a good little girl.............

Uuuugh you pathetic idiots are sick
leave it to Facebook to delete the video. Cancel your Facebook account people!
I don't care. As long as he/she wasn't whipping his little thing around for little boys and girls to see, what does it matter where he/she takes a dump?
He is a man behind closed doors in a women's bathroom...what is wrong with you? How do you tell your 12 year old daughter she can't use the bathroom until that man comes out...why should a parent be placed in a situation like that? to make Obama look enlightened?

I raised two daughters, if that were the worst situation I had to deal with I'd be lucky. I'd tell her to ignore her. She's a man who thinks she's a woman, so don't tell her. Just do your business, wash your hands and go on about your business, no big deal.
You're sick. Assuming you're a guy, I wouldn't want to be in a bathroom with you in there.
Advice to female Snowflakes....Man up

Some guy peeing in one of your stalls, just ignore him
We are never going to allow you pevert enablers to win this argument.

You guys will simper if a tranny pees in the men’s room
Such a Snowflake
Snowflake is reserved for Leftists like you. It's easyliving life with no morals, huh? I'm sure someone marrying a dog or cat is okay with you. So easy pretending to hold the higher ground. Well you don't. I hope you aren't a parent of an impressionable child. I pity you.
Advice to wimmin

If you suspect someone in a ladies room
Just don’t look up their dress
Advice to female Snowflakes....Man up

Some guy peeing in one of your stalls, just ignore him
We are never going to allow you pevert enablers to win this argument.

You guys will simper if a tranny pees in the men’s room
Such a Snowflake

You'd wiper too if a man " PRETENDED" to be a tranny and tried to fk your daughter while in the " WOMENS" bathroom, men and women are kept separate for a reason in public rest rooms , most NORMAL parents don't let their little girls in the bathroom while Daddy is pissing, or showering Jesus.
Advice to female Snowflakes....Man up

Some guy peeing in one of your stalls, just ignore him
We are never going to allow you pevert enablers to win this argument.

You guys will simper if a tranny pees in the men’s room
Such a Snowflake

You'd wiper too if a man " PRETENDED" to be a tranny and tried to fk your daughter while in the " WOMENS" bathroom, men and women are kept separate for a reason in public rest rooms , most NORMAL parents don't let their little girls in the bathroom while Daddy is pissing, or showering Jesus.

Okay, I don't know if I'd go quite THIS far, but I will say that I deliberately got a house with two bathrooms so that I could attend to my business without being constantly disturbed by my sons.
Advice to female Snowflakes....Man up

Some guy peeing in one of your stalls, just ignore him
We are never going to allow you pevert enablers to win this argument.

You guys will simper if a tranny pees in the men’s room
Such a Snowflake

You'd wiper too if a man " PRETENDED" to be a tranny and tried to fk your daughter while in the " WOMENS" bathroom, men and women are kept separate for a reason in public rest rooms , most NORMAL parents don't let their little girls in the bathroom while Daddy is pissing, or showering Jesus.
WTF aware you ranting about?
Advice to female Snowflakes....Man up

Some guy peeing in one of your stalls, just ignore him
We are never going to allow you pevert enablers to win this argument.

You guys will simper if a tranny pees in the men’s room
Such a Snowflake

You'd wiper too if a man " PRETENDED" to be a tranny and tried to fk your daughter while in the " WOMENS" bathroom, men and women are kept separate for a reason in public rest rooms , most NORMAL parents don't let their little girls in the bathroom while Daddy is pissing, or showering Jesus.
WTF aware you ranting about?



and I responded.
When the minds of those can't decode what's right in front of them , it allows what we see in such topics as this to take place. Weak minds are easy to manipulate, and it's easy to sell they WHY's and HOW comes no matter how wrong it is jus like letting MEN into WOMEN's bathrooms. If you have a PENIS you are a man so GTF OUT!! I don't care if you have make up on, long hair, fake eye lashes titties and all..... you are a man.

Advice to female Snowflakes....Man up

Some guy peeing in one of your stalls, just ignore him
Advice to men who pretend to be up and stay in the men's room.

You're still mad because no real man has even glanced your way in 50 years.

You're invisible to men.
Advice to female Snowflakes....Man up

Some guy peeing in one of your stalls, just ignore him
We are never going to allow you pevert enablers to win this argument.

You guys will simper if a tranny pees in the men’s room
Such a Snowflake

You'd wiper too if a man " PRETENDED" to be a tranny and tried to fk your daughter while in the " WOMENS" bathroom, men and women are kept separate for a reason in public rest rooms , most NORMAL parents don't let their little girls in the bathroom while Daddy is pissing, or showering Jesus.
WTF aware you ranting about?


View attachment 194733

and I responded.

Your fantasies are noted

In reality......people gotta pee

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