Videos - Who Is the Department Of Homeland Security Getting Ready To Fight?

A couple of years ago I asked a retired Army Major who worked for the Pentagon. He was very pro Obama so I lied to him and told him how brilliant I thought Major Brian Stuckert was in his 61 page report outlining evangelicals as no. 1 problem interfering with United States image in the middle east, etc. He agreed with me that the evangelicals were the biggest problem Obama had to "deal with". I mentioned to him that I believed that was why Obama admin had fully staffed the 800 FEMA Camps - that as the Pentagon had adopted Maj. Stuckerts report and chose to weed out all those evangelical military leaders via "re-education camps / FEMA camps" it looked like he had decided upon the solution. His response? No comment accompanied by a shocked look. Poker definitely wasn't his game. Let's put it that way. -Jeremiah

Oh My Gosh! When you put it that way, we have no choice but to fortify our homes and businesses! I always knew they should teach those young officers how to play pinochle instead of poker!

You didn't teach the communists inside the Pentagon a thing. They get their education from commie think tanks like RAND and Kissinger & Assoc. running DOJ these days... as for playing pinocle that was the game you guys were playing back when commies were busy using CFR ( An NGO ) to install their communist agenda - via CIA - still doing it today - I'd say your speed is more like Old Maid these days. A blind one at that. -Jeremiah

Oh please! Have mercy! I'm no match for your devastating wit.
That's it, nutters. Stay right there in your home searching for things to be outraged about and posting it right here. The more you are occupied by whining here, the less chance you have to go berserk in your community.

It is a good thing that most of these looney tunes are too afraid to act on all of the shit they believe. 2000 anti-government groups? Up from 90?

That is the liberals job, Loner. You people get paid NOT to work. Remember? Carry on...

Yes. That is 100% accurate. Liberals do not work. We don't like to work. We all live off of the backs of good patriots like you. Thanks, bro.

Don't thank me for being a parasite. You did that all by yourself. It's a liberal disease. Not a conservative one. Thanks. - Jeremiah
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Oh My Gosh! When you put it that way, we have no choice but to fortify our homes and businesses! I always knew they should teach those young officers how to play pinochle instead of poker!

You didn't teach the communists inside the Pentagon a thing. They get their education from commie think tanks like RAND and Kissinger & Assoc. running DOJ these days... as for playing pinocle that was the game you guys were playing back when commies were busy using CFR ( An NGO ) to install their communist agenda - via CIA - still doing it today - I'd say your speed is more like Old Maid these days. A blind one at that. -Jeremiah

Oh please! Have mercy! I'm no match for your devastating wit.

Right. Exactly when did that one dawn on you? - Jeremiah
That is the liberals job, Loner. You people get paid NOT to work. Remember? Carry on...

Yes. That is 100% accurate. Liberals do not work. We don't like to work. We all live off of the backs of good patriots like you. Thanks, bro.

Don't thank me being a parasite. You did that all by yourself. It's a liberal disease. Not a conservative one. Thanks. - Jeremiah

It is a good thing that you "sign" each of your posts. Otherwise, how would be distinguish your comments from those of the other uneducated lame assed nutters here?
Yes. That is 100% accurate. Liberals do not work. We don't like to work. We all live off of the backs of good patriots like you. Thanks, bro.

Don't thank me being a parasite. You did that all by yourself. It's a liberal disease. Not a conservative one. Thanks. - Jeremiah

It is a good thing that you "sign" each of your posts. Otherwise, how would be distinguish your comments from those of the other uneducated lame assed nutters here?

Like you? Easy. People are known by the company they keep. You are known for hanging out with losers because you are a loser. When you grow a brain you'll join those who have one. Hopefully. We shall see. - Jeremiah
Why is the DHS massively arming itself with advanced military equipment, at a time, when the government is desperately attempting to disarm the population?
Why does DHS need vast amounts of military equipment to police the homeland? Is DHS getting ready to fight off a foreign military invasion or the American people?

