Video: Woman confronts transgender using women's restroom

If you have a wee wee and you have to go pee pee go to the little boys room...whether you are wearing a dress or a clown suit...why is that so hard to understand?

Makes very little sense.


What is funny is when these stupid assholes can't afford their sex change drugs any more lmfao.
What' funny is feeding their bodies with drugs that REEK of cancer causing agents at least they won't be around very long.

I think it's said when we think of people we don't agree with as being less than human.
They are finding some very scary stuff about the gender change meds that these people are support this gender reassignment insanity is to do potential physical harm to others while you go to bed at night feeling enlightened and PC as to be PC....
Ladies Rooms have stalls with doors

Anyone using a stall has privacy. You can’t see in, they can’t see out

What difference does it make if a Tranny takes a pee?
Using your pretend logic, a man could take a dump on your couch when you weren't home.

Do you know what logic is? Because comparing a toilet to a couch ain't it.
And pretending a man is a woman is logical.

Keep it up you're doing well.
He wasn't dressed or groomed as a woman. An actual trans, cross dresser or drag queen uses the bathroom according to how they are dressed. The whole point is to blend in normally, to be less ostricized and less of a target. A woman transitioning to make does not go to the mens room wearing a dress and heels.

Wasn't so much as a traditional man either. Had some funky boots on, appeared to have long hair, obviously effeminate and again, I have no idea how they identified.

A cross dresser isn't necessarily trans, actually I believe most are not.

No, they aren't. I'm close enough to New Orleans to pop over for a nice dinner. I've seen many a transgender, several cross dressers and a TON of drag queens. Trans and drag queens are all in. They go through everything I do: the plucking, the retinol, the waxing, the nails...all of it. They've always used the Ladies' room with no problem. Cross dressers are usually creepy to me because they tend to be hobbyists. Men's eyebrows, leg hair, pit hair, haircut, etc. Most days, many look like average men and use the Men's room.

Well, drag queens aren't necessarily trans either.

No. Most of them aren't. A lot of them are pros, performers and pageanters.They are similar to transgender in that they are committed to looking female. In both cases (trans and drag queen), you can recognize them easily even if they were in men's clothing because of their eyebrows, skin, nails and often waist. Not so with cross dressers.

No, I have to disagree, understanding that I am no expert. Drag queens don't necessarily live as women or always dress as women, many of them do only as performance. I consider a 'drag queen' to be more of an occupation than anything else. Where as cross dressers trans or not dress as the opposite sex more so in their personal lives.

None of which necessarily means someone feels like the opposite sex or somewhere in between, whether that person chooses to alter their body or not.

Anyway, that's how I see it but more than welcome to be corrected.

I think we are saying the same thing. Trans and drag queen are different. Many drag queens are professional female impersonators of a sort, professional reasons. Trans are more for personal reasons. Trans generally live their lives as the other gender, while cross dressers and many drag queens switch clothes back and forth. However, both trans and drag queens shave their legs more often than I do.

This ends today's lesson on Trans, Drag Queen or Cross Dresser, brought to you by Tresha and Joy ... and the letter "K."
Ladies Rooms have stalls with doors

Anyone using a stall has privacy. You can’t see in, they can’t see out

What difference does it make if a Tranny takes a pee?
Using your pretend logic, a man could take a dump on your couch when you weren't home.

Do you know what logic is? Because comparing a toilet to a couch ain't it.
And pretending a man is a woman is.

Keep it up you're doing well.

Who's pretending?
Yes Mindwars is a sock for infowars...nevertheless, the story links to an actual news story with the video.

So, what is more important? You get to say something about infowars - or the fact a man is in a women's restroom, obviously not transgender, but claiming to therefore no one can do anything about it.

The transgendered person looked harmless, Infowars on the other hand is going to keep feeding the beast.

What the fuck do women care what YOU think looks or doesn't look harmless? It's not YOUR privacy he's invading, now is it?

I care about treating people with respect. Plus, many women don't get hysterical around transgendered like the angry right do.

He obviously isn't transgendered. He wasn't dressed as a woman and clearly hasn't groomed himself as a woman in a really long time, if ever. He was just a man in the Ladies' room who used the get-out-of-jail-free-card by claiming he's transgendered.

How do you know what this person was going through? Since when do bathrooms have a strict dress code where women have to dress femininely in order to use it?

Why do YOU want to make a simple trip to pee into a fucking group therapy session? I don't WANT to "know what this person was going through", because I want HIM to keep his issues to himself instead of making me an unwilling player in his fucking life drama. I just want to have a nice, quiet pee without an encounter group or a political rally.

