Video: Woman confronts transgender using women's restroom

If you have a wee wee and you have to go pee pee go to the little boys room...whether you are wearing a dress or a clown suit...why is that so hard to understand?

Makes very little sense.


What is funny is when these stupid assholes can't afford their sex change drugs any more lmfao.
What' funny is feeding their bodies with drugs that REEK of cancer causing agents at least they won't be around very long.

I think it's said when we think of people we don't agree with as being less than human.

Who said they were less than human? As far as I know, only humans can be this nuts.
Ladies Rooms have stalls with doors

Anyone using a stall has privacy. You can’t see in, they can’t see out

What difference does it make if a Tranny takes a pee?
Using your pretend logic, a man could take a dump on your couch when you weren't home.

Do you know what logic is? Because comparing a toilet to a couch ain't it.

But comparing a man to a woman is the height of logic and reason.
Just what does a "strong male figure" do, exactly? People choose whether to take care of their children , jump into "hands-on parenthood," or ignore them and leave their upbringing to others. If you're there, you're there. If you're not, you're not.

It's right wing mumbo-jumbo. It's basically an attempt on their part to emasculate others who choose to raise their kids differently. It means they're afraid of others who don't act the same as they do.

Why am I not surprised that YOU sneer at the idea of male strength? Sour grapes, if you ask me.

It's not a sneer. There is nothing wrong with men teaching their kids to hunt, fish, work on cars, sow, dance, write, play sports or design dresses. The problem I have is when right wing nuts tell everyone how they should raise their kids.

Emasculating leftists is redundant; how do you cut off what doesn't exist?

Yeah, but you're the one getting your ass kicked all over this thread.

Those must be some really good drugs you're on.

Wow, that was weak.

You should have waited and asked me that question around 10pm.

I didn't ask you a question. I made a statement: if you think you're "kicking my ass", you're drug-addled.
Ladies Rooms have stalls with doors

Anyone using a stall has privacy. You can’t see in, they can’t see out

What difference does it make if a Tranny takes a pee?
Using your pretend logic, a man could take a dump on your couch when you weren't home.

Do you know what logic is? Because comparing a toilet to a couch ain't it.
And pretending a man is a woman is.

Keep it up you're doing well.

Who's pretending?

I'll believe that. You're not pretending; you're flat-out lying.
Why are you so obsessed with peeing?
Men in WOMEN'S bathrooms. Why are you amoral

So what?
They think of themselves as women and are just looking for a place to pee

They walk in, they cant see anything
The women can’t see their pee pees

Everyone is in a stall

What difference does it make if it is a tranny or a big fat ugly woman?

You never had a daughter..

If she Is uncomfortable, just tell her wait outside till the coast is clear

Why should a little girl wait? Once again you never had a daughter or niece ..they don't understand when that young.

You probably make a bigger deal than she would

Much of the world has open restrooms for either sex......children somehow survive
Men in WOMEN'S bathrooms. Why are you amoral

So what?
They think of themselves as women and are just looking for a place to pee

They walk in, they cant see anything
The women can’t see their pee pees

Everyone is in a stall

What difference does it make if it is a tranny or a big fat ugly woman?

You never had a daughter..

If she Is uncomfortable, just tell her wait outside till the coast is clear

Why should a little girl wait? Once again you never had a daughter or niece ..they don't understand when that young.

You probably make a bigger deal than she would

Much of the world has open restrooms for either sex......children somehow survive

That is not true, maybe in poorer or third-world countries, but honestly other countries bathrooms are more private if anything.
Whoring your son as a drag queen way to go heroes........


Not they aren't slightly clipped



Ladies Rooms have stalls with doors

Anyone using a stall has privacy. You can’t see in, they can’t see out

What difference does it make if a Tranny takes a pee?
Using your pretend logic, a man could take a dump on your couch when you weren't home.

Do you know what logic is? Because comparing a toilet to a couch ain't it.
And pretending a man is a woman is.

Keep it up you're doing well.

Who's pretending?

I'll believe that. You're not pretending; you're flat-out lying.

Nope, but you're still unhinged I can see.
It's right wing mumbo-jumbo. It's basically an attempt on their part to emasculate others who choose to raise their kids differently. It means they're afraid of others who don't act the same as they do.

Why am I not surprised that YOU sneer at the idea of male strength? Sour grapes, if you ask me.

It's not a sneer. There is nothing wrong with men teaching their kids to hunt, fish, work on cars, sow, dance, write, play sports or design dresses. The problem I have is when right wing nuts tell everyone how they should raise their kids.

Emasculating leftists is redundant; how do you cut off what doesn't exist?

Yeah, but you're the one getting your ass kicked all over this thread.

Those must be some really good drugs you're on.

Wow, that was weak.

You should have waited and asked me that question around 10pm.

I didn't ask you a question. I made a statement: if you think you're "kicking my ass", you're drug-addled.

Wow, another great come back. What are you, 10?
Whoring your son as a drag queen way to go heroes........


Not they aren't slightly clipped



I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just, and that His justice does not sleep forever. -- Thomas Jefferson
Aren't there laws in Ca. against harassment like that? Did Denny's give her permission to film in their store? I hope the he/she sues the shit out of that candidate
That little freak is lucky I wasn't there that night...stay in your own bathroom...if you have a penis you are a boy not a girl....its fucking amazing that I have to type that...

