Videos - Who Is the Department Of Homeland Security Getting Ready To Fight?

No news source gets every story exactly right every day, but Infowars is a far better news source than the so-called 'credible sources' or 'mainstream media'?
I disagree, I believe Infowars is there to sell fear to the paranoid and has little interest in the accuracy or relevancy of their stories.

You want to know what type of "news" source infowars is? Go to their site, click on advertise then media kit. Here is what your "news" source is selling:

Disguised as news headlines near the top of the Breaking News or Prison Planet section on and get guaranteed massive immediate hits. Your text ad
can say anything you like, and varies in pricing for characters.

Anyone can find something wrong with InfoWars or any other media, but very few news sources can match the record of InfoWars?
Infowars throws tons of crap at the wall, and their fans rejoice when something sticks (even if it can be considered so through very loose interpretation) while selectively forgetting all the ridiculous stuff they produce.
Actually, it is just a new model vehicle that Hummer is putting out. They decided that the reason that they went under was because their vehicles were not macho enough, so thay got a loan, and are back in business. This time they are doing more 'target" marketing, by putting microchips in every box of "Extenz" that is sold at Circle K, and tracking the buyers to their home, and marketing to these people. It just might work!
Last edited:
What we've learned from this thread is ... a great many conservatives are really stupid.

Someone told them DHS was amassing 2700 armored vehicles, thus they all instantly believed it without question, even there was no evidence to support such an crazy claim. After all, it confirmed their various idiot conspiracy theories, so of course they believed. Then, when people pointed out the story was a big fib, did they take the liars to task? No, they defended the liars, and attacked the people pointing out the lie.

Standard cultist behavior. Basically, a third of the nation has rejected rationality and honesty, and now swears allegiance to an extreme-right-fringe liars' cult.

Yea. Ain't it hoot?

What gets me is the lengths that these kooks will go to just to get people to believe in their wild conspiracy theories.

Just take a look at this film. I wonder where these nutballs get the money and the time to put on such a production.

And for what? Just so they can get other nutjobs to believe them. Pfhht.

I considered that maybe this film was just animated or photo shopped.

If it is, you have to hand it to 'em. At least some of the conspiracy wackos would have to be good at computerized animation and such. Otherwise they have more money and time than they know what to do with.
Otherwise if they have that kind of talent , why don't they just get a real job with the US propaganda ministry and do something useful for a change?

DHS gets 2000 armored vehicles - Yahoo! Search Results
Police rescue my ass.

Right on!

If you ask me, they ought to round up all these conspiracy nutjob wacko tin-foil hat wearing (did I leave any out) weirdos and lock 'em all up where they won't pose a threat to the government or decent society.

But you'd need to confiscate all their guns first to avoid any arresting agents from getting hurt. More than that it would be for the good of the nutjobs themselves.

They need to be put in an environment where they can learn to trust the people who know what's best for them. To do that they need constant attention and to be restrained to prevent them from hurting themselves. That's where the hollow point ammunition might come in handy.
Last edited:
Would that be before or after you'd have them round up all the Jews and bring back the gas chambers, Holston? We already know what a big Hitler fan you are. Not surprised you're gushing over Obama's plans here. People like you are what is wrong with this country. - Jeremiah
Would that be before or after you'd have them round up all the Jews and bring back the gas chambers, Holston? We already know what a big Hitler fan you are. Not surprised you're gushing over Obama's plans here. People like you are what is wrong with this country. - Jeremiah

Sarcasm \Sar"casm\, n. [F. sarcasme, L. sarcasmus, Gr.
sarkasmo`s, from sarka`zein to tear flesh like dogs, to bite
the lips in rage, to speak bitterly, to sneer, fr. sa`rx,
sa`rkos, flesh.]
A keen, reproachful expression; a satirical remark uttered
with some degree of scorn or contempt; a taunt; a gibe; a
cutting jest.
[1913 Webster]

Read it again.

