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All the Trump fans seem especially weepy and angry at the moment.

Everyone, it's probably best to lay off of them, lest they possibly injure themselves. Their fantasy about how Trump would destroy Clinton just went down in flames, and they're not taking it well.

Did Matt Lauer ask him if he still thinks its a good idea that Saudi Arabia get a nuke?

or japan?
The summary of Trump's statements:

1. He wants to purge the military of all commanders that haven't professed their loyalty to him.
Conclusion: Trump is a Stalinist.

2. He said rape in the military is the fault of the women, because they were present.
Conclusion: Trump is a raging misogynist.

3. He heaped hugs and kisses on Putin.
Conclusion: Trump loves dictators.

4. He declared "To the victor go the spoils" and "We should take the oil".
Conclusion: Trump is an evil thieving colonialist.

5. He revealed he doesn't actually have a plan to defeat ISIS. Or he does, but it's super secret. We just know it must be the greatest plan ever.
Conclusion: Trump is clueless and lying.

6. He knew, because he could "read body language", that his security briefers hated Obama and Clinton and Kerry.
Conclusion: Trump is delusional and narcissistic.

7. He said Clinton has a "happy trigger".
Conclusion: Trump is a moron.

Trump fans are welcome to defend any of the above statements, any one of which (except the last) would disqualify any other candidate. It will be interesting to see if any of them are willing to stoop that low, or if they'll all instead keep desperately trying to deflect by getting hysterical about Clinton.
lets make fun of them while they debate.
Commander-In-Chief Forum - NBC News's not like it's serious or anything.
only thing serious about all of this is hillarys health, and why she is hiding the fact that she suffered brain damage.

that's so funny. to normal people the only thing serious about it is putin's treasonous shill who doesn't understand why he isn't allowed to make things go boom with nukes. :cuckoo:

normal people would also like to see dumb donald's health records and tax returns since he's clearly a deadbeat. normal people would also like to see him prosecuted for bribing prosecutors to drop their criminal investigations.
lets make fun of them while they debate.
Commander-In-Chief Forum - NBC News's not like it's serious or anything.
only thing serious about all of this is hillarys health, and why she is hiding the fact that she suffered brain damage.

that's so funny. to normal people the only thing serious about it is putin's treasonous shill who doesn't understand why he isn't allowed to make things go boom with nukes. :cuckoo:

normal people would also like to see dumb donald's health records and tax returns since he's clearly a deadbeat. normal people would also like to see him prosecuted for bribing prosecutors to drop their criminal investigations.
Donalds health does not appear to be in serious condition, Hillary's is without question. She does not look like she can handle the job or live long enough to make the 4 years.
Donalds a dead beat? really, can you link us all to the proof of that?
And you worry about Donald maybe bribing a prosecutor but not about Hillary trading our countries classified documents to foreign countries?
You you have any clue how fucked up you sound? really, you are not normal.
lets make fun of them while they debate.
Commander-In-Chief Forum - NBC News's not like it's serious or anything.
only thing serious about all of this is hillarys health, and why she is hiding the fact that she suffered brain damage.

that's so funny. to normal people the only thing serious about it is putin's treasonous shill who doesn't understand why he isn't allowed to make things go boom with nukes. :cuckoo:

normal people would also like to see dumb donald's health records and tax returns since he's clearly a deadbeat. normal people would also like to see him prosecuted for bribing prosecutors to drop their criminal investigations.
Donalds health does not appear to be in serious condition, Hillary's is without question. She does not look like she can handle the job or live long enough to make the 4 years.
Donalds a dead beat? really, can you link us all to the proof of that?
And you worry about Donald maybe bribing a prosecutor but not about Hillary trading our countries classified documents to foreign countries?
You you have any clue how fucked up you sound? really, you are not normal.
Who's slurping up the propaganda about Hillarie's health, not jillian.
Donalds health does not appear to be in serious condition, Hillary's is without question. She does not look like she can handle the job or live long enough to make the 4 years.
Yes, I noticed how Clinton had to be wheeled out on a trolley, and then six "handlers" had to lift her onto the stage.

lets make fun of them while they debate.
Commander-In-Chief Forum - NBC News's not like it's serious or anything.
only thing serious about all of this is hillarys health, and why she is hiding the fact that she suffered brain damage.

that's so funny. to normal people the only thing serious about it is putin's treasonous shill who doesn't understand why he isn't allowed to make things go boom with nukes. :cuckoo:

normal people would also like to see dumb donald's health records and tax returns since he's clearly a deadbeat. normal people would also like to see him prosecuted for bribing prosecutors to drop their criminal investigations.
Donalds health does not appear to be in serious condition, Hillary's is without question. She does not look like she can handle the job or live long enough to make the 4 years.
Donalds a dead beat? really, can you link us all to the proof of that?
And you worry about Donald maybe bribing a prosecutor but not about Hillary trading our countries classified documents to foreign countries?
You you have any clue how fucked up you sound? really, you are not normal.
Who's slurping up the propaganda about Hillarie's health, not jillian.
Who's slurping up the propaganda about Donalds health and wealth. No me.
Donalds health does not appear to be in serious condition, Hillary's is without question. She does not look like she can handle the job or live long enough to make the 4 years.
Yes, I noticed how Clinton had to be wheeled out on a trolley, and then six "handlers" had to lift her onto the stage.


