Video: Woman confronts transgender using women's restroom

He obviously isn't transgendered. He wasn't dressed as a woman and clearly hasn't groomed himself as a woman in a really long time, if ever. He was just a man in the Ladies' room who used the get-out-of-jail-free-card by claiming he's transgendered.

How do you know what this person was going through? Since when do bathrooms have a strict dress code where women have to dress femininely in order to use it?

He wasn't dressed or groomed as a woman. An actual trans, cross dresser or drag queen uses the bathroom according to how they are dressed. The whole point is to blend in normally, to be less ostricized and less of a target. A woman transitioning to make does not go to the mens room wearing a dress and heels.

Wasn't so much as a traditional man either. Had some funky boots on, appeared to have long hair, obviously effeminate and again, I have no idea how they identified.

A cross dresser isn't necessarily trans, actually I believe most are not.

No, they aren't. I'm close enough to New Orleans to pop over for a nice dinner. I've seen many a transgender, several cross dressers and a TON of drag queens. Trans and drag queens are all in. They go through everything I do: the plucking, the retinol, the waxing, the nails...all of it. They've always used the Ladies' room with no problem. Cross dressers are usually creepy to me because they tend to be hobbyists. Men's eyebrows, leg hair, pit hair, haircut, etc. Most days, many look like average men and use the Men's room.

I went to college in Washington, D.C. The best dance place around was a "gay" club, but they finally let everyone in. When we used the restroom, we "real girls" shared it with those who were "honorary" girls. There was never this Big, Fat Problem. Women's bathrooms have stalls with doors that close. The problem with the the "honorary" types is that they always looked better than us "real girls" did and they hogged the mirror!

No surprise....leftist women are hideous.
He obviously isn't transgendered. He wasn't dressed as a woman and clearly hasn't groomed himself as a woman in a really long time, if ever. He was just a man in the Ladies' room who used the get-out-of-jail-free-card by claiming he's transgendered.

How do you know what this person was going through? Since when do bathrooms have a strict dress code where women have to dress femininely in order to use it?

He wasn't dressed or groomed as a woman. An actual trans, cross dresser or drag queen uses the bathroom according to how they are dressed. The whole point is to blend in normally, to be less ostricized and less of a target. A woman transitioning to make does not go to the mens room wearing a dress and heels.

Wasn't so much as a traditional man either. Had some funky boots on, appeared to have long hair, obviously effeminate and again, I have no idea how they identified.

A cross dresser isn't necessarily trans, actually I believe most are not.

No, they aren't. I'm close enough to New Orleans to pop over for a nice dinner. I've seen many a transgender, several cross dressers and a TON of drag queens. Trans and drag queens are all in. They go through everything I do: the plucking, the retinol, the waxing, the nails...all of it. They've always used the Ladies' room with no problem. Cross dressers are usually creepy to me because they tend to be hobbyists. Men's eyebrows, leg hair, pit hair, haircut, etc. Most days, many look like average men and use the Men's room.

Well, drag queens aren't necessarily trans either.

No. Most of them aren't. A lot of them are pros, performers and pageanters.They are similar to transgender in that they are committed to looking female. In both cases (trans and drag queen), you can recognize them easily even if they were in men's clothing because of their eyebrows, skin, nails and often waist. Not so with cross dressers.
How do you know what this person was going through? Since when do bathrooms have a strict dress code where women have to dress femininely in order to use it?

He wasn't dressed or groomed as a woman. An actual trans, cross dresser or drag queen uses the bathroom according to how they are dressed. The whole point is to blend in normally, to be less ostricized and less of a target. A woman transitioning to make does not go to the mens room wearing a dress and heels.

Wasn't so much as a traditional man either. Had some funky boots on, appeared to have long hair, obviously effeminate and again, I have no idea how they identified.

A cross dresser isn't necessarily trans, actually I believe most are not.

No, they aren't. I'm close enough to New Orleans to pop over for a nice dinner. I've seen many a transgender, several cross dressers and a TON of drag queens. Trans and drag queens are all in. They go through everything I do: the plucking, the retinol, the waxing, the nails...all of it. They've always used the Ladies' room with no problem. Cross dressers are usually creepy to me because they tend to be hobbyists. Men's eyebrows, leg hair, pit hair, haircut, etc. Most days, many look like average men and use the Men's room.