The Kick Them All Out Project - FEMA Concentration Camps: Locations and Executive Orders

Rex 84 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Rex 84, short for Readiness Exercise 1984, was an alleged secretive "scenario and drill" developed by the United States federal government to suspend the United States Constitution, declare martial law, place military commanders in charge of state and local governments, and detain large numbers of American citizens who are deemed to be "national security threats", in the event that the President declares a "State of National Emergency".

Full Text of H.R. 645 (111th): National Emergency Centers Establishment Act -

CBS News Admits FEMA Camps Are Real | Media
After viewing Cohen’s strong denial about the existence of FEMA camps, I am confused. Cohen is a co-conspirator, I mean co-sponsor of HR bill 645, which clearly mandates that creation of FEMA camps, yet he completely denies their existence. Of course, as with most government officials I would suppose that the American public should believe what a politician says and not what he does. I contacted Congressman Cohen’s office and they are refusing comment on these blatant inconsistencies. And one more thing, why was Jesse Ventura’s Conspiracy Theory show banned by the media at the behest of Homeland Security?

[ame=]BANNED Jesse Ventura's Conspiracy Theory - FEMA CAMPS (3 of 3) - YouTube[/ame]

Cohen | The Jewish Chronicle
By Rabbi Julian Sinclair, November 5, 2008
Follow The JC on Twitter

A Cohen is one of the class of priests among the Jewish people. Membership is hereditary, via the father. A slew of common Jewish surnames (Cohen, Kagan, Kahane etc) are variations of Cohen and usually indicate that the holders are Cohanim.
Would that be before or after you'd have them round up all the Jews and bring back the gas chambers, Holston? We already know what a big Hitler fan you are. Not surprised you're gushing over Obama's plans here. People like you are what is wrong with this country. - Jeremiah

A lot of blacks carry a chip on their shoulder (against whites) because of the things which they have been taught and told about slavery and etc.
Some of these blacks desire to punish, or KILL their perceived enemies.

Most "Jews" carry a chip on their shoulder about what WE ARE ALL CONSTANTLY being REMINDED of about all the things they have been taught about the so called holocaust.

These "Jews" continue have an axe to grind. They are as proud of themselves as anyone can be.
They now hold key positions in government at Federal, State, and local levels, and in private sectors all across the US. They are primarily responsible for the policies which have led to the multiple wars in the Mid-east and in US economic policy.

The end objective of all Judaism involves prophecies in the Old testament which the Talmudic Rabbis interpret as predicting GLOBAL RULE by Jews headquartered in Jerusalem.

Judaism 101: Mashiach: The Messiah

Before the time of the mashiach, there shall be war and suffering (Ezekiel 38:16)

The mashiach will bring about the political and spiritual redemption of the Jewish people by bringing us back to Israel and restoring Jerusalem (Isaiah 11:11-12; Jeremiah 23:8; 30:3; Hosea 3:4-5). He will establish a government in Israel that will be the center of all world government, both for Jews and gentiles (Isaiah 2:2-4; 11:10; 42:1). He will rebuild the Temple and re-establish its worship (Jeremiah 33:18). He will restore the religious court system of Israel and establish Jewish law as the law of the land (Jeremiah 33:15).

"Jewish law" is derived from the TALMUD................NOT.................the Old Testament.

The Talmud consists of the ruling and traditions of Judaism as written down by the Rabbis.
Would that be before or after you'd have them round up all the Jews and bring back the gas chambers, Holston? We already know what a big Hitler fan you are. Not surprised you're gushing over Obama's plans here. People like you are what is wrong with this country. - Jeremiah

A lot of blacks carry a chip on their shoulder (against whites) because of the things which they have been taught and told about slavery and etc.
Some of these blacks desire to punish, or KILL their perceived enemies.

Most "Jews" carry a chip on their shoulder about what WE ARE ALL CONSTANTLY being REMINDED of about all the things they have been taught about the so called holocaust.

These "Jews" continue have an axe to grind. They are as proud of themselves as anyone can be.
They now hold key positions in government at Federal, State, and local levels, and in private sectors all across the US. They are primarily responsible for the policies which have led to the multiple wars in the Mid-east and in US economic policy.