Ladies' rooms have always required that you meet the minimum standard requirement of being a woman to enter. Admittedly, he's not going to meet that standard anyway. But Tresha has a point that it's very hard to believe he's even deluding himself on that subject if he's not even trying to pretend to be female.

I have an idea: why don't we simplify the whole thing, cut out all this agonizing parsing of appearances and analyzing of motivations, and just go to the bathroom that conforms to our plumbing? There. Problem solved.
Ladies Rooms have stalls with doors

Anyone using a stall has privacy. You can’t see in, they can’t see out

What difference does it make if a Tranny takes a pee?
Using your pretend logic, a man could take a dump on your couch when you weren't home.

Do you know what logic is? Because comparing a toilet to a couch ain't it.
And pretending a man is a woman is.

Keep it up you're doing well.

Who's pretending?
If a man can be a woman, a couch can be a toilet.

You win. :)
If you have a wee wee and you have to go pee pee go to the little boys room...whether you are wearing a dress or a clown suit...why is that so hard to understand?

Makes very little sense.


What is funny is when these stupid assholes can't afford their sex change drugs any more lmfao.
What' funny is feeding their bodies with drugs that REEK of cancer causing agents at least they won't be around very long.

I think it's said when we think of people we don't agree with as being less than human.

Yeah that defines you Trump haters pretty well.

I could care less if that wanna be wants to grow antler, isn't my problem neither will be the cancer explosion.
Ladies' rooms have always required that you meet the minimum standard requirement of being a woman to enter. Admittedly, he's not going to meet that standard anyway. But Tresha has a point that it's very hard to believe he's even deluding himself on that subject if he's not even trying to pretend to be female
I doubt he thinks he's a woman, but he's definitely queer.
.the "men" in that restaurant should have grabbed this pervert by the scruff of the neck and tossed his ass to the curb.
Ladies Rooms have stalls with doors

Anyone using a stall has privacy. You can’t see in, they can’t see out

What difference does it make if a Tranny takes a pee?
That drag queen would have been better off just using the mens room...he must have a friend that can explain to him that no amount of makeup or any dress will make him passable...he would be safer in the mens room...

Sometimes...ya just gotta pee

Why make an issue out of it?
Clearly Friedan is talking about mothers. Comparing the nurturing of their children to the brutal slavery and poisoning of Auschwitz inmates is psychological warfare of the most vicious kind. Friedan, who hid the fact that she was a paid Communist activist, should have been denounced as a hate monger. Instead she was celebrated as the new oracle and received honorary degrees and fellowships at Harvard, Yale and Columbia. Saturday Reviewcalled her book "a scholarly work, appropriate for serious study" and anthropologist , fellow Jew, Ashley Montegu said it was "the wisest, sanest, soundest, most understanding and compassionate treatment of American woman's greatest problem."
Reproduction requires the most delicate care. In the case of human beings, the female must be prepared for motherhood and honored for her contribution to society. The male must be shown that the standard of manhood is to provide leadership and sustenance for mother and children. Both mother and father must be able to give their children intellectual and spiritual guidance.

Instead, in schools and universities, the tender shoots of feminine sexuality are crushed under the feminist jackboot. Young women are taught that heterosexual sex, marriage and family are inherently oppressive. Homosexuality on the other hand is an act of rebellion that is "chic" and "normal."

Friedan's comparison of mothers with concentration camp inmates is perfect. Betty Friedan, agent of the Illuminati cabal, put mothers in the concentration camp. Mothers!? The ultimate aim indeed is genocide. The Elite want the world's population to be much smaller. Can there be any question that this is the devil's work?

When one is to stupid to see the " engineered plan" unfolding in front of them because when you brainwash dumbasses into


Feminism is a Depopulation Program
The transgendered person looked harmless, Infowars on the other hand is going to keep feeding the beast.

What the fuck do women care what YOU think looks or doesn't look harmless? It's not YOUR privacy he's invading, now is it?

I care about treating people with respect. Plus, many women don't get hysterical around transgendered like the angry right do.

He obviously isn't transgendered. He wasn't dressed as a woman and clearly hasn't groomed himself as a woman in a really long time, if ever. He was just a man in the Ladies' room who used the get-out-of-jail-free-card by claiming he's transgendered.

How do you know what this person was going through? Since when do bathrooms have a strict dress code where women have to dress femininely in order to use it?