I went to college in Washington, D.C. The best dance place around was a "gay" club, but they finally let everyone in. When we used the restroom, we "real girls" shared it with those who were "honorary" girls. There was never this Big, Fat Problem. Women's bathrooms have stalls with doors that close. The problem with the the "honorary" types is that they always looked better than us "real girls" did and they hogged the mirror!

No surprise....leftist women are hideous.

^This is why you can't have a real conversation on this board.
I went to college in Washington, D.C. The best dance place around was a "gay" club, but they finally let everyone in. When we used the restroom, we "real girls" shared it with those who were "honorary" girls. There was never this Big, Fat Problem. Women's bathrooms have stalls with doors that close. The problem with the the "honorary" types is that they always looked better than us "real girls" did and they hogged the mirror!
I think the big sticking point (no pun intended) is where this bathroom was...a family restaurant...a bar...especially a gay bar is a bit different...
I don't give a shit where you or he/shes take a dump. I don't think it's legal in Ca. to film someone without their permission and then publish it.
If that were true we would never see pictures or video of Hollywood actors...
I second this. Once they are out in public, there is never any getting away from it for them at all ever.

God bless you and them and that woman always!!!

Ladies Rooms have stalls with doors

Anyone using a stall has privacy. You can’t see in, they can’t see out

What difference does it make if a Tranny takes a pee?
How do you know what this person was going through? Since when do bathrooms have a strict dress code where women have to dress femininely in order to use it?

He wasn't dressed or groomed as a woman. An actual trans, cross dresser or drag queen uses the bathroom according to how they are dressed. The whole point is to blend in normally, to be less ostricized and less of a target. A woman transitioning to make does not go to the mens room wearing a dress and heels.

Wasn't so much as a traditional man either. Had some funky boots on, appeared to have long hair, obviously effeminate and again, I have no idea how they identified.

A cross dresser isn't necessarily trans, actually I believe most are not.

No, they aren't. I'm close enough to New Orleans to pop over for a nice dinner. I've seen many a transgender, several cross dressers and a TON of drag queens. Trans and drag queens are all in. They go through everything I do: the plucking, the retinol, the waxing, the nails...all of it. They've always used the Ladies' room with no problem. Cross dressers are usually creepy to me because they tend to be hobbyists. Men's eyebrows, leg hair, pit hair, haircut, etc. Most days, many look like average men and use the Men's room.

Well, drag queens aren't necessarily trans either.

No. Most of them aren't. A lot of them are pros, performers and pageanters.They are similar to transgender in that they are committed to looking female. In both cases (trans and drag queen), you can recognize them easily even if they were in men's clothing because of their eyebrows, skin, nails and often waist. Not so with cross dressers.

No, I have to disagree, understanding that I am no expert. Drag queens don't necessarily live as women or always dress as women, many of them do only as performance. I consider a 'drag queen' to be more of an occupation than anything else. Where as cross dressers trans or not dress as the opposite sex more so in their personal lives.

None of which necessarily means someone feels like the opposite sex or somewhere in between, whether that person chooses to alter their body or not.

Anyway, that's how I see it but more than welcome to be corrected.
He obviously isn't transgendered. He wasn't dressed as a woman and clearly hasn't groomed himself as a woman in a really long time, if ever. He was just a man in the Ladies' room who used the get-out-of-jail-free-card by claiming he's transgendered.

How do you know what this person was going through? Since when do bathrooms have a strict dress code where women have to dress femininely in order to use it?

He wasn't dressed or groomed as a woman. An actual trans, cross dresser or drag queen uses the bathroom according to how they are dressed. The whole point is to blend in normally, to be less ostricized and less of a target. A woman transitioning to make does not go to the mens room wearing a dress and heels.

Wasn't so much as a traditional man either. Had some funky boots on, appeared to have long hair, obviously effeminate and again, I have no idea how they identified.

A cross dresser isn't necessarily trans, actually I believe most are not.

No, they aren't. I'm close enough to New Orleans to pop over for a nice dinner. I've seen many a transgender, several cross dressers and a TON of drag queens. Trans and drag queens are all in. They go through everything I do: the plucking, the retinol, the waxing, the nails...all of it. They've always used the Ladies' room with no problem. Cross dressers are usually creepy to me because they tend to be hobbyists. Men's eyebrows, leg hair, pit hair, haircut, etc. Most days, many look like average men and use the Men's room.