The end objective of all Judaism involves prophecies in the Old testament which the Talmudic Rabbis interpret as predicting GLOBAL RULE by Jews headquartered in Jerusalem.

Judaism 101: Mashiach: The Messiah

Before the time of the mashiach, there shall be war and suffering (Ezekiel 38:16)

The mashiach will bring about the political and spiritual redemption of the Jewish people by bringing us back to Israel and restoring Jerusalem (Isaiah 11:11-12; Jeremiah 23:8; 30:3; Hosea 3:4-5). He will establish a government in Israel that will be the center of all world government, both for Jews and gentiles (Isaiah 2:2-4; 11:10; 42:1). He will rebuild the Temple and re-establish its worship (Jeremiah 33:18). He will restore the religious court system of Israel and establish Jewish law as the law of the land (Jeremiah 33:15).

"Jewish law" is derived from the TALMUD................NOT.................the Old Testament.

The Talmud consists of the ruling and traditions of Judaism as written down by the Rabbis.

You sound like some kind of militant nut job Holocaust denier.You get cavity searched by the Mossad or something?
What we've learned from this thread is ... a great many conservatives are really stupid.

Someone told them DHS was amassing 2700 armored vehicles, thus they all instantly believed it without question, even there was no evidence to support such an crazy claim. After all, it confirmed their various idiot conspiracy theories, so of course they believed. Then, when people pointed out the story was a big fib, did they take the liars to task? No, they defended the liars, and attacked the people pointing out the lie.

Standard cultist behavior. Basically, a third of the nation has rejected rationality and honesty, and now swears allegiance to an extreme-right-fringe liars' cult.

These people are not conservatives. They may call themselves conservatives, but they are not even on the same planet where the conservative ballpark exists. Calling them conservatives is like calling a liberal a communist.
Before the time of the mashiach, there shall be war and suffering (Ezekiel 38:16)

The mashiach will bring about the political and spiritual redemption of the Jewish people by bringing us back to Israel and restoring Jerusalem (Isaiah 11:11-12; Jeremiah 23:8; 30:3; Hosea 3:4-5). He will establish a government in Israel that will be the center of all world government, both for Jews and gentiles (Isaiah 2:2-4; 11:10; 42:1). He will rebuild the Temple and re-establish its worship (Jeremiah 33:18). He will restore the religious court system of Israel and establish Jewish law as the law of the land (Jeremiah 33:15).

"Jewish law" is derived from the TALMUD................NOT.................the Old Testament.

The Talmud consists of the ruling and traditions of Judaism as written down by the Rabbis.

You sound like some kind of militant nut job Holocaust denier.You get cavity searched by the Mossad or something?[/QUOTE]

That's funny. Your response is typical of the militant nut job Zionist war mongers.
[ame=]DHS Preparing for Civil War Economic Collapse Both (2) - YouTube[/ame]
Before the time of the mashiach, there shall be war and suffering (Ezekiel 38:16)

The mashiach will bring about the political and spiritual redemption of the Jewish people by bringing us back to Israel and restoring Jerusalem (Isaiah 11:11-12; Jeremiah 23:8; 30:3; Hosea 3:4-5). He will establish a government in Israel that will be the center of all world government, both for Jews and gentiles (Isaiah 2:2-4; 11:10; 42:1). He will rebuild the Temple and re-establish its worship (Jeremiah 33:18). He will restore the religious court system of Israel and establish Jewish law as the law of the land (Jeremiah 33:15).

"Jewish law" is derived from the TALMUD................NOT.................the Old Testament.

The Talmud consists of the ruling and traditions of Judaism as written down by the Rabbis.

You sound like some kind of militant nut job Holocaust denier.You get cavity searched by the Mossad or something?

That's funny. Your response is typical of the militant nut job Zionist war mongers.
[ame=]DHS Preparing for Civil War Economic Collapse Both (2) - YouTube[/ame][/QUOTE]

Thanks for the very great link and the valuable information at - | The truth is extreme, to make it moderate is to lie. . I really appreciate, your introducing me, to this website.
"Jewish law" is derived from the TALMUD................NOT.................the Old Testament.