- » Video: Hundreds Of DHS Armored Trucks On The Move? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

A couple of years ago I asked a retired Army Major who worked for the Pentagon. He was very pro Obama so I lied to him and told him how brilliant I thought Major Brian Stuckert was in his 61 page report outlining evangelicals as no. 1 problem interfering with United States image in the middle east, etc. He agreed with me that the evangelicals were the biggest problem Obama had to "deal with". I mentioned to him that I believed that was why Obama admin had fully staffed the 800 FEMA Camps - that as the Pentagon had adopted Maj. Stuckerts report and chose to weed out all those evangelical military leaders via "re-education camps / FEMA camps" it looked like he had decided upon the solution. His response? No comment accompanied by a shocked look. Poker definitely wasn't his game. Let's put it that way. -Jeremiah

I wish they'd use them to fight back against the Cartels and defend the border....

but that won't happen
Okay I'll ask the obvious question:

How do we know those are DHS trucks? The US army moves trucks on rail, and they are in the process of getting a lot of equipment back from Afghanistan. You have a video of military trucks (many of which look like large transport trucks) on a train with no evidence of DHS in any way involved and immediately jump to conclusions.

The 2700 MRAP thing has still never been proven by anything, just more speculation that is now being used as fact to fuel this speculation.

Did you even look at the pictures at the link?
My my how things change.

I recall how the right cheered the creation of Homeland Security. Keep us safe.
See how Bush is keeping us safe, those wimpy Demoncrats would not keep us safe...

It's evolved since Bush started it.....
Obama has added to their "duties".
Okay I'll ask the obvious question:

How do we know those are DHS trucks? The US army moves trucks on rail, and they are in the process of getting a lot of equipment back from Afghanistan. You have a video of military trucks (many of which look like large transport trucks) on a train with no evidence of DHS in any way involved and immediately jump to conclusions.

The 2700 MRAP thing has still never been proven by anything, just more speculation that is now being used as fact to fuel this speculation.

Did you even look at the pictures at the link?

The liberals greatest enemy is the truth othewise known as reality. They can't handle it and make a point of condemning the evidence without examining it. Therein assuring themselves to remain in eternal ignorance forevermore. for the liberal - Ignorance truly is bliss. They won't wake up until they find themselves in front of Hitler the II's firing squads. By then it will be too late. - Jeremiah

- Jeremiah
At the bottom of the link, there are bigger images of some of the trucks on the train, which clearly read 'Homeland Security' and 'Police'?
No, there are bigger images of what you are assuming are some of the trucks on the train in the video because you have your conclusions before even taking a look.

The closeups of DHS trucks all seem to be on flatbed trucks to me, not trains, and most have trees and stuff in the background that is starkly different from the middle of the Arizona desert.


Exactly which closeup picture do you believe is from that train?
Why is the DHS massively arming itself with advanced military equipment, at a time, when the government is desperately attempting to disarm the population?
Why does DHS need vast amounts of military equipment to police the homeland? Is DHS getting ready to fight off a foreign military invasion or the American people?

- » Video: Hundreds Of DHS Armored Trucks On The Move? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

You just can't keep a good conspiracy secret anymore.
At the bottom of the link, there are bigger images of some of the trucks on the train, which clearly read 'Homeland Security' and 'Police'?
No, there are bigger images of what you are assuming are some of the trucks on the train in the video because you have your conclusions before even taking a look.

The closeups of DHS trucks all seem to be on flatbed trucks to me, not trains, and most have trees and stuff in the background that is starkly different from the middle of the Arizona desert.


Exactly which closeup picture do you believe is from that train?

Take a close look at four of the larger images, in the bottom section of the link? The carriages in the images are not from a flatbed truck, but from the train?
And in your image, how can you tell, that is a flatbed truck and not a train carriage?
At the bottom of the link, there are bigger images of some of the trucks on the train, which clearly read 'Homeland Security' and 'Police'?
No, there are bigger images of what you are assuming are some of the trucks on the train in the video because you have your conclusions before even taking a look.

The closeups of DHS trucks all seem to be on flatbed trucks to me, not trains, and most have trees and stuff in the background that is starkly different from the middle of the Arizona desert.


Exactly which closeup picture do you believe is from that train?

Take a close look at four of the larger images, in the bottom section of the link? The carriages in the images are not from a flatbed truck, but from the train?
And in your image, how can you tell, that is a flatbed truck and not a train carriage?

It is clearly a flatbed.

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