I went to college in Washington, D.C. The best dance place around was a "gay" club, but they finally let everyone in. When we used the restroom, we "real girls" shared it with those who were "honorary" girls. There was never this Big, Fat Problem. Women's bathrooms have stalls with doors that close. The problem with the the "honorary" types is that they always looked better than us "real girls" did and they hogged the mirror!

I got my eyebrows plucked by a drag queen (in wranglers and a t-shirt, not a ball gown) in the Baton Rouge airport once, I kid you not.
Ladies Rooms have stalls with doors

Anyone using a stall has privacy. You can’t see in, they can’t see out

What difference does it make if a Tranny takes a pee?
That drag queen would have been better off just using the mens room...he must have a friend that can explain to him that no amount of makeup or any dress will make him passable...he would be safer in the mens room...
Ladies Rooms have stalls with doors

Anyone using a stall has privacy. You can’t see in, they can’t see out

What difference does it make if a Tranny takes a pee?
Using your pretend logic, a man could take a dump on your couch when you weren't home.
What the fuck do women care what YOU think looks or doesn't look harmless? It's not YOUR privacy he's invading, now is it?

I care about treating people with respect. Plus, many women don't get hysterical around transgendered like the angry right do.

No, you care about treating people YOU SIDE WITH with whatever you're defining as "respect" today. You pretty clearly don't give a rat fart about treating women who don't share your leftist views with any sort of respect, which is defined as "if you don't have a vagina, get the fuck out of the ladies' room." Apparently, the sort of respect required to let women have their own fucking bathroom to themselves is a little beyond you.

I think women should have control over their own bodies.

I'm also not afraid of transgendered people using the mens room either. You're a paranoid sadsack.

Oh, and this just in, chauvinist: WOMEN ARE NOT ALL THE SAME. That's right; we are all individual, unique human beings in our own right, with the ability to think for ourselves. Tell all your leftist friends. This could be a game-changer.

Yep, that's true. Nice strawman.

And by the way, keep your penises out of our bathrooms.

My penis isn't in your bathroom, perv.

Please. If you REALLY thought women should have control over their bodies, you wouldn't be fighting to tell them who they do and don't have to share the bathroom with. What you mean is that you think women should be encouraged to abort unwanted babies, so that they can continue to be used as sexual vending machines for every cad who wanders down the pike, with no fallout accruing to the sperm-spewer.

"I'm also not afraid of transgendered people using the men's room." See above, re: WOMEN AND MEN ARE DIFFERENT. Telling me what a man feels okay with is the same as saying that women should be okay with the same things and should be just like men. In other words, it's a waste of words, because we aren't.

Everything is not about you personally, snowflake. Next newsflash for you: the universe does not revolve around you, and the sun does not shine out of your asshole. You should really be writing this down, so you can remember it.

Why would you use the word "encouraged" when all that occurs is that the person exercises her own right to make her own choice after becoming familiar with the options?

Oh, do not EVEN try those tired talking points on me. Do you have any idea how little time it actually takes a thinking person to listen to leftists and realize they're evangelizing for abortion? And against any sort of REAL "familiarizing with the options", let alone ACTUAL choice? Give me a fucking break. I should be throwing you crackers, the way you're parroting at me.

And no, I am not going to let you derail the thread off onto a tangent about "Duuuuhhh, I am totally unaware of promoting abortion. I can't even remember waking up this morning." You want me to draw you detailed diagrams of things that are painfully obvious to anyone not blinded by ideology, start a thread for it.

Why do you think that women are beleaguered individuals to be used by just anyone?

I don't. I think asshole leftists keep trying to brainwash them into being so, and I think far too many buy into it.

Why do you refuse the idea that women, like men, make sexual choices? [/QUOTE]

Never said I did. You're welcome to stop trying to shoehorn your personal obsession with evangelizing for abortion and promiscuity into the discussion. I spoke specifically to Happy's hypocrisy in claiming to "support women's choice about their bodies", while demanding they shut up and perform personal bodily functions around whomever HE tells them to be comfortable with. That's it.
I think there's a difference between criticizing you and shaming you. I am simply telling you, as a parent and as a woman, that I think you made a bad parenting decision vis a vis your daughters.