she just went thru 11 hrs of the 7th or 8th or 9th failed benghaziiiiiiiiiiiii investigations not too long ago with quite the stamina; whereas the tribblehead complained that the debates... being only 2 hrs... were too long.'s not like it's serious or anything.
only thing serious about all of this is hillarys health, and why she is hiding the fact that she suffered brain damage.

that's so funny. to normal people the only thing serious about it is putin's treasonous shill who doesn't understand why he isn't allowed to make things go boom with nukes. :cuckoo:

normal people would also like to see dumb donald's health records and tax returns since he's clearly a deadbeat. normal people would also like to see him prosecuted for bribing prosecutors to drop their criminal investigations.
Donalds health does not appear to be in serious condition, Hillary's is without question. She does not look like she can handle the job or live long enough to make the 4 years.
Donalds a dead beat? really, can you link us all to the proof of that?
And you worry about Donald maybe bribing a prosecutor but not about Hillary trading our countries classified documents to foreign countries?
You you have any clue how fucked up you sound? really, you are not normal.
Who's slurping up the propaganda about Hillarie's health, not jillian.
Who's slurping up the propaganda about Donalds health and wealth. No me.

his md report is a total sham & why won't he release his taxes like everyone else has as a standard? nixon released his during an audit & the IRS says he certainly can. lol.... now come up with a reason why not.
only thing serious about all of this is hillarys health, and why she is hiding the fact that she suffered brain damage.

that's so funny. to normal people the only thing serious about it is putin's treasonous shill who doesn't understand why he isn't allowed to make things go boom with nukes. :cuckoo:

normal people would also like to see dumb donald's health records and tax returns since he's clearly a deadbeat. normal people would also like to see him prosecuted for bribing prosecutors to drop their criminal investigations.
Donalds health does not appear to be in serious condition, Hillary's is without question. She does not look like she can handle the job or live long enough to make the 4 years.
Donalds a dead beat? really, can you link us all to the proof of that?
And you worry about Donald maybe bribing a prosecutor but not about Hillary trading our countries classified documents to foreign countries?
You you have any clue how fucked up you sound? really, you are not normal.
Who's slurping up the propaganda about Hillarie's health, not jillian.
Who's slurping up the propaganda about Donalds health and wealth. No me.

his md report is a total sham & why won't he release his taxes like everyone else has as a standard? nixon released his during an audit & the IRS says he certainly can. lol.... now come up with a reason why not.
Considering it is NOT A REQUIREMENT, I think it would be up to you to explain why he needs to show YOU anything personally.
We wait for your answer.
lets make fun of them while they debate.
Commander-In-Chief Forum - NBC News's not like it's serious or anything.
only thing serious about all of this is hillarys health, and why she is hiding the fact that she suffered brain damage.

that's so funny. to normal people the only thing serious about it is putin's treasonous shill who doesn't understand why he isn't allowed to make things go boom with nukes. :cuckoo:

normal people would also like to see dumb donald's health records and tax returns since he's clearly a deadbeat. normal people would also like to see him prosecuted for bribing prosecutors to drop their criminal investigations.
Donalds health does not appear to be in serious condition, Hillary's is without question. She does not look like she can handle the job or live long enough to make the 4 years.
Donalds a dead beat? really, can you link us all to the proof of that?
And you worry about Donald maybe bribing a prosecutor but not about Hillary trading our countries classified documents to foreign countries?
You you have any clue how fucked up you sound? really, you are not normal.

donald looks like an overweight, bloated orange weeble
that's so funny. to normal people the only thing serious about it is putin's treasonous shill who doesn't understand why he isn't allowed to make things go boom with nukes. :cuckoo:

normal people would also like to see dumb donald's health records and tax returns since he's clearly a deadbeat. normal people would also like to see him prosecuted for bribing prosecutors to drop their criminal investigations.
Donalds health does not appear to be in serious condition, Hillary's is without question. She does not look like she can handle the job or live long enough to make the 4 years.
Donalds a dead beat? really, can you link us all to the proof of that?
And you worry about Donald maybe bribing a prosecutor but not about Hillary trading our countries classified documents to foreign countries?
You you have any clue how fucked up you sound? really, you are not normal.
Who's slurping up the propaganda about Hillarie's health, not jillian.
Who's slurping up the propaganda about Donalds health and wealth. No me.

his md report is a total sham & why won't he release his taxes like everyone else has as a standard? nixon released his during an audit & the IRS says he certainly can. lol.... now come up with a reason why not.
Considering it is NOT A REQUIREMENT, I think it would be up to you to explain why he needs to show YOU anything personally.
We wait for your answer.

he doesn't have to personally show me.... but he needs to show his taxes to the American people as a whole if he is going to call Hillary untrustworthy... yet she has released her taxes for a few decades & he won't show one???? lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ya.... go ahead & spin it dude. glug glug... you are drowning.

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