The Talmud consists of the ruling and traditions of Judaism as written down by the Rabbis.

You sound like some kind of militant nut job Holocaust denier.You get cavity searched by the Mossad or something?

That's funny. Your response is typical of the militant nut job Zionist war mongers.
[ame=]DHS Preparing for Civil War Economic Collapse Both (2) - YouTube[/ame]

Thanks for the very great link and the valuable information at - | The truth is extreme, to make it moderate is to lie. . I really appreciate, your introducing me, to this website.[/QUOTE]

Keep trying. You'll get the post right eventually.
Hopefully your next achievement will be content.
Anti-Semite much?
Thanks for the very great link and the valuable information at - | The truth is extreme, to make it moderate is to lie. . I really appreciate, your introducing me, to this website.

You're welcome.

Keep trying. You'll get the post right eventually.
Hopefully your next achievement will be content.
Anti-Semite much?

The links I post are those which I think contain relevant information, ideas, or information which I would like for people to be exposed to. Many of them contain large amount of material which makes impossible for me to review each site entirely and even less likely that I will agree with.

I may hope that the pertinent facts or ideas I am attempting to reveal will register with the listener. This presupposes an ability on the part of the reader/listener will be able to sift the wheat from the chaff so to speak and not drag in other items from those cites which are irrelevant.
I understand in advance that not everyone will be able or willing to do this.
Often they may seek to discredit me by pointing out something on the site which is in error or appears to disagree or contradict what I am saying.

This is especially true when I cite Jewish sources of information which are intended to point out things about themselves which support my contentions.
I try to do this as much as possible since any site which contains content that is critical of Israel, Zionism, or Jews will be called "Neo-Nazi", or anti-semitic, by their supporters.

One may find many instances where the Zionists/Jews, say things which are perfectly inline with the my own views. It is possible that in many such cases the Zionist Jews themselves are attempting to "own" the information provided as a means of diverting suspicion that the Zionist faction and Jews could be in any way remotely responsible for the problem in question.

For example; there are many Jews which ostensibly support 2nd amendment rights. While their opinions may be genuine, that does not negate any Zionist /Jewish involvement or absolve them ALL from any responsibility.

To think in such a manner would be to blame ALL blacks or ALL whites, or every member of any group or class as being guilty of any misdeeds that may attributable to a few.
This explains why many white gentiles grow weary of being blamed for slavery, taking Indian land, or of the so called Holocaust.

Nevertheless, politically and socially there remain many blacks and Jews who persist in laying the blame, and hence the need for reparations and special consideration, at the doorstep of the entire white gentile population, collectively. Seldom if ever are they willing to count the exceptions when it comes to collecting tax dollars which will be funneled to them.

A similar charge is leveled at Christianity, and hence all individuals who declare the title, to be in some way responsible for the Crusades or Spanish Inquisitions.

Be honest, how many times have you heard similar arguments to justify an assault upon Christ Himself and ALL who profess a belief in Him?

So why should so many Jews, who frequently have led the aforementioned attacks, complain so about blanket indictments of so called "anti-semitism whenever one calls attention to some cabal of Jews who are up to no good, or who points out the inconsistencies inherent in Judaism or of characteristics which define the class of Jews in general terms.

I for one am perfectly willing to grant a pass to anyone and everyone who is innocent of an allegation. At the same time I remain unwilling to overlook the deeds of those among them who may be guilty for no better reason than they are considered members of the Jewish collective.

The most important idea I hope to impress upon readers is the certainty that "Judaism" is not only representative of a religious ideology which is diametrically opposed to the most cherished beliefs of Christiandom, but that also a powerful POLITICAL force that functions via a multitude of Jewish organizations on behave of ALL of them, guilty or not.

Whereas any active POLITICAL organization is subject to scrutiny, criticism, or legislative actions, the JEWISH POLITICAL subject to the same.

Does that clear things up?