Our society has utterly and completely lost all awareness of how important fathers are and why, and we reap the damage for it every day now. A woman's mother teaches her who to be by setting an example of who she is; a woman's father teaches her who to be by setting an example of what treatment she should accept from others. Far too many fathers teach their daughters to be women who do not value their own femininity, who view it as something to be subjugated to what others want from them.

I absolutely view M2F "transgenderism", and the left's support of it, as the 21st century's wackjob equivalent of patriarchy, and I resent the hell out of it. Fortunately, I had a father who taught me that I didn't need to hide my opinions and feelings to please others.

I raised my two children, a boy and a girl...well now a man and a this same way.
Modern feminist seek to remove all things masculine. To them, a man dressing in woman's clothing is more acceptable than a strong male figure. And THAT is a fact.
You are right, the role of a father is being diminished. And you can see the results everywhere.

Just what does a "strong male figure" do, exactly? People choose whether to take care of their children , jump into "hands-on parenthood," or ignore them and leave their upbringing to others. If you're there, you're there. If you're not, you're not.

It's right wing mumbo-jumbo. It's basically an attempt on their part to emasculate others who choose to raise their kids differently. It means they're afraid of others who don't act the same as they do.

Why am I not surprised that YOU sneer at the idea of male strength? Sour grapes, if you ask me.

It's not a sneer. There is nothing wrong with men teaching their kids to hunt, fish, work on cars, sow, dance, write, play sports or design dresses. The problem I have is when right wing nuts tell everyone how they should raise their kids.

Emasculating leftists is redundant; how do you cut off what doesn't exist?

Yeah, but you're the one getting your ass kicked all over this thread.

Those must be some really good drugs you're on.
If you have a wee wee and you have to go pee pee go to the little boys room...whether you are wearing a dress or a clown suit...why is that so hard to understand?

Makes very little sense.


What is funny is when these stupid assholes can't afford their sex change drugs any more lmfao.
What' funny is feeding their bodies with drugs that REEK of cancer causing agents at least they won't be around very long. difficult is it to see that if you allow he-shes/trannys/cross dressers into the little girls rooms, perverts will go there to watch [ and more ] little girls??!!
...if you don't see that, you are blinded by your fruitcakeness
I raised my two children, a boy and a girl...well now a man and a this same way.
Modern feminist seek to remove all things masculine. To them, a man dressing in woman's clothing is more acceptable than a strong male figure. And THAT is a fact.
You are right, the role of a father is being diminished. And you can see the results everywhere.

Just what does a "strong male figure" do, exactly? People choose whether to take care of their children , jump into "hands-on parenthood," or ignore them and leave their upbringing to others. If you're there, you're there. If you're not, you're not.

It's right wing mumbo-jumbo. It's basically an attempt on their part to emasculate others who choose to raise their kids differently. It means they're afraid of others who don't act the same as they do.

Why am I not surprised that YOU sneer at the idea of male strength? Sour grapes, if you ask me.

It's not a sneer. There is nothing wrong with men teaching their kids to hunt, fish, work on cars, sow, dance, write, play sports or design dresses. The problem I have is when right wing nuts tell everyone how they should raise their kids.

Emasculating leftists is redundant; how do you cut off what doesn't exist?

Yeah, but you're the one getting your ass kicked all over this thread.

Those must be some really good drugs you're on.

Wow, that was weak.

You should have waited and asked me that question around 10pm.
Those overly filled with stupidity won't ever realize how they are being used as political pawns. You can tell them and tell them and tell them they still don't get it.

Sometime in the month of December 2017, somewhere in the bowels of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) in Washington, D.C., a high-level appointee of the Trump administration moved to take ideological control of the agency’s budget-writing process. This official presented a directive to the agency’s departments, such as the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), listing seven words that were not to be used in budget preparation. If they were, they would be flagged and the document sent back for “correction.” The seven “forbidden” words are: “vulnerable,” “entitlement,” “diversity,” “transgender,” “fetus,” “evidence-based” and “science-based.”

Screenshot Washington Post, December 15, 2017

The higher-ups at the HHS have insisted ...............

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