I don't give a shit where you or he/shes take a dump. I don't think it's legal in Ca. to film someone without their permission and then publish it. Denny's and everyone who shows up in the video should filed a complaint. Wouldn't it be funny if she was arrested?

heh, dont care about the topic, i found my stupid rage point and am running with it.
THAT WAS SO FUCKING AWESOME!...and so refreshing

I wish more people would open up their mouths

I, for one, have no problem with confrontations,
speaking my mind or causing a scene...
unless, my better judgement, tells me to zip it

It is what it a spade a spade
If you don't like it, too someone who cares

I pray she wins the election...
I'd rather have her, and more individuals like her,
in office, voting on the legislation that effects us all...

Instead of this fucking idiot, and her fellow ilks....

Democrat incumbent Nanette Barragán, condemned the video.

“I was appalled by the treatment that this woman received
for simply trying to use the restroom.
Everyone has the right to their own identity,
and the right not to be discriminated against for who they are,”

She's appalled...she's appalled?!!

Well, guess what disgust me!

You are so pathetically, transparent!

You wouldn't have the fucking audacity,
to deal the discrimination card and play that hand,
with any other woman....your political career would be kaput!

If he wants to self identify as a woman, have at it
But, he is a man, who says he's a woman....
and THAT IS WHY Jazmina told him to use the men's room...
That IS, who they are...a MAN,

Men don't belong in the woman's bathroom....
Especially, a man whose fucked in the head!
I don't care. As long as he/she wasn't whipping his little thing around for little boys and girls to see, what does it matter where he/she takes a dump?
He is a man behind closed doors in a women's bathroom...what is wrong with you? How do you tell your 12 year old daughter she can't use the bathroom until that man comes out...why should a parent be placed in a situation like that? to make Obama look enlightened?

I raised two daughters, if that were the worst situation I had to deal with I'd be lucky. I'd tell her to ignore her. She's a man who thinks she's a woman, so don't tell her. Just do your business, wash your hands and go on about your business, no big deal.
I raised two daughters, if that were the worst situation I had to deal with I'd be lucky. I'd tell her to ignore her. She's a man who thinks she's a woman, so don't tell her. Just do your business, wash your hands and go on about your business, no big deal.
And, there you have it

Yep. If his daughters were raped in a restroom by a man saying he feels like a woman to gain access, he'd be singing a different tune.
Whoring your son as a drag queen way to go heroes........


Not they aren't slightly clipped



I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just, and that His justice does not sleep forever. -- Thomas Jefferson

I think we will see it get a lot worse before it gets better. Just pray to God they don't get as far as legalizing child molesters, cause you know they were born that way.

It will not be long before the boy on the right wearing a rainbow dress gets raped up the u know what. BANK ON IT. Then his leftist dumb fk parents will boo hooo and say who would do such a thing , what caused it blah blah blah..
Damn... I've got catching up to do!...this thread is on fire!

There are some really great posts, since I last posted!
I expect there will be more, as I'm catching up

But, before I continue playing catch-up...

The transgendered person looked harmless, Infowars on the other hand is going to keep feeding the beast.

What the fuck do women care what YOU think looks or doesn't look harmless? It's not YOUR privacy he's invading, now is it?

I care about treating people with respect. Plus, many women don't get hysterical around transgendered like the angry right do.

No, you care about treating people YOU SIDE WITH with whatever you're defining as "respect" today. You pretty clearly don't give a rat fart about treating women who don't share your leftist views with any sort of respect, which is defined as "if you don't have a vagina, get the fuck out of the ladies' room." Apparently, the sort of respect required to let women have their own fucking bathroom to themselves is a little beyond you.

I think women should have control over their own bodies.

I'm also not afraid of transgendered people using the mens room either. You're a paranoid sadsack.

Oh, and this just in, chauvinist: WOMEN ARE NOT ALL THE SAME. That's right; we are all individual, unique human beings in our own right, with the ability to think for ourselves. Tell all your leftist friends. This could be a game-changer.

Yep, that's true. Nice strawman.

And by the way, keep your penises out of our bathrooms.

My penis isn't in your bathroom, perv.

Please. If you REALLY thought women should have control over their bodies, you wouldn't be fighting to tell them who they do and don't have to share the bathroom with. What you mean is that you think women should be encouraged to abort unwanted babies, so that they can continue to be used as sexual vending machines for every cad who wanders down the pike, with no fallout accruing to the sperm-spewer.

"I'm also not afraid of transgendered people using the men's room." See above, re: WOMEN AND MEN ARE DIFFERENT. Telling me what a man feels okay with is the same as saying that women should be okay with the same things and should be just like men. In other words, it's a waste of words, because we aren't.

Everything is not about you personally, snowflake. Next newsflash for you: the universe does not revolve around you, and the sun does not shine out of your asshole. You should really be writing this down, so you can remember it.
Please. If you REALLY thought women should have control over their bodies, you wouldn't be fighting to tell them who they do and don't have to share the bathroom with.
What you mean is that you think women should be encouraged to abort unwanted babies, so that they can continue to be used as sexual vending machines for every cad who wanders down the pike, with no fallout accruing to the sperm-spewer.
"I'm also not afraid of transgendered people using the men's room." See above, re: WOMEN AND MEN ARE DIFFERENT. Telling me what a man feels okay with is the same as saying that women should be okay with the same things and should be just like men. In other words, it's a waste of words, because we aren't.
Everything is not about you personally, snowflake. Next newsflash for you: the universe does not revolve around you, and the sun does not shine out of your asshole. You should really be writing this down, so you can remember it.




I don't think it's legal in Ca. to film someone without their permission and then publish it. Denny's and everyone who s
shows up in the video should filed a complaint. Wouldn't it be funny if she was arrested?

No offense, but I am pretty sure you are insane. :p

The woman who made the video, whom I believe is a stalker, should be held accountable for harassing that poor person. I guess we'll see in November if her whining act wins her a seat.

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