World Jewish Associations

This article is confined to organizations that encompass Jews and Jewish activities cutting across the borders of various countries. Associations of this nature have existed for more than a century. Among the histories of dispersed communities of ethnic, religious, or any other character, nowhere can one find the same wealth of organizational experience in the political, social, and cultural spheres as among the Jews.

Three interrelated features characterize these organizations: (1) all their activities are international, as Jews throughout the world constitute a single entity;

(2) through its organizations Jewry relates itself to international bodies and their laws;

(3) organization is the quality that all Jewish communities must have in common and is what unites them. A nation without president, government, or distinct framework of services, it nevertheless has representatives – "negotiorum gestores" in Herzl's terminology – and leaders of sectional organizations who engage in deliberations on lines of policy, "administrative" activities, and independent political action in both the foreign and social arenas. The community, scattered as it is, has its common needs and services, its financial structure, and its patterns of loyalty.

Negotiorum gestio (Latin for "management of business") is a form of spontaneous agency in which an agent, the gestor, acts on behalf and for the benefit of a principal, but without his or her consent.

Herzl, as you know, was the founder of the Zionist movement.

To deny the political aspects of Zionist, one would have to be ignorant or dishonest.


Two organizations, both of which are as notable for their concealment as for their power, are the New York Kehillah and the American Jewish Committee. The Kehillah is the most potent factor in the political life of New York; it is the organization which today wields so large an influence on the rest of the world, which consciously issues a program which on one side is pro-Jewish and on the other anti-Gentile.

It is the central group, the inner government, whose ruling is law and whose act is the official expression of Jewish purpose. It offers a real and complete instance of a government within a government in the midst of America's largest and politically most powerful city, and it also constitutes the machine through which pro-Jewish and anti-Gentile propaganda is operated and Jewish pressure brought to bear against certain American ideas.

That is to say, the Jewish government of New York constitutes the essential part of the Jewish Government of the United States.

The word "Kehillah" has the same meaning as "Kahal," which signifies "community," "assembly" or government. It represents the Jewish form of Government in dispersion
Would that be before or after you'd have them round up all the Jews and bring back the gas chambers, Holston? We already know what a big Hitler fan you are. Not surprised you're gushing over Obama's plans here. People like you are what is wrong with this country. - Jeremiah

Sarcasm \Sar"casm\, n. [F. sarcasme, L. sarcasmus, Gr.
sarkasmo`s, from sarka`zein to tear flesh like dogs, to bite
the lips in rage, to speak bitterly, to sneer, fr. sa`rx,
sa`rkos, flesh.]
A keen, reproachful expression; a satirical remark uttered
with some degree of scorn or contempt; a taunt; a gibe; a
cutting jest.
[1913 Webster]

Read it again.

The Kick Them All Out Project - FEMA Concentration Camps: Locations and Executive Orders

Rex 84 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Full Text of H.R. 645 (111th): National Emergency Centers Establishment Act -

CBS News Admits FEMA Camps Are Real | Media
After viewing Cohen’s strong denial about the existence of FEMA camps, I am confused. Cohen is a co-conspirator, I mean co-sponsor of HR bill 645, which clearly mandates that creation of FEMA camps, yet he completely denies their existence. Of course, as with most government officials I would suppose that the American public should believe what a politician says and not what he does. I contacted Congressman Cohen’s office and they are refusing comment on these blatant inconsistencies. And one more thing, why was Jesse Ventura’s Conspiracy Theory show banned by the media at the behest of Homeland Security?

[ame=]BANNED Jesse Ventura's Conspiracy Theory - FEMA CAMPS (3 of 3) - YouTube[/ame]

Cohen | The Jewish Chronicle
By Rabbi Julian Sinclair, November 5, 2008
Follow The JC on Twitter

A Cohen is one of the class of priests among the Jewish people. Membership is hereditary, via the father. A slew of common Jewish surnames (Cohen, Kagan, Kahane etc) are variations of Cohen and usually indicate that the holders are Cohanim.

