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So it's supposedly a CIC and national security forum, but Matt Lauer is just yelling "EMAILS! EMAILS! EMAILS!" over and over.

I miss the days when the media would at least pretend not to be in the tank for the GOP. I'm sure that when Trump's turn comes up, Lauer will go into total softball mode, and ask something like "Mr. Trump, can you tell us how great America will be after you make America great?".

Still, Clinton looks calm and presidential. That sends the usual suspects into fits, because they know how clueless their boy looks in comparison.

Oh, now that Lauer wasted most of her speaking time on EMAILS, he's constantly interrupting her and not letting her speak on any other topic.
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SET UP QUESTION.. So called Independent.. and noticed they skipped over a Republican question.
her Isis plan sounds just like the failure Obama has been doing..
She just told the fucking enemy that we're never again going to put Ground troops in Iraq... WTF???
That fucking peepee hag has been in government her entire life and people think she's going to govern differently?? FOOLS

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