Why do YOU want to make a simple trip to pee into a fucking group therapy session? I don't WANT to "know what this person was going through", because I want HIM to keep his issues to himself instead of making me an unwilling player in his fucking life drama. I just want to have a nice, quiet pee without an encounter group or a political rally.

Of course you don't want to know, that's why you're ignorant. And he was keeping his issues to himself, it was the crazy wingnut prancing around Denny's that was making it everyone else's business. Just think if the person just did their business, flushed the toilet, hopefully washed their hands and left then we wouldn't have found out that you pretend to speak for women even though most of them disagree with you. I don't know about you but I certainly learned something, you're not bright.

Ladies' rooms have always required that you meet the minimum standard requirement of being a woman to enter. Admittedly, he's not going to meet that standard anyway. But Tresha has a point that it's very hard to believe he's even deluding himself on that subject if he's not even trying to pretend to be female.

So, you think all transgendered females have to meet some dress code that other females do not? Or do you now want dress codes? Let's be real here, you've been saying transgendered people shouldn't use the bathroom of their choice regardless of how they look, are you capitulating some?

Which bathroom should this person use?

I have an idea: why don't we simplify the whole thing, cut out all this agonizing parsing of appearances and analyzing of motivations, and just go to the bathroom that conforms to our plumbing? There. Problem solved.

Sure, because you're afraid of people that means everyone else has to be to.
If you have a wee wee and you have to go pee pee go to the little boys room...whether you are wearing a dress or a clown suit...why is that so hard to understand?

Makes very little sense.


What is funny is when these stupid assholes can't afford their sex change drugs any more lmfao.
What' funny is feeding their bodies with drugs that REEK of cancer causing agents at least they won't be around very long.

I think it's said when we think of people we don't agree with as being less than human.

Yeah that defines you Trump haters pretty well.

I could care less if that wanna be wants to grow antler, isn't my problem neither will be the cancer explosion.

At this point, why would your opinion matter?
I am appalled that you would actually tell your daughter to go ahead and use the restroom with a strange man present. Do you also tell her it's not necessary to pull the drapes before changing her clothes? As a woman, I cannot even imagine my father essentially devaluing my femininity by instructing me to prioritize it below the "feewings" and wishes of some man with a screw loose. Or any man.

Then I'm pleased to appall you. Do girls generally expose themselves to others in the ladies room when they relieve themselves like there were changing clothes?

Yes, we do. We adjust bras and pantyhose. If a pair of hose runs, we DO change them out in the Ladies' room. Getting into pantyhose, spanx, girdles and waist trainers require room for the gymnastics. Sometimes, it even requires the assistance of a girlfriend. So now you have more ammo to use condescending weak frightened women who dare to object to a man walking in on them in the LADIES' room.

Frankly, I don't give a damn if I'm going into the bathroom to smoke a cigar and drink a beer while I belch and scratch myself. Point is, I'm going in there with the expectation and intention of doing whatever the hell I do WITHOUT MEN.

Some trans wants to make a damned statement, or indulge his delusion that he's "pretty", he can effing well leave me out of it.

I've got no problem with a Rue Paul in the Ladies' room. He's safer than in the Men's room, IMO. This wasn't a girly boy, though, just a man clearly in the wrong bathroom...a perv or an asshole.

Cecille thinks he should be in the women's bathroom


Presuming that this individual was born a female, then yeah, SHE should, because SHE shouldn't have mutilated her body in an attempt to wish reality away.

However, I believe I have already said that the men's room is not my problem, and you guys can deal with that however you want. It's between you and her.
If you have a wee wee and you have to go pee pee go to the little boys room...whether you are wearing a dress or a clown suit...why is that so hard to understand?

Makes very little sense.


Does it have a penis, or a facsimile thereof? Does it have a vagina, or a facsimile thereof?

These are questions pre-schoolers can comprehend and answer, so why are YOU so damned confused?
Ladies Rooms have stalls with doors

Anyone using a stall has privacy. You can’t see in, they can’t see out

What difference does it make if a Tranny takes a pee?
You're mentally I'll. You cannot be taken seriously
Why are you so obsessed with peeing?

Look at the president, he may be obsessed with it too.
Former president. Nobody remembers his name.

I hope men in the mens room can deal with an fully transitioned person that looks female and in some cases can fool men into the bed, and probably has, lol.

There's no winning on this issue.

How about a middle ground? 1 year of HRT or SRS to gain an special lenience allowing these people into such bathrooms. Everyone else would have to use their birth sex bathroom. Is it workable?

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