Thanks for your excellent and eye-opening contribution to this thread. Keep up the good work!
Thanks for the very great link and the valuable information at - | The truth is extreme, to make it moderate is to lie. . I really appreciate, your introducing me, to this website.
You probably already read his "valuable information" that is from Aaron Hawkins he owns a ton of similar sites that all pretty much link to each other, like this one: Voices of Revolution | Connect the dots

This is not a surprise you like the new site, you are clearly an enthusiastic consumer of fear so the perfect customer to help that guy make a living selling it. The website looks like it has all the standard bases covered... dollar collapse, economic collapse, massive civil unrest, secret detention camps, and of course the "click to make a donation" button. Sounds like potential for hours and hours of doomsday masturbation material for you.
Thanks for the very great link and the valuable information at - | The truth is extreme, to make it moderate is to lie. . I really appreciate, your introducing me, to this website.
You probably already read his "valuable information" that is from Aaron Hawkins he owns a ton of similar sites that all pretty much link to each other, like this one: Voices of Revolution | Connect the dots

This is not a surprise you like the new site, you are clearly an enthusiastic consumer of fear so the perfect customer to help that guy make a living selling it. The website looks like it has all the standard bases covered... dollar collapse, economic collapse, massive civil unrest, secret detention camps, and of course the "click to make a donation" button. Sounds like potential for hours and hours of doomsday masturbation material for you.

Haha. Your not the first Hasbarat on this forum to touch upon the masturbation theme. There's no one like a Hollywood huckster to recognize the value of sensationalism.

But I would suggest that a person way the evidence before deciding that there is anything to be alarmed about, the NDAA, FEMA camps, DHS buying billions of hollow point rounds, armored cars, removal of Posse Comitatus from the Bill of Rights, institution of torture as standard procedure, use of drones to kill US citizens or indefinite detention without so much as a hearing, etc etc.

Perhaps you are suggesting that we simply ignore these items and continue to fork over more than half our earned income to conduct illegal wars that Prez has taken upon himself to initiate.

Everything is just peachy keen. You can all take a nap now. Not to worry, the Zionist political activists are busy night and day taken care o' business FOR YOU. Isn't that reassuring?
Perhaps you are suggesting that we simply ignore these items and continue to fork over more than half our earned income to conduct illegal wars that Prez has taken upon himself to initiate.
Heavens no, I don't want you ignore these items I think it is good to keep the mentally ill citizens focused on something harmless like message boards so you don't go hurt someone like Loughner did. Keep on posting.

Everything is just peachy keen.
Never said that, the sane people can see the problems in the world without needing to constantly manufacture new chicken little tin hat conspiracies to worry about.
If you need further convincing, not only to the fact those DHS vehicles you have are on trucks but also to the intentionally misleading nature of your source, here are some of the original images from your source before there were cropped to convince you they were on that train:



Feel better?

I have to admit, you are right about the images. It seems the link used the wrong images, but the fact remains, why is DHS purchasing combat equipment for internal policing?
Who are they getting ready to fight?

They weren't the "wrong images" but rather the kind of conspiracy theory bullcrap that many not-too-brights swallow whole. Months and years from now new crops of these CT idiots will still be posting the same bogus pix as "proof" of something or other.
Heavens no, I don't want you ignore these items I think it is good to keep the mentally ill citizens focused on something harmless like message boards so you don't go hurt someone like Loughner did. Keep on posting.

Or you mean like Israel that started the conflagration in the mideast that is still burning after all these years and is on the verge of causing WWIII just so they can "rebuild their temple".

Never said that, the sane people can see the problems in the world without needing to constantly manufacture new chicken little tin hat conspiracies to worry about.

So right. There are a whole lot of Chicken Littles out there, for sure.

RIGHTMARCH: Obama Wants Military to Fire on Citizens
Oath Keepers » Oath Keepers ? Guardians of the Republic

Public Law 102-14/H.J.Res.104 |
Govt buy out of ammunition began BEFORE Sandy Hook.

[ame=]National ammo shortage Where is it all going ? - YouTube[